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Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 6000

Don't Forget An Umbrella ( B Rank Mission ) Empty Don't Forget An Umbrella ( B Rank Mission )

Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:55 pm
Mission Info:

Lightning clashed against the sky as Furo splashed through a puddle that splashed up and wet his pant legs. He did not have time worry about what his clothing looked like, but, he did have to question why he wore such bright clothing. It stained easy and he was in a village that was constantly raining. His thoughts were distracted as a large piece of wood broke free from a building in front of him. His eyes widened and his muscles tensed right before he leapt up and over the piece of flying debris. He craned his head over his shoulder, continuing his sprint, as he watched the piece of debris tear through the streets. That would have been a problem for someone who was not paying attention.
He skidded to a stop in front of the leader’s quarters as he fell in line with the other shinobi who were getting their orders. A Jounin that Furo had seen a few times was barking orders to everyone around him. Furo was able to get in close and hear what was being shouted. “Villagers need help all over!” He shouted as thunder broke up his words. Furo had to listen closely to him to catch what he was saying. “The docks are flooded and ships aren’t able to dock. Hunters are trapped out in the woods and we are getting some reports of missing children. Our response is simple: If you see people outside, get them inside, they probably don’t belong out here.” He nodded his head and everyone in their little group nodded back and just like that they all took off in different directions.
Furozan looked around as he was one of the last left standing there and, not wanting to get scolded, also leapt off. He was always surprised at how much more efficient the other shinobi around him were. The way they were able to get to work without question and then there he was left wondering where he should be going. It was no wonder they had him guarding banks and cleaning up sand. However, how was he supposed to get that kind of experience if he was never allowed to undertake a dangerous mission? Well, he guessed this was his chance; they were referring to this as a B Rank mission which would be the most difficult mission he had undertaken.
His foot nearly slipped off of a slippery branch as he was gliding through but he regained his balance and decided to focus instead of thinking. He needed to look for any kind of movement, any kind of sound, anything that seemed out of the ordinary. This did harken back to his thoughts about how useless the common folk were. They had known the storm was coming for a whole day now and they had been told to stay inside and not participate in anything that was unnecessary and yet here they were acting as if they needed to be outside. At what point did the people of the village deserve what was coming to them?
“Help!” The voice distant but Furo landed on a tree branch and listened in. He did not hear anything after the first shout but he figured they were trying to save their breath. He hopped around looking for anything that might indicate a person. “Help me!” He heard it again, this time it was closer, and he pinpointed it as behind him. Furo jumped down from the tree and went in the direction of the sound. After a few seconds of searching he spotted a young boy whose leg was pinned under a large tree branch that had fallen.
Furo went to action and sprinted up to the boy and immediately put his hand under the log. The wetness of the tree made it difficult to get a good grip. “I thought I was a goner,” The boy said as Furo was able to lift it just enough that he was able to wiggle himself out from under it. “Thank you!” The boy said as he tried to get to his feet but collapsed quickly. Furo sighed, his leg was most likely broken, he was going to have to transport him to the medical center.
“Come on,” Furo said as he bent down and put the boys arm around his neck and he lifted him up into a cradled position. With that, Furo leapt up into the trees, and began his trek back to the village. “What are you doing out here in the woods when you know there is a storm coming?” Furo was stern in his questioning and not looking at him. He did not wish to scold the boy too hard but it was a pretty foolish mistake to be out here during all of this.
“Got to, sir,” The boy said matter of factly. Furo looked down at him with curious eyes as he continued speaking. “We don’t hunt we don’t eat. Not everyone can be a shinobi ya know. I tried myself but apparently I don’t have that chakra stuff you got that makes you all super powered. Must be nice…” Furo kept his eyes ahead and grumbled.
It was an interesting thought. He could not believe that anyone would want to be a ninja, but, then again not everyone was born with the ability to be one. He guessed the grass was always greener. But still, did it take away common sense? Couldn’t they just wait until the storm passed? He glanced down again and noticed the boy could not be older than ten or eleven years old and yet he was responsible for providing? Even though his father was not the best man around, he would never leave it up to his children to provide, he would do whatever it took to ensure they had food and would not put any of his children at risk. Even the lowest of them, which Furo most certainly was, would not be asked to provide like this boy had.
