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Backlash [P, Hikari] Empty Backlash [P, Hikari]

Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:24 am
As the silver haired youth walked casually through the streets of Hoshi a small, amused smirk would be present on his face, why was it there you may be asking, well, he had just witnessed quite the spectacle in the Chunin exams involving Hikari Namikaze, Ayato Hyuuga and Genevieve Oasis. Following him in this walk was the previously mentioned Namikaze, and she was perhaps the main source of his amusement in the match, because while she had managed to prove herself to be rather weak, at least by his standards. She had also proved that she possessed quite the devious mind, something that she had used to all but force the princess to accept her surrender while at the same time making her opponent look weaker than he really was with a few well placed lies. So here he was, walking through the streets of Hoshi with the manipulative chestnut haired girl known as Hikari Namikaze, his destination being the Gazebo, a place where the two of them would be able to sit and talk without being interrupted or overheard.

The walk itself was filled with nothing but silence, any attempts that the girl made to try to talk to him being brushed off until the two of them arrived at his destination, the reason for this simply being the people who filled the streets, he could see more than a few of them giving him rather dirty looks, something that had been rather commonplace since his encounter with that worthless beast in the Water Gardens. But it was as he had said that very day, to both Florent himself and the worthless sheep who were jeering at him as if he were the villain from a bad fairy tale, the monster did not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep, and he both knew and accepted the fact that he was indeed a monster. None of these fools had the guts to try and confront him directly, so instead they had resigned themselves to simply glaring and sneering at him from a distance, something that more often than not only served to make Kenshin chuckle darkly in amusement, they were naught but cowards and their actions proved that beyond any shadow of a doubt.

When the two of them finally reached their destination a small smirk would appear on the scarred face of the albino, the area was completely deserted, which meant that there would be nobody there that could overhear what they were going to talk about, good, she would be less likely to try and hide her true nature with less people around, especially with what he planned to say to her. He would walk into the small wooden construct and take a seat on one of the benches within, before gesturing for the Genin to do the same, provided that she did take the seat a small smirk of amusement would appear on his face, but on the other hand if she did not a small frown would appear on his face instead. Either way, despite what she did he would begin to speak “I’m sure you are wondering just why I asked to speak with you in private, and why I dragged you out here rather than simply speaking to you in the arena” Kenshin would say, voicing what he personally felt she would be wondering about this situation seeing as the two of them had never met prior to this.

“There are two reasons, the first is simple, how exactly did you manage to walk on the air? I sensed no chakra being used and if possible I would like you to teach me how to do such a thing, as I’m sure you are able to see just how useful such an ability would be in a combat scenario.” the silver haired youth would explain, expressing his wishes for Hikari to teach him how she had managed to walk on the air as though it were solid ground. “The second reason...well, I just wished to congratulate you on your performance in the arena, I’ll admit that had I not been using one of my favourite abilities then I too would have fallen for your ruse.” he would say as a sinister smile formed on his face. “Not only did your little lie manage to make yourself seem a great deal stronger than Ayato, so much so that you made it seem as if you were pitying him the entire fight by not fighting him at your full strength and not ending him when you had the chance. You also all but forced the princess to accept your surrender so that Ayato was not able to prove that you were lying, as if she had chosen to decline your surrender then she would look like nothing but a despot who wished to watch two young shinobi fight to the death.” he would explain, not mincing his words in the least, to ensure that the young woman knew that he had seen through her little lies and excuses. Oh, and it really should be noted that at this point in time Kenshin would open his mind's eye once more, to ensure that the young woman would not be able to lie to him.

WC: 880
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 276150

Backlash [P, Hikari] Empty Re: Backlash [P, Hikari]

Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:18 am
Hikari followed the White Albino as he walked toward the back of the arena. With all honesty, Hikari had put the fight that she was leaving out of her mind. The girl knew that if she and Ayato kept fighting, she would of most likely won as the Hyuga boy showed how brash he was in his actions, and was probably a lot more tired then Hikari was at this point, She figured that the princess had to of seen that at this point and would of probably given her points on that, the only thing she wasn’t aware of was the how strong the woman with the colorful hair was at the start of the fight, if she proved to be much powerful then Ayato was, then That would probably put her at a disadvantage at ranking up… well…. Thinking about that, perhaps giving up wasn’t the best idea.

