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Making a Name[WIP] Empty Making a Name[WIP]

Thu Jan 04, 2018 5:23 pm
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"..and I better not find anything missing either, or it'll be your head," said the man sitting across the table from her. He was an ugly splotch on a beautiful canvas; the stench of greed and arrogance permeated the air and dampened the euphoric scent of lavender and vanilla. Elegant flowers and vines made of pure gold lined the walls of the hotel suite, a silver platter and dirty dishes were strewn carelessly across the floor. Clearly her prospective employer had no class. 

Alice, quite contrary to her counterpart, sat at the large wooden table with such grace that any other man would have thought her a queen or some other such nobility. Her left leg was folded over her right, as ladies do, her back straight with her left hand placed in her lap. Her sword, Royal's Edge was tucked safely in its sheathe leaning against the right side of her chair; she was absentmindedly tracing the crown on its pommel with her right index finger as the man spoke. Her expression was entirely unreadable; something she had learned to do quickly over the course of her life. 

"You obviously don't know who it is you're dealing with," she said coolly, the tip of her sword already pressing against his throat from across the table. The two thugs he had hired as protection were so useless that they barely managed to get their knives from their sheathes before Royal's Edge was in position. The man's raised hand had stopped his goons in their tracks. "I'm the one that makes the threats here," said Alice.

"R-right. Of course. I didn't mean to overstep. Please forgive my rudeness." The fear in his voice was real, she could hear his heartbeat quickening, see the dilation of his pupils. Sweat was beginning to bead at the edge of his receding hairline, a single drop making its way down the man's forehead. She lowered her weapon, replacing it in its sheathe and keeping it on her lap this time. The hired muscle did the same, stepping back to their posts and looking exceptionally more concerned then they had been a few seconds ago. "My mistake. Obviously you aren't like the men I usually have under my employ."

"That's better," she said, a smile appearing on her lips. "Now maybe we can continue this conversation in a civilized manner. First of all," she began, finally tired of him droning on and trying to tell her how to do her job, "I decide how I'll complete the jobs I take. One word from me, and you won't be able to find a street-rat willing to work for you. Test me, and see what happens." It was no idle threat. Of course, it would take more than just a word to accomplish this, but it could definitely be done. "Now, I believe I have all the information I need. I'll expect my payment to be ready for me when I drop off the shipment," she said with an air of finality as she stood from her seat. "Enjoy the rest of your evening." Her words were punctuated with a wink before she disappeared in a flash of crimson light.

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