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Mitsu Hyuuga
Stat Page : Heeere
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:20 am
Mitsu walks among the many scrolls of the massive halls of The Grand Kirigakure Academy. The tall halls of the academy shelves dwarfing him in their size. Lined edge to edge in rolled up scrolls holding so many techniques he didnt even know where to start.

He decides to peruse the section ooooon Lightning! Taking a few E D and C rank scrolls off the wall from their holding place, taking it over to a nearby table to read and look through... Though out of curiosity he tries to looking around with his Byakugan in this place, a mistake he immediately regrets as his one hundred meter three hundred and sixty degree vision is assailed by words and writing filling every inch of his eyes and he quickly turns the eyes dormant again. Still reeling from the eye strain he unfurls the first few scrolls. "Ughhh... right. Bad Idea." rubbing his eyes to shake off the eye strain he sits to read.
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6500

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Re: Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:03 am
Walking into the library, a young priestess takes note of her surroundings once again. The tall racks of scrolls, the afternoon's warm light filtering through the windows, the light smell of accumulated dust. She'd been here before, of course, though never for as long as she'd like. A quiet afternoon of study would do Makoto good, she figures. There were many things to think about, and more importantly, many books here to push those thoughts away. And so, back perfectly straight and an unreadable expression on her face, she-

-Oh. There's somebody else here. That might get in the way of her having a quiet afternoon, though with it being a library, maybe she could avoid them entirely and hear not a single peep. That would've been the responsible thing to do.. So, naturally, she surprises herself as she walks closer, noticing the strained expression on his face. She places a hand on his shoulder as gently as she can. The words catch in her throat, and the centipede inside her stirs, offering his own.And so, she relays the intent as best as she can, keeping her voice low.

"Are you alright? It is okay to take breaks if you are facing a difficult problem."

From this close, she can see them. White eyes, lacking a pupil entirely. Her own narrow slightly, curious. A Byakugan? She'd heard about it, but had never actually seen it in person. It was, she chided herself for thinking, a bit unnerving to look at. So this was the result of other clan's lineages, the fruit of their work? She almost expected the Honest Worm within her to scoff at the comparison.

Maybe it'd been wrong of her to come so close. The anxiety was beginning to creep onto her face.
Mitsu Hyuuga
Stat Page : Heeere
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Re: Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:23 am
The surprise touch on the shoulder startles Mitsu, his hand instinctively reaching for a kunai before he remembers. Wait. This is the library. He looks up at her though in a bit of confusion "Difficult problem?" Was she insulting him?? These were simple jutsu! Of course he'd have no problem with that! The mere thought of it! "These things would be nothing for someone like me of course they're not difficult"

He huffs when he says it, who did this person think she is, calling him simple! Stupid even! His arms cross as he talks to her, his feet nervously tapping on the floor. He looks up at her with a bit of a furrowed brow and a small bit peeved. Looking her up and down, no outstanding body or eyes even! He's a hyuuga, of course he wouldn't have any problem learning E rank or D rank techniques. But mentally he tries to curb his outrage even as he visibly isn't curbing his outrage
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6500

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Re: Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:28 am
Makoto cringes back, quickly adopting a neutral pose with her hands behind her back as she defaults to a neutral expression .Her eyes look as distant as ever as she stares into his, internally chastising herself for misreading the situation. No, rather, she probably had read it correctly, but she'd expected a reasonable response. You could never expect that from people outside the clan. They tended to have weird hangups from not following a life where honesty to oneself was considered a virtue. Still ,she wrings her hands, taken aback. Maybe it'd be best if she left.

The lack of decision on if to do that or not leads to her just staring at him with dead eyes for a good five to ten seconds before she can form a response.

"Well, in that case, I'm sure you won't mind explaining it to me?"

Wait. That was a meaner response than she intended, even if she'd kept her tone perfectly calm. It wasn't meant as an insult, but it was clear it was probably going to be taken as one.
Mitsu Hyuuga
Stat Page : Heeere
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Re: Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:36 am
"Oh.. Well uhm..." He hurries to hide the scrolls and their contents from her eyes, behind his back. Hoping that she did not in fact recognize from whichever section of the library they came from. "They're quite simple really..." He stands with one of his hands behind his back the other outstretched and pointing upwards. Hoping to come off as something more than a simpleton to the girl "They describe the gentle fist techniques of the Hyuuga clan. Theyre here to help any young hyuuga to understand and better use their unique skill set in combat." A flat out lie he wore boldly on his face. But one he can at least talk about at length