No, if she had kept fighting, surely Ayato most likely would of died, and hereing his personal story about the boy who didn’t really want to be a ninja, she couldn’t bare the fact that she might have ended the life of someone who hadn’t chosen to be here.

That being said, her focus was now at the white albino boy that was fighting between the two of them. Hikari didn’t fully understand who he was, or why he suddenly popped up beneath Hikari (Probably looking up her skirt, but this thought didn’t cross Hikari’s mind) in the middle of the fight. She had been around him long enough to believe this man was either the sand monster that attacked her, or some how controlled the sand monster, rather then the rainbowhaired woman did at the start. This was due to the fact that it felt like these two had the same chakra, and while she wasn’t around close enough to the rainbow haired woman to get a good feel for her chakra, but she was around long enough to feel like the two had quite a different chakra network. As such, the was another person who had chosen to interfere with the conflict. As the two of them made their way to their location.

They came to a private location, with a small wooden bench. He would sit on a side of it, and Hikari would sit on another side. At this point, Kenshin would ask “I’m sure you are wondering just why I asked to speak with you in private, and why I dragged you out here rather than simply speaking to you in the arena”

Hikari would look at the man, She had a lot of questions for him, who was he? Why did he interfear with the fight? What was those tentacles that he had used on her during the fight? But either way, the girl would continue to listen, she didn’t really drop her guard though.

The silver haired Albino would continue, “There are two reasons, the first is simple, how exactly did you manage to walk on the air?” The man would continue to explain his reasoning behind wanting it, then, he would explain his second reasoning. “The second reason...well, I just wished to congratulate you on your performance in the arena, I’ll admit that had I not been using one of my favourite abilities then I too would have fallen for your ruse.”

And then continue to explain why he was teaching this to her, with that, Hikari would blink, in sort of shock, and say, “Um… Mr….. I’m sorry, I don’t think I caught your name….” Hikari would pause for a minute as the man gave his name, and she would continue. “Ok… well, I think you misunderstood me and am giving me a lot more credit than I am owed. To your first question, my ability doesn’t cost no chakra to maintain, it just cost a little bit to keep up. As to how I did it,” The girl would point at her sword on her hip, “I… Just used this, it is a magical sword that I got at a small shop in town, with very little Chakra, I am able to use it in order to allow me to fly in the air.

“As for the ploy…. Once again sir, you give me to much credit! I wasn’t lying when I said, that, every thing I said was true! I just didn’t want to kill Ayato or have him kill me! And at the level we were fighting, there was no way either of us could of taken a full blow from the other. That…. Well, there was one thing I lied about slightly, at the very beginning, When Ayato had charged me with body flicker, I didn’t shoot him down because I didn’t want to kill him, actually, if I had done that at that time, my fire ball probably would of knocked him out and he wouldn’t of been able to continue…. The reason why I didn’t was… well, I knew he was coming at me… but I didn’t KNOW he was coming at me.

AGH! I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense, so Let me try to explain, I am pretty fast, fast to the point that it is almost unheard of for me not to be able to keep up with someone. That being said, If I can’t keep up with someone, it usually is because that person is employing the body flicker technique. It is a powerful jutsu which increases one’s speed, but at the cost of that person’s ability to control where they move, as such, there are only really three reasons to use it. The first, is to get some distance on your opponent. If you are a range fighter up close to your enemy, using it to get some distance is a basic thing. However, at the start of the fight, we were a long distance from each other, to the point where none of my jutsu’s could hit him. As such, I doubted as much that he had tecniques that was stronger then me.”

The second reason behind the ability to use a Body flicker is to dodge an attack that you couldn’t usually dodge. That made no sense however, as no attack was coming at him. So he couldn’t of been dodging an attack.

