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Madrigal Kaguya
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The Blade and The White Snake. Empty The Blade and The White Snake.

Thu Apr 13, 2017 11:10 am
Valen had always known that the Hogokage, Denkiteki Hayato was a massively powerful snake summoner. After all how could you live in his village without hearing about ‘The White Snake’ and finding out a bit more at some point? Every kid read about him in Hoshi’s history books. What interested Valen himself was the snake summoning itself. Snakes were a powerful, and extremely versatile summon. To the point where he desperately wanted to learn how to summon them for their sheer utility and stealth abilities. It was for this reason that Valen found himself at the entrance to the Unseen University. With his head bowed down to the guard who was glaring intently at the boy as if he were a threat to the village leader. As if he’d ever reach him before getting killed by the guards and even if he did physically reach him, the Hogokage himself was no pushover. He’d simply kill him and toss him out a window before going back to his paperwork.

“I request permission to enter to speak to Lord Hogokage-Sama.” He would begin, keeping his head bowed as he spoke. “I wish to request the ability to sign the snake summoning contract, to further their use for Hoshigakure and to become more powerful as a protector for the people here.” He would continue, waiting for the response. The guard would raise an eyebrow at the boy before shrugging and turning to head inside to ask. The second guard would easily be able to handle him if he caused trouble after all. After about ten minutes the original guard would return and motion him to come inside. Valen would come in and keep his eyes glued to the back of the guard as he walked toward the leader’s office. He wouldn’t look anywhere other than ahead, for fear of seeing something accidentally that could get him killed. The guard would point toward the door and stand outside to be nearby in case Valen did something stupid, you know, to clean up the body afterwards.

The sixteen year old would then politely knock on the door before waiting for permission to enter. Should be given it he would enter and close the door behind him before walking to stand before his leader and bowing his ahead once more. “I apologize for disturbing your important work sir, but I would like permission to sign the snake summoner contract. I would like to further their use for the village as a whole and learn to utilize them to better protect the people of the village.” He would say with his head bowed before raising it up and making eye contact as a sign of respect.

If he did not grant him permission he would simply turn around and walk out a sad, disappointed youth of Hoshi who only wanted to summon some snakey friends to help fight off threats to the village.

WC: 486
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The Blade and The White Snake. Empty Re: The Blade and The White Snake.

Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:39 pm
"Come in."

Denkiteki would be sitting at his desk when Valen opened the door. There'd be paperwork stacked on either side of the desk. Valen might not have noticed that though, because as soon as he opened the door he'd also see Nori, a 7 meter long black snake coiled around a scroll in the center of the room. The contract keeper slightly uncoiled himself and approached as soon as he saw Valen, regardless of whether or not the boy continued into the room. His head staying about level with the 16 year old's, Nori would stop about half a meter from Valen, however rather than look him in the face the snake seemed to be sizing him up.

"Hmm.... interesting... Den, what's his chakra like?" Nori's eyes focused on the Genin's as he finished speaking, and if the boy met his gaze he'd continue to stare even as he gave Den his query.

"He might be able to summon Natsumi. Definitely seems potent enough that he could summon Hiroko."

"I see. Well boy, tell me why you wish to sign a contract with my race?"

After asking the question Nori would turn and pick up the scroll and place it in front of the boy, however he didn't open it just yet. He wanted to hear what the boy had to say first.
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Blade and The White Snake. Empty Re: The Blade and The White Snake.

Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:56 pm
Valen would meet the snake’s gaze head on. He couldn’t seem weak willed in front of them, and he wasn’t naturally, simply nervous at the situation. He listened to their back and forth for a moment before the snake set a scroll in front of him but refrained from opening it. It would ask the question that would make or break his chances of summoning the snakes. “Well boy, tell me why you wish to sign a contract with my race?” Valen would swallow before nodding in acknowledgment of the question.

“Well snake-sama, I don’t really know how to answer the question except but to repeat what I’ve already said..I want to sign a contract with your race partially because I want to protect the people of Hoshigakure along side them. I will add on that I feel as if the snakes would compliment my intended fighting style fairly well. I intend to use bright lights, to blind my opponents before going in for the kill and I know snakes don’t need their eyes to find their prey. It’s one of the things I admire about them honestly. That simple fact alone makes your race the best race for me to work with.”

He would explain carefully, bowing his head down as he did in respect for the creature that could honestly probably kill him in a heartbeat, He hoped his reasoning was sound enough for the contract holder to allow him to sign it.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

The Blade and The White Snake. Empty Re: The Blade and The White Snake.

Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:34 pm
The snake was quite pleased with the boys answer. Nori could tell he wouldn't have to tell the boy to treat the other snakes as comrades and not tools.

