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Shizuka Namikaze
Shizuka Namikaze
Stat Page : TBA
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Mon Aug 23, 2021 2:56 pm
Mission #1:

Mission #2:

"For the last time kid, I didn't see your goddamn sword! No one stole it, no one sold it, you just lost on the way to our village! Now get the hell out of my sight before I increase your rent!" The balding middle-aged man in charge of the hotels in Minato - the small village housing a few hundred people bordering the Island Country - violently "shooed" away the Envoy in a dismissive tone and a wrathful glare. Even his nose was scrunched up from all of the pent-up rage he was holding back, ready to unleash torrents upon torrents of further malice on the rather uninterested samurai. Rakuzan was...for the most part, extremely deadpan towards this situation. After resting in the hotels of Minato after a rather eventful night of helping out an elderly woman, he found that the treasured weapon he used so many times for assassinations - Toryu, was nowhere to be found in his hotel room. He asked all around the resort and town whether someone found his weapon lying along the streets or stores...but everyone simply did not answer him or gave him the cold shoulder. He wasn't that scary-looking, right? He adorned his casual attire devoid of suspiciousness, consisting of a black blazer with red buttons and red plaid trousers with black dress shoes. Underneath the blazer, a white turtleneck can be perceived. The Hyuuga Samurai even wore his round glasses to make himself look a lot friendlier towards other people as an attempt to cover up his bloodthirsty tendencies and intimidating physical appearance...but even so, everyone looked utterly aghast at his existence.

There was a simple conclusion that Rakuzan arrived at as the receptionist shooed away the young man. "I guess they don't take too kindly towards outsiders..." The Hyuuga Samurai sighed, mentally facepalming at the sight of the idiotic village. He didn't really care - from the looks of it, Minato seemed extremely traditional and backward in societal beliefs so it made sense that they would be xenophobic as well. It was a minor inconvenience for Rakuzan...and since it was a relatively small town...if the Envoy wanted to, he could slaughter every single person in the village if the scatterbrained denizens annoyed him that much. Though that would be rather inefficient and it was no fun killing people who can't put up a fight, so the raven-haired man would perish the thought for the time being. 

He needed to find Toryu, lest someone sell it in front of him. Ryoma - his deceased mentor was probably seething in sheer and utter fury in the afterlife, seeing as his heirloom that he passed down to Rakuzan was lost and most likely stolen. The Hyuuga didn't really care; he loathed his master, so any rage Ryoma felt would only bring pleasure to the Envoy - sustenance even. "Thank you, sir," Rakuzan would briefly say to the rude receptionist, pushing up his glasses before departing the hotels. If Toryu was stolen, then that meant he would have to buy it back in the black market. Thankfully, along with his search for his weapon, an elderly of the few people that actually interacted with Rakuzan like a he was an actual human being, requested the young Samurai to deliver a dowry to Ninigi - a nearby town where a wedding was being held. It was an arranged wedding between a young man and woman with high status in both towns - further highlighting the traditional cultures of Minato and Ninigi. Additionally, the elderly man gave Rakuzan one-thousand ryo as an incentive to actually deliver the dowry; the raven-haired man was already going to accept the mission out of sheer generosity but now that VALUABLE RYO was on the table which could help him buy back his stolen weapon, the Envoy couldn't help but accept. 

Packing up his bag and shinobi tools before departing Minato with dowry in hand, Rakuzan would head to Ninigi which was only ten to fifteen minutes away depending on if one walked or ran. It was nearing evening since the search for Toryu took up the whole afternoon, so the Hyuuga would have to hurry before it neared nightfall. Activating his Byakugan in case someone tried to sneak attack or follow him like that suspicious man from the other day, the Samurai would showcase the true speed of a bloodthirsty warrior, zooming through the country borders and shore before he arrived at Ninigi in less than a minute. Since he arrived at such a town that was not very used to shinobi, Rakuzan would have to deactivate his Byakugan to his displeasure, leaving him open to sneak attacks in order to blend in with the environment. The elderly man said to place the dowry at the house in the center of Ninigi; it was most likely the area where the nobles and by extension, the woman who was going to be married lived. Not wanting to cause a commotion, the Hyuuga would place the dowry at the door entrance, so that someone could pick it up once they opened the door.