Furo came to the edge of the woods and found himself at the edge of the village. He made his way towards the medical center and he noticed other shinobi as well as him approaching. Some carried children, women, some even had men that were being helped in. This is bad, he thought to himself, as he carted the boy to the medical center. There was a triage area out front with a nurse guiding everyone around. “Critically wounded are to be brought into the building. Non critical injuries can be put in the triage tents!” Furo looked around and noticed large, well built, tents that were slightly blowing in the wind. Furo dropped the boy off on a little cot and did not waste time dallying as someone approached him. “Thanks again!” The boy shouted back and Furo nodded his head before he leapt away.
The next few hours went roughly the same as the first part. Furozan would go out and search high traffic places, he would find someone, he would return them to the village. Rinse and repeat. It was, admittedly, somewhat of a fun time for him. There was something about it that made him feel alive. He was enjoying being in the dangerous situation and having the common folk rely on him. He remembered how they scoffed at him and pretended he did not exist when he was in the bank and how they talked down to him for helping them clean the streets. Now they looked at him with reverence. Now that he was saving their hides.
“We have to get out to the docks!” One of the higher level shinobi was shouting as he once again dropped someone off at the medical center. “Ships are crashing into each other left and right. People are drowning out there!” Furozan nodded and he took off into the directions of the docks. This was not going to be easy. The waves were going to be insanely high and treacherous even for high level shinobi. I think a lot of them knew it but they had been ordered and they could not back away now. Plus, he did not want to back away; maybe he could cement himself here.
His fears were answered as he stopped and propped himself atop a small building on the outskirts of the dock. The waves were humungous and all the docked boats in the port were bouncing around almost comically. He could see ships out at sea with their cabin lights on indicating that they needed assistance. It would not be wise for them to try and dock with the waves the way that they were. The scene was chaotic and Furozan was not sure exactly what they needed to do. He saw a few shinobi attempting to walk out onto the water but the waves were so finicky that they were being tossed around and a few were even getting submerged. None the less they had to try something.
Furozan took off and felt the chakra pooling in his feet so that he could walk on the water. He jumped from the dock and landed, trying his best to stay steady, but it was like being on top of jello as the water moved rapidly under his feet. He could not stand still because the water was trying its best to envelop him. He had to focus on the waves, feel the rhythm, and try and predict how the water was going to react. So much easier said than done as after a few minutes he felt like he was getting nowhere. He would run up a wave to try and get to the other side and as he did so another one seemed to be right behind it threatening to crash into him and take him under.
He had to stay focused as he neared a ship. He was making very slow progress but he was getting somewhere. He could hear the pleas from the ship as he got closer and a moment of clarity hit him as he was approaching. How was he going to get them back? It was precarious enough trying to get himself to the boat and adding another person, or even two, was going to make getting back nearly impossible. He did not have much time to think as he finally got to the boat and he launched himself on board.
“We did not think anyone was going to get to us!” A man shouted, covered in water, as he approached Furozan who still did not have a plan on how he was going to get them to land. He was not sure how to tell them he did not know how he was going to get them back.
“Do you want to live more than you care about this ship?” Furozan asked the question simply and he was met with a curious glance from the men. They looked around at each other a little confused.
“What is that supposed to mean?” A taller man who appeared to be the captain said, taking a step forward, shielding his face from the splash of water that constantly appeared over the edges of the ship.
“It means that there is no easy way to get us all back,” He motioned out towards the waters that were rocking up and down all around them. “I can get this ship to land, but, it will be a rough landing and will probably mess the ship up. So I ask again. Do you value your lives more than the ship?” He crossed his arms and stared at them awaiting their response.
“Yes, yes, just get us to safety, please!” He glanced at the others and they all seemed to agree.
Furozan nodded and he began to form hand seals. He figured he could control the waterfall technique enough to bring the ship relatively safely onto the shore so that the occupants could get to safety. It would consume a lot of chakra and would require precise aiming but he could do it. Not wasting time to think it through he pressed his hands to the hull of the ship and he slowly felt it being lifted into the air.
