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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The Return of a Kyuketsuki Empty The Return of a Kyuketsuki

Wed Dec 08, 2021 12:19 am
The sun was bright and shone down on her as she walked through the village - citizens parting in her wake - not because of who she was but because of the way she looked. The blood had thoroughly dried on her skin and was cracked in places as it had baked in the desert sun, she could have Mayflyed her way back but she was in no state. Her eyes were hollow as they stared ahead toward the center of the village, she had intended to head for the morgue where she was certain to find Kenshin but as she moved through the streets the whispers and heartbeats of everyone around her made the pounding in her temple increase to a painful level. Her usually neat straight hair was wind swept and caked into messy tendrils that spilled around her body, barely clothed, she kept moving toward her destination like a shell shocked soldier. 

Through the winding path of the grove she passed even more citizens who, upon seeing her would look toward the Spire and back to her with an odd look of fear in their eyes - before quickly getting up and vacating the area. A group of men she passed shuffled away in such a hurry they left a few things behind - one of which was a pack of half empty cigarettes with the light stuffed into the box. Having only noticed it due to the Byakugan she had yet to release, she would pause briefly to grab the box up, light it on and stick it in her mouth - before stuffing the box into her bra as she kept moving. It would only be a few more moments before the reason they all scampered away came into realization - on the once white marble front of The Spire was painted a mural of Kenshin and herself.

Halting in her tracks she stared at it, unmoving and unbreathing, while the smoke slowly drifted up from the still lit cigarette in her mouth. The smile… the smile was what did it - seeing a version of herself in just contrast to how she was really sent her over the proverbial edge. She wanted to laugh, she wanted to scream, she wanted to tear the entire building down - instead she stood stock still before slowly forming the hand seals that would express this feeling the best. 50 meters all around her clouds formed at an alarming rate, turning a bright day into night, the moment the clouds were fully formed though their color shifted from dark gray to deep red; and with a deep drag from nearly dead cigarette the deluge of blood rain fell from the sky.

There was some distant screaming as those still in the area were caught in her path, but overall this was a harmless technique - it was however a very heavy handed correction to what was a small issue in front of her…. Though it was very satisfying to watch the fraudulent smile melt away under the coat of blood. Of which she was now thoroughly covered herself, as white marble was thoroughly soaked with the rain she finally closed her eyes as if accepting failure finally - lifting her face to the sky she began to laugh.

That was the worst decision Kirigakure could have made… and she was so glad they did. It was a few seconds before she finally gathered herself together again to enter into her office, this time fully sinking into the ground with Mayfly only to emerge at the top floor in her office - the  carpet already soaking up the remnants of her jutsu; with no intention to end it anytime soon. “Welcome Home.”, was all she whispered to the empty room.

WC 620

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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 330650

The Return of a Kyuketsuki Empty Re: The Return of a Kyuketsuki

Sun Dec 12, 2021 11:24 pm
The room was as it was before she left, nothing moved or disturbed - though everything was changed. The room felt hollow despite the rich deep blues and even as the dripping ceased from her clothing and soaked into the carpet she had yet to move further into the room. The smell was now strongly iron-like instead of the lavender mixed with owl smell that she was used to. In the privacy of this room was when the final crack finally happened - it wasn’t a large explosive rage or dramatic in anyway but it was final, and as the tears streaked down her cheeks and make tracks in the blood she knew what her path was from here. Somehow she would get Souji back and then, once he was safe, she would leave. No longer would be attach herself to people in such a way that it brought so much chaos to them - she broke her own vow by taking him in and the worst case scenario played out despite how careful she had been with him.