"A tactical fighter? Indeed, you fighting style does sound like it would work well with my kind. You may unbind the scroll then, and sign your name in it with your blood. If you need something to prick your finger with I can assist." He'd wait for Valen to answer before continuing.

"I also bestow a task on you. You have to teach Natsumi, the great grand-daughter of the Sage Shou, how to fight your kind. She has potential but has never seen any real combat. The two of you will work together for now. Den, you summon her for him this time."

At the snakes request Den made a seal of confrontation and a puff of smoke would appear between Nori and the Genin. As it quickly passed another much smaller coiled up snake would be revealed. Natsumi wasn't moving despite having just teleported, which was unusual. It took a moment for Nori to realize she was asleep.

"I suppose you'll have to wake her first. Tell her not to return home until the two of you have defeated someone in a spar, this is a test for her.

If you succeed in this task I'll have Den teach you the Summoning Jutsu if you don't already know it." As he finished speaking he would disappear in a large cloud of smoke.

As the cloud settled Den would look between Valen and Natsumi.

"When I first signed the contract I had a similiar task, I actually had to train with her father. Good luck, and please be careful with Nats, Nori wasn't joking when he said she hasn't seen combat."

Den was glad that another of the villages shinobi showed an interest in the snakes from Ryuchi caves. He hoped Natsumi and this boy got along well.

(So you can rp Natsumi after you wake her up and use the wc towards getting her as your first summon.)
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Blade and The White Snake. Empty Re: The Blade and The White Snake.

Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:59 pm
Valen would nod his head, his elation at being able to fight alongside the snakes being poorly hidden as Nori rolled out the scroll for him to sign. He simply drew his sword out a little bit and flicked his thumb across the blade without even looking. He then wrote his name on the summoning scroll. Right next to the name that read Denkiteki Hayato. He grinned an excitement as the scroll keeper began to speak. He would be tasked with training alongside Natsumi, and she wouldn’t be allowed to return before they defeated someone in a spar. He was certain they would get along, and that they could handle fighting someone in a spar.

At this point Denkiteki would summon her, a small cloud of smoke poofing in the middle of the room and a two meter long eight centimeter wide snake would appear coiled up asleep on the floor. The contract keeper would inform him that he’d need to wake her up first before dispelling himself back to his summon home. His village leader would then look between him and his new partner and explain that he had a similar task when they first allowed him to start summoning them. He would then go on to explain that the keeper, who he now knew was named Nori, wasn’t joking when he said she had never seen any combat. He could handle that, a few dry runs and explaining where to strike and where to avoid would be easy.

At this point he would nod his head to the leader with a grateful smile on his face before moving toward the snake on the floor. He wouldn’t get too close, he didn’t want to startle her after all. “Thank you Hogokage-Sama” he would say before channeling some chakra into the floor beneath Natsumi. As a cold blooded creature the floor temperature would bother her if it was too cold. So he’d pull the heat from the area beneath her with his fire element. Sure enough in a few moments her eyes opened and he smiled.

“Hello Natsumi, I’m Valen Akari. I’ve been tasked by Nori to work with you and train together so you can learn to fight other shinobi. He told me that you weren’t allowed to go home until we defeated someone in a spar.” He would explain as the snake eyed him up and down confused for a moment before nodding and slithering up his outstretched arm. “Id’ve preferred a tad bit more warning before being pulled from my home for an indeterminate amount of time. But you seem like a nice enough fellow, and strong. Let’s go begin shall we?” She would say as she draped herself around his neck loosely. He’d bow before Denkiteki-Sama in gratitude once more and Natsumi would nod her head at him in farewell before they turned to go begin training.


TWC: 1212 claiming snake summons, natsumi, and 6 stats?
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

The Blade and The White Snake. Empty Re: The Blade and The White Snake.

Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:35 am
Den watched the two interact, he was glad to see that Natsumi was going to be cooperative. As they left Den thought back to his time as a genin, when the snakes had him train with Katsuro, Shou's first grandson. Now Den was called a Sage, and Katsuro's children were meeting new summoners.

Den wished he didn't have so much work, he wanted to pay a visit to his old friend and see how he was doing. Letting out a sigh Den grabbed a document from the larger left pile and started reading through it. If he could just read these documents in Sanctuary he could warp time so that he could be finished in a day in the real world, but unfortunately the nobility didn't want Den taking sensitive documents to a different plane of existence.

TWC: 688
Claiming Binding Snake Glare spell. Only had a bit over 250 words left on it and I did a bit of snake summoning this topic
Jiro Uchiha
Jiro Uchiha
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The Blade and The White Snake. Empty Re: The Blade and The White Snake.

Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:11 pm
Approved @ both.
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