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Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Operation: Wrath of....People

Sun Apr 19, 2020 4:03 pm

The afternoon had been rather somber. The mixing of red and blue within the sky had been observed by the newly appointed Jounin as he lied on the rooftop of his apartment, bored and out of things to drink. He had met someone within the village recently, one of the ninjas named Mizuki. She had met his expectations somewhat though he was curious as to whether they would have a decent friendship or a relenting rivalry. The thought of the latter made the male chuckle somewhat as he took in a deep breath and relinquished his hold on the decanter he had in his right hand. Things had certainly been looking good in this new home of his. He had respect from most of his peers, a Kage that was not afraid to get his hands dirty and a plan in motion. Nothing could compare to the feeling of being apart of something that would work. His grasp on the power of the Jugo had been coming along greatly, to the fact where he felt more in control of it. Yes he still had fits of rage here and there, but there were contained and isolated. Sooner or later he would hold full control of this demon, but for now he would take what he could get. As the alluring colors of evening began to shift to night, the subtle shifting of footsteps began to spread across his rooftop, seems as if he had company. Looking up to them, it had been someone with a mission missive handing it off to him before poofing in a trail of smoke," Well it seems like someone was not for small talk," opening the scroll he would read over the contents and sigh for a moment.

A nighttime mission to retcon some lives from the world, surprisingly the lives of some missing ninja. Either the world was ironic or this was some badly planned joke by someone. Either way the mission was set for the darkness of night which had not been too far from now. Looking at the sky he had a few hours before he needed to be at the gates to initiate the mission. Laying back down he closed his eyes and allowed the sweet embrace of sleep take him over until it was time for the mission. A few hours passed before he had awakened from his nap with a rather long yawn, standing up to look over the village before nodding," Time to get busy I suppose....I wonder if this will go fast or slow....only one way to find out," as he plunged into the darkness of the alley by his apartment and took off toward the village gates. His commute didn't take him that long and when he arrived he looked around the gates for a moment. For the first time in what felt like a while he was going off into a mission for a village. It was a rather lackluster feeling to be honest, but something that needed to be done. As he leaned against the exit of the village, he wondered if someone else was going to be accompanying him on the slaughtering of missing ninja.

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Fri May 01, 2020 11:31 pm
The sun could be felt creeping up over the horizon as it hit the tips of her toes,her whole body was laying facing the east - but on her roof, to allow the sun to awake her at its earliest convenience. So as her eyes fluttered open at the sudden warmth her subconscious caught up to her conscious mind and she was holding back a familiar wave of fear that trapped her in her dreams nightly. As she lay gasping she simultaneously felt the calming warmth of the sun slowly climbing up her form - an antidote to the emotional turmoil she had to relive every morning. The warmth of the sun reminded her she was alive and could feel something so concrete as the suns’ rays - since then she almost goes out of her way to be in the direct discomfort of the sun; a constant provider of evidence to convince her she was indeed alive. 

Not moments after her breathing had began to return to a normal rhythm did she pick out a hawk swooping down toward her face - instead of flinching she stared it down as it landed inches from her face, mission scroll tied to its ankle. Rolling onto her stomach she untied the scroll, immediately prompting the hawk to take off, before examining the instructions assigned to her now - She stared for a moment before scoffing to herself, this was a day in her old life if she ever saw it. Quickly getting to her feet she strolled over the tiles on her roof and jumped down onto her balcony - spending the day getting herself ready for the trip, mentally and physically - slipping out the door silently as the sun began to set in the west, her movements already settling into her old mindset.

As she approached the gates, of which she lived closest to, she couldn’t help but remember the last mission she had been on, and the disappointment she had felt watching Kenshin decimate their opposition in one movement. Before her mind could dwell to much on this she spotted a lone figure leaning against the wall, Ibari, her step did not slow though her face hardened into a more appropriate mask as she came to a stop a few meters from him, “Evening Ibari, waiting on a third I would presume.” She didn’t frame it to sound like a question because she knew, that since The Wraith, Mizu was under the close instruction of Kenshin and this would be no exception.

[WC 418]
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Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Sat May 16, 2020 9:56 am
The normally haggard form of Stark could be seen walking through the moonlit streets of Sunagakure at an unusually fast pace, his typically uncaring face twisted in a mixture of a glare and a grimace, something that both confused and worried many of the people that caught sight of him as he made his way to the gates. This was not an act either, The Faceless Man truly was livid at this point… and to most that knew him it was clear that someone was going to be dying tonight, and if he had any say about it then it would be a most horrific and painful death. A group of Missing-Nin had taken it upon themselves to begin raiding towns of the Land of Wind… a land that was known to be the territory of The Monster… a land that was known to be under his protection… and these moronic shinobi had decided to start laying their own claim to the land, a challenge that he could not allow to stand. Lilith had been dispatched to track their little band down… and she had returned only hours ago with the location of their main base of operations, something that had The Raggedy Man both excited and infuriated… this entire group was going to be made an example of, and he had figured out a way to turn this situation to his own benefit. 

