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Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Focus : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

May the best prankster win {D-Rank}  Empty May the best prankster win {D-Rank}

Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:58 pm

   This young genin had another mission that asked for her help. One that would require much more work then the last one. Instead this one was one rank higher then the mission of lumber. Meaning that this would require her to be more serious and on top of her game. There has been frequent complaints of someone marking buildings with graffiti and the villagers was not happy about these immature actions. Plus the fact that they would be the ones having to scrub their walls clean, just for the possibility of them being marked once again by the prankster. Akira wasn't one to really care about these sort of things, until the walls of her home became the next target to this trickstery.

   The first moment Akira came face to face with the graffiti marked upon the wall, she had felt quite amused by the somewhat lewd art. That was until it dawned on her that the marked surface was her own wall. After that she had stomped off, fuming with rage as she grabbed supplies to scrub it off. It was after that event that she had went to accept the quest. She was determined to catch the culprit and teach them a lesson or to until she felt satisfied. she had learned from the mission board that the culprit was academy student level and thus would explain why they would toss this on to a genin. To begin her mission Akira started by questioning the villagers. Mainly targeting the ones who have already fell victim to this prankster's game. She asked for details like the time the drawings was found, if any of them seen the culprit's appearance, and how frequently they strike. 

   After an hour Akira finished the last of her questioning, and her investigation had grown to its end. She found herself a spot to rest for a moment as she rewarded herself with a snack of bread and cheese. Munching away with a pleased look upon her face, as she ran over what all she learned. Some of the villagers had given her some very useful intel. The culprit was said to possess dirty blonde hair and a blue backpack that they used to carry their art supplies. The culprit was a young boy they said. One who looked around the age of sixteen. Meaning that they would be two years younger then her. One of the villagers explained to her that he has became a frequent target to this childsplay. That no matter how many times he scrubs his walls, another lewd image would appear the next morning of an early hour. This villager sets out to work a few hours after the crack of dawn, meaning that the culprit acts between last at night to dawn.

   Akira finished her snack and brushed away the crumbs that had fallen on her lap. It was time for her to jump into action. She had gathered enough information to know when and where to start, and what the boy would look like. The red-haired genin stood from her resting area and started her venture back to her target villager. The villagers walls would be scrubbed and absent from any valgur graffiti. But only for the time being, until the culprit strike again. Although Akira planned to stop him before allowing that to happen. Near the villager's home was a dark alley. This is where Akira planned to camp at until dusk to see if anyone was to come through. At the moment she would have a dark hooded cloak tied around her. The villager offered for her to borrow it to camouflage herself within the darkness of the alley.  

   Here she was, crouched with her back against the cold stone of an alley. The hood pulled up over her face as dusk began to fall over Konohagakure. Lovely, here soon things should become much more amusing. Unless the culprit stands her up for some reason. 

   Hours tick by as the kunoichi stood guard. This would be one of the times that she was required to pull an all nighter. No matter how nice it would be to close her eyes and allow her form to relax against the stone, she would push those thoughts aside. Knowing that this should be seen as an easy task for a true ninja of determination. At this time Akira was starting to believe that the culprit really was going to stand her up. She let out a sigh of disappointment moments before she just proven otherwise. A figure suddenly appeared as they walked passed her alley. She lowered her hood to hide the glow of her ember eyes. Catching sight of a head full of blonde hair. This must be her target. 

   Akira waited impatiently for the boy to continue on his way before silently rising from her lowered position. Then moving to follow behind him with sure footing. For this mission Akira had left behind her boots for this very reason. She always felt more comfortable and sure when going barefooted. As she followed her eyes searched the back of the boy. Dark clothing and a blue backpack. Yes this was her target. She was beginning to close in on him. He traveled very light on his feet and perhaps felt it unneeded to be wary of his surroundings. That was his mistake. She was close enough now. No need to push her luck in getting noticed.  With that she swayed her shoulders like a predator preparing to pounce and lunged forward from her position. Colliding into the back of the careless prankster. The boy let out a sharp "umph" as the two of them fell onto the solid ground. Akira landed on top of the culprit and went to grab at his wrists just as he yanked his head backward. Slamming her a good one right against her nose. 

   The kunoichi spat out a curse as pain blossomed from the impact. In response she placed her hand on top of their scalp and shoved their face into the dirt. Groveling their face into the ground as her eyes glowed with rage. He had made a huge mistake. "You prick! You're going to pay for that." She spat out the words the bitterness. The culprit grimaced against the dirt. "Get off of me you hag!" At that the boy hooked his arm around hers and pulled her over to the side onto the ground. Rolling on top of her and pinning her back against the ground. He dug his knees into her sides as his hands pinned her shoulders back. Akira growled at him, flashing her sharpened canines. "You dimwit." The sight of her canines must have thrown him off for a moment, as the force on his arms faltered. "Playing a trick once or twice is one thing. But making it a continuous hobby is begging to be caught!" She shouted, yanking her face to the side before sinking her canines into one of his arms that pinned her. 

   The boy let out a yowl as he goes to cradle his arm to his chest. Akira took this moment to claim her dominance. She pushed him off and back onto the ground face first. Taking no time to pin his arms behind his back. With that the boy ceased his fighting and he spewed out a few harsh words. Akira responded by shouting to the night, "Guards! Come quick!" Grinning triumphant as the footsteps approached them. "The village's prankster has been caught!" She announced outloud. The culprit wrestled underneath her but not enough to toss her off. Two guards came into her view and took sight of the situation. "That boy... he must be the one the villagers have been complaining about. Miss, we shall take over from here."

{TWC: 1,302}
{WC Claims}
+1 Stamina +2 Strength (1,200/1,200) WC 102
Dragon Flame (1,000/1,000) WC 302

{Mission Rewards}
-1,000 Ryo +100 Ryo (Base rank bonus)
+3 AP
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May the best prankster win {D-Rank}  Empty Re: May the best prankster win {D-Rank}

Sun Jan 12, 2020 5:25 pm
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