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Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:37 pm
Mission Details

The young silver-haired Uchiha had flashed a grin as he had entered the training grounds, excited for the mission that he was about to partake in. Most of the missions that he had done were all basically simple tasks, however, this one was a little more different than all the others. This particular mission was a request from another Shinobi, like himself. Apparently, both Ise and his unknown training partner were to learn a jutsu from one another, and once the two of them were successful, they were able to consider the mission complete. Not only would the two of them learn a new jutsu, but they would also be getting paid for completing the task as well. Sure, this was just like all the other missions that Isemori had done, however, this mission was a lot more fun than gardening.

Ise had decided to sit on the very top of the hill right on the ledge above the pond, looking to see if anyone would enter the water gardens from the main entrance. I wonder who this Shinobi is? I don't think I've met all of the Genin just yet. Hopefully, it's someone that I know!" Isemori had thought to himself, unable to contain his excitement. The young Uchiha sat there patiently as he had waited for his training partner to arrive. He also wondered what jutsu he could learn from this person. It made him wish that he knew who his training partner was beforehand, but then again, perhaps this person had wanted to keep this training a secret possibly? Whatever the case was, he was glad that he would be able to train with someone again. The last person he trained with was Zeo Kamigawa, who taught him better Chakra Control. He told himself that if he ever saw him again, he'd return the favor, somehow.

WC: 314
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
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Ryo : 35400

Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Re: Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:53 pm
Zeo was not thrilled about taking a lower rank job by comparison to the other jobs he had undertaken since his time in Hoshigakure. Itt wasn't like it was terrible, but something so simple. Still, he was summoned specifically for this job for his advanced knowledge in jutsu. He was just to teach someone some pointers and how to better perform some jutsu. What it was, he didn't know. He had to know the person first and their strengths.

He soon arrived to the academy training area, where he used to work with other students. He saw some academy students running around doing their exercises but nothing that indicated the person he had to train... at least till he saw the one person he remembered.

"You have to be kidding me..." he sighed.

THe same light-haired kid from before. The overly cheerful one. It wasn't that he was unwelcomed, it just was a little exhausting to realize he was the one he had to be responsible for. He often threw him through a loop. "You mean to tell me you are the one I have to train today? "

Zeo let out a deep breath. He tried to compose himself. He had no issue teaching this person different techniques, but their styles were complete polar opposites. He was a person sklilled in Water Release, and this kid used Fire. How was he supposed to teach him more beyond that?

WC: 240
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Re: Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:34 pm
As Ise sat there, he was glad to see Zeo, however, his facial expression had changed once he heard Zeo speak. "Hey, what that's supposed to mean? You should at least be happy that you get to train with a familiar face," Ise had said, unable to not at least smirk. Zeo had been the one to help him control his Chakra better, and now, he was able to learn and maintain some really good fire style jutsu. "Well, at any rate, why don't we go ahead and get started, yeah?" Ise had said with a pause walking in front of Zeo. "I'll be teaching you a really cool jutsu that I learned not too long ago." Ise had said, beginning to form the hand signs Snake, Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Ram in that order. Then, once he had formed the final hand seal had been formed, Ise had gathered chakra in his right hand and released it in the form of a red-colored orb up in the sky above him, taking other people in the area into consideration. The orb had shot into the air, reaching twenty meters above them, beginning to ten meters outward while still out of the way of harming anyone. The young Uchiha had turned now in order to face the blue-haired Shinobi and had begun to speak.

"That jutsu is called Cero, and if you already guessed, that is the jutsu you will be learning from today," Ise had said, grinning happily. "Now, as for the jutsu that I wanna learn for you ... hmm," Ise had said, trying to think of what it was called. It had something to with Genjutsu, and that was when it had finally come back to him. "Oh, yeah! It's the Genjutsu Release! It's supposed to help someone from breaking free from a person's Genjutsu. I don't know how to train for such a jutsu, but something tells me that you more than likely have a way to show me," Ise had said with a grin.