The Kazekage had sent for both Ibari and Mizuki, two of his most trusted shinobi… and under the guise of Stark he would be travelling with them to put them to a little test… they would be the ones to serve as his blades in this operation… and their performance would determine quite a bit regarding their futures within this village. The Abomination didn’t have either of his eyes active as he made his way towards the village, but he did have his chakra suppressed almost entirely… his chakra signature was quite distinct after-all, and unfortunately the seal upon his ring was not working correctly at the moment, and he couldn’t just vanish until Lilith managed to reapply it for him now that Sunagakure was an official village. As The Monster reached the gates of the village his focussed red eyes would come to rest upon Mizuki for a moment, before coming to rest upon Ibari. He made no effort to conceal his movement or his presence as he approached, and would come to a halt roughly 2m from each of them, just within The Cleft and thus the walls of the village. 

“Ibari, Mizuki, nice to see ya again… wish it was under better circumstances. Let’s just cut to the chase, no time for any of us to play around on this one… a group of Missing-Nin have decided that they are gonna start operating in Wind Country and have been raiding villages. The last town they visited was completely butchered, and the boss is not happy in the slightest… they knew full well that Wind Country is his territory and they knew that everything here is under his protection… yet they still said ‘fuck it’ and decided to start this. I’m sure ya can see why this issue is so urgent… this group of Missing-Nin is basically spitting on Kenshin, and they are going to be put down and made an example of. The Boss has given me control of this mission, and the two of ya are gonna come with me to kill these idiots before they can do any lasting damage… I’ll explain more as we get closer to their location, but for now follow me.” The Raggedy Man would explain in a completely serious tone, the undertones of anger within his usually uncaring voice likely quite jarring even for them. 

With that said The Faceless Man would take off into the desert at a speed of 60, not his top speed as this journey would take hours and it was best to not wear himself or the others out too quickly.

WC: 670
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:31 pm
His eyes slowly turned to Mizuki as she came closer to the gates, nodding to her before speaking," That would be correct. They should be here any moment now in fact," he stayed with his back to the gates as they both waited for the third, though when it was revealed to be Stark a small smirk appeared on his face. He gave the man a two fingered salute before listening to their mission debriefing, he wasn't physically seething but he was pretty damn mad under the surface. He had not been a ninja for Suna for long, but even he believed in honor among thieves and this was his home now. Which meant he was fine with culling some people to send a message. As the man would begin to move, Ibari would lean off of the gates and begin to move toward the male at the same speed, running a meter on his right hand side.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:42 pm
Almost as soon as the words were out of Ibari’s mouth did the third member appear, Stark - Kenshin really but there was no need to point it out. Mizuki knew she wouldn’t be allowed out of the gates without his watchful presence along for the ride, crossing her arms over her chest she turned to face him, the mask still in place - passive and unreadable. Her eyebrow arched as she watched Ibari give a small two fingered salute in his approach, something of which she noted as familiarity. Interesting… so in his time between me and his experiments he is spending time with you… her attention flickered back to Stark as he launched into his explanation for their summons to the gate. 

All in all it was standard stuff - rogue group of shinobi operating outside of the laws we have set in place and taking what is rightfully not theirs with little to no regard for the lives of people that don’t belong to them. This highly irritated Mizuki but upon Stark referencing the ‘boss’ she had to suppress a knowing grin - hearing him speak of himself in third person was always so odd. So this was a snuffing out of scum - oh how many times had she been hired to do just this.. Back before she had sought out the tutelage of The Monster this type of job was her bread and butter. Though there was a key difference this time around - she had partners. Partners who didn’t think like her and definitely weren’t on her same wavelength as they both suddenly took off without any further mention of strategy. Groaning audibly, she took off after them, using a small burst of extra speed to catch up before falling into line on Stark/Kenshin’s left, within a meter - closer than Ibari but only noticeable to Kenshin. 

