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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Here we go again!|Training| Empty Re: Here we go again!|Training|

Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:48 pm
Travin had been a volunteer to help out with the genin’s training as a way to help make the coming tournament a bit more interesting. After all, if all the genin knew was the basics then it would be a very boring spectacle. Granted he was slightly bias on what he taught the genin seeing how he had already invested in one. He didn’t want to stack the deck against his chance of getting his percentage of the winnings after all. 

He had finished with the last student a young shinobi that would stand no chance against some of the genin he had worked with so far. He had been studying genjutsu which made Travin a no-brainer for the sorting people to place them in Travins group of trainees. Travin knew just how hard it was to win when all you had was genjutsu, but this student only had a few C ranks and a B rank genjutsu figured out by the time his session was done. It would not be enough to pull out a victory but he might make it out of the first round at least. 

Travin had just sat down in the chair as his next student was supposed to be showing up at 3, but Travin knew that for some reason these students with all the pressure of the tournament would be showing up early. It was good that they were motivated to learn but it sucked to be the one teaching, as the sessions were only spread 30 minutes apart, and since all the students arrived 30 minutes early most of the time it meant the teachers had no time to rest between sessions. Travin pulled up the paper that told him his next student on the list. It was one that didn’t make a whole lot of sense for him, as he knew the student and they had said they were trying to keep people from teaching people they knew as a way to stop favoritism, but sometimes it can’t be helped. The only thing that they had in common was that they both used Genjutsu, but Gael only dabbled in genjutsu he didn’t focus on it. Because of this it really limited what Travin would be able to teach him. 

Thinking about it while he waited he could get him the snake summons may be, and a few genjutsu that could be useful and easy for him to figure out. Travin would be sitting in the chair when Gael opened the door. “Hey let’s get this over with and get to the actual work. You know what kind of genjutsu you want to learn and if you want it I can help you get my summon race as well” he would tell Gael while motioning for him to get into the seat across from him. Travin summons was pretty popular with the genin and chunin of the village, as he had already taught several people he summons race and he himself was well known for using them within his jutsu. 


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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Here we go again!|Training| Empty Re: Here we go again!|Training|

Sat Sep 18, 2021 9:58 pm
Travin watched as Gael sat down across from him he could think of a few things off the top of his head that he could use and most of them were fairly easy to pick up at least as well. “Ok first thing I guess we will start with a simple water style ninjutsu and get that out of the way first since ninjutsu is what you focused on at the moment” Travin walked over to the training dummies on the other side of the room. “Tiger, Boar, Snake is the handseals for this jutsu. Called Water Release: Shuriken, and it creates several shurikens from water either from the air around you or from your mouth even if the opportunity arises that it would be the better choice.” Travin would tell Gael before making the handseals and demonstrating the jutsu in action against the target furthest away. 

Once he had finished and got the hang of the jutsu Travin would move on to the next on his mental list. Taking the center point once more “This one is called Water Release: Water Whip. Handseals are Rat, Ox, Ram and by manipulating the water within the air like last time you create a whip of water this time. That can be used as a weapon or whatever else you may use a whip for” Travin would tell Gael before making said handseals and demonstrating. By hitting one of the training dummies with the whip. He would then step back to the side and wait for him to get the hang of it answering questions as he stood. 

When Travin felt that he had proper control over the whip he would once again take center stage. “Now onto the next Water Release: Snakes Mouth has four handseals Monkey, Rat, Tiger, Snake. It creates a spinning column of water that strikes at whatever you deem the target with his massive jaws.” Travin would explain before once again demonstrating the jutsu on a target dummy. 

“Now this next one is a bit more tricky as it’s a change in your own form. Turning you into the water, and is best used for ambushes or hiding for life if the need ever comes up” Travin would tell Gael looking over at him as he reached into his cloak and pulled out two bottles of water. He would dump the water onto the floor before continuing to explain how it works. “The handseals are Ox, Dog, Snake, Boar and you start by using your chakra to become one with the water.” He would say as he made the handseals himself and slowly flowed down into the puddle of water he had created on the floor. 

“Now that those are out of the way I can teach you to infuse your weapon with chakra. It can be very useful to know in a pinch where your normal everyday kunai is not enough to get the job done” he would say as he pulled out a kunai. Focusing his chakra into the blade the blade would start to glow. “That’s when you know it’s ready, and it’s really simple all you have to do is focus your chakra into the blade of your weapon and hold it there like it’s an extension of yourself.” Travin would help Gael if he needed any further explanations, but would mostly just wait for him to get the hang of it before moving on. 