The third reason was if the person was a close-range fighter, then using it as a way close the distance on your opponent, if you are fighting a range user, using body flicker to close the gap is a…. semi good idea…. The problem is it is predictable, and anyone can see through it, and it leaves you open to a counter attack. So, I would of ruled it out entirely, but seeing as the first two options were a dud…. That is the only possible reason Ayato could have had for using that technique. The only question now was….. was Ayato coming for me or the other girl?

It was hard to tell, but this wasn’t my first encounter with Ayato, and we didn’t leave on the best of terms….. I… I think I said something that he didn’t like…. It sounded to me like he didn’t want to be a shinobi, and I told him he could always just leave….. he took that the wrong way though and left in a bit of a hurry. Ayato is still a teenage boy, so he obviously has hormone problems… so I figured he would use this as an opportunity to release his rage one me. This was further supported as to why he used body flicker to jump toward someone even if it was easily countered, he was mad to the point that rage blinded him.

However…. The problem is that… well, I didn’t have a teacher…. As such, my mind isn’t made for combat…. I thought of everything up until this point, but the problem is that… well… what if I was wrong? In my mind…. If I had done this and was wrong… then what? I would of wasted chakra, and there was a possibility that the other woman and Ayato could of come together and attacked me at the same time while I was facing away from them. This made me get cold feet and just Bodyflicker out of there. If I had been taught to think more about combat… then I would of known if he went after the other person, that they would have been preoccupied with each other, and I would have been safe. Wasting the energy for a… what did I say, 75% chance to defeat a person? That would have been worth it. But as I said… being new, I sort of choked under the pressure…. And just decided to get out.

But that aside. Everything I said in that arena was true! I promise! Also, if that fight had continued, I truly belive that I would have beaten Ayato, and…. Well. I don’t know about the other woman… she had a freaking dragon afterall…. so… who knows…..”

The chestnut haired girl would continue. “I have a few questions for you however… first, I can’t tell for sure, but that sand monster that attacked me… was that you? I don’t know for sure, but you have a similar chakra of that person… and if you stepped into the battle field and interfered without a reason… well.. it might be a problem for a missing ninja to go around and jump shinobi like that.”
Hikari sort of doubted that the man had evil intentions, otherwise, it would have been hard for him to get this far, and to of so boldly gone up to Hikari and asked him to come with him… however… this man was not wearing a Hoshi Headband that she could see…. As such…. He was probably MN.

But A lot of Hoshi ninja’s were former MN, and for the most part, as long as they had good intentions, Hoshi was a safe space for Missing ninjas, so it wasn’t really a crime for him to be here.
WC: 1700
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Backlash [P, Hikari] Empty Re: Backlash [P, Hikari]

Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:12 am
Kenshin would raise a silver brow when he was done speaking, obviously waiting for the young girl to start speaking “Um...Mr....I’m sorry, I don't think I caught your name…” Hikari would stammer, her tone coming across as nervous, and the constant pauses really did not help in making her seem any more confident. She had quite obviously paused her dialogue in order to give him a chance to introduce himself, although the way in which she had said it made it seem as if he had introduced himself to her prior and she had not caught what he had said, something that had not happened. “That would be because you never asked for my name” the scar faced teen would say with a deadpan look on his face “I am Kenshin Uzumaki, you may refer to me as Kenshin, or Uzumaki, your choice really.” he would say in a calm and collected manner, none of the nervousness that Hikari obviously felt from his very presence.