WC: 336
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Re: Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:39 pm
Zeo didn't react at first as he went on talking. While he could admit, he was sounding a bit bitter, it was not intended. The differences between them were great after all. How were they to teach one another anything relevant? However, something did happen Zeo didn't expect. The Use of Cero was indeed interesting to watch as he saw him perform it. It was one Jutsu Zeo didn't know and saw how it formed a fiery red jutsu that shot skyward before it exploded in the air, far from view. Flashy if nothing else.

Still Zeo fronwed as he saw the jutsu and sighed. "That's... Great. Just one small problem you may have forgotten," he replied with a small hint of sarcasm. "Some of us cannot perform fire style jutsu. How am I suppose to learn that?"

He didn't understand how Cero worked. He had not studied that jutsu, at least not yet. Regardless of how he paid attention to the signs used and seen its execution, it didn't explain how it worked.

Ise was quick to add though how Zeo might help him learn Genjutsu release. That, Zeo could handle. He had not only known it but mastered it. Someone with careful chakra control did have the affinity for genjutsu and Zeo could use it. Still, this kid was something complicated.

"Do you even know how Genjutsu works? " He asked as he explained, "It's not as simple as simply doing a hand sign. Genjutsu release depends on your chakra control and how much force you put to break up its usual flow. Genjutsu works by using chakra on another person's chakra network to influence their nervous system. You have to first know you're even under a genjutsu, and that then it can only work so far on its own. It is less aboutt manipulating hand signs and more about disrupting your own chakra flow to stop the genjutsu."

Zeo did the one hand sign for Genjutsu release. But in pratice and reality, one didn't need to use the hand sign. "Chakra moves at a pace and flow like one's heartreat. Disrupt the chakra into an irregular rate briefly-- the genjutsu dissolves... mostly. Higher level of genjutsu cannot be broken by the afflicted alone. Sometimes you need a person outside to help you."

Zeo didn't mean to be strict, but these lessons were not easily grasped in a short period of time and he made it sound easy.

WC: 411
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Re: Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:27 pm
Ise had held his smile for the most part, until Zeo had begun to say that he couldn't learn Fire Style Ninjutsu. Ise didn't know whether to twitch his eyelids in irritation or to actually laugh. Sure, the color of his Cero was red, which normally signified someone's own chakra nature, however, Ise had only fired a condensed form of ordinary chakra. "One, that wasn't a fire style ninjutsu. Cero varies in color between who has learned and can use the Jutsu," Ise had begun to explain. "However, I'm not sure if you could put your chakra nature into it or not just yet. What I'm trying to tell you is that the red orb of chakra wasn't based on my fire chakra nature. It was just regular chakra that took on the color red," Ise had said, trying to be polite even though Zeo wasn't. Although, Ise couldn't really hold a grudge against him, since he came up with an idea on how he could make that Jutsu better.

"As for Genjutsu, you're right. I may not be able to see the signs right away as far as being under the Genjutsu, but I'm pretty sure there's a way to figure those kinds of things out if one's determined enough to learn," Ise had said, speaking the truth. "At any rate, what you're saying is I gotta basically circulate my chakra within my body while being able to control it, and that should be enough to help me be able to break free from a Genjutsu, right?" Ise had asked in a rhetorical sense, already putting two and two together. Normally that was how he had been able to control his chakra better too ever since Zeo had trained him that day. "Well, I better give it a shot, and I think I know the best way on how to do that," Ise had said, walking over to the ledge of the cliff, looking down at the pond right below them. If it was Chakra Control being the basis of learning this technique, then all Ise had to do was circulate his chakra throughout his body while still being able to stay on top of the water's surface at the same time. If he could do that, then he would be able to release himself from a Genjutsu, or that was what was said to happen. What Zeo didn't know that Ise hadn't only been training in fire style ninjutsu. He also had been frequently learning to control his Chakra ever since his first training session. "Well, good luck learning Cero! It shouldn't be too hard for ya, but if need any pointers, let me know, and I'll help ya out!" Ise had said, giving Zeo a Thumb's Up gesture with his usual grin just before he decided to jump down from the ledge of the cliff, managing to turn his feet towards the wall of the cliff as he descended; gathering Chakra to his feet. He was able to now run along the wall now rather than just simply falling.