Above the waves the ship moved and it aimed right for the shore. He turned his head and realized he probably should have told them to hang on to something as they slipped around and cursed trying to not fall overboard. It was a lot smoother than the waves crashing into the ship but it was a different feeling so he understood why they were flailing around.
A few moments later the ship crashed onto land, the front of the ship hitting hard, sending Furozan and the crew lurching forward. He was able to stop himself from crashing into anything that would damage him but he lost track of the crew. He looked up and noticed they were all there and he motioned for them to get off the ship. “If any of you are hurt get to the medical center. Otherwise, get yourselves home.” And next time don’t go out on the water when a storm is coming, he thought to himself, but did not say outloud.
The other shinobi had noticed what he had done and they began doing the same thing. After about another hour the shoreline was lined with ships. It was only when he saw what was happening that he thought of the consequences. This would cause a lot of damage and hurt the livelihood of these men. They would not be able to go out onto the waters for quite some time while they awaited their ship repairs. He kept thinking to himself that it was their fault. They decided to take the risk and now that they had been saved they had no right to question what they had done.
He knew that was not going to stop them, however.
Getting everyone to shore was no easy task but he could tell the storm was starting to dwindle down a bit. The chaotic scene around the village seemed to be calming down so he decided he would head back to headquarters and see if there was anything else that needed doing.
His thoughts kept coming back to the task at hand and how he felt about everything going on. The disdain that the common folk had for the shinobi who worked so hard to keep them safe was constantly itching at the back of his head. How could they be so unappreciative of what they did for them? He figured the Mizukage was going to get plenty of reports about the damages done here today and it was going to be nothing but complaints. Especially from the ship owners who would, no doubt, ask for compensation.
He tried to push it down and not think about it. He did not like how it made him feel. It angered him how they reacted to their help. They should be thanking them non stop for everything that they did, but they did not. They responded in kind with cold shoulders and disdain. Not all of them were like that, admittedly, but enough of them were that it stuck out to Furo. Besides, what was the point in thinking about it? It was not like there was anything he could do to fix it, was there?
He landed softly back at headquarters and he made his way inside. He felt relief as he walked into a dry building and he felt even more comforted to hear the sounds of relaxed voices. That indicated that the worst was past.
“Hey good job out at the docks,” A voice came from behind him and he turned to see a Jounin who was drying himself off. He was a taller man and he wore a smile on his face that seemed inappropriate for the situation at hand. “It will probably result in a lot of grumblings from the fishermen but it saved their lives. Quick thinking.” He smiled and patted Furo on the shoulder.
He was not sure how to react to praise. So much so that all he could do was utter a quick “Thanks.” That sounded awkward and forced. The man smiled but quickly walked away and Furo looked on after him. It was an odd feeling, being appreciated, but it did feel good. He did have this odd feeling like it was going to be set off by something negative but it never came.
He spent the rest of the night eating food that had been provided to the emergency workers. Some of them decided to partake in a little drinking but Furo did not engage in that. Instead he sat at the back and observed. He watched as men bragged about what they had accomplished. Others told sad stories of the ones who did not make it. It all seemed so par for the course. Did it not occur to them that this could have all been avoided with a few simple orders for people to stay inside? It seemed like they were more worried about what the people would think about them if they did that then the safety of the villagers.
These were thoughts that needed to be quelled so he finally removed himself from his seat and made his way back home. For once he felt like he had earned a good night’s rest. So as he entered his home he took a nice warm shower, made a cup of tea, and sat down cross legged on his bed. He spent the rest of the night reading until he finally felt himself slipping into dream land with his book left open beside him. That night he thought of the boy he had rescued and envisioned what would have happened if he had not shown up. The boy cried out into the darkness of the woods begging for help but none came.

WC: 3,004

15 total stat points: All to speed

2500 words to Great Vortex Jutsu ( A Rank ) 

500 words to Water Replacement ( D Rank ) 

+3000 Ryo
+100 Ryo Genin Wage
+7 AP
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Don't Forget An Umbrella ( B Rank Mission ) Empty Re: Don't Forget An Umbrella ( B Rank Mission )

Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:32 pm
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