“Okay...well, I think you misunderstood me and am giving me a lot more credit than I am owed.” The young kunoichi would say, something that caused Kenshin’s cold and calculating eyes to narrow slightly as he continued to wait for her answer to both of his questions. “To answer your first question, my ability doesn’t cost no chakra to maintain, it just costs a little bit to keep up. As to how I did it” she would say before pointing down to the sword sheathed on her hip “I...just used this, it is a magical sword that I got at a small shop in town, with very little chakra, I am able to use it in order to allow me to fly in the air” she would explain, her explanation almost causing Kenshin to roll his eyes and face palm, almost, in the end all that showed on his face was the slightest of twitches in his right eye. ‘Magic...she thinks...that the sword is magic...I could understand that thought coming from a civilian...but not a shinobi’ he would think to himself in annoyance, his ire with the girl being increased a little due to her naive words

“Would you mind if I tested this ability out for myself, so that I may attempt to figure out how to replicate the ability?” Kenshin would ask in a more polite tone than he had been speaking in before this, simply because he figured that he may as well be polite to her if she was going to do him a favour and lend him her sword long enough for him to figure out the abilities. If she allowed him to borrow the sword then he would extend his right hand out and allow her to hand it to him, before channeling a little chakra into the blade as she had mentioned earlier in order to use the Zephyr Step ability of the blade. Once this was done he would stand from the bench and raise his left foot into the air as if he were climbing a set of stairs, and imagine his surprise when he felt a solid surface beneath his foot despite there being nothing but air there. There was nothing physically different about the area, but he had to assume that the blade was forming a platform of pure condensed air right beneath his foot in order to allow him to walk on the surface of the air, how ingenious.

With his curiosity sated Kenshin would lower his foot down to the ground once more, before handing the blade itself back to Hikari before once more taking a seat in the Gazebo “Thank you, with that I believe I should be able to replicate the ability without the blade, or at least create something that works in a similar fashion.” Kenshin would then say with a small smirk on his face, confident in his abilities to recreate this fascinating ability. On the other hand though, if Hikari did not allow him to test out then ability then his face would twist into a rather annoyed scowl and he would give a slightly growl “I see” he would say in a clearly annoyed tone, he would be feeling as if the young girl had actually slighted him by refusing to let him test out the blades ability. “As for the ploy...once again sir, you give me too much credit! I wasn’t lying when I said, that, everything I said was true! I just didn’t want to kill Ayato or have him kill me! And at the level we were fighting, there was no way either of us could have taken a full body blow from the other.” Hikari would say, raising her voice somewhat and almost yelling at him as she gave her excuses, something that he had indeed been expecting from the girl...but one thing that did confuse him was that her chakra was not fluctuating in the slightest...which meant that she truly did believe the words that she was saying.

With his Mind's Eye he was able to tell that she truly believed everything that she was saying, and that in itself was very worrying...did Hoshigakure truly have a shinobi that was this inept, more worrying than that though was the fact that she made it seem as if she believed that she and Ayato were fighting at truly high levels. The two of them were still Genin, and while they did display strength of an adequate level for a Chunin it was still nothing compared to the strength of a Jounin or Queensguard, let along an S-rank shinobi such as the village’s Kage or Master. Yes, one of them could have been killed, but then again an academy student could also kill his teacher in shuriken practice if his aim was good/bad enough, but that did not mean that the academy student was fighting at a higher level than his teacher. Kenshin was left in both shock and the sheer stupidity of this damnable girl, did she truly not realise the implications of her actions or the potential consequences that would come with them...did she not realise that her words, which were apparently said in order to spare both Ayato and her from harm, could very well have caused him to fail this exam.

“That...Well, there was one thing I lied about slightly, at the very beginning, when Ayato had charged me with Body Flicker, I didn’t shoot him down because I didn’t want to kill him, actually, if I had done that at that time, my fireball would probably have knocked him out and he wouldn’t have been able to continue...The reason why I didn’t was...well, I knew he was coming at me…but I didn’t KNOW he was coming at me” The girl would say, once more stammering with her words and pausing constantly, honestly it was actually getting rather annoying, why was she stopping so often, did she have to constantly stop speaking in order to breath? And seriously, did she truly believe that roasting Ayato with a Fireball would only have knocked him out, if it was indeed powerful enough to hurt him then his entire body would have been covered in serious burns, his clothes would have either caught fire or melted to his skin. And he was not even going to get started on the whole ‘I knew he was coming at me, but I didn’t KNOW he was coming at me’ thing, that was a can of worms that he really did not wish to open

