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Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam - Page 2 Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:17 am
(Don't count this as a post somehow I accidentally posted twice and it won't let me delete this. But if a mod could delete this then do. so please?)

Last edited by Ban Senju on Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:49 am; edited 1 time in total
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam - Page 2 Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:19 am
By now Ban was already getting angry with this instructor because of the way he had made everything complicated instead of having it be completely basic and by the book as one would say. Why couldn't this annoying proctor just advance Ban to genin and be done with it? He began talking to Ban again but this time out of nowhere he became cold and started shivering. "What? Just what's going on around here?" Ban found it difficult to move all of a sudden. The man then pulled out a Konoha headband and a jacket. Then he began talking some more and asking questions again about what Ban wanted, about his future, and about duty as a genin. Now Ban had felt like he was ready to burst with anger. This man had put himself in charge over Ban and was asking questions as if he had no other choice but to answer. He then got up and walked 3 meters away pulling out a chair and facing it backwards. He then talked about desires some more, Ban's will and way and what drives him. But what had set Ban off the most was the mention of the words "your father." The word father meant nothing to him because both his biological father and stepfather had been not worth his time to say the least.

 "That's it! I don't care who you are, you could be the man stronger than all the kage put together for all I care. I won't let you order me around and try to control and manipulate me! I'm not answering your questions until I get what I want and until you treat me with some respect. You talk about people who've died and lay down their lives for me to be comfortable living a good life? Okay I respect them but some of them may not have wanted to fight! Some of them may have wanted to live normal lives and some of them may not have wanted anything to do with villages. But in here they're put under rules which if broken they're punished. I'll fight to change that no matter who's in my way! That's what I'll train and work for. But you're here being a stupid bastard giving me trials and all of this. Well I won't stand for it!" 

 Still finding it hard for him to move, ban lifted his right foot and placed it in front of him taking a step forward. Then, shakily lifting his left leg, he did the same. When he lifted his right leg again to take another step, Ban fell to the ground. He didn't have the strength to stand and walk anymore. So he began crawling with each movement becoming more and more difficult for him. He made it all the way until half a meter away from the man and then he stopped. Ban could no longer crawl. Most of his strength had left his body. He reached up to try dragging himself but he couldn't. "I won't give in to you! You heard me?!"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Bans Genin Exam - Page 2 Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:01 am
yen watched the boy attempt to move as he kept speaking he smiled slightly and noted his reaction on the point of speaking on his father. It was a touchy subject  for many. yet he had to relate to the boy. he too grew up without a father. having to both bury his mother and father and watched them die before his eyes. that was when he was merely a child. yet yen listened and connected somewhat.

when the boy couldn't move yen gazed down at the boy his feet dangling from the chair as he spoke once more.

"disobedience is indeed punishable ban senju... many have shown a strong sign of it. even my very teammates.  however, i say that if you desire the power to be disruptive, then do not focus it at the village, but our opponents. If i wanted to manipulate you i would've done it long ago. your strong ban, hence no ally manipulates another one, but instead grants the access of strength. you wish for your rank up? you wish to grow. then at the least you will follow the rules on a grey line. A lawless village is not a village, but a large group of high powered thugs. so if i hand this over will you at the least do your best to follow in accordance... outside the village wreck havoc on those that deem a threat to us. because then your mayhem has a result and a focus.... of course it is a suggestion."

yen stated as he leaned back in the chair and spoke up once more.

"as a senju i trained a few. you have the capacity of utilizing wood. but for such an option you need to learn your earth element... i can train you in a few things so you are comfortable. your training will begin at dawn ban. as a genin i must say you will be impressive. just i hope that you focus your energies to assist not disrupt your home. the bar will be higher... but you will make a fine shinobi in time. but i must know what you will be focused in as your passion? ninjutsu, genjutsu, medical, taijutsu, suin jutsu, the puppet art? what shall it be ban."

yen stated  as he had not yet let up the pressure
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam - Page 2 Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:26 pm
Weakened on the floor of the academy, Ban was having mixed emotions none of them good. All he had came here for was to take a quick genin exam but now he was lying on the ground in front of a jounin probably about to pass out. It was safe to say this was worst case scenario for him and he really wasn't expecting something like this to happen. But he was tired and just wanted to get through with this, pass or fail. As he was on the ground, Yen began talking to Ban some more. Ban wasn't focused much on his words anymore because most of it was stupid to him and he didn't care to answer. But then he heard the words "rank up" and "hand this over" which made him perk up as much as he could under this pressure Yen had placed over him. Ban listened a little more to him now. He had heard him say he could train Ban to learn the earth element which would then allow Ban to learn Senju wood release jutsu. That was something Ban was very interested in so he decided he would have to scrape away half of his stubborness otherwise this wouldn't work out the way he wanted it to. 