Mizuki was already running through tactics in her mind and firing off questions to the pair on her right - “How many are there? Do you have any ideas of their skill sets? Confrontational approach, stealthy or even a combination of both..”, the last comment was said almost to herself alone - the sudden thrust of this task without her usual reconnaissance left her mind flying in every direction in an attempt to create a plan for every outcome - impossible. She shot them both a look , different for each, as they continued to run; To Ibari it was a mixture of confusion and exasperated - and to Stark it was plainly skeptical. Brash and short sighted were two words she would have never described Kenshin with before, except this moment.

WC 434
TWC 852
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Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:54 am
The Ragdoll would take note of the positions of both Ibari and Mizuki, each roughly 1m to his right and left respectively, although Mizuki was ensuring that she was just a tad closer to him than Ibari was, something that would likely not be noticed by the man due to their positions on either side of him, but at the same time likely not something the man would give even a second thought if he did notice. He knew Ibari, and not only would he not care, but the distance was so miniscule that it would be hard to realise that Mizuki had actually done so on purpose… but again, he knew damn well that Ibari wouldn’t care enough to truly look regardless. The man didn’t have any questions for him regarding their assignment, something that didn’t really bother the leader of the mission due to what he knew of Ibari… the man was used to assignments like this, next to no information given, and beyond that had experience of his own as a Chunin of Konoha. He understood well that sometimes you simply didn’t have all the information, and he trusted him well enough to know that if there was more information it would be given when needed, rather than while they were still hours away. Mizuki, on the other hand… he also understood, which is exactly why he would meet her exasperated look with a small smirk of his own, followed by a light wink and him mouthing the word ‘Later’.

Kenshin would keep this same pace for roughly three hours, only beginning to slow when he saw a familiar looking cave entrance in the distance, raising his hand and signalling that the three of them begin to move left, ensuring that they could not be seen approaching by anyone within the cave, and approaching until they were roughly 200m away, where he would signal for them to stop. 

“The group we’re after has made their home in that cave up ahead. Now, Mizu, I know you are used to working solo, and I know you don’t have any real experience when it comes to assignments like this in a village mission setting. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you’re an experienced assassin and you did work like this for years, I’m sure you’re used to gathering all the intel yourself and knowing what you are getting into right from the start, or at least knowing that there isn’t enough intel to really plan anything. Missions like this, in a Village, are assigned to squads, and the leader of that squad will typically have all of that information, so in this case, I have all of that. Now, as to why I didn’t answer you earlier, there was no point in answering that question when we were hours away from our destination, much better that I answer when we get closer to it so that nothing I say gets forgotten.” ‘Stark’ would explain in a no nonsense tone, his dull red eyes focussed on Mizuki and his voice low, not warning but simply because they were quite close to hostile territory. He knew that both Mizuki and Ibari would see this for what it was, simply explaining the situation to one that wasn’t used to working in a team for assignments like this. 

“Now, there are exactly 36 Missing-Nin within that cave system, and we know that all of them are camped deeper within. There are no additional entrances or exits to the system, which is why it was chosen as their base of operations, very hard to infiltrate without them knowing about it, and the blade you cannot see is often the blade that kills you. There is no real way for us to know the skillset of ALL of them, but from what we have managed to observe there are no skilled Genjutsu users amongst them, so expect most to be more skilled with conventional combat such as Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Bukijutsu.” The ‘older’ man would explain, before sighing and rubbing his eyes

“Now, I will not lie to you, I have been ordered to simply observe this mission and step in whenever either of you appears to be in true danger… so I will not be taking part in the extermination myself… as much as I wish I could. Kenshin wants me to watch the two of you, get a better idea of your fighting styles and the ways that you each approach situations like this… basically, this mission is a test for the two of you, and I am your safety net. Approach the mission in whatever way you think is best, but be aware I will be watching and will report this to the boss… oh, and be sure to work together. I don’t think I have to explain that Kenshin will have my head if either of you die… so please be careful, for my sake if not for your own.” The Raggedy Man would then say, a light chuckle escaping his mouth with the last words, the joke done more to ease any tensions that he may have built when revealing that he would not be taking part in the combat aspect of the mission. 

Mizuki was aware of his true identity… but for the time being Ibari was not, so he needed to keep up appearances, at least for now. 

WC: 900
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:25 pm
As the group made their way to the destination the right questions were asked which only prompted a nod from Ibari as he focused himself. 36 wasn't a big number but they were heading into the belly of the beast and he was not going to let a mistake get him and the team killed. A small sigh would leave his lips as he looked over to the other two and more specifically Mizuki as he spoke," We may not have any bonding lessons, but i'm going to trust you to watch my back...and keep me from dying if it comes to it. The two of us should be able to handle this without Stark here having to bloody lets have fun alright partner?," the odd eyed male simply gave her a smile as he turned forward to look for the gave. If this was a test of his powers...he had something up his sleeve that would be saved as a just in case. A true display of his mastery over the bloodline he had just gotten used to. When the three arrived to the cave he would look around for a moment before rolling his shoulders and looking to the other two," How would you like to approach this partner," he'd ask the question to Mizuki as he slowly allowed his senses to stretch into the cave's system to find their targets.

