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Idle Dreams Empty Idle Dreams

Thu May 19, 2022 1:42 am
“Listen, I don’t care what you have to do…….get….it…..done!”  Maku’s voice rang out, an anger catching the edges that was rarely seen by those around him.  

“Y-yes…s-sir!”  The boy yelped, before dashing from the room.  Turning, a blade flashed, the sharp steel slicing through its target….a splatter of red.  A sweat ran across his brow as he placed the gloves upon his hands and carefully maneuvered his victim.  A sniff, careful….there could be no mistakes……a new voice called out…

“I t-think I-it’s had enough s-sir….”  The woman stated, clearly a nervousness to her that she rarely displayed.  

“No, it has had enough when I say so..” his voice even now, calm and calculated.  He’d done this before, he’d extracted what he needed with the finest of touches.  It was delicate work, but doable with the right touch.  Now all he needed was one more instrument to bring all of this work to perfection.  Just as he thought that the first boy ran back in the room nearly falling.  Quicker than a flash Maku’s hand rushed out and snatched the bundle from his hand, a little salt in the wound would make this talk…..sing even one could say, there was no turning back now….

15 minutes later the dish was presented to one of the most famous food critics the land of rivers had.    He’d taken the branzino and eaten every little bit.  The spice, as well as the taste bringing a tear to his eye.  The review had been flawless, the country club roared with its approval, and in the back Maku had apologized and thanked his staff.  Another mission, performed to perfection. 

That had been several years ago.  The events the transpired after that had led to that crowning achievement to diminish.  Shortly after Akihana had returned, she’d spoken of great and terrible things.  A new mission, a new series of needs that must be seen to, only to vanish.  Denkitiki, his brother had stayed within the confines of fang.  His status as the blind doctor gave him a decent level of popularity and purpose.  He seemed happy to go on living in that way.  Youka Tau, or Mortarion as he’d grown to calling himself in his more dramatic days, was dead and buried.  Beneath his own shelter he had created.  An empire that had been forged and abandoned, was now something different entirely.  Hoshigakure from what he heard had assimilated well into the shinobi political landscape, he doubted it would be very much like anything he’d remember should he go back… where was home.

I’m the end Den secured his own residence and home after a year of their co-habitation.  He was well accustomed to his self inflicated disability, and seemed content to remain so.  Akihana seemed truly gone this time, her chakra no longer able to be felt.  Sometimes he wondered if that short time had been nothing but a fever dream.  After she had left, things returned to what they had been prior to her arrival.  Everything was, as it should be.  Right?


A dream….he knew that’s what it was the moment his eyes were open.  Staring out into the void of time he saw all of it at once, and yet none of it.  So was the complexity of Discord.  The place that held within it an infinite amount of space often compacted to two rooms.  A single ledge, behind him a door, in front of him another.  A key sent out to his friend, the door in front of him the precipice to eternity.  How he had wanted to step through that door…..but he had waited……so that he might bring his friend with him.  He might end his pain, as he was about to end his own.  He’d walked forward and touched the handle, and then a voice behind him.  

In his dreams he did not see Youka for the vile thing he had become, but the red haired priest he’d first met in the road so long ago.  Full of life, his eyes containing the pain of a troubled upbringing, but still full of life.  Youka had wanted to extract something upon the world that had been extracted upon him… some ways it made his motives more pure than Maku’s own….why had he ever set out on that journey…..

The dream skipped, gone was the priest and before him a large tree.  His home, or what he had thought was his home.  Reaching up he touched the cold metal of a headband.  Even without looking he could feel the kanji transcribed upon it….Kani it said.  The crustaceans he’d befriended, where he’d taken his first alias upon the road.  Training there had been hard, but it had been worthwhile.  It was them who had aided him when the first attempt on his life was made.  They had shielded him, comforted him, befriended him in the first dark moment…..another skip and the area lay to waste.  Husks half buried in the sand…..and this had been their reward.  

He felt nauseas, sick at looking at these images.  The dream skipped once more, his eyes searched out his head spun, and then a voice.  “