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Princess Love
Princess Love
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Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite]

Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:44 am
(After multiple calculations even at 16 speed it takes 0 seconds to cover 9 feet. Math and I aren't friends so correct me if I'm wrong, I had a long day of counting. Don't worry though your RT has you covered.)

When she started to move Kari wiggled two of her fingers causing all the rocks to spring up. The one that had once been one foot in front of the older red head was now between her feet just as the other one had been before she moved. Seeing that one and the one that was on her right closing in for her Love nodded in approval of Kari's tactic. If those chakra threads could be used in tandem with fuuinjutsu that would make for one rather powerful jutsu. Love could see the sweat rolling down Kari's face as she maneuvered the threads and rocks. Not much had happened but clearly, chakra threads were more challenging than they appeared. However, Love wanted to push the girl so she raised her right leg and went it reconnected with the ground she would bound forward. The rock bat would be overhead with the intent to clock Kari on the head if she didn't counter, which she had plenty of time to do, that is if she didn't freeze. If that were the case Love would simply stop dead in her tracks, it wouldn't be smart in the long run because of the lactic acid build up but she'd be sure to stretch later anyway.

WC: 212
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Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite]

Thu Apr 26, 2018 2:56 pm
The girl was holding back her true speed. Kari was able to follow her movements as she jumped over the strings. Then Love dove towards Kari with the stone bat. Kari's instincts were telling her to just defend herself but she still had another option. While she could not run, she could make another attempt to catch the girl in another trap. While she doubted the trick would work, it was better then getting smacked upside the head with a rock bat.

Kari waved her left hand which had yet to used in the fight and threw up 5 rocks attached to strings. At the same time she lunged forward to slide under Love and pull the two rocks attached to her right hand forward. The Clone's dissipated leaving only one Kari on the field. The two rocks connected to Kari's right hand would dart at Love and cross each other just before reaching the girl. Then they would pass Love should she choose to ignore or dodge them. Meanwhile the rocks from Kari's left hand and would try and crash in front of Love like a wave blocking off her ability to jump with the strings as Kari made a fist.

Princess Love
Princess Love
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Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite]

Tue May 01, 2018 10:22 am
Standing now at an angle with her right leg fully extended and her left lifted, Kari was able to slide under Love to avoid being hit by her rock bat. Seeing five rocks from Kari's left hand go under, behind, above, and then in front of Love she knew going forward wasn't an option. Although she could easily swat them away with her bat the Hyuuga had something else in mind. Following the five rock assault from the left hand came another two rock assault from the right. The two extra Kari's disappeared before the two rocks on the right hand crossed in front of Love and slide under her just like their controller had. Since going backward would lead her to stumble over Kari, Love decided to go to the left. Bending down and putting all her weight on her empty left hand, Love would do a half cartwheel. Half because her left leg would remain tucked and the right would follow suit as soon as it disconnected from the ground.

Now out of harm's way, Love would drop her feet to the ground with her head and arms popping up to allow her to see Kari with her eyes once more. "That was good." She told the girl. Should Kari not come at her again Love would give her a chance to stand up before attacking again.

WC: 229
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Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite]

Tue May 01, 2018 11:14 am
Despite massive amount of strings, Ai managed to somersault her way through an opening on he side. The girl was just too agile and coordinated. If Kari wanted to catch her, she would have to block off all directions else risk another escape. Also, this jutsu was taxing mentally to keep up. Even though she was only using two strings, she could feel her charka control slipping after trying the more complex maneuver. Still she had to do something. Even if that meant using all of her fingers.

Kari pulled back all of the rocks except the two connected to the jutsu. She then reversed the direction of both of those rocks so that they would try and pin Ai again using the strings. This time, The strings would target two different heights. The one on her left side would go for her thighs just 2 inches below her waist. The one on the right would aim for her stomach leaving only 4 inches between the two threads, height wise. Also the rocks move behind Ai 10 meters as to stay out of Ai's range for striking them with the bat.

As the strings passed, if Ai dodged them, both rocks would stop so that they would remain at the minimal 1 inch away from each other width wise while maintaining the 4 inch separation height wise.

Mean while, Kari would use the rest of her free fingers to connect strings to 3 more rocks. This gave Kari a total of 10 strings being connected to 10 rocks. Also, sense Ai actions allowed Kari to get up, Kari used her free hand, which was not actively controlling rocks anymore sense Kari recalled them back into her sleeves, to pick herself up to her feet.

The complement was nice, but Kari was dedicated to at least making contact once.

Princess Love
Princess Love
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Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite]

Fri May 04, 2018 12:11 pm
Before even standing up again Kari had sent an attack Love's way. Good, this wasn't a timed battle but every second was precious. Watching the rocks fly past her Love was tempted to let the thread catch her to see what they would do. Though she still watched Kari carefully as the girl added three more rocks to her collection by using the three free fingers she had on her left hand. Following that, the girl used her inactive right hand to stand up and Love began to run towards her. Regardless of whether the threads stopped or cut her Love would keep moving in order to deliver a palm bottom to the girl's torso. If/When she is successful Kari will lose 5 chakra and 5 ap, the chakra will return 1 per post. (speed 19, strength 14)

WC: 135
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Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 05, 2018 10:24 am
The Ai did not move after noticing the strings closing in for her nor did she show signs of resisting. It was Kari's victory. As the strings intersect though, The girl started to run forward delay the time the strings would hit her. By the time Kari noticed her attack would not hit, She made made a quick adjust waving her arm so that the strings would cross from the front and hit Ai as she moved closer to Kari but she was not fast enough to halt the girl. If the strings did hit Love, the girl would feel a sharp pain on her lower stomach but it would not cut into her clothes or skin. At worst Ai would have a red mark on her skin.  

