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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:49 pm
Huh. it seemed that the other ninja in training had completely missed her explaination on five feeding sharks. Maybe he was just so focused on the first two techniques that he hadn't noticed her? Honestly that made sense. Being unnoticable was something she'd become fairly good at. Truthfull, it was only really Dana and kiku who really recognized her existence outside of points when she was directly talking to someone.

There was an odd centerpoint between being a puppet and being human, if one could actually call what she and pinochio was human. They were constructs crafted from mokuton, but they worked similarly to a regular born person in every way.... probably? She was sure there were SOME differences but that wasn't that important. While Saya's puppets were quite different form most, it was the puppets prerogative to not be noticed. outside of combat, where they needed to draw attention to protect their puppet master, they were generally meant to supplement the user. Now alive, it was imperative that she be noticable when it was neccessary. Missions could sour incredibly quickly if an important call were missed because she found her skill in slipping into the background too effective. She wrestled for several minutes with whether she should speak up or let it go. She knew what saya would do. Generally it was impossible for her sister to go unnoticed, but if it HAD ever happened, Saya would have spoken up far earlier. Her charisma would have easily drawn attention back to herself, and her presence would take control of the room.

As she fought internally, going back and forth between her sister's personality and her own, another technique was being taught. Through her struggle, She found the words their teacher spoke flow through her mind muffled and hard to understand. Subconsciously the hand seals and effects pooled in the back of her mind, though she didn't recognize right away what was going on. It would seem that she had, in fact, gained some of the skills her sister had developed.

In the end, she decided it best not to impose. There was alot of teaching going on, and it was a real fear that maybe her interjection was overloading the new genin. There would be time once this newcomer was finished for her to explain the techniques that she knew and see if he had the ability or interest to replicate them! She was quite a patient ninja.

Absentmindedly her mind put together the shifting pieces of the final technique taught by the father. It was the two children forming the technique with their own elemental chakra natures that really cemented the idea in her head, and without thinking, one hand shifed through the required seals.

Snake. Dragon. Ox. Tiger. Ram.

Chakra pooled as she summoned the needed strength for the technique, but there was a bit of disconnect. They were meant to be learning suiton techniques, and as the sphere formed, Coursing black energy proved she'd not followed the required steps to infuse it.

(TWC 2091)
Takumashi Senju
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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:00 am
Hidoku was excited, he was learning lots and picking it up quickly, who knew what was to happen by the end of the day. Than the man made another set of hand seals, at which time both Hidoku and the mans....children was it? would form the hand signs rather simultaneously. Than it happened the dark sphere formed. Seemed some techniques required an additional skill to infuse ones elemental chakra into the technique. Hidoku stared at the ball for a moment before firing it into the water, water splashing as it exploded. Creating a short time of rain falling from the sky.

This was due to the fact that when the man asked he had Responded "Yes Ninjutsu has been the main thing so far, but I do so love the weight of a sword in my hand, I think one day I will pick up a blade, but not for some time I think. I have yet to plan out a path and figured I would just hit life like water in a river, and go with the curves and turns that accrue naturally." Hidoku looked over to the other who was there "Sorry if you felt ignored, Five feeding sharks sounds like a wonderful technique, and now knowing Water Shark Bullet, it sounds like it might be that much easier to learn"

Hidoku would bow to them both, he was greatful for their teachings they were willingly giving to him thus far and wanted to learn as much as they could possibly teach him.

Rokuro Masamune
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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:41 pm
Weaponry huh? That in itself made the older male smile as he put his hands into his pockets and nodded,"  Work on your ninjutsu first until you get to a point in which you can be comfortable with how you have progressed. With that Weaponry will come a little easier to you.... Well that would honestly depend. For me it came easy because of how i was raised. I was always around different tools and weapons in which helped provide a base for my technique. For you it may be a little different or completely different, but don't give up on it," seeing that the other girl in the grounds was trying to show him a technique as well, Niento stepped to the side to see what his troublesome kids were up to as he was teaching young Hidoku. the two seemed to have been just goofing off while watching, Izayo seeing his father's gaze and shrugged," Didn't make sense to pay attention to you showing them a bunch of water techniques we neither one of us use water...though that ball technique was useful since we could both pool our lightning release chakra into it. Which begs the question of what releases do you know?," Izayo was always the studious one out of the two while Miya simply enjoyed either trialing by fire or just learning off hand. Tapping his chin, He began to think about it for a moment. While the younger female had been showing Hidoku a technique he would humor his children in a story," As you already already know i can use the water element. One of my other elements happen to be one you share with one another," to prove the point he would perform a few hand seals as lightning would begin to form around him, but to protect those around him, he would channel it into his hand and then shoot it upward where it would create a small dome of lightning before dispersing.