“AGH! I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense, so let me try to explain, I am pretty fast, fast to the point that it is almost unheard of for me not to be able to keep up with someone” the girl would say, a statement that caused Kenshin’s red and silver eyes to open slightly wider in shock. This girl...she must have delusions of grandeur or something, because from what he had seen he was more than capable of keeping up with the young woman whilst in his sand form. While that form did boost his speed by extreme levels he knew that a great many others were able to increase their speed to much higher levels than what he was able to obtain, in fact, he could quite easily say that by the standards of most high ranked shinobi he was actually pretty damned slow. “That being said, if I can’t keep up with someone, it usually is because that person is currently employing the Body Flicker Technique. It is a powerful jutsu which increases ones speed, but at the cost of that person's ability to control where they move, as such, there are only really three reasons to use it. The first, is to get some distance on your opponent. If you are a ranged fighter up close to your enemy, use it to get some distance is a basic thing. However, at the start of the fight, we were a long distance from each other, to the point where none of my jutsu could hit him. As such, I doubted as much that he had techniques that were stronger than me.”

Oh boy...this girls sheer idiocy was truly beginning to bug Kenshin, to the point that his silver irises had begun to glow slightly, not enough for her to notice just yet, but if she continued with her current train of thought then he was more than likely going to lose the plot with her...because she was proving to be everything that he despised in humanity. “The second reason behind the ability to use a body flicker is to dodge an attack that you couldn’t usually dodge. That made no sense however, as no attack was coming at him. So he couldn’t of been dodging an attack” she would then explain, well, at least her logic here was sound, even if she did not really have to voice that last part. “The third reason was if the person was a close-range fighter, then using it as a way to close the distance on your opponent, if you are fighting a range user, using body flicker to close the gap is...a semi good idea...The problem is it is predictable, and anyone can see through it, and it leaves you open to a counter attack. So, I was of ruled it out entirely, but seeing as the first two options were a dud...that is the only possible reason Ayato could have had for using the technique. The only question now was...was Ayato coming for me or the other girl?” Hikari would then explain, something that made Kenshin want to roll his eyes once more, yes, Body Flicker could be dangerous to use in combat, but when used well it can end up ending the fight in one fell swoop, something that it seemed Ayato understood, while this girl did not.

“It was hard to tell, but this wasn’t my first encounter with Ayato, and we didn’t leave on the best of terms...I...I think I said something that he didn’t sounded to me like he didn’t want to be a shinobi, and I told him that he could always just leave...he took that the wrong way though and left in a bit of a hurry.” She would then explain, something that caused the silver and red eyes of the chunin to narrow a little more, even he could see the idiocy in what Hikari had just said, she was truly unable to see why he could have been angry with her for all but telling that there was no shame in giving up on being a shinobi...did she not know what clan he belonged need only read a history book to see just how the rest of his clan would have reacted to him doing such a thing. “Ayato is still a teenage boy, so he obviously has hormone I figured he would use this as an opportunity to release his rage on me. This was further supported as to why he used body flicker to jump towards someone even if it was easily countered, he was mad to the point that the rage blinded him.” She would then explain, her words managing to push his anger even further than it had been before, this girl truly was stupid, and in his personal opinion did not deserve to be a shinobi of Hoshigakure, let alone a Chunin...but for now he would hold his tongue, simply to let her finish whatever she had left to say before he unleashed the full force of his rage on her.

“However...the problem is that...well, I didn’t have a teacher...As such, my mind isn’t made for combat…” She would then say, her words only managing to add even more fuel onto the fire that was Kenshin’s anger, as she was right now she did not deserve to call herself a shinobi, she was simply a liability to the village, one that would only end up getting true shinobi killed. “I thought of everything up until that point, but the problem is that...well.what if I was wrong? In my mind...if I had done this and was wrong...then what? I would of wasted chakra, and there was a possibility that the other woman and Ayato could of come together and attacked me at the same time while I was facing away from them. This made me get cold feet and just Body Flicker out of there. If I had been taught to think more about combat....then I would have known if he went after th other person, that they would have been preoccupied with each other, and I would have been safe. Wasting the energy for a...what did I say, 75% chance to defeat a person? That would have been worth it. But as I said...being new, I sort of choked under the pressure...and just decided to get out.” There we go...that well and truly settled the matter, she WAS a liability, one who was likely to choke in the middle of combat and run away with her damned tail between her legs...a coward.