3/6 nature stacks
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:35 pm
Finally they slowed down, her eyes were searching their surroundings with hungry intensity - just daring there to be anyone in the vicinity, though she didn’t sense anyone she was always on the defense; overly cautious at times even. A mere 200m away stood the mouth of a cave which was to be their target for infiltration. Her mind was already buzzing with ideas when it was brought back to center with her name. Ken/Stark was addressing her specifically it seemed so instead of listening with half her attention she refocused on his words, her frame crouched behind a clumping of trees that would hide them if any were to be looking. For once he was explaining himself and giving her an open look into his reasoning; perhaps it was due to Ibari being there or simply because she had gotten through his barrier into a place of trust, it didn’t matter. Mizu dropped her gaze for a moment as she processed this and nodded, bringing her eyes back to the group. 

He then ran through the vital information and pointed out what she had already noticed - years of infiltration and execution had made “one way in”s a hard no on her contract lists. 36 missing nin with a wide variety of abilities that would easily cover both weak points of Ibari and herself. She was contemplating some form of three man infiltration tactics when she was granted further surprise - “I have been ordered to simply observe -” The smallest squint of irritation would be shown in her eyes as she took in the real meaning of the words. No one was ordering you to do anything and you know it… and working as a team seems to be the heavy handed lesson here so fine, work together I will. Her gaze did not return to Ken/Stark’s however, she was blocking him from her immediate thoughts since he no longer played an active part in this mission there was no need to consider him- only Ibari...

Of whom was sighing as he too was coming up with his own line of attack. Their eyes held for a few moments as he spoke, her own memory going back to their first meeting and her skittish behavior, it had only been days after The Wraith so it was to be expected. While he was more than willing to work with her as he had little choice, it was with reluctance. Rolling his shoulders he seemed to concentrate on something internally all the while seeing how she would like to proceed. Nodding in thought she continued to gaze around the area as a plan began to form - reaching into pocket inside her robes she would draw out a small black book and pen before opening it to a blank page a ways in, her hand flying across the page as she spoke in a hushed tone. 

“If we look at the cave for what it is this actually works in our benefit, with one way in or out they clearly have the advantage against infiltration but they have the disadvantage to escape.”, the drawing had formed to show the opening of the cave from a side view and a general cave system stretching out underneath it. “My idea would be to make it impossible for them to escape without having to risk our lives at all - “ her eyes would flash up to meet his with a mad glint, “-simply put, I suggest we boil them alive. I have water affinity and as long as you have fire we can combine the two to shoot down into the closed cave system and boil or drown most everyone inside… those left to stumble out should be easy enough to dispose of. If you do not possess the jutsu needed, which in this case would be Great Fire Annihilation then I can compensate for that and perform both jutsu and let you attend to any survivors left to crawl out.” closing the notebook she would simply raise an eyebrow, “Thoughts?”

WC 675
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Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Fri Jul 31, 2020 9:05 am
‘Stark’ would watch with a tired look on his face as Ibari and Mizuki took in his words, internally smirking when he saw the minute narrowing of his favourites eyes upon his form as he told them he would simply be observing… yes, of the two only she was aware of his true identity, so of the two only she knew that he was sitting out for a reason entirely different to what he had said. Now, he suspected she would believe this to be a lesson on teamwork based on his previous little speech… but that truly was only in response to what she had said and asked earlier, he knew she would look deeper into it than the reasoning that he had outright told them… when in reality that was exactly what he was doing. This mission truly was a test, and he would be observing everything from their approach to how they actually handled the Missing-Nin themselves, and he would be taking mental notes on how best each of their respective skill sets could be best utilised within the village. These were two that he knew would have high positions within Sunagakure in the future, and he wanted to make sure he knew exactly how to use each of them to the best of their abilities… to figure out exactly where each of them would serve the most use and be able to shine the brightest. In the end… teamwork honestly meant very little in this test. 