Looking back to the two of them he would smile and make a small motion with his hand," As you can see. My third however is probably one of my favorites with a close second being water," to them it was very quick but to him it would be natural and slow. Four seals were made as he took in a deep breath and turned his head upwards, a stream of fire coming out before molding and erupting into a fireball that would fly upwards before dispersing into flickering flames," Fire. Most of my family had either Water and Lightning or in some small cases Water and Wind. I guess I was one of the few that just didn't follow that plan fully. Doesn't mean you have to either to be truthful," for Izayo he was quite surprised to see his father have such a nice repertoire of techniques, yet Miya was not interested in that. She wanted to know how she could learn it and make it better. Amazement began to sparkle in her eyes as the cat ears upon her hat began wiggling in excitement," Teach it to me. Now. Please. I want to learn fire!!!," to which he karate chopped her dead between the ears," ...all in due time. Once you master your first element i can teach you Fire. Don't rush anything only to be burned by it. Do you understand dear?," there was a sniffle before a nod as she rubbed her head. A small sigh would escape the father as he consoled her and turned his attention back to the other two. He felt as if he didn't have much else to teach but he would stick around at least for his kids' sake to see what they would learn out of this.

630 WC
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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Sat Sep 18, 2021 8:06 pm
Weaponry. She hadn't thought much about weaponry. She inherited puppetry from her sister, and ninjutsu was in her blood as a member of the Senju clan, but honestly she'd never thought about what other skills she could pick up. She didn't really think she could pick up a third until recently. It was like the ninja technique flood gates had opened up to grant leniency to the created, giving them a vissage of the strength held by the born. Ai waved off hidoku's comment. it was such a silly consideration.

"Oh. No. Don't worry. I'm not really a front of the pack kind of girl anyway. He has much more to teach than I could, and I don't mind being in the background. it's actually where I've found I excel best.... Or at least where I excelled best when I was a puppet." The sentence, for all it's odity, made perfect sense to the small konoichi. She didn't even consider that most wouldn't be aware that she was created from living mokuton, with life literally poured into her via chakra. For Ai, that was how things were made. It seemed natural. The realization that most were born from other humans was the afterthought. There is no doubt, that at the least, this would cause some problems later.

She formed the seals again, Allowing Hidoku to get a good look at the technique she'd been teaching. She couldn't cast it a second time. THe five sharks still swam excitedly around her in the shallow pool of water created from all of their techniques. Still, she wanted to make sure that whoever might want to learn the jutsu had a good look at how it was performed. As she considered what else she could possible offer, She noticed the man talking to his kids. He'd stepped away to give her the floor she assumed. She would never get used to that feeling. Beneath the joy of being recognized and the slight bit of respect that it offered, the idea that she'd taken up space made her a bit uncomfortable. That thought was released when he began speaking about chakra natures.

"My little sister knows lightning style!" While the words were said in excitement, her tone was barelly a whisper of the comment. She didn't want to intrude on their convorsation, and she'd already held the spotlight longer than she would have liked in the current company, but the pride of her creator welled in her chest, spilling over into the single comment about her newest element. One day, she tought to herself, I'm going to learn earth just like she did and master mokuton.

Until she was at that point, she'd resolved to focusing on her suiton. While team puppet trained and crafted, she'd found Saya creating more suiton techniques to fill out her own jutsu list, and the access to these, along with a list of other techniques she picked up here and there, had resolved her to the position of suiton specialist.

