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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Operation: Wrath of....People - Page 2 Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:29 pm
She couldn’t help but raise an inquisitive eyebrow at Ibari’s comment - a stew was a funny way to view this but it was accurate enough to say the least. She positioned herself to the left of the cave entrance at the same distance that he had placed himself. She glanced over at her partner one last time- “I would do your best to move away from the mouth of the cave as soon as possible, once the temperature rises in the confines of the cave… it will be an immeasurable steam explosion. Thought I’d warn you.” She made no attempt to warn their observer ‘Stark’ as he was of his own faculties and had heard her plan just as Ibari had - if he didn’t know to avoid the opening then his skin would learn that lesson; but she knew better than to actually believe that would happen. Focusing herself on the task at hand once more, she flew through her set of hand seals - Boar, Tiger, Ram, Snake and felt the rush of chakra that had been building in her stomach came spewing from her mouth - flooding the system with such force it wouldn’t take very long at all until the system was waterlogged. As soon as she had finished her hand seals the stream of fire had joined it - the points of contact already beginning to boil and exert plumes of steam that made even the dry desert air outside of the cave feel like the tropical winds of lands far away.

In an instant she flattened herself a few meters away from the cave mouth, against the thickest part of the rock formation and held her palms against the rock face to ensure she would be able to feel if the rock under her fingertips was getting to hot - and therefore warning her of her proximity to the explosion. Luckily for her the explosion took place so deep in the system all she felt was the violent shakes their combined efforts had wreaked down in the heart of the system - and for some, their unknown tomb. The screams were almost as instantaneous as the effect the water and fire had on each other - she closed her eyes in reverence as she tried to differentiate each in her mind. With her heightened sense of hearing she was able to pick apart the tones - some were young, and some were older, there were even a few women among the band; but she continued to listen with greater pleasure as each was cut short by the embrace of death. The beautiful reaper having added these names to the lengthening list of people she had ended - even if she shared these deaths with Ibari. 

Only after the majority of the screams had been choked off and the residual steam had begun to thin as it exited the entrance, did she open her eyes - catching the gaze of ‘Stark’ and holding it for a moment before moving them to Ibari - mouthing the words instead of speaking them aloud to maintain their positions, “Ready?” In the moments of waiting that was before the pair she had focused herself once more on the entrance and on any heartbeats that reached within her 5 meter range- they would be easy to hear as they would be fueled to pump harder and faster by the adrenaline rush a sudden attack would bring on. Moments passed in near silence, only punctuated by the steady controlled heartbeat of Ibari who still resided in her range when suddenly the sound of frantic thrumming reached her. Slowly. They were injured but still they tried to claw their way free, these survivors must have been towards the surface as they would have had the greatest chance of survival. She waited - completely motionless and suppressing her chakra from detection if they even had the foresight to search for those who had attacked - when finally a bloody knuckled hand close around the cave entrance and the profile of a masked bandit came huffing and gasping into view. 

Like a striking snake she made no hesitation- reaching out with her claw like hand she easily dragged him forward and simultaneously slit his throat with the free hand that wasn’t holding the front of his clothing. The blood sprayed her across the face and she threw him aside as if he was as inconsequential as a ball up piece of paper; the look of terror that had flashed across his face was enough to spur the demon that slumbered in her chest and brought on a blood lust that was rare to see. She was sure her partner would dispose of the survivors that came closest to him in his own way but she preferred the close up execution of these heathens - especially knowing that they would put up no real threat. She cut them down with the ease of swatting irk-some flies; snapping the neck of one man with the ease of crushing an ant, another had both arms broken at the elbows before mercifully being decapitated, one even did put up a sort of fight having sliced out at her with kunai in hand she dodged him several times until she had placed herself back to back with the woman almost laughing as reached her hands back above her head and sunk her knife-like nails into the woman's eye sockets and deep into her brain. 

She had missed this thrill - had missed the unaided swiftness she was used to disposing life with - it made her soul simmer in pleasure and her throat burn in thirst. Not now, control yourself Mizuki.. Clamping her jaw down harder to hold the fangs that so desperately wanted to sprout she would force herself to regroup and hear the assessment of their work.

