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[Mission] Page Routes the Robber  Empty [Mission] Page Routes the Robber

Wed Jan 20, 2021 2:39 am
Mission Details:

Page awoke at the top of his sensei's tea shop, his dog Sheffield prancing along on top of him stirring him up rather violently from what was a peaceful sleep. "Suppose its breakfast already isn't it Shef? You know you could be more graceful when it comes to waking me up boy, a brisk nudging could work," Page mumbled, Sheffield whined in response, his want for food presenting itself to his human companion. "Ah, I can't stay mad at you Shef, let's see if we can't find some nice food down at the market, as good as sensei's food is, been too long since I had some good protein, here they got some good eggs down the street, that sound good boy?" Page asked his dog, who replied with a happy bark, a lick to the face and a wagging tail, the obvious signs of approval. 

Page stepped out of bed, walking to his closet to get properly dressed. He picked up his forearm bracer, tied it to his right arm, locked it in tight and tapped it to measure its security before grabbing his headband and tying it on his left upper arm, over his clothing showcasing his allegiance sworn to the Village Hidden in the Sand, then going and grabbing a second band, this one much larger than the one he had just tied over his arm, and tied it around Sheffield like a scarf. Now both in uniform so to speak, they headed out of the tea shop, saying their greetings as they passed Sarutobi Sensei, Page with words, Sheffield with a bark, and down to the market. The fateful pair entered the market square, both drawn by the scent of all kinds of delicious breakfast foods pouring into the morning air. Page walked up to the shop he had heard about, Over Easy’s, and, surveying the entrance, passed through the entrance and began to order. “I’ll take a couple orders of eggs, hard boiled, an order of bacon and ahhh, I guess an order of pancakes, please and thank you,” Page requested, covering the food and walking outside with it bundled up in his arms, slowly feeding it to Sheffield while marking some out for himself, filling up his empty belly. He noticed something strange, however, about his dog’s diet; despite scarfing down everything else the former farmer had given him, the wolf would not touch one bite of the bacon. Odd, but I guess not unheard of, pork is a no go with Shef, I’ll remember that, Page thought, before wandering over to the mission board.

Page meandered along, partially anxious about going on his first solo mission for the village, partially just wanting to prolong the leisure time he had before getting back to work, time he could spend enjoying his food, time he could spend relaxing, time he could have spent sleeping if Shep didn’t interfere. Eh, Page thought, continuing his inner monologue, no use in spending energy pining to not expend energy. Let's just get this day started, after all it will be nice not having Sarutobi Sensei looking over my shoulder for this mission. 

The man who just months ago was farming potatoes scanned the mission board in a country he had not visited for some time before this trip, a country whose hidden village he had joined in a matter of days. Which of these looks best, hmm, the genin’s mind wandered, ah, this one looks interesting, sure as hell won’t be boring whatever happens, just hope I don’t got to get too violent. The sand shinobi picked up the dossier and began to read more, exposing the title to his curious dog, the external having written on it “C-RANK: TRACK DOWN AND DETAIN CON MAN.”

Well, at least I know I’ll be cleaning up the area a bit, Page thought, mulling over the dossier already knowing he would accept it but still going through the ruse in his head of making an educated decision, I hate people like this, just breed more harm into the world, now to the part that matters, ah there. The weary traveler’s eyes took it letter by letter, DO NOT KILL, a restriction that eased his mind knowing that he would not be scolded or reprimanded for his lack of a killer instinct, instead, it appeared, having that inclination to save where one could spurn, was to be rewarded.

“Settled then boy, this will be our first mission just the two of us,” the man said to the beast beside him, “Let's go find this son of a bitch and show him what for,” Page concluded, strutting up to the mission desk to confirm he would be accepting the task. As the request was being processed, he read up on the potential location of the ne’er do well, finding that the mysterious perpetrator's victims had been reporting meeting a figure dressed in a robe of bright purple with yellow highlights between the grove and the bloodworks before falling unconscious and waking with their wallets missing. 

“Well looks like we got a location to scout out for clues then Shef, you got that nose ready?” the farmer asked, his companion looking up to him and nodding as they set out from the market and to the Bloodworks. The man stepped down the road, passing along the side closer to the grove, eyes out and nostrils flared out, catching all there could be to smell and all that there could be to see. He surveyed the streets with great detail, finding the stains of saliva from the drooling victims that had been knocked out, a useful detail to tell him in the right place, but not a clue that would help him find his target. His eyes then shifted to the nearby forested grove, eyes picking out every oddity, every piece of litter or forgotten knick knack then boom, a clue.  Apparently someone came through this brush in a hurry, tore their clothes as hanging from the branch of a bush was a torn bit of purple fabric with yellow accents, exactly like he had read described just earlier.

WC: 1,023
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[Mission] Page Routes the Robber  Empty Re: [Mission] Page Routes the Robber

Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:04 pm
Page lifted the fabric to his nose, taking up a large waft of it, grabbing the scent before putting it lower to the ground for Sheffield to similarly gain a sense of the smell of this guy, and they were off. They let their noses lead them as they were guided by a distinct smell, almost like a cheap cologne, and Page quickly found himself following around the scent trail all from the area near the bloodworks to a place beyond the market, beyond the spire, a 4 star hotel, had obviously seen better day, but this place was just plain stinking of the stuff he picked up from the cloth, he knew his man was to be found somewhere over here, probably had been staying at the hotel, and decided to plant himself outside till the man came out.