Kari could only watch as the girl's Palm trust drove into her chest but away from any organs. The blow did not hurt but, not like a punch would, but suddenly she felt her strength drop and the inside of her lower torso raved with pain. It was like some energy punched her stomach if her stomach was in front of her lungs. Her chakra strings fluxed with chakra before dissipating dropping all the rocks from her sleeves and the two rocks behind the girl. Kari grabbed the Ai's arm with trembling hands. Then Kari fell to her knees hugging the area Ai hit.

The pain was new to Kari. Never before as she felt such an attack. Confused, she fought to avoid completely falling to the ground, using one hand to support herself like a cane. It hurt so much, but Kari knew she was going to live. The pain stopped spiking but the girl did not move. Her jutsu was undone and she felt like activating it again would exhaust her, especially after the weird attack Ai performed.

"Wh...what was that Ai-sempai. Its like you drove your fist through my skin and into my stomach."

WC: 325
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite]

Sat May 05, 2018 12:44 pm
As she charged forward Kari defensively moved her threads so that they would hit Love sooner in a possible hope to stop her or accomplish the original goal, whatever that was. And although the pain was sufficient and would likely leave a mark in the places she got hit, Love wasn't fazed by it and continued on. The distance traveled was short but the palm thrust was delivered swiftly and only last for a few seconds. As Love removed her hand and it dropped to her side the sound of Kari's ten rocks hitting the ground would be heard. The extra loss of chakra must have been it for the girl as she reached out with both hands to grab Love's arm. The sound of a delayed eleventh rock hitting the ground would be heard as Love let go of her rock bat and it returned to its normal state before landing. With both hands now free the forearm of Kari's right hand was supported by Love's left hand and just above her left elbow, Love was supporting Kari's left arm with her right hand. This would protect the girl from falling when her knees gave out and Love would be able to hold her for as long as she needed.

Even if the girl wasn't already so light this would be an easy task for the Hyuuga. Not only because of her natural strength but oddly because of an added boost from her newest accessory, it seemed she had a knack for finding jewelry that aided ninja. Love would allow the girl all the recovery time she needed. And there was a silence as the girl moved to cradle her stomach and Love allowed this but then she spoke up. "That was the palm bottom, a jutsu that allows me to block a single tenketsu at a time. Tenketsu, if you don't know are your chakra points." She answered and then waited to see if there would be any more questions. If there were none she would look to Kotetsu and ask, "Did you time that, along with the few minutes of training she did alone?" If his face said "I was supposed to be timing?" or "What was I supposed to be timing that for?" She'd go on to say, "So we know how long she's able to use her threads."

WC: 393
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Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sparring, Kari Vs Love [NK, P, ask for invite]

Wed May 23, 2018 10:00 pm
Before the strike to her torso, Kari felt to tug of her chakra strings. They managed to make contact with Ai-sempai before Kari lost control. So this was a victory, or at least it would have been had the pain in her stomach vanished. How did the girl do that? She called it the bottom palm and said it blocked a tenketsu. It was not until the girl said Chakra points that Kari began to make the connection. They were spots int the body where chakra pathways intercept. Kari was not too knowledgeable on them but after such an attack she debated about getting smart on them. On the plus side of this whole ordeal, she did not have to add scrape knees to the list of injuries.

Ai-sempai caught Kari's arm and kept Kari on her feet. It was very nice of the foreign ninja. Kari was not sure if she would do the same thing, but maybe she would help the person up after they hit the ground. It seemed like the right thing to do but dumb battle wise. Had Kari fake the injury, then the girl would have been opened to a sneak attack but it was quite clear that Kari was finished. The shock from the wound alone greatly inhibited her ability to focus, let alone the effects on her chakra system. Her chakra control was scrambled. She doubted she could even connect to a pebble, let alone move it. It was a experience she was grateful for, but in the moment, she regretted.

"Thank you Ai-Sempai,"
Kari weakly said, "But I think I will go home now. I wish you the best on your mission."

This girl specialized in a technique that completely countered Kari's style. This was furthered exacerbated by the fact that Kari did not have a puppet yet. Maybe if she had that tool, she could have avoided the hit or pushed the fight her way. She picked up her things and started to walk off. Ai seemed to be arguing with the jonin that was assigned to help her. Now would be the best time to sneak away. So Kari gave one more bow, though not going so low due to the pain and she walked off to head home. If only her chakra was hurt then she was sure she would heal after a quick nap.

WC: 397
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Wed May 23, 2018 10:05 pm
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Thu May 24, 2018 6:47 pm
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