And rather than simply accepting her flaws and trying to fix them what did she do, she sat here and whined about how she had never been taught how to react when she was in a combat situation, well he had never once been taught how to react when in combat, because it was something that could never truly be taught, it was something that one had to learn on their own. “But that aside. Everything I said in that arena was true! I promise! Also, if that fight had continued, I truly believe that I would have beaten Ayato, and...Well. I didn’t know about the other woman...she had a freaking dragon knows…” she would say, something that made Kenshin resist the urge to scoff, this girl truly was delusional “I have a few questions for you however...first, I can’t tell for sure, but that sand monster that attacked me...was that you? I don’t know for sure, but you have a similar chakra to that person...and if you stepped into the battlefield and interfered without a might be a problem for a missing ninja to go around and jump shinobi like that.” she would say, causing the anger he was feeling to fade away and get replaced by a sense of mirth and amusement.

At this point the scar faced young man would give a dark grin as he began to chuckle “And if I was a Missing Nin would it really have been a good idea to follow me out here? Where there are no people anywhere around here...somewhere where I could quite easily kill you without anyone finding out” he would ask with his silver eyes glowing ominously. “Be glad girl, if you had met me a year ago your assumption would have been correct, and I would not have hesitated to take your however, I am a shinobi of Hoshigakure, a Chunin to be exact” Kenshin would say as he unbuttoned his trenchcoat and revealed the Hoshigakure headband that he was using as a belt buckle. “I was indeed the ‘sand monster’ that attacked you, although it was more so me testing your combat ability, something that I found you to be lacking in. And I was there because I was summoned by the ‘other woman’ as you called her, Genevieve Oasis, and before you ask, no, there is no rule against such a thing” the silver haired youth would say as he stared at Hikari with narrowed eyes. This braggart was quite annoying, she seemed to think she was a big shot, when in reality none of her attacks would be able to scratch his incredibly durable skin, let alone the body underneath, and he knew damned well that in the grand scheme of things he was still very weak. “Now, allow me to ask you a serious you suffer from Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, or both?” he would ask, and he was being completely serious, he was convinced that there had to be something wrong with the girl in front of him if she truly believed in what she was saying...and that belief was the only thing stopping him from losing the plot at this girl

WC: 2956

Last edited by Kenshin Uzumaki <3 on Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Backlash [P, Hikari] Empty Re: Backlash [P, Hikari]

Mon Apr 24, 2017 9:46 pm
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Backlash [P, Hikari] Empty Re: Backlash [P, Hikari]

Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:43 pm
Sure. Have at it
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

Backlash [P, Hikari] Empty Re: Backlash [P, Hikari]

Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:22 am
(OOC: So, I am really sorry this took so long, as I stated before, through finals and everything else I have been super busy and exhausted. Going to do my best with this since I don’t want to make Ken wait any longer)
Kenshin Uzumaki…. Hikari thought to herself, that last named seemed framiliar… had she heard it somewhere before?

“Would you mind if I tested this ability out for myself? So that I may attempt to figure out how to replicate this ability,”
Hikari would nod, stating “Sure.” Hikari and take the sword and it’s sheath from her hip, and hand it over. With all honesty, Namikaze should have been confronting the man about the his interfearnce, he didn’t bare the mark Of Hoshi, went out of his way to interfere with her chunin exam, and at the same been more wary of the man, but she wasn’t. It was strange, she didn’t sense any intentions from Kenshin, which made her feel a little more trusting of him.