"...Hmm, I wonder whether this place has a local bar..." A devilish thought came to the young Samurai as he walked away from the house of nobles in Ninigi. His mother and father were probably beating their heads against the wall in the afterlife when they saw their underage son heading to a bar, but thankfully, he wouldn't be drinking today, merely getting some quick cash. Rakuzan was probably going to stay in this town for a was nighttime and the people in Ninigi were far less cold than the people in Minato. It was also a that meant most bars or pubs had some sort of game night and believe it or not, Rakuzan was quite good at these types of games. I mean, using Byakugan meant that you could see through cards and enemy hands so it was child's play for a guy like Rakuzan. Nevertheless, today was a great opportunity to earn more money to buy back Toryu. Looking around the nighttime scenery filled with vibrant lights, Rakuzan finally found a tavern to enter, so he would enter in an innocuous manner - not wanting to bring much attention to himself. Reading the sign before he went inside the tavern, it seemed that today was poker night - just the game he was great at! There was no need to use his Byakugan to see-through cards, this would be so easy that it would be stealing candy from a baby. 

The Envoy would sit down as the poker game night began. The reward was one thousand ryo which was a pretty good sum of money. Watching observedly with his soulless gray eyes, it would appear that most people who were in the game night were drunk as hell, slurring their words and performing extremely bad moves. "Wow...this is going to be easier than I thought..." The Hyuuga thought, somewhat ashamed in participating when his opponents were handicapped and he was simply a prodigy in poker. The game night would be rather uneventful as Straight Flush after Royal Flush, Rakuzan would defeat his opponents without a sweat. By the time of the final round, the drunkards would be chanting for the Envoy's victory, calling him "Wonderboy."

"Royal Flush." Rakuzan sighed as he tossed his cards on the bar table, listlessly announcing his victory as the crowd cheered and jeered in increasingly high volume. Suddenly, the drunk opponent lunged towards the Hyuuga with a wrathful expression, "WHAT THE HELL?! YOU CHEATE-" Suddenly, the man was flipped on the ground, slamming his shoulder against the wooden floor of the tavern. The crowd could only jeer louder as they were chanting "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT" in the tavern.

"Get your hands off of me, you reek of piss and vinegar." The Hyuuga said before getting off his chair. "This is getting boring." Before leaving, he would grab the Ryo on the desk with no resistance from the owner of the tavern, everyone looking at him in awe before he disappeared in the night.

With a slight skep, the Envoy would head to the nearest hotel to check out for the day.

WC: 1610

+16 Stat Points
1000 Ryo and +5 AP for completing Holy Matrimony, Or Something
1000 Ryo and +5 AP for completing It's not an Addiction, I Swear!
771 WC Towards Finishing off Gentle Blade [2000/2000], previous training is here
500 WC Towards Temporary Paralysis [500/500]
339 WC Towards Storage Displacement [339/500]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty Re: The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:49 pm
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Ryo : 0

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty Re: The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Mon Aug 23, 2021 6:39 pm
Yeah... Daiko was out of the village. He loved all the friendly faces that surrounded him there, but... With safety came restraint. Daiko couldn't stop thinking back to the missing ninja that had attacked Saya, and how that he and one of her puppets had left the girl buried in a shallow grave. From the body, he had gotten power. He could feel it from the very first moment that he had picked it up... Her still-beating heart, rich with pure blood and unbeknownst to Daiko at the time, was the element of lightning. It was a cold fate that she had met herself with, though well deserved. Daiko wondered if he would ever be in those shoes... All he knew right now. Is that he felt a spike in his power every time he tasted fresh blood. Every time he had a moment's rest, his mind was empty.. He would think. Empty thoughts, yes, but thoughts filled with hunger. He figured it would be best to just drink those problems away. Wouldn't hurt to get pretty damn far away from that first spot that he had been at with Saya, either.