His foot still fidgeted, his clothes felt a bit tight, but his family here tended to be liars. It was normal to go through this sort of routine on a daily basis and here would be no different. Just another person to save face with. "Though I can.. clearly not discuss the true intricacies of the technique with someone from outside the clan." Another lie. Most others simply wouldn't be able to do anything with the techniques without the abilities of the byakugan or heavy study of the tenketsu and chakra network
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6500

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Re: Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:44 am
Naturally, Makoto knows that is impossible, because nobody would put their secret clan techniques in a public library. Realistically speaking, telling him that would just set him off, and she might get punched, which would be very awkward and likely cause a scolding from her family for risking herself dealing with unfaithful fools. And so, in the true fashion of a holy woman, she smiles and nods, keeping a pleasant face.

The centipede stirs within her again, coiling around her spine and whispering
"It would be best if we simply avoided this one. His people are wont to undeserved pride, vain and arrogant to a fault."

"Yes" She quietly mutters, quietly speaking as if to herself to anyone else's eyes "But that'd be rude."

"It would be a minor faux pass at worst, child. Come now. You can't cower from people's opinions forever. You have been blessed, and stand above them.

"Yes, but it'd be unpleasant to say that."

"Once you are stronger, you'll be able to speak your mind more openly. For now, let's avoid being hit by their gentle fist. It would not be pleasant."

She clears her throat, actually raising her voice
"I suppose we must all keep our secrets."
Mitsu Hyuuga
Stat Page : Heeere
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Re: Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:54 am
"Huh..?" He looks a bit confused for a moment, seeing her talking to herself. He crosses his arms before he activates his byakugan, veins bulging from around his eyes, this time containing the vision to only his current field of vision and not all around him. Wondering if she was speaking to some chakra construct or some unique familiar perhaps? "Who are you even speaking t-" It's then he notices the second chakra signature inside her, his vision focusing past her skin. Seeing the coiled shape of the companion and god of hers inside her and around her spine "Is that a centipede inside you?" He says it almost dumbfounded though not exactly disgusted. Oookay maybe this was someone not of common birth- Stop! That! Right. Didntt matter her birth what mattered now was the whatever it is she had inside her body. Then again it wasn't exactly the weiiirdest thing he had heard of. He knew of some clans that housed thousands of bugs within their body so one wasnt the worst. Still an oddity though.
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6500

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Re: Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:13 am
Her expression brightens, back straightening as the centipede coils around it tighter, staring at the Hyuuga with what could pass as boredom in it's insectile features. Makoto herself simply adopts a tone of voice befitting a sermon. Calm, cadenced.
"Is it not normal for a priestess to speak to a god? It is the duty they were chosen for. To focus filth inwards and remain pure regardless. Walking through sickness and death, is that not the path of a shinobi? Does it surprise you that it would be absolved by something like a centipede? I am sure your clan has plenty of important duties that you have been entrusted with."

It was simpler, like this. To simply not regard others as an equal and speak like she had been taught to. It was easier if she didn't bother to try and be friendly, it was better if she didn't bother about being awkward. What should she care? She already had the only companion that would stay by her side. Placing a hand on her chest, she feels it squirm, the reassuring warmth as it pushes against the hand.

"Those eyes of yours must be a burden. Tell me, is that why you seemed so overwhelmed? I suppose there's nothing to it." She makes a wide gesture with her right hand, sighing as she steps closer. "But since you have seen my clan's secrets, I'm afraid we are at an impasse."

It wouldn't do, it wouldn't do. It shouldn't spread. If people knew of the wonders of their clan's purity, well, it would only be natural for it to be sought for impure reasons. And such a thing would be a tragedy, an impediment to her clan's search for enlightenment, for peace amidst all that was a shinobi's life. So, it was her duty to avoid it, wasn't it? As clan-head to be, she ought to protect it. Even if she did not like the thought of having to harm- no, it would not turn right if she did such a thing. She may be able to walk away with clean hands, but it would bring even more trouble to her clan.

They were, as she said, at an impasse.
Mitsu Hyuuga
Stat Page : Heeere
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Re: Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:15 am
"Ma'am that is not a god that is a bug"
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6500

Deep Delve [Makoto] Empty Re: Deep Delve [Makoto]

Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:18 am
"I don't come into your temples insulting your impure beliefs, now do I?"
She huffs. Okay, that one was just uncalled for. The centipede didn't even seem bothered by it, which just made her even more annoyed. An insult like that!
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