WC 962 [x2 wc for event 1924]
TWC 2489 [with event wc 3451]
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Operation: Wrath of....People - Page 2 Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Wed Aug 12, 2020 10:32 pm
The oncoming wails and screams from those stuck under the veil of steam and fire filled the air as he took it all in with a stiff inhale of the air. It was something for him to experience something like this and it almost reminded him of the days where he had been hunting. Every fiber of his being wanted to jump into the fray and attack those on their last leg or even trying to escape but he would wait until they revealed themselves to the group...only then would he enact his role as executioner. His eyes moved over only for a moment to his partner who had been enjoying this as well though he wondered just what exactly had been going on through her head for this. Nothing interested him more than finding out, but at the current moment he could sense that some of the bandits had survived and were heading in their direction. The smile turned into a stoic grin as the first few were grabbed by Mizuki and dealt with, but as more came up Ibari thought this would be a perfect time to fully test his Jugo powers. Rolling his shoulders his form would begin to extend and transform as his skin darkened and his face began marked with a strip of black that extended from the crown of his nose downward. A small chuckled escaped his lips as his bones crackled and transformed on his arms, creating appendages of blades as he dashed forward carving those who came into his vision into simple viscera.

The feeling of ecstasy and job overloaded his senses and body as blood splattered onto his face from the first kill, a woman trying to escape with burn markings on the parts of her body he could see. The second to come into his vision was prepared as she drew a kunai and came at him, but his reflexes were quicker as he ducked underneath and took one of her arms off. With the opposite hand he grabbed it from the air and proceeded to beat her with it, using the flailing arm to bludgeon the female until she became nothing but a babbling mess of blood and meat. With the arm he bit into it heavily before dashing forward, carving a swath between those that would dare offend his home....his family. Nothing was sensible in the way he killed these people, such as the curse of a berserk animal but he was yet in control. He didn't turn to see what Mizuki or even Stark had been doing, but when the man's bloodbath was done his body slowly began to shrink back into his normal form as he sighed a content sigh and removed the pieces of stray arm from his mouth. As he spoke another hand would go through his hair pushing it back and out of his face," Are you finished over there?"

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Operation: Wrath of....People - Page 2 Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Fri Aug 14, 2020 5:43 pm
Mizuki was indeed finished - had been in time to watch in abject disgust as he cannibalized a man during his rampage. A faint appreciation that he was on her side flitted through her mind before she erased the disgust from her face, cleared her throat, and brought back and teasing haughty look and tone. Instead of belittling the man for his gifts or reprimanding the many atrocities even she wouldn’t cross - cannibalism being one - she instead teased him as the team mate and fellow Sunagakure shinobi he was, “You got a little something-”, she made a circular motion over his face from a distance, “-there. I take it that a celebratory dinner is out of the question?” Her eyes narrowed playfully at him before she gave him a short laugh to drive home the point that she was merely teasing him. Good to see we had a berserker in the family, Mizu thought to herself as she too straightened her hair and wiped any viscera from her dagger like nails. Flicking it away as if it were simply dirt and not muscle fibers and human tissue that clogged them. 

Now she crossed her arms finally and directed her full attention at their, unbeknownst to Ibari, overqualified babysitter - Kenshin. Who had not made a sound or word of advice or hearsay the entirety of the execution. This was a test as he had said, based on teamwork and ingenuity maybe?, so what was their grade. “Verdict time.” she would say slyly to her new companion in arms - for there were just some bloodbaths that brought people together. 

WC 266  [x2 wc for event 532]
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Ryo : 0

Operation: Wrath of....People - Page 2 Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Sun Aug 16, 2020 11:49 pm
Kenshin would watch the scene unfold with barely contained glee, watching as the waves of crushing water and scorching fire flowed deep into the cave, The Maidens water being superheated by the flames of The Berserker as it travelled and eventually caused the inevitable explosion. With his Byakugan he was able to watch as the expanding steam melted the flesh from the bones of a large group that had been trying to halt it with Earth Walls… a group of fools that should have instead buried themselves or tried to burrow away. Others tried to push it back with Wind Release but they simply couldn’t, and those that did survive only did so because they were far enough away from the initial blast and wave of steam… but that didn’t mean they were unscathed. The Reaper would watch as the two waited outside the entrance of the cave for them to crawl out, and then watched in true fascination as they quite literally tore those that remained apart… what a truly gorgeous sight, he hadn’t seen a canvas painted this well since he watched Kutari tear what little remained of Sunagakure’s defenders to pieces. The Hybrid would listen to their back and forth with a small smile on his face as he approached, liking the way that the two interacted and the camaraderie that they seemed to share after this rather irksome mission. When Mizuki looked at him and asked for the verdict he would simply smirk for a moment, before starting to lightly applaud the two. 

“Amazing work, the both of you. Truly, a spectacular performance. You were smart enough to realise that going into that cave would only have put you in danger, and you realised that them being so well fortified was a double edged sword for them… one way in means only one way out. Your teamwork was also impeccable, your use of your techniques calculated and well used… truly what I was expecting from you, which is exactly why I had decided to use this to test you in the first place.” The Raggedy Man would explain, his smirk turning positively feral as he looked directly at Ibari and shifted, the form of Stark being replaced by that of Kenshin. 

