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Skill Creation Guide & Template Empty Skill Creation Guide & Template

Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:01 am
Skill Creation Guide & Template GPoTi55oTRM3e92gLqfp2afVRGBNmmMRoGI6OEBRJrbmimCu0IveUijmw-HadnimMscxWMUNYSy-CGJDJnv0BWJ14B2Xobm70kZWHBwRD9qDMXDbZG9zKrHWWiEKaaqzJeiNHEFQ

The Guide to Skill Creation

Skills in the Shinobi world are unique traits that shinobi learn through experience and training. They provide characters with specialized abilities typically unseen within the Shinobi world. Each character can have up to five skills, or six if they are a clanless shinobi. A minimum of 2,000 training words is required to train a skill, although the word count may increase depending on the skill's potency.

It's essential to keep skills basic and balanced. Skills should not be able to buff main stats or substats, provide numerical character buffs, add debuff effects, or amplify jutsu. They should focus on specific abilities or enhancements that align with common sense and the character's concept.

Skills are limited to a single ability, but certain branch aspects may be added with staff approval. For example, a skill that enhances a character's sense of smell may also allow them to memorize and track scents, similar to chakra sensory abilities.

Skills cannot reduce the action cost of jutsu, grant clan specialties to clanless characters (including Hiden clans), or lower the word count required to learn a technique. Additionally, skills cannot lower the handseals required for jutsu.

It's important to note that a character cannot teach another character the Pureblood Skill, regardless of their clan affiliation or lack thereof. Furthermore, a character cannot have the same skill listed multiple times on their stat page.

Skills offering cooldown reduction, such as Ceaseless Dedication, cannot be applied to techniques that enhance the user's stats or their techniques (e.g., Enhancers, Amplifiers, Debuffs). Stacking with comparable cooldown reduction skills is prohibited. Furthermore, once learned, such a skill cannot be unlearned and can only be removed using Black Zetsu Cells.

The Template

Skill Name: The name of the skill
Appearance: What it looks like if it has any physical manifestations.
Backstory: How you developed the skill is only required if you make a custom character-exclusive skill.
Effect: What the skill does

Word count: Put the new amount here if the word count exceeds the base 2,000.
Character Specific: If the skill is unique to a character
Bonus Requirements: Any additional requirements needed to obtain the skill.

All text goes after the code; it should look like the above example.

The Code

[b][color=#D7263D]Skill Name:[/color][/b] 


[b][color=#1B998B]Character Specific:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#1B998B]Bonus Requirements:[/color][/b]
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