 "Okay- ughhhh. Look before we do anything wizard pirate take this whatever pressure of me. I'll focus my "disrupting" on my opponents whatever you say. What's your name anyways and how do you expect me to train in this condition? Yeah yeah I'm glad you think I'll be strong and all that but heal me or something. I guess if I wanted to learn a specialty it'd be ninjutsu as a primary and taijutsu secondary. Can you just hurry up? This is so much work and such a bore."
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Bans Genin Exam - Page 2 Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:07 pm
Yen smiled and loosend up the pressure yet still sitting at the chair. 

"All i needed to know ban. So you disire to get close yet manipulate chakra. I know some great taijutsu instructors. Ill assure thaton top of your duties you will get some heavy ninjutsu training from yours truely, and ill ask one of the better instructors to attend to your close quarters training. I will warn you it will be hard. Much harder than this."

Yen stated as he stood up and walked towards the boy. Yen Motioned the boy to kneel. And bow his head as he too bowed his head and spoke. A firm and powerful voice.

"Throughout generations. Shinobi of the hidden leaf trained and served their land and people vigilantly. We served our kage faithfully. We are the strongest nation, for now and all time. Our will of fire burns beyond the fires of hell. We are one man, woman, and child that will die with thousands at our feet. Ban senju. Do you accept the rank of genin, and the duty of a shinobi of konohagure? Will you dive deeper into the will of fire till you breath it out not only in your last breath,  but all eternity? And join the countless heros of old? If you accept raise your head and shout with your might and soul that you do. Then spread your hands out as far as you can."

Yen looked down at the boy and waited his single eye burning with a fire of warm yet determination roared from it like an inferno. The eye that would watch the enemies of the leaf burn like a pig on the spit. Ready to serve it to his very allies.
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam - Page 2 Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:36 pm
As the pressure of whatever Yen was using on Ban was released, Ban shakily stood up. He was tired and wanted to go lay in bed at home and sleep for a whole 24 hours. What an annoying jounin talking so much and asking questions. It could've been sooooo easy, just transformation and clone jutsu but he had to take it this far. Whatever Ban would just do what he wanted to do still and get this rank up to genin. Yen got up coming towards Ban again, it looked like he wanted Ban to kneel but Ban wasn't have it. "I don't care who you are I am NOT kneeling for you." He saw Yen bow his head so he did the same because apparently something important was about to happen. He spoke a ton of gibberish about the village but Ban listened and he was asked if he accepts the rank of genin. Then he was asked to raise his head and shout his answer and he sighed. Ban was sick of all this. "Yes I accept the rank but I'm not shouting you already got me out here all tired and everything. Yes I accept the rank of genin." Ban half yelled his answer and spread his arms out feeling stupid as he did it. "I hate you, you know that right?"
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Bans Genin Exam - Page 2 Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:58 pm
Yen listened to the boy's awnser and chuckled.

"Hatred is not good to say to someone who actually stands and protects the place that gave you your rank up. In a mission when faced against the odds. Hatred will not grant you a victory, but to be struck down and rendered useless. Perhaps acceptace outta do."

Yen stated as he tied on the headband for the young man.his hand on his shoulder he spoke to the boy.

"Be up at dawn and ready. You think academy lessons are hard? Wait till i start with your training."

An insect crawled out from yens had and rested on the boy's shoulder.

"I am yen the head of the aburame clan and jouninn of the village. Show respect and you shall recive it. Tomarrow ban senju. Your training shall begin. Say good bye to days of a child. For tomarrow you will become a man."

Yen stated as he walked out of the classroom.


(Congrats ban. Heavy cd but you survived. But will you survive the next one? We shall find out next episode.

You gain genin rank. The prizes are as they follow. 

  1.  +20 stats. Since the diffrence between the two ranks is 20 stats.
  2.  You also gain the free jutsu for genin. (Look under free jutsu in rules0
  3. You can now train up to A rank in your chosen specialty, and can have up to 2 Bloodline jutsu. (You can only train up to C rank with things that are not in your specialty.)
  4. You can now train your second element at the cost of 4,000 words.
  5. You can now do missions.

Any other questions ask.

Please post your claims)
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Bans Genin Exam - Page 2 Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 6:31 pm
Ban was tired of talking to this man by now so he would just start listening. Yen gave Ban his leaf village shinobi head band then placed his hand on Bans shoulder. A bug crawled onto his shoulder and he jumped. So this guy was from the Aburame clan then? Ban found that interesting and wanted to know a little more about him. As if reading his mind, the man explained himself saying he was head of the Aburame clan and a jounin. Ban wasn't surprised. Also the man still wanted to train Ban which was fine with him. That was all he had to say and he walked out of the classroom. Ban soon followed weary and worn out wanting to lay in bed.

Claming 15 Stat Points
Claiming Ninjutsu Speciality
Claiming Genin Rank
Claiming Genin Free Jutsu 
(Free Jutsu)
(Free Jutsu)
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Bans Genin Exam - Page 2 Empty Re: Bans Genin Exam

Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:48 pm
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