(TWC 2591)
Takumashi Senju
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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Sat Sep 18, 2021 9:06 pm
Hidoku would listen to the words of the man and nod, and watched as he walked off to his children and began to fall into a conversation with them. This made Hidoku a little home sick, however it was quickly pushed to the back burner when the other would step forward and redo the hand signs. At which time he would follow along with her and would form the five sharks to swim around and play with her sharks. Watching them swim in circles made Hidoku just sort of stare for a moment, seeing a pattern of a whirlpool in their circles before he would begin to have one shark at a time, jump up and out of the circle.

One at a time he would have each one Land into the water of the pond or lake, he always confused the differences between the two. One by one the sharks would splash into the water and than disappear. This was rather exciting all the way around, he had several people helping him out, and there was nothing more he could possibly ask for. He would spin around and bow to them both "Thank you so much, It is odd but being fresh from the Academy I entered a Tournament, is there any way to make these techniques more powerful?" Hidoku had heard several terms in school about different techniques, however he always confused the terms as to which was what bolstered his abilities, and which bolstered the abilities of the jutsu itself. He hoped one of them knew of such a thing which could make him more formidable.

Meanwhile he would form the hand seals for the Cero technique again, this time adding in another hand seal. In doing so he would make the Cero a bit stronger and bigger, making it rain longer now at this point and in a wider range. The power of the impact made Hidoku withdraw a bit and chuckle softly. This was an incredible technique, he could not wait to be able to infuse his elemental nature into the technique and make it that much more powerful and find out any extra abilities adding water might have.

Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:19 pm
Nothing truly escaped the ears of the Takami as he turned to inspect the girl who had been teaching Hidoku the five feeding shark technique. Had she been what he had came to know as a Living Clone as well? The wording was indeed strange and to most it might have been taken just as a play on words or rhetoric, but Niento didn't believe in those sort of things when it came to particular situations. Rubbing the small scruff of his beard he would keep his thoughts to himself but note that the creation of life did exceed what he had done for his own children. He memorized the hand signs for the five feeding sharks technique and even though it was, by all means, an upgrade to the water shark bullet it did not take him long to finish the hand seals and slap his hand onto the ground. From it five sharks would emerge and jump into the air before dispersing just as quick as they came," Not too bad...Another relic of Kiri's olden times passed down into the future huh?," the sentence was more so spoken to himself only but he didn't care if others had heard it. When Hidoku had asked about a way to make those techniques stronger that was what caught his attention once more and he nodded," There is a way in fact. There are many techniques known to bolster the offensive capabilities of certain techniques. I can show you the basics but you'll of course need to continually train it so you can become more familiar with it," As he spoke he would begin to show the two hand seals for the technique before performing two more hand seals that would form chakra in his right hand. Holding it upward, he would pull back with his left as if he had been pulling back an arrow.

With his precise chakra control he would begin to form the outline of a bow and arrow before shooting it upward. Unlike his normal usage with the technique, the arrow would come out a tad larger and bolster more power than the generic technique normally had. Upon firing the arrow he would watch it fly upwards for about 10 meters before dispersing and looking back to Hidoku," Its something known as the Ninjutsu Amplification technique. It normally amplifies the ninjutsu technique, but for some reason you usually have to prepare it before hand before using another technique. Sounds weird but its really useful," that was about the gist of the technique and of course he would allow the others to use it and see what they got out of it.

WC: 445
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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:42 pm
"Oh uh. Is it? Honestly we're not around here--my little sister and I, I mean. Well. We're from 'around here' in the sense that we're from the island country, but we didn't grow up in the village. We were raised in the country itself and kind of moved here When she turned fifteen. Before this, we hadn't really learned much about the village culture, but her ninjutsu teacher explained the technique as a symbol of power for suiton users so I guess it's a relic of old Kiri?" This was embaracing. They were ninja of the village hidden in the mist, but none of team puppet had actually taken the time to learn much of the history of the village. If she were being honest, it wasn't unintentional. There was a very dark history of the village, specifically it's time under the previous mizukage, which had turned Saya off to the idea of study. In her world, as long as she didn't actively look up the information, she could focus on the current state of the village and not have to deal with the horrors of it's past.