Once the blade was returned to her, Hikari would then continue… as she talked, she would notice that Kenshin would cringe at some points, as she talked. Sure, she admitted she was an idiot at half the parts she spoke about, but was it so cringe worthy?
Once she was done with that, Hikari would then confront the man about the interfering with the chunin exams “And if I was a Missing Nin would it really have been a good idea to follow me out here? Where there are no people anywhere around here...somewhere where I could quite easily kill you without anyone finding out”

Hikari would admit, this wasn’t the best idea, but as she stated before, she felt like that Kenshin didn’t have any bad intentions, after all, he probably could of killed her at that one point during the exam, but instead choose not to, even though he might have been able to get away with, if he had killed her and disappeared, the rainbow haired girl would have been forced to take the blame for it. That being said… he was still right, their were dozen of other reasons why he could of waited until this point. Kenshin would continue, “Be glad girl, if you had met me a year ago your assumption would have been correct, and I would not have hesitated to take your however, I am a shinobi of Hoshigakure, a Chunin to be exact” Kenshin would say as he unbuttoned his trenchcoat and revealed the Hoshigakure headband that he was using as a belt buckle. “I was indeed the ‘sand monster’ that attacked you, although it was more so me testing your combat ability, something that I found you to be lacking in. And I was there because I was summoned by the ‘other woman’ as you called her, Genevieve Oasis, and before you ask, no, there is no rule against such a thing”

That sort of made sense, this was after all basically a no holds barred battle, the only real rule was that you couldn’t come at your opponent with the intent to kill. As such, his interference would have been allowed, and even if it wasn’t, the princess didn’t call it, so it was still in the rules.

Kenshin would continue on after a slight pause. “Now, allow me to ask you a serious you suffer from Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, or both?”

The chestnut haired girl would look at him strangely, “Wha..?” She would say in a quite surprised manner, “No, I don’t! Well, I mean I suppose I was never tested for that kind of….. wait, NO! I don’t! Why would you think that?”

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Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:09 pm
With his question asked the scar faced youth would eye the young woman cautiously, awaiting her answer to the question, but upon seeing the strange look that she gave him he had an idea of what she was going to say. “Wha...No, I don’t! Well, I mean I suppose I was never tested for that kind of...wait, NO! I don't! Why would you think that?” she would say, strongly proclaiming that she did not have either of the disorders that he had mentioned...and based on the fact that his Minds Eyes was telling him that she was telling the truth...well, he found his anger returning. “Common Symptoms of Schizophrenia include, but are not limited to false beliefs and unclear or confused thinking, both of which you have shown yourself to have. Bipolar Disorder, otherwise known as Manic Depression is a medical disorder that causes periods of depression and elevated moods. The elevated mood is known as Mania, and during Mania an individual behaves or feels abnormally happy or irritable, and more often than not make poorly thought out decisions with little regard for the consequences...which once have shown yourself to have” Kenshin would explain as he gazed seriously at the chestnut haired young woman “Other conditions that may present in a similar manner include, but are not limited to: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, various personality disorders, and substance abuse.” Kenshin would then list in the same serious and calm tone as he had been speaking in this entire time.

“If you do have any of these disorders then I suggest that you let me know now, because if you truly do not possess any of them then you are simply a ditz that does not think about the potential consequences of her actions.” he would then say as his gaze turned into something reminiscent of a glare. Were his words harsh, yes, but they were not said without reason “Allow me to explain Namikaze, because it is obvious you do not even realize the potential consequences of your actions today. First, your little lie at the very beginning could very well cost Ayato his rank up, because by making it seem that you could have taken him out right at the very beginning of the fight you ended up making it seem as if you were simply taking pity on him throughout the entire fight. Because surely if you could have taken him out so easily at the start of the match, when he supposedly ambushed you with the Body Flicker technique, you could have taken him out at any point, and you surrendering when you did only served to stop him from being able to prove that he could indeed hold his own against you.” the young man would explain, hoping that his words would show her the potential consequences of her actions. “Second, you all but forced the princess to accept your surrender, because think about it, how would it look if she did not accept your surrender after the little speech you gave?” Kenshin would then ask with a silver brow cocked slightly, hoping that she would be able to piece that small part of the puzzle together on her own.

