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Kaneki Hiro
Kaneki Hiro
Stat Page : Kaneki
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:11 pm
The sun was hot, and it made his skin heat up beneath its warmth wherever it shown through dappled leaves. Fire Country was still a strange, untamed land to Kaneki- having taken the long and arduous journey through Earth Country and into Fire over the past few weeks. Traveling with a caravan had been slow and costly, but ultimately far smarter of a choice considering the risks- being almost completely untrained in any form of self defense, he didn’t have much of a chance if any roving bandits decided that he looked like a particularly good snack. Still, now he was in what was hopefully more friendly territory. No longer in his own country, but certainly in a more stable one. And where there was stability, there was work.

Wiping the sweat from his brow with a cloth, Kaneki would let out a cry of surprise and delight as the path cleared away to reveal the startling red walls of Konohagakure- taking a long moment to appreciate its majesty and the way that it separated those who lived inside from the forest like a magical curtain. So this was what a Hidden Village looked like? He had never seen one before in his life- and this was certainly a great way to make a first impression. The idea of living in a place like this, even for a shorter stint of time, was admittedly daunting. Still, he had come way too far to get cold feet and return. His family depending on him finding work here.

Getting out his papers and setting them in order, Kaneki would approach one of the closer gate guards for information while holding them clearly in his left hand. “Hey! Hello?” A sparkle in his eyes would shine through, full of vigor and anticipation after a long journey. “I’m a traveling laborer- well, cobbler actually, but not a lot of people looking for fixed shoes these days. Can you point me in a direction for any sort of work?”
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Re: Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:18 pm
Slowly but surely a change took place in Konohagakure, more people could be found on the streets during the day and some even dared to stay out til late in the morning. Goto loved to see it, after all, the young Senju tried his best to guide the village in the direction he had in mind. Well, considering he was the Deputy it was kind of expected of him to be somewhat of a leading example, he couldn't exactly sit back and do nothing, especially after the promise he made to Ishimaru. Together with his friend who was also the current Hokage, the silver haired decided that the new generation of shinobi would also going to be the one attempting to rebuild Konohagakure to its former glory. Thinking of the past, only to work towards the future.

As he made his daily rounds through the village Goto noticed one of the guards at the entrance stood up and approached a certain individual. "A visitor?" the Senju spoke under his breath, only for himself to hear. For a moment he wondered if it would have anything to do with the Summit that didn't end that long ago, from what he could remember Ishimaru returned while the Mizukage and Kazekage engaged in battle. Hoping both cases were unrelated the silver haired decided to personally check it out for himself, better to be safe than sorry. "I'm not sure about shoes but there's always work that can be done", with a friendly smile on his face the Deputy joined the pair at the gates.

With both hands behind his back Goto looked at the stranger, scanning the surrounding area in case they brought company. "I'll take it from here", a small nod to let the guard know he could return to his post. Stretching out one of his hands the Senju would reach for the young male's papers and assuming they were handed over to him he'd then look through them while at the same time striking up a conversation. "Where did you travel from? I hope your journey was without issue?". Most likely the stranger's reasons for visiting were harmless, but those questions could at least shed a little bit of light on how he ended up at the Leaf village.

(WC: 379)
Kaneki Hiro
Kaneki Hiro
Stat Page : Kaneki
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Re: Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:31 pm
“I’d really hope so! I’ve come a long way, and it wouldn’t be exactly easy to go back.” Kaneki would laugh nervously at the gate guard’s comment, scratching his head. Truth be told, he didn’t have enough funds to make it back to Earth Country on his own. If he did, it would be by foot- a decidedly daunting task given his relatively civilian nature.

It was about this this moment, just about when he figured he was going to be processed, when he was directed to another individual for his immigration. Or was it that he had decided to take over for the gate guard’s duty? He wasn’t quite sure how this sort of thing tended to work, and it wasn’t his posture either to cause much of a huff. Ultimately, he was the guest to this village. It wouldn’t be good to start trouble simply because things felt a little bit unusual. Was this what they meant when they said he’d be experiencing different cultures?

Passing over his papers to the ninja, nothing would appear to be relatively out of order- the only notable things about it being his relatively young age paired with the relative heavy use of the papers. They had clearly gone through quite the journey, despite being preserved with care. Kaneki Hiro, it read.