WC: 512
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Re: Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:07 pm
Zeo listened as Ise explained this new jutsu. Cero it was called and it seemed it wasn't fired style. It was a jutsu that ADAPTED to the chakra nature a person possessed. That was a surprise as he had not learned of that jutsu sooner. Still his focus had been to suiton jutsu t hat adapted to him and also learning more on genjutsu arts. It was why he knew more about genjutsu and how 'release' worked more than most. While his tone was not meant to be superior or arrogant, Zeo couldn't help but scoff a bit at Ise's overconfidence and behavior over it all. He couldn't tell if he really took being a shinobi seriously.

He looked carefully at Cero again and saw how the jutsu was formed. If he followed the art properly, he could adapt it t o his own chakra properly. He got the grasp now and figure he could now practice that jutsu better now. However, he still felt a bit put off by Ise's overly optimistic attitude. It just rubbed him wrong and it was hard to describe. But then Zeo was not the most social of people. Sure he was on guard and some people helped him open up, but Ise was also a little too perky verging on annoying.

Ise soon left after doing the attempt of Release jutsu, and in the end, he gave his usual cheerful grin and a thumbs up, wishing Zeo luck with practicing Cero. Zeo didn't answer back as he watched him take off like a rocket. Every time he spoke, Zeo was dumbfounded and couldn't really get a reed on the person. He couldn't tell how serious he was about ninjutsu and being a shinobi. Everyone had their own motivations, but for Zeo it was deeply personal. To become stronger to not allow tragedies like the ones that happen to him, from ever happening again. If he could use this power to help people, he would dedicate and give anything to persue that goal.

Slowly, he began to pratice the hand signs of Cero as he remembered, slowly feeling how the chakra form. After a bit of time, as he walked home performing it, he soon was summoning a ball of light blue chakra, his own chakra's form in the use of Cera....

With any luck, he could grasp this jutsu and be able to use it before he needed in a major fight. Still, it was possible it was capable of of more than met the eye.


WC: 415

Jutsu learned; Cero
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
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Ryo : 232500

Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Re: Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Sat Jan 23, 2021 5:57 am
Ise had proceeded with training once he had reached the bottom, now standing on the surface, gathering chakra still to the soles of his feet. However, rather than just circulating the chakra from within him throughout his body. The Chakra, although it was visible, was active because the water he was standing on had begun to ripple. Eventually, the water right from underneath him had shot up just a little bit, which made the young Uchiha almost lose focus for a minute there, not expecting that to happen. Ise had kept this going for what seemed like a decent thirty minutes or so, and once he felt like he had done enough, Ise had gone back up the cliff where he had left Zeo to train.

Ise couldn't help but grin once he had seen Zeo shoot his own blue-colored Cero from his hands. Ise had then begun to speak, not wanting to interrupt him while he was training. "Well, I finished and did just fine. Thank you for teaching me the Genjutsu Release! It seems that you've been doing good as well," Ise had said. Even though Zeo came off the way he did earlier, Ise couldn't help but like training with someone. "Well, we should go claim our reward, since we completed the mission. Let's go!" Ise had said, beginning to lead the way, not really sure if Zeo was actually following him or not.

WC: 237
TWC: 1399


Gogyou Bushuugi
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Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Re: Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Sat Jan 23, 2021 6:53 am
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
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Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Re: Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:36 am
Writing in rewards (forgot to)

Rewards: LEarned B Rank Cero + 4100 Ryo. +5 AP.
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Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise) Empty Re: Passing on the Torch (C Rank Mission/Zeo, Ise)

Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:24 pm
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