Making his way around the various areas outside of Kirigakure, he was looking for trouble. Not to be into trouble, rather, to start it himself. He was a wayward soul at heart and knew that someday he would be roaming around borders of both this village and others, looking for anywhere that he could make money. For the time being, he would have to be happy with what he had now. He walked around the various trees and different mounds of dirt that were outside, seeing a tavern not too far in the distance. Making his way into a bar, Daiko takes notes of the surroundings. It seemed to be a pretty decent-sized bar, at least bigger than the ones he had run into back in the village. It wasn't simply a stall, no. It seemed there had been people bustling and running around, doing whatever it was they had to do. The bar was made up of walls that were 10 meters long each. The front entrance that he had just walked through also had a window on either side of it, only large enough to let light in. They were slits that were 25 cm thick, and about 2 meters long. Daiko wondered if the decor here was meant to make it look like it was a prison or something of that sort. It was no matter.

Making it into the building, it seemed at the center of it all was a poker table. It was a 1-meter circle in radius, having plenty of room to fit all of the patrons in the bar. On the interior walls of the building, there were booths lining to the left and right of Daiko's position at the entrance, as well as a bar that covered the entirety of the back wall. There didn't seem to be any other exits other than the front door, as well as a single large window that let the setting sun cast in through the window. Nice. 

Being silent for a second, Daiko noticed that there was a person with the strange eyes that he had seen during a training in Kirigakure. It was one of the people that the Jounin there had complimented highly... So, from what Daiko assumed, someone pretty powerful. Daiko wondered if this ninja was from the village, or if they were a traveler like him. Before he really had time to think about anything else, he noticed that one of the men lunged at this random white-eyeball-having dude, who was swiftly flipped over the table. A bar fight. This was exactly what Daiko had been hoping for. He had only been here for mere moments before everything started to erupt, and he decided that he would take his shot now. The crowd was screaming. And they were screaming for him. Glory comes at such a heavy price. 

As the crowd was chanting fight, it seemed that the person who had initially started the fight had decided that he was done after just one petty move... Daiko wouldn't have this, not at all. This dude was probably of a particular talent, and Daiko had to choose his moves carefully. He seemingly just grabbed the money and pushed his way into the crowd. With Daiko standing at the entrance, this kid would have to get past him. Daiko didn't want to leave this establishment before ending the lives of everyone in here... No, not everyone. The words from his previous sensei echoed in his mind. He wasn't some sort of abomination. He could be a shinobi. A good one, at that.... Daiko had helped so many people. Many genin he had taught lessons, he had even taken some people under his wing to be his sensei. Could that be his fate...? A lazy teacher who helps his students? Oh well. He would go half and half... Maybe one life would be enough for the time being. 

As the boy picked up the stack of cash and began to push his way through the crowd, which had essentially ended up forming a 1 meter circle of people around the table in the center, Daiko stood at the entrance. Ready. By the time he had made it through the crowd, he was a mere 3 meters away from the entrance, with Daiko 1 meter in front of it. Daiko's form began to 'vibrate' at an unknown frequency, his body being empowered. As this happened and the man would've been 2 meters in front of Daiko, 25 cm thick black threads would've already shot out of his each of the fronts of his elbows (cubital fossa), heading for each of the man's arms. While this had happened, 2 25 cm thick threads would've also come out of each of his knees, one from the left targeting the man's left leg, the man from the right targeting the man's right leg. The other two, from each, would've been targeting the man's gut, somewhat center mass. The man was very close, and Daiko wanted this to end quickly. Not to end the man's life, however, he did want the man to know that the fight was only beginning. While these threads were going towards the man, Daiko would feel the threads inside of him begin to twist and mould, beginning to use his chakra for another technique. 


-40 AP
-80 AP [100]

[1880/2000 AP]
[300/300 HP]
Shizuka Namikaze
Shizuka Namikaze
Stat Page : TBA
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty Re: The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:12 pm
They say people can smell bullshit from a mile away.

Unfortunately for poor little Rakuzan, not even the enhanced senses of a battle-hardened samurai could smell the reeking bullshit occurring from behind him. Despite his Byakugan already being deactivated prior to him entering the tavern, and prior to entering Ninigi which only showed his base gray soulless eyes, it seemed that someone else desired to attack him for little no reason. The Hyuuga knocked over the table and drunkard that attempted to attack him just as usual, then denounced the whole tavern before attempting to storm out of the area - ryo in hand. He passed by a suspicious figure, but he was too annoyed by the situation to actually give a crap. Suddenly, it happened. Upon passing by the strange figure and being two meters in front of him...Rakuzan realized...he fucked up.