“I’m from Earth Country, actually. Near the borders of Mountain.” Wincing, he would pause to work out a kink in his arms. Even traveling with a caravan, he still had aches from the long travel. “Things are pretty bad there still, ever since the fall of our Hidden Village. It’s better to try and find work out here. Safer, too.”

Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Re: Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:16 pm
Going through the young male's papers Goto didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. "Kaneki Hiro, is it?". Not expecting the visitor to actually confirm his identity the silver haired eventually returned them to their owner. He continued to listen attentively to the stranger's words, paying attention as he was told where the man hailed from. "Earth Country? Interesting". From what he knew and how Kaneki spoke about the place it appeared Konohagakure would be in a far better state, regardless of its own current situation. Things could always be worse, of that there was no denying. Comparing themselves to the Hidden Stone Village every Leaf shinobi would have to admit there was no reason to complain after realizing there were other people who had it much more difficult than them.

Noticing some of Kaneki's little movements it wasn't hard to figure out the journey had been long, traveling from one country to the other causing the man to suffer from a couple of body aches. "So you intend to stick around for a while?" the deputy replied in response to the male's words of trying to find work. Not that he would be against it, nor could he blame him. Considering the state of Earth Country it made sense for one to search their luck somewhere else, leaving their home behind in hopes of finding peace even if it meant moving to a different place. "What are your plans? Find some work, earn a bit of money? We could always use the extra hands if that's what you're looking for". Depending on Kaneki's answer Goto would be able to decide the best approach for the situation and how to move from there. 

(WC: 283, TWC: 662)
Kaneki Hiro
Kaneki Hiro
Stat Page : Kaneki
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Re: Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Sat Dec 11, 2021 12:00 am
Yep, that was him. Kaneki Hiro, or Kane for short. Frankly, he didn’t care what was used to refer to him, so long as it wasn’t openly derogatory. He was never particular about that sort of thing. It was strange, hearing this sort of mulling. A bit like hearing his own life story being told to him by a neutral observer. And that was what was happening, wasn’t it? He was being evaluated, tested, to make sure that he wasn’t a threat to the village. He certainly didn’t feel like it, in his current state. Really, he was more partial to passing out in a bed and calling it a night. That certainly sounded like the more agreeable option.

“Yeah. That’s the intention. No real reason for me to head farther out, unless something crazy happens. It’s not really safe to travel alone these days, anyways.” He would agree to the deputy’s half statement, half question without much pause. It was never much of a choice- his money had run out, and this is where it had dropped him off. “Honestly? I’m happy to do whatever’s needed. I’m no ninja, but I got taught a few simple tricks by some of the elders back at home. Hopefully that’s enough to get some sort of work while I work on my craftsmanship. Oh! Err, not to say that you guys need the extra help that badly. Or that I’m anywhere at the level of a professional shinobi…I’m not a shinobi, anyways…Ehehe.”

He would scratch his head sheepishly. He was bad at this. “I’m just looking for a place where I can fit in. Home isn’t really safe, anymore.”

Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Re: Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Sun Dec 12, 2021 1:17 pm
He continued to hear Kaneki out, making mental note of his words and reasons for wanting to visit and stay in the village. Goto was aware of the dangers traveling alone came with, that much he experienced personally when returning from Sunagakure himself. And not to sound rude but in his current state the young man standing in front of him would be an easy target, at least the way he was right now. Tired, exhausted, hungry, body aching all over. If the Senju was a missing nin he'd know who to pick out, that would be the harsh reality they were living in.

The deputy continued to listen, the visitor telling him about how willing he was to do whatever they needed. "Well at least you're not picky" the silver haired replied to that statement with a smile. It appeared work was what he required, that and a roof above his head. Both things Konohagakure could provide him with. "Perhaps this could mean a new start for each of us". The village was slowly entering a new era and Kaneki was looking for a place where he could fit in. It would be a win-win for both parties involved and Konohagakure wasn't one to turn down people who were in need of help.

