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Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Village Subjugation Escape Topic Empty Village Subjugation Escape Topic

Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:41 pm
Kobiyashi had been informed by Stein what his father had planned, and at his behest would begin to usher those who would be innocent or too weak to fight out of the village. Giving them fair warning. This was Kobiyashi's Final act as a decent attempt of being a human being.
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Village Subjugation Escape Topic Empty Re: Village Subjugation Escape Topic

Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:44 pm
Gleam of steel pierced through the crowd of people that were aiming to escape the village. From head to toe this steel consumed its host. Fur and blue tunic. Swords with short blades attached. The lower back held a Tanto with the hilt holstered over the left hip. A katana to the right hip, and a beautiful concealed blade to the back, hilt raised over the right shoulder. The people gradually stopped running as they caught sight of this man’s armor, parting ways a he walked through the center. The people knew this armor all too well. Murmurs of his name echoed throughout the crowd “Tsuna. Tsunayoshi. It’s Tsuna. It’s Bittersteel.” He was one of them, once clanless and still for his people. Their panic shifted to calm. The people opened a path directly to Kobi. He stood at the gates, the threshold. Tsuna walked from forty-five meters to ten meters away from Kobi. 

Ceasing his advance at ten meters away from Kobi, the Hoshimura gazed over to the boy; his student. A boy he once shared a mission with, a boy that was present for his promotion and conversion into his clan. Tsuna was by far one of Hoshi most loyal of shinobi. For him to come across this scene was truly disturbing for him. Yet, there was a tinge of uncertainty there. What was he up to? From beyond the obscurity that came from the darkness from the outside looking in one would see the mutated eyes bestowed to those that have awaken the Kenseigan — blue eyes outlined with yellow rings. They gazed at Kobi, a weight of judgement accompanied them. 

Tsunayoshi was once a bastard of the Hoshimura, his mother of that clan and his father of the Hatake. His parents spoke to him about giving maximum effort to all that he did, but that was not the way of this man. His parents died on a mission together. Their preaching of one hundred percent effort was all for naught. It only landed them into their graves. It was from that moment that Tsuna found no point in their ways, their teachings. Ironically, he was living proof of hard work trumping talent. His praise and his accomplishments for the village were few compared to the higher ranked shinobi, but his courage and determination was equal to that of theirs. 

Kobiyashi Maru... What is the meaning of this? Explain yourself, but you will do well to be transparent.” His voiced carried ice as he project it over to him. Tsuna was willing to allow this boy to plead his case, for his actions left have already betrayed a great part of him. Tsuna was well aware of the conflict that took place between Stein, Kobi’s father and Ayato, Tsuna’s master. This information came from Mamoru, the raven that linked them amongst the others. News came of the death of Stein and Kana, all that was left was Kobiyashi. He was not present with his father and sister, clearly he was tasked with something else. It did not take the Hoshimura long to learn of his whereabouts when reports of the villagers were being evacuated. Tsuna was no fool, the weak and innocent was given a chance to flee. It was a noble act, nonetheless. 

However, Kobiyashi was Tsunayoshi’s responsibility and his alone. 
Rekka Meijin
Rekka Meijin
Stat Page : Rising Sun
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 69000

Village Subjugation Escape Topic Empty Re: Village Subjugation Escape Topic

Sun Sep 12, 2021 10:13 am
When Tsunayoshi called out to Kobiyashi, he knew the voice and at that moment he would face him, and even drop to a single knee and his forehead met his knee " I was clearing out any who might possibly be caught up in my fathers venture, However Kana was too powerful to be sent on this, she was to help him confront the council. However I know my father, I was supposed to be his Incarnation of Pride, Anger and Hate, however with this new body, he took all that back unto himself. Knowing those parts first hand, I had to make sure the people of the village I chose were safe." He would fall silent afterwords....In the Distance a cheer could be heard, and Kobiyashi knew in his heart what that meant. People returned to their homes as if the threat was gone. Kobiyashi stayed Silent as tears washed down his cheeks.
Stat Page : Tsuna's Stats
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Raven
Familiar : Asuran
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 211500

Village Subjugation Escape Topic Empty Re: Village Subjugation Escape Topic

Mon Sep 13, 2021 1:50 pm
Those that were set to flee would return to the confines of the village. All that was left was the Hoshimura, Tsunayoshi and his student, Kobiyashi. The Chuunin would acknowledge the bent knee of Kobiyashi as a sign of surrender and respect. But also in the depths of his mind Tsuna realized that Kobi learned this trait from him and Kurayami upon being in the presence of Ayato and his following. “He’s still learning...” Tsuna would think to himself. Hearing the words of Kobiyashi’s actions. 

The tears that flowed from his eyes and fell to the ground only meant that he knew, he knew of his father and sister’s execution. This day was quite taxing on the lad, that was certain. Alas, Tsuna, a sound representation of the people, or the village and Ayato’s hand; still had his duties. And if anyone knew of him, they knew that his duties will always trump his feelings. “Be that as it may, your actions cannot be overlooked, Kobiyashi. Your father’s confrontation against the council was no different than a challenge against Hoshigakure. You cannot mask it in pretty excuses to change that fact. It was an act of treason, a spit in our face. One cannot, will not take such lightly, you do understand this. And because of such, I am placing you under arrest, but rest assured that I will see to it that you are safe every step of the way, you have my word.” He formed a series of seals with one hand. 

Fixed eyes stayed on Kobi as a point in space was selected 3 meters above him. From that point at a speed and power of 80 expanded a dome of pure gravitational force that would be naked to the eye. Kobi would immediately feel this force pressing on him, completely forcing him down flat onto the ground due to his lack of strength to combat the power of the jutsu as a result he would be completely paralyzed. In the same instance due to the sheer weight of gravity pressing on him he would receive 50 points of damage. Due to his passive DR of 5 he would suffer only 45 points of damage leaving him with 55 points in health. 

This jutsu was more than a means to apprehend him, it was the weight of his resolve. “But do not misunderstand, this is not me treating you like some delicate flower. Yes, you are my student, but you are also in violation of the village. Not once did you come to me for concern of what your father was up to. Instead you acted on his behalf and for that You wound me.” His voice went silent. Tsuna would approach Kobi, he unbothered by the weight of his jutsu. Standing over him, Tsuna would move about him until he was out of his line of sight. In which he would form another seal as he would swiftly jab his left index and middle fingers into the pressure point behind he ear just under to knock Kobi unconscious. In turn he would release a small dot in that point at a power/speed/health of 27. The dot would fade away. Tsuna would then move to restrain the arms of Kobi behind his back, using wire around the wrist that he pulled from the compartment of his armor. Once he was secured the gravitational effects lifted. Tsuna would strip Kobi of all his possession. 

He would then lift the lad under his arms. His very being would then emit a pink hue and he would take off 50 meters into the air, well over the gates revealing a clear line path of open space at a speed of 205 with Kobi in arms heading towards his next destination. 

[Potential Exit]
Rekka Meijin
Rekka Meijin
Stat Page : Rising Sun
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 69000

Village Subjugation Escape Topic Empty Re: Village Subjugation Escape Topic

Mon Sep 13, 2021 7:55 pm
While Kobiyashi felt it unnessicary the lengths at which Tsunayoshi went, he understood as well, but made no move or attempt to alter the course of actions and would just keep himself still over Tsuna's Shoulder.

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