Finally moving over to the side kitchen area she would stand in front of the mirror and take a hard look at the reflection. For a moment she contemplated putting her seal on herself in retribution - removing his eye from her use - but it was just a cop out from forcing her to see her mistake very literally staring back at her. Instead she took a rag and drenched in warm water before gently wiping her eyes free, heaving a deep sigh as the pale skin nearly matched Souji’s doujutsu. How far had she fallen that she now sat in the depths of history, just like her father.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The Return of a Kyuketsuki Empty Re: The Return of a Kyuketsuki

Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:29 pm
Not even that she had become less than her father, less than her clan. Selling out to a village and trying to distance herself from what she was had led her down this road, had it not? She got comfortable in Sunagakure, got complacent with her defenses and the people around her she couldn't determine when she stopped relying on herself and relied on others. True she came to Suna for power, searching for that next step and now she stared at a person she didn’t know at all. Having relied on Kenshin for so long she forgot who she was, and meeting the Mizukage again made her remember that she was tired of the political red tape they all hid behind.

Placing her hand over the mirror she smeared her fingers down in a 3 stripe configuration over her face - the blood on her hands smearing faintly. She wasn’t Sunagakure at all, she never was and no matter how much she tried to be no matter how much she feigned it - she was a Kyuketsuki who answered to no one. It was about time she followed through on that, it was about time she left and took matters of the world into her hands. She had been alive long enough to see first hand how things in this world did not change without some overarching problem - and as it stood she had been that issue but having been assigned the role of leader of a group of people who wanted nothing to do with the rest of the world… perhaps she needed those who would.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The Return of a Kyuketsuki Empty Re: The Return of a Kyuketsuki

Sun Dec 19, 2021 11:48 pm
For the first time since exiting the land of tea Mizuki smiled, a genuine smile that showed her full teeth - and the full range of her unhinged gaze. There she was, the memory of that day in the clearing took on a new light and expanded into full consciousness for the first time in nearly seven decades. 
The sun rays warming her form as it slowly cooled to an inhuman degree, her skin paling slightly as the transformation began - and finally the stopping of her heart - to which her eyes that had been calming pools of violet shone with a deep and deadly red. Her movements were fluid and even though her head in previous memory had blocked the details she remembered in painful exactness now - she had risen from her position and turned her attention to the sounds of two curiously fast poundings. 

Her younger ‘siblings’ playing at the river's edge 8 meters away from her, the younger version of her self took a deep breath and was on the girl in an instant - strange long nails sunk deep into her chest as she kneeled over her. Her new eyes looked on in intense interest as the pool of blood first soaked her clothing and then the ground around the pair as the gasping life of the girl left her. Then the screams drew her attention to the boy, who in shock had fallen back against the bank - mud aiding in his loss of balance - though he tried to scramble back she simply stood and tilted her head to the side before grabbing him by his jaw and dragging him up an inch or so off the ground. “What are you screaming for? You’ll soon join her.” Those words were barely out of her mouth before her nails injected into his throat like a switchblade, the sounds of choking and gurgling as his last moments were of drowning in his own blood. 

The moment a Kyuketsuki had returned to the world.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The Return of a Kyuketsuki Empty Re: The Return of a Kyuketsuki

Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:12 pm
It was over so quickly and the scene was one of masacre, some of the blood had ran into the river being swept along as if to warn the world of a once decimated clan resurrecting into the world. It was from this moment when her previous memory would have taken over and rewritten the events into one of defense but now she saw it all clearly. She was covered in their blood at this point, and her eyes were reverted back to their calm violet color as the thirst was satiated. Some of her semblance of mannerisms was returning to her as the scene took new light - she had to return them to their parents and explain they were attacked…. They had been attacked right? The scene lacked a crucial piece of evidence of course, the actual attackers. 

She shook the thought from her mind and had managed to travel with the two slung over her shoulders. The whole trip back to their home, a new mental blockade was being formed by Mizuki Ohta - a blockade to seal away the girl that had emerged. It had worked too, for nearly 7 decades she had only fed on animal blood or mission targets already paid to be killed. Walking that straight and narrow but now, there was no putting the woman back in that cage. Oh how she had tried but it was no longer her turn to walk the earth anymore, Ohta was put to rest and was never going to return.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The Return of a Kyuketsuki Empty Re: The Return of a Kyuketsuki

Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:07 pm
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Thu Jan 13, 2022 12:18 pm
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