The Reaper would turn to face Ibari as the man spoke, listening to him as he told Mizuki that he would trust her to watch his back through this, before asking her how she would like to approach this situation. This alone told Kenshin that the man was quite comfortable with following any orders he was given, and more importantly, quite confident that he would be able to alter his own approach to best suit Mizuki’s skillset and back her up properly… which in turn told Kenshin that his skillset must be quite varied. He had also, of course, noticed just how calm Ibari’s chakra signature had been this entire time, and how easily he seemed to be handling the Nature Energy that came with the Natural Berserker bloodline that he had implanted… all in all this man was already impressing him quite a bit, and it seemed like he would be a very solid placement almost anywhere within the villages command structure. He would, of course, need to test him a bit more to see how he handled other types of missions, but he could already see that Ibari was quite the boon to Sunagakure as a whole. He had already known and suspected a lot of this though, as the man had been a shinobi for a long time now and, as he suspected and later confirmed with some digging, Ibari had actually been a Jounin before his ties within Konoha were severed… but what did he care, the man was now a very loyal Jounin of Sunagakure and well… he was rather glad to see Konoha losing such a promising and powerful Shinobi. 

His musing was cut short when Mizuki began to speak, showing a quick drawing she had made in her little black book of both the caves entrance itself and a small illustration of a generic cave system stretching out behind and beneath it… not exactly an accurate illustration of this one but, at the same time, it was still a cave system and that was all that mattered. The idea that she had though… well, it was next to impossible for him to suppress his grin, so he settled for allowing a small and pleased smirk to split his lips. He was quite glad that she was able to spot that the greatest strength of this groups hideout was also its greatest weakness… no additional exits meant to emergency escape routes if things went wrong, aside from those that were skilled enough with Earth Release of course, but they were outliers. Personally, if he had been the one to handle this situation, he would do something extremely similar yet different to what Mizuki was suggesting they do… after-all, why bother wasting the chakra needed to use a powerful water technique before superheating it when you could just use the Great Fire Annihilation to simply flood the entire Cave System with flames. He was not dense, he knew EXACTLY what she was planning with that specific combination… knew exactly what results such a Collaboration Technique would produce and just how effective it would be in this specific scenario… but he personally didn’t see why such lengths would be needed to handle to handle this when just one of the techniques would work perfectly. 

It was not a bad thing though, as it showed that Mizuki was more than willing to sacrifice all stealth when needed it wasn’t the best course of action, while at the same time possessing the necessary strength and versatility to actually handle those situations with ease. On top of that, the fact that she was using such an over the top combination in this scenario told him one simple thing… this woman was going to make sure she took out as many of them as she possibly could in this first strike… the level of overkill showed him that she was the type who wanted to make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that their opponent was dead. In this case, those that were not outright killed by this attack would be either quickly on their way, or left injured/debilitated by the reaction that these two techniques would produce. A steam explosion of that magnitude would flood the entire cave system with superheated steam hot enough to easily melt flesh, and those that did manage to survive the initial blast and steam would then need to worry about the residual heat and pressure from the steam… and that was if the cave system itself didn’t collapse from the expanding pressure and force of the explosion. 

All in all one thing was clear… however this ended up going, the next part of this mission was going to be an absolute blast

WC: 1036
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Operation: Wrath of....People Empty Re: Operation: Wrath of....People

Wed Aug 05, 2020 8:25 pm
Ibari stood in silence as he listened to his partners idea, and for a moment he tilted his head. Not out of confusion, but the opposite- out of excitement. It was certainly an out of the box thinking for dealing with the bandits while also keeping themselves in a position in which they would not get harmed. A collaboration of both fire and water, though he would have assumed that water and lightning would have been the better option here due to their coherence between the two elements but this? Definitely seemed like a punishment combo rather than a combo to end them quickly. Ibari looked around for a moment to gauge not only where he had been but the specifications of the cave entry as well as what they knew about the cave in general. As the other two stood there he began to reposition himself 2 meters to the right so that his face had been slightly tilted toward the caverns entrance, but in a way that when they began their assault, the fire would begin to spew straight into the cavern with no margin for error. Looking back to Mizuki he would begin to do a light stretch before giving her a thumbs up," If you have the water I have the fire. Let's start our little stew," and as if on cue he would begin to wait for her.

When she began her hand seals for her water technique he would wait a moment before performing the hand seals for his fire technique. Horse . Dog, Ram, Dragon ,Tiger , Snake ,Tiger were woven with swiftness so that when the water sprouted forward from her, the stream of fire would head forward until they connected in the tunnel. Once the two met, the fire would begin to spread outward causing a wide wall of flames to sprout forward. Ibari would hold the tiger handseal allowing the flames to continue to travel through the cave, filling each passage and cave room with scorching flames. It wouldn't be long before the screams and howls of those that thought they would stand again Suna would begin to fill the warm air of the night.
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