“My apologies for the deception, Stark is a persona of mine that allows me to operate in ways that I cannot as the Kazekage. Now… Mizuki, you have proven that you are more than worthy of the rank of Chunin, congratulations to you for your stellar performance. But that is not all… the way the both of you performed today was well above what I would expect from the normal rank and file shinobi of Sunagakure… so allow me to congratulate the both of you for your successful initiation to the Anbu Corps.” The Ragdoll would state with a simply wicked smile, before shifting back into the form of Stark.

“Now, let us all head back to Sunagakure… once we return I will introduce you to Lilith, my cousin and the current leader of the organisation that you both just proved yourselves worthy of joining.”

WC: 520


TWC: will add up later

Will make claims later. 
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Operation: Wrath of....People - Page 2 Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Mon Aug 17, 2020 12:49 pm
Ibari looked over at his teammate as she spoke, his eyes following her fingers before making a small smacking sound with his mouth to see if what she said was- well she wasn't wrong. Using his tongue he would move it around to flick out some of the leftover remains of his kill, the pieces hitting the sand and disappearing beneath it as he chuckled, ", Honestly I'm still a little hungry here...didn't know that would hit the hunger button," he knew she was joking, but then again so was he.

His head slowly swiveled over as Stark began to speak and as the paralouge continued he could hear the subtle change in voice before the form matched it. His eyes laid bare on the man in front of him as a sort of surprised gasp left his lips and he chuckled, " I'd be a little upset if I didn't understand the reason why you did it. Well well. Deception is a part of being a ninja so I can't be mad at it," the sudden revelation did make him wonder just how long he had been doing this and just how many people knew about it.

The last few words threw him for a loop as he blinked a bit to make sure his brain had just comprehended what his ears had heard. The initiation into something...great. not good but great. He was now an Anbu operative. A small grin played upon his face as he nodded at the affirmation and wondered what would come next.
(Exit, will post claims later)
Total: 3,137 (putting all 3,137 words to this making the new total 3,137/4,750)
Mission rewards: 12,000 Ryo, 30 AP
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Operation: Wrath of....People - Page 2 Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:31 pm
The praise would have been reward enough honestly, the way he analyzed their actions and teamwork was valuable to her in more ways than any money would have been - but it seemed that wasn’t the only thing he would be giving the two that day. Most of what he said to begin with complimented their approach and the plan she had come up with - then his voice changed into the silken tones of Kenshin along with his appropriate form and her eyes immediately darted to the side to catch Ibari’s reaction. 

It was priceless to say the least, though he did get over it in record time, as someone of his caliber it was obvious why Kenshin had to hide who he was when interacting with certain people but now… Ibari was one of the inner circle and it was actually nice to have someone else she could trust. She made to tease him when her hearing caught up with her and really heard the words Kenshin was speaking - Anbu Corps initiation. Anbu Corps. Her. She was speechless, her facial expressions would be enough to determine her feelings though. Looking back at Kenshin incredulously for a moment before breaking into a rarely seen thrilled smile, no malice, no blood lust… just happiness. She cleared her throat and the smile became more subdued as they all took off back to their home, sidling up next to Ibari this time she would gently elbow him and give him a small smile of comradery. 

Seems her life had taken another turn onto a path that she didn’t know she wanted til she was already on it - and she loved it.


WC 277 [x2 wc for event 554]

TWC 4540 - 90 AP Max stat discount Missions rewards doubled: 12k ryo and 30 extra AP
63 words toward Scattershot Technique 500/500
1039 words toward Water Prison Technique 1499/1500
2000 words towards One-Handed Handseals 2000/2000
1000 words toward Chakra Absorption V7 1000/1000
438 words toward Chakra Disguise Technique 438/1000
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Operation: Wrath of....People - Page 2 Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:11 pm
Approved for exits @Kenshin and @Ibari. Approved for claims and exit @Mizuki
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Ryo : 0

Operation: Wrath of....People - Page 2 Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:53 am
Making my claims now

TWC: 3646

353 words towards Demon Lantern (A-rank), claiming (25% max stat discount). Other 397 words trained here

750 words towards Great Dragon Flame (A-rank), claiming (25% max stat discount)

2062 words towards False Darkness (A-rank), claiming (25% max stat discount)

468 words towards Blistering Web (A-rank), 1032 words remaining

+12,000. 12,000 + 276,000 = 288,000
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