Pain. Pain coursed through the samurai's body, stopping him straight in his tracks. He looked up, right, left, and finally down. His right and left legs were utterly pierced through by strange threads. His right and left arms were also pierced at the same time. His gut was also stabbed straight through by the same spear-like threads. Simultaneously, blood exposed itself to the humid atmosphere, oozing out in a slimy phlegm as the black threads weaved and pierced through all of his wounds. The same slimy metallic-tasting substance rolled and trickled down the closed mouth of the samurai, dripping all the way down to the ground as a pool of blood began to form right under him due to the intensity of the wounds. His arms were too weak by the sudden shock, as his ryo fell into the pool of blood, staining it in a disgusting display.

It was all too sudden. Rakuzan was unable to truly react to everything that occurred behind him. Without a single word, he collapsed and passed out, fully at the mercy of the strange figure that attacked him from behind. 

WC: 329
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Ryo : 0

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty Re: The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:04 pm
The threads had made their mark. After they had pierced the man, they would begin to coil around his limbs, essentially holding him in place. Daiko was somewhat... Disgusted. There was no attempt from the man to move out of the way... No struggle. Daiko's threads inside of him had already completed the hand-seals for Starburst. Within moments, the man in front of him was utterly at his mercy. This wouldn't be fun... This didn't satiate the profound hunger that was ripping and tearing at Daiko's core. It only took mere moments for him to come to a decision. If he wasn't strong enough yet... Daiko would just have to wait until he was. 

For a moment, Daiko thought back to when he was younger. There was that first fight he had been in, that had led to his sensei's death. The way that he had always remembered it was that... he didn't. He had always recalled that once he started to get beat down upon, he simply ended up waking back up to them having been beat up. Seeing this kid at his mercy filled in the details a bit... He hadn't just simply beat up those scoundrels that had caused him pain. Their necks and wrists were wrung out, and there was blood pooling at their eyes. It wasn't as simple as a couple punches and someone was out. It was a measured assault that led to their demise. Daiko also remembered what it had felt like to smile. 

With the boy behind held by his threads, Daiko stands him up facing him. Taking his thumb, index, and middle finger from his left hand, he puts his fingers around the man's left eye. After he had done so, one very thin black thread from each of the fingers pressed against the man's skull would begin to burrow inside of the eyelids of this man's eye. The threads went pretty deep, and began to coil around the optic nerve of the man. Once coiled, Daiko raised his voice. "Waaaaaaaakkkkkkkkeee the fuck" After the word up had left his lips, he brought his right hand around, punching the man in the face. "UP." During this punch, the man was knocked backward, his eye being ripped out and kept in good condition by Daiko's black threads. Daiko would then take the bloody ryo that had been dropped by this man, bringing it up to the empty eye socket that the man was now left with. He was likely awake now, and Daiko hoped he was. The only thing that was different about Daiko's apparel as per usual was the fact that his outfit was covered in blood, some beginning to dry and crackle on his clothes. His disinterested face was also impressed by... A smile. Not a soft smile that usually came over his face when he was with Saya or another one of his friends... This smile was something different. He wondered if this is what joy truly felt like. 

Taking the ryo that he had picked up, Daiko shoves the bills into the eye socket of the man while he was talking. "You should fucking know better than starting shit around my area. I'm going to assume that you want to start trouble with everyone, not just these pussies.." Motioning to the looks of horror on the patrons of the bar, Daiko laughs for a second, putting his foot up and kicking the man in the gut. "If I ever see you around the island villages again... I'm going to kill you." After this, the black threads that were holding the young man would've returned to Daiko's body, and he would've been finished with his business, keeping hold of one of the eyes that he had taken and putting it in his pocket. Daiko would react according to the situation after this. 

If nothing more came of this, Daiko would cautiously exit the building, scanning the area around. The man likely wasn't dead, though he definitely had a couple of bruises and scars to write home about. Daiko made his way around the building, alert in case anything changed.