Goto then directed himself towards one of the gate guards, calling them over. "Shikako, could you bring me the visitor list please?". The deputy grabbed a pen, writing down the name of Kaneki Hiro, the day of his arrival and reason of visiting. "Take a good look and add a picture next to the name". The Senju had somewhat of a protocol to add a description of each person trying to enter the village, at least for ones that hadn't visited Konohagakure yet. "This young kunoichi here will guide you to one of our inns where you can stay until you found a place. Once you settled in she'll also bring you to me so we can discuss your plans of finding work. How does that sound?". Goto returned the list to Shikako, a gentle smile as he expected her to continue doing a great job as a gate guard.

(WC: 364, TWC: 1026)
Kaneki Hiro
Kaneki Hiro
Stat Page : Kaneki
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Re: Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Sun Dec 12, 2021 3:11 pm
Picky? What an odd thought. It had been a while since he had every thought of himself as such. With the changing times, and the lack of options afforded for both his family and town, the days where he had been able to refuse any work was long past. Indeed, there was very little that he felt was ‘beneath’ him, moral code excepting. Dog walking, stable mucking, cat catching. He’d do it all, given the chance. Perhaps the man was right. Would this be his ‘new beginning’, as he said?

Watching the interaction between what he assumed to be a shinobi and the gate guard, Kaneki would mentally let out a little cheer. He was allowed inside- and honestly that was something he was afraid he would be barred from doing. Still, he was being admitted entrance. Wasn’t that a small positive step? He could do this. He could do this. Just had to keep putting his best foot forward, and he’d be fine. “That sounds just fine. Honestly, I have no idea how I’d find an inn otherwise. This place looks huge.” Kaneki would scratch his head sheepishly. “But yeah! That sounds just fine. Definitely feels like a good start.

Bouncing on his heels, Kaneki would wait until dismissed to begin on his trek into Konoha proper.

Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Re: Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Sun Dec 12, 2021 6:30 pm
A soft smile appeared on Goto's face, a feeling of fulfilment as he was able to help someone take a step in the right direction. "I'm glad you're able to find at least a little bit of peace now" the silver haired voiced while putting the pen in one of his side pockets. In a way the young Senju felt relieved that Konohagakure would still be a place where people would come to in times of need, it would mean that the Leaf had not been forgotten. And it would only be the beginning if it were up to him.

With the formalities out of the way the only thing left for them was to officially grant Kaneki entry into the village. "Well, you know where to find me. Just ask for Goto and they'll bring you to my office". The silver haired then gave a slight nod, a sign for Shikako to show their visitor around. "I hope you'll enjoy your stay and don't forget to ask when you need something". And with that the deputy would send both of them on their way, staying behind a couple more minutes before finally heading back inside as well. 

[Exit, giving Kaneki permission to enter the village]

(TWC: 1224)
- 1000 to finish Pact of the Three (previously trained here)
- 24 AP
- placing FTG seal on the village gates
Kaneki Hiro
Kaneki Hiro
Stat Page : Kaneki
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Re: Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Sun Dec 12, 2021 7:31 pm
“Alright! I’ll keep it in mind. Err, Goto, was it? I promise, I’ll try and remember that.” Truth be told, he was somewhat relieved that the conversation had gone as well as it did. Maybe this was the turnaround of his fate thus far? It was far too early to tell such a thing, but it left him with a warm feeling in his chest.

And so it was that Kaneki had gone through the process of immigration as best as he could. Having shown his official documentation to the officials at the gates, and clearing the little impromptu questioning, he was feeling good about the day ahead. So this was his first foray into the Village Hidden in the Leaves? Truth be told, he had expected that somehow something would have gone wrong. Like a dragon suddenly tearing apart the ground and demanding tribute. Or being accosted by bears. Or the most likely option of all- xenophobic ninja. Well, he couldn’t exactly be upset at his good fortune. So far, he had been shown nothing but the utmost of hospitality and concern. Hells, he had even been afforded a guide. How cool was that?

Passing through the gates with a smile on his face and opportunity glimmering in his eyes, Kaneki would like out a cheerful whoop- before quickly hiding it so as to not embarrass himself in front of his new if not temporary companion. He had made it! He was here, for real! All the people, all the sights, all the opportunities of the Hidden Village sprawled out before him like so many flowering blossoming. He couldn’t wait to meet them all, in time.


[1414 words]

Permitted Entry into the Village Hidden in the Leaves
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+14 Speed

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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry] Empty Re: Sifting Gold Amongst Leaves [Village Entry]

Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:11 am
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