Once he was happy with the chakra infusion skill. Travin would bite his thumb and make a few handseal before slamming his hand on the ground creating a puff of white smoke. Once the smoke cleared an ancient snake with skin spots and a long white mustache would be sitting in front of them. “How many more people are you going to get to sign this thing” he would ask Travin. 

“At least one more” he would reply as the scroll rolled down his back to the feet of Gael. “All you have to do is prick your finger and sign your name in blood at the bottom.” Travin would tell Gael as he watched the man do it. Once he had finished the snake would wish them both good fortune and vanish back to the cave. Travin would take a few moments to answer any questions that Gael may or may not have about the contract before continuing on.

WC-732 TWC-1240

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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

Here we go again!|Training| Empty Re: Here we go again!|Training|

Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:01 pm
Travin was glad to see that Gael was picking up on the jutsu pretty fast. They were all fairly easy, but the last two kids he had in here were only able to nail down one or two before the session was over. “Ok, good work so far now we move to the easy stuff. Being an Uchiha you have probably had lessons in the past on genjutsu and how to use it and break it, so I’m not going to be going over basic stuff you should already know.” Travin told Gael while he moved over into the center of the room. “This next part is going to be each of us placing each other within the genjutsu that I’m going to be showing you. After all the best way to figure out how a genjutsu works and its effects is to be put in the genjutsu” Travin would tell Gael waiting for him to agree to the conditions that would allow him to pick out these genjutsu as fast as possible. 

“First we will start with the Demonic Illusion: False Surrounding jutsu. It’s a very basic jutsu that scales all the way up to A rank. The better you get with it the more of the area around you, you can affect with it.” Travin would then start to make the handseals slowly for Gael to see each one before changing the classroom they were in into a jungle, as trees would sprout up all around them. “You can think of this as an aura anyone that gets within range of the genjutsu sees what you want them to see.” Travin would tell Gael as he broke the genjutsu and gave Gael a nod for him to give it a shot. 

Once Gael had successfully completed the genjutsu Travin would move on to the next. “This one is called Tree Binding Death. Once you have your target within the genjutsu a tree grows up around them restricting their movements, you are able to show up out of the tree to deliver the final blow” Travin would say has he once again started to make the handseals for the jutsu slowly enough for him to see them. Once he had Gael inside of the genjutsu and held him there for a few seconds Travin would break the genjutsu and give him the nod to try. 

Next Travin would show him Ephemeral. “This next jutsu is one of my favorites the possibilities are endless with this one.” Travin would tell Gael while slowly making the handseals before pointing at him. Once inside the genjutsu, Travin would have them standing in an open abyss, before changing the scenery to the palace garden of Hoshi. Finally breaking the genjutsu to allow Gael to give it a shot. 

Once they had finished with Ephemeral Travin would take a few steps closer to Gael. “This next one will probably save your life at some point, and I’ll show you a good jutsu to follow this one up with using that new summoning contract you have,” Travin said before glancing at Gael with his Seigan paralyzing him in his place as fear would rise up within Gael keeping him from moving. A moment later Travin would break the genjutsu and give him a nod to give it a shot after he explained the many ways to use the genjutsu with handseals and without. 

“One of the two jutsu that combo really well with the Genjutsu binding is either the Hidden Shadow Snake Hands or the Binding Snake Glare. Both are entry-level summoning jutsu that are easy to get the hang of.” Travin would tell Gael as he made a few handseals before 5 brown and black snakes slithered out of his sleeve. The snakes would fly out and strike at one of the training dummies within 15 meters of the two of them wrapping around it and squeezing lifting it up off the ground. “This is the shadow snake hands, it has a multitude of possible uses in combat. 

Travin would then allow the snakes to slither back up his sleeve and vanish back into the summoning world before making a few more handseals. Two massive white snakes would slither out one from each sleeve. “These are close range and don’t have as much utility as the other, however, these have a nasty paralytic venom, and if they can bit someone that let’s say is paralyzed by genjutsu binding. It will give you a massive opening to finish the fight” Travin would tell Gael. 

Once Gael was able to successfully use both jutsu Travin would turn and look at the time. “Well my day is over, good luck in the tournament” he would Gael before making a few handseals and vanishing into a deep blue light.

WC-801 TWC-2041

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Here we go again!|Training| Empty Re: Here we go again!|Training|

Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:16 pm
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