Page kept diligent attention of the front of the hotel, sending Sheffield around back to look for other exits, keeping his nose out for the scent appearing any place more potent, or a place where the potence had seemingly increased. Eventually, however, the door swung open and a man matching the description outlined in the dossier exited from the building, and Page signalled for his wolf companion to come back to meet him as he started tailing the man in the bright colors. He followed him through the village, taking a left down the market, towards the spire, then taking a left from from there towards the blood works, another left towards the market and god damn it. Page just realized before they went for the fourth left that this guy had caught onto his tail, and so, gearing up to fight his opponent, he adopted a tiger stance and got ready for combat. Unbeknownst to the former farmer, the manipulator had been weaving hand signs and by the time he turned around, he locked eyes with the target, the target locked eyes with them, and the genjutsu sunk in deep.

The former farmer's mind was painfully taken from his head, leaving his body and the mortal realm as his vision distorted in a series of bright colors formed the patterns and all the sudden he was transported from the village, a series of tan bricks, to a cage of translucent blue in a wave of purple seas. The purple sea turned from a water to the same pattern of cloth iconic to the perpetrator that put him into this state. The waves of thread rose and rose, rising to the former farmer's feet, colder than water, but somehow an impossible smoothness surpassing even the finest of silk. The combination of harshness and ecstacy had completely paralyzed the sand shinobi as he was entirely overwhelmed in every single sense, save for one, his smell. He drowned in satin as he experienced the cloth covered his eyes, blinding him. As the darkness set into his eyes, a claw ripped through the through the darkness, exposing folds in the blinding dark from which a claw emerged, gripping deeply onto the brain drifting in darkness, crunching onto it and causing the it to leak all sorts of liquids. As the droplets of juice seeped from the meaty amalgam that once had thoughts, within one of the ichorous yellow colored crystalline drops laid an imperfection. As the imperfection became clearer Page realized he had been seeing himself in the third person, zooming in as his eyes set themselves into place back in his skull, the orange crusted over and locked him into place, sealing off all movement and air as he went from total over exposure of his sense to pure and entire null, a bliss of a sort and then boom, unconsciousness.

From the outside, it looked like Page had merely seized up, before starting to drift off to sleep as the man in the robes approached his slumped over body, searching through his clothes to find his wallet. Before the manipulator could find the money, however before he could grab any, a vicious wolf pounced from the shadows, biting onto the man as he awoke the former former farmer with a series of swift kicks to his gut, breaking him out of the genjutsu. As Page found his footing he found himself more than a bit pissed off at the guy who put him in the stupored state, laughing just a tad maniacally as Sheffield tore at his arm, ripping the fabric and tendons like they were one and the same, chomping and tearing until bone was exposed. The man in purple then made easily the gravest mistake of the night, if not his life. He lifted his other arm and struck the dog biting at his side.

Page had endured a not so great past 5 minutes, and for a way to end it off, his dog, the one creature he adored most in the world, getting struck in the face set him off. As sheffield was set off into the sky, the enraged farmer caught him, applying medical ninjutsu in a veterinarian sense to his wounded ally. The perpetrator was cursing about how he couldn't weave jutsu for a while because of all the pain, but this gave Page an idea as he sprang to the foe. Ducking under a thrown fist he locked the man in a full nelson, biting at his ear, tearing it off before throwing the man onto the hard ground, forcing him to take the impact on his neck with a snap dragon suplex. Having released the full nelson, he slipped down the uninjured arm, stopping a hand at the elbow before delivering a crippling punch, bending it entirely the wrong way to the point that bone began to show its unwanted and damning head. Disarmed figuratively and somewhat literally, the man tried to escape but with a swift kick to the back of the knee, his legs buckled beneath him. Succumbing to a wrath like no other, Page took the man's hands, first right, then left, and took turns breaking finger after finger, shoving them deep into his palm, and fusing it all together, preventing the man from ever making a hand seal again. Eventually, the perpetrator passed out from the pain, and with his body no longer providing resistance to the onslaught, the former farmer calmed down, his companion sheffield coming closer for some, albeit done with roughed hands, pets. Page did a full analysis of Shef's well being and found no signs of permanent or lasting damage, just a small bruise which he quickly took care of. The broken man, however, did not get the same treatment, as Page took a potato sack, put it over and tied the top of the target, and brought the poor sop back to mission control for them to deal out punishment. Page had figured he had probably already paid for his burglary in spades, but there was no price high enough for him to have to pay for committing the high sin of hurting Sheffield. Page was certain, no one fucks with Sheffield.

WC: 1178, TWC: 2,201
+11 Stats Sheffield
+11 Stats Page 
+4k ryo (with global mission change)
+20 AP
Taijutsu Puncture 1.5k/1.5k
Sheffield Grabs Slash 250/250
Storage Displacement 467/500 continued from Here
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

[Mission] Page Routes the Robber  Empty Re: [Mission] Page Routes the Robber

Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:23 pm
Approved, please note that since a hunter was not requested it does not count as a hunter mission.
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[Mission] Page Routes the Robber  Empty Re: [Mission] Page Routes the Robber

Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:41 pm
yep, thats why i didnt request one lol, just a normal C rank
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