"ah! Theres actually two wa--" She noticed the other man posturing to respond, and immediately gave him a nod. Good. He seemed more of the 'taking control of the situation and being an actual teacher who can ensure his students learn the lesson' type than Ai did, so she was a bit relieved when he wen't into his explaination. In emphasis to his lesson, She would form the seals along side the father figure, pausing only when he stopped at two seals. That's wierd. Why did her ninjutsu amplifier require five seals? After a short pause, she finished the hand seals for her own technique.

Tiger. Boar. Dog. Dragon. Rat.

"I dunno why, but Uh. When I cast it I do a bunch more hand seals than you do. Is... Is that normal? I think my little sister does the same?" SHe'd learned the technique in it's entirety, sure, but what wasn't considered especially useful to the powerful senju girl's mind, was discarded quickly. This left her with an awareness of the lower ranks of the jutsu, but no interest in actually casting them, and on the same note, no reason to recognize that they existed outside of her subconsicous understanding. This was one of the few traits that she'd gained in creation from her little sister. It helped keep the mind uncluttered. For saya this meant something very different though. Saya mentally defragged and cleared cache so that she can keep her main focus on what she considered more important than the ninja arts: the arts.

There was now a small problem. Having fully cast her amplifier in emphasis of niento's lesson, now she needed to DO something with it. It wouldn't do to just let the chakra enhancement effect sit and wait. She might try to cast something later only to find it much more powerful than she'd intended. There was an easy fix.

Tiger. Ram. Hare. Monkey. Tiger.

As she formed the seals, one of the suiton sharks beside her dispersed. The water that created it spun and swirled, Forming into a ball of concentrated suiton that surged with power as she activated water dragon whip.

(TWC 3138

Putting 375 towards cero (375/375) 375 towards wild water wave(375/375) 1125 towards water shark bullet (375 to learn, 375 for first mastery and 375 for second mastery, fully mastered, no hand seals) all of these with 75% training discount, and then 750 towards five feeding sharks (750/750) and 500 towards summoning technique these 2 with the clone 50% discount 13 words left over for the rest of the thread! )

Last edited by Cosplay Queen Saya on Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Tue Sep 21, 2021 11:25 am
A good question was asked and it would have been rude of him to not answer. Turning to face the young girl he would take off his glasses and pull out a seemingly dry cloth to clean them as he spoke," A good question. The reason why the one I demonstrated has less hand seals is because it is the beginning or basic version of it. For one to understand a jutsu at its core, the basics are often needed. That way it can be understood from the bottom up. Its also good for demonstrations when you don't want to waste unnecessary energy or effort you know?," that and he didn't really bother training the technique any higher though he really should had. Either way the explanation was given and his glasses cleaned. Seeing as she didn't know much about the old kiri, at least from a historical standpoint he didn't mind giving a history lesson from what he knew living around the area that had formerly lived around," So your teacher was half right. The technique was used by one of Kiri's arguably strongest Suiton user by the name of Kisame Hoshigaki of the Akatsuki. The techniques themselves according to what I know were used not only by him but his teacher and a few other Kiri shinobi of that time pre-volcanic eruption. If memory serves correctly before Kiri's untimely destruction it was also used my some of the previous Mizukage's as well. What the history of this place tells about it after that you got me because I haven't tuned into its goings on besides a certain "tyrant" taking over Konoha I think," of course he didn't pay much attention on purpose. Not knowing meant he couldn't be dragged into a battle or war that wasn't his.. And it kept others from pressing the issue further.

Placing the glasses back onto his face he would roll his shoulders for a bit, deciding that he really didn't have much else to teach and let alone talk about unless he was directly asked a question that he had a direct answer to. With all of this teaching he should have honestly just been a teaching for some neutral country or village that didn't get into fights but even then he'd have to protect it at some point...a real conundrum for him, but he had a job and that was residing over his troupe. With that being said he fell silent and left the floor open for whoever wanted to speak.

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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:03 pm
@Cosplay Queen Saya 
Approved mid-thread claim. 
Make sure to restate what you claimed at the end.
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
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The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Meijin Meets the Puppet Troupe!

Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:37 am
@Hidoku Shimesu
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