At this point the silver haired young man would give a small sigh as he gazed down at the floor of the Gazebo “Look Namikaze, I am not here to bully you or make you feel bad, as I said earlier I had first intended to congratulate you on the cunning that you had showed within the exam. It would have served you well throughout your career as a shinobi, but now, after finding out that it was not cunning but sheer idiocy that landed you else am I meant to react?” he would question as he once met her gaze, his eyes showing naught but apathy. “Right now I see you as nothing more than a pathetic little girl who does not realize the potential consequences of her actions” Kenshin would then admit, his voice completely calm and composed even as he stated these rather harsh views, something that would serve to show that he was simply giving his honest opinion on the young woman who sat before him. “You act as if this world is sunshine and rainbows, a magical land of smiles and happiness where nobody has to suffer...and that attitude will get you killed. And regardless of what you may think of me I do not wish to see that happen in the future, if I did I would simply say nothing and allow you to continue on your current course.” he would admit as a humourless smirk appeared on his scarred face, regardless of what she chose to believe he had indeed meant every word that left his mouth, even if it did not truly seem that way.

“Now, I am willing to help you here, to help you see the truth of this world...but only if you let me, I will not force this upon you” Kenshin would then offer, his smirk fading away and leaving his face completely devoid of emotion

WC: 863
Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Wed May 10, 2017 11:47 pm
The chestnut haired girl would listen to Kenshin, “If you do have any of these disorders then I suggest that you let me know now, because if you truly do not possess any of them then you are simply a ditz that does not think about the potential consequences of her actions.”

Hikari was about to question this but then Kenshin continued. “Allow me to explain Namikaze, because it is obvious you do not even realize the potential consequences of your actions today. First, your little lie at the very beginning could very well cost Ayato his rank up, because by making it seem that you could have taken him out right at the very beginning of the fight you ended up making it seem as if you were simply taking pity on him throughout the entire fight. Because surely if you could have taken him out so easily at the start of the match, when he supposedly ambushed you with the Body Flicker technique, you could have taken him out at any point, and you surrendering when you did only served to stop him from being able to prove that he could indeed hold his own against you. Second, you all but forced the princess to accept your surrender, because think about it, how would it look if she did not accept your surrender after the little speech you gave?”

The young girl hadn’t really thought about it like that before… she hadn’t intended to start such a political scheme. That being said, she had mixed feelings about the results she gotten, the first one was that Ayato had the possibility of loosing his rank up. If Ayato truly did want to rank up, then Hikari would feel an ache in her heart from taking that from him… but did he truly want to rank up? The two had met up before, and from what it sounded like, Ayato didn’t have much of a desire to be a shinobi. If he didn’t then prehaps it would be for the best if the Hyuga didn’t rank up.
As for the forcing the princess, Hikari didn’t want to force the princesses hand, however she would admit, if she had asked for surrender and the princess didn’t give it, that would make the woman look like an insane Phycotic monarch (Cough Cough Xy Cough Cough).

“Right now I see you as nothing more than a pathetic little girl who does not realize the potential consequences of her actions”
Hikari wanted to argue with the Albino… but she knew deep down he was right, she didn’t realize what would have happened as a result of her actions.

“You act as if this world is sunshine and rainbows, a magical land of smiles and happiness where nobody has to suffer...and that attitude will get you killed. And regardless of what you may think of me I do not wish to see that happen in the future, if I did I would simply say nothing and allow you to continue on your current course. Now, I am willing to help you here, to help you see the truth of this world...but only if you let me, I will not force this upon you”

Namikaze would think, he was right, she needed to understand how dark this world was so that she could understand how the world worked…

“Yeah… I understand… I need to learn this… I would appreciate it if you could teach me, Mr. Kenshin. Angel would bow as she did, She didn’t say much, because her mind was still racing with what Kenshin had told her.

Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:51 pm
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Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:57 pm
Appproved Hikari
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