-80 AP [100]
6x5= 30 AP Black Hands

-20 AP
-40 AP [50]

[1710/2000 AP]
[300/300 HP]
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Ryo : 0

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty Re: The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Sat Aug 28, 2021 7:42 pm
[OOC: 48 Hours]

With the handseals for starburst completed and all of his actions have taken place, Daiko's form would've been quickly enveloped in a warble of chakra, and he would've been gone, leaving the man to take care of himself on the floor of the rundown tavern. Hopefully some of the people around there would've shown him some remorse, and at least have made sure he didn't bleed out on the floor. It was no matter. Daiko's bloodlust wasn't near satiated, though he assumed that there wasn't much more murdering that he could do without getting in some deep shit with the village. He considered for a moment about picking up a mission that would require that he take someone down. That would probably be ideal. This time, he would kill someone and actually get paid for it. Most people likely didn't take all of their tasks as a ninja as sport, though Daiko was a bit different in that sense. While he didn't really care much about the pleasantries allotted to the village ninja and those that they served, he did enjoy the tasks that he was given. He had said it himself when he had first met the Mizukage... He would be happy being the village's garbage service. At least for now. 

Daiko's warble of chakra had ended up with him at the spot where him and Saya had run into that girl that had tried to punch a hole through her. Hmn. Strange. It wasn't too far outside of the village, a little more than 2 kilometers. He decided that it was time to make the treck back home. Being somewhat stealthy, Daiko kept his eyes open and scanned the area as he ran back to the village. There wasn't many places to hide... Not really any trees either. It was pretty flat, with the cobbled roads that led to a more modern village being covered with the occasional piles of sand. Daiko liked this village... And he considered to himself a moment what it would be like to have a home somewhere on the islands. Not a space allotted to him or a room in Saya's home... A place that he could truly call his own. This would likely have to be a thought for another time. 

For now, Daiko just wanted to make sure that he had made it into the village. If he had somehow spotted someone on his way back, he would be sure to react accordingly to anything. Even the briefest of sounds or a single blade of grass moving would likely put him in defensive mode, and he would do whatever it was that he would need to do in order to be safe from there. For a moment, he thought he was being smart. And then he realized something. If worst comes to worst, he could just... Teleport back home. Life was sometimes funny like that. He wondered for awhile what he would be able to do once he got his head on straight. 



[1000/1000] Mastering Summoning Technique (Mastery 3: "Mastery in order to summon characters in or out of active combat situations.")
[250/250] Mastering Genjutsu Release (Handsealless)
Claiming 1x Byakugan from Rakuzan Hyuuga
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Ryo : 0

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty Re: The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:29 pm
(OOC: 48 Hours)

[Exit Successful]
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty Re: The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Tue Aug 31, 2021 9:51 am
Shizuka Namikaze
Shizuka Namikaze
Stat Page : TBA
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Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty Re: The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:51 pm
When he came to himself, the world was painted red.

The illuminated lights from the taverns, bars, and even the very establishments that created Ninigi blended in with the stygian umbra that was called “darkness.” Yet even then, the unfamiliar darkness also blurred in with the vibrant stars that shone their brilliant radiance down to the borders of the Island Country - or that was what it seemed to be. Everything was but a haze to The Envoy - the man who wished to escape the shackles of his past - Rakuzan Hyuuga. He yearned for freedom, strength, and power - enough power to destroy whatever stopped him from walking his path, yet when his first obstacle made its way to impede his path for power...he crumbled...pathetically. A single eye was able to perceive the hazy world around him. His other eye, the left one was obscured by something black - no, it couldn’t be “something”, it was like his left eye was grasped by coarse hands that soon turned into wispy threads. No, it couldn’t be. Were those the same threads that stabbed him mere moments ago, burying deep into his eye? “...Where the hell am I…?” It was a thought marred by the sheer confusion of his predicament. His left eye was blocked by some...thing and his right eye was so damn blurry, barely able to perceive the shadow towering over him. The fallen samurai couldn’t feel his body, it was as if the muscles that he trained so hard to temper simply didn’t function anymore. “...Come on… fucking THINK! Where am I? What happened before? Why is my vision so bad? Why is my left eye blocked off? Why is my body not moving?!” An emotion - a reaction so human yet so alien to Rakuzan seeped through his body like an insidious curse.


An emotion that superseded logic, controlled the impulse of humans and subjugated any sort of confidence that humans may have. Shinobi, samurai, contractors, assassins, whatever title an agent of bloodshed is given - have always been on the edge of death and terror ever since they began their first mission. Fear needed to be suppressed and controlled in order to perform the atrocities the agents of bloodshed committed. They were monsters - masters in the art of killing. Rakuzan was a Samurai from the hellish Iron Country, where only the strongest thrived. Living in such an area utterly distorted his worldview; simple pleasures in life did nothing to quell his hunger...only battle satiated his wishes. He fought. He killed. He slaughtered. He massacred. An adolescent, a byproduct of the Shinobi World’s cruelty, killed so many to the point that he was unfazed by any terror.

So why was he so scared?

He couldn’t answer. In fact, there was no answer he could possibly conjure that would make any sense regarding his circumstances. Hell, this situation made no sense. Shortly after he regained consciousness, memories began flooding in. Right as he turned his back and left the rowdy tavern, someone attacked him from behind, stabbing most of his main parts but not enough to let him die, but that begged the question - what was the shadow towering over him after? The most reasonable conclusion would be money, but if he was solely after the ryo Rakuzan attained, then it would be more logical to outright kill the Hyuuga instead of leaving him alive. The only conclusion the Envoy could arrive to was simple...his assailant simply enjoyed causing pain to others. The visible right eye of Rakuzan wavered for a moment, slowly realizing who he was truly dealing with. If the Envoy was a monster, this other man...was a demon. The bloody threads that pierced him moments ago continued to bury through his left eye, attaching to it like a parasite. It wasn’t painful necessarily, but it was uncomfortable - it was as if something tried to fit through a small hole, and it was forcing itself through by any means possible. The Hyuuga grit his teeth, trying to endure the uncomfortable sensation, but suddenly, the threads stopped. Was it over? Finally?

"Waaaaaaaakkkkkkkkeee the fuck"


If a moment of respite was what the Envoy demanded, then the pleading demand would be met by an unyielding crescendo of torture. With a sickening snap, the bloody threads pulled back, slicing the nerve connecting Rakuzan's left eye with his body. In one fell swoop, the threads and eye weaved through his eyelids...leaving nothing but an empty eye socket and pool of blood. But, that wasn’t the end of the madman’s assault, at the same time he ripped the Envoy’s eye out in a sickening display of torture and depravity, he would thrust his fist towards the Hyuuga’s face, filling his only other eye’s vision with simply the view of a closed fist. Skin met skin as the assailant’s fist collided against the Hyuuga’s face in a mere instant - shattering both his glasses and nose in a single motion. The force of the blow sent the boy flying through the air, blood trailing from his nose and empty eye socket in the uncomforting wind. Before Rakuzan could register pain, his body already slammed to the ground, probably breaking a few extra bones from the force of the impact.

The crowd was dead silent. Many already left due to the situation turning out to be a crime scene, but the ones that did not leave...watched with morbid curiosity. What was the assailant going to do next? How was the foreigner who so arrogantly claimed his victory, going to react to the barrage of blows that the amoral madman performed? They all agreed that the madman was going too far with this “punishment”, but they desperately wanted to see what Rakuzan Hyuuga - The Envoy was going to do. The answer was clear.


The fallen samurai managed to lift his head up once he was slammed onto the ground. But he realized something...his eye was gone, and that would be when the pain registered. A howling scream erupted from him, echoing throughout the streets, houses, buildings, and even outskirts of Ninigi. It was one of agony, fear, and sorrow, but most of all - anger. Even if it didn’t look like it, he was beyond pissed at the figure standing in front of him. How dare HE steal the exalted and beloved bloodline of Rakuzan Hyuuga? How dare HE attack a samurai from behind? How DARE him look at the Envoy - the man who killed hundreds of men, with an expression of pity - as if the Hyuuga was some sort of pathetic being that held little to no strength? The Hyuuga would twist and turn in utter anguish. His nerves were on fire, desperately trying to piece feed information to the brain that the Envoy’s eye that denoted that he was from the prestigious Hyuuga Clan - was gone. Blood oozed from the socket, streaming down from his socket to his left cheek. Rakuzan only had one eye. He had to accept it. He was half of a Hyuuga and half the samurai he once was. He could no longer see from both eyes, only one.

Unbeknownst to himself, his right eye streamed tears as well. He was sobbing, his pained scream were breaking and choking on tears. It was such a pathetic sight for someone like him to be brought to tears by some random man. His vision was blurring from his lone eye, but he could hear the steps of his assailant walking towards him. “G-gggggeeeeeettttt awaaaaaayyyyyy,” Despite the pleading yells of the Envoy, the assailant didn’t bother to listen, shoving the ryo that he earned into his left eye socket, only increasing the bloody wails erupting from his body. Dirt and blood mixed with his disheveled hair in an unsightly view, and his left hand only bore one color - red, red from trying to hold the blood in the left eye. Suddenly, his ear could pick up on a voice, Rakuzan’s right eye trailing towards the figure - being the shadowy assailant. He threatened the boy, saying that if he ever found him again in the Island Country...well, his eye won’t be the only thing that would be gone.

Finishing off his torture session with a kick to the gut that made the crippled adolescent whimper in fear like the dog he was. The assailant would formally end his assault by exiting the tavern that everyone else was in besides Rakuzan, who was launched a few meters away onto the streets due to the man’s previous punch. The suffering man, still twisting in his pool of blood managed to look at the man, and with sheer force of will - activated his Byakugan from his lone eye. With that, he could look at the man clearly, and Rakuzan would do his damndest effort to remember every single possible feature of the assailant. Dark brown hair, average frame, indigo eyes, sharp teeth, and a punchable face. With his last bits of chakra, his Byakugan perceived a disturbance in chakra coming from the madman, distorting reality in a disgusting surge as he disappeared. “...Space-Time...user…” The Envoy managed to say, blood dwelling in his esophagus.

As the man disappeared, the Envoy would slowly rise from his pool of blood, stumbling and groaning in pain as he clutched his wounded and pierced stomach. Everyone surrounding him, even from houses, looked at the pathetic sight of samurai with disgust, interest, pity, and even happiness. Being looked at like a dog enraged the prideful Hyuuga. “...Get away…”

“ALL OF YOU!” They scrammed like the rats they were, not one wanting to help the fallen samurai. With his remaining eye, he looked at the sky. It seems that the moon was absent today. Heh, a wise man always said to beware of a night with no moon, and it seemed that the Envoy didn’t heed that warning. Suddenly, a sense of calmness came through Rakuzan’s body. The pain was still earsplitting and hell-like, but there was no noise. The night...was eerily calm. He walked. He didn’t know where he was going, but he just walked for the simple reason of walking. The first few steps were unbalanced and poorly coordinated, but soon enough, everything felt normal. The pain soon subsided and the night grew darker and darker. He simply smiled. Soon, Ninigi was past him and he was heading through the treacherous forests of the Island Country. Thankfully, no wild animals attacked him. A freshwater lake soon came to his sight, as finally...a few stars were visible. Rakuzan sat on the lake.

His facade broke.

He just cried. There was no nuance or hidden reason behind his tears. He just cried because he was sad. That was really it. The Samurai was pathetically mutilated by some assailant and his sacred bloodline was stolen in a blink of an eye - literally. His sobbing reflection was seen on the lake, showing his crippled and unsightly body. Shards of glass, dirt, and blood marred his hair, as wounds oozed throughout his body. His left eye socket was hollow, and the blood streamed down his cheek. For the first time, he felt ashamed - like all of his honor and things he trained for were violated and desecrated by some nobody.

And that was exactly the problem.

It was a nobody that beat him.

A madman.

A bastard.

A piece of shit.

A single smile threatened to split his wounded face in half.

Vengeance would be his.


WC: 2272
TWC: 2601

+26 Stat Points
161 WC To Finish off Storage Displacement [500/500]
250 WC Towards Quiet Footsteps [250/250]
1750 WC Towards Vacuum Palm [1750/1750]
440 WC Towards Palm Bottom [440/500]
-1 Byakugan Eye due to Daiko ripping it out, leaving me only with one which is my right.

I'm getting those back tho
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo] Empty Re: The Misadventures of the Envoy [Mission/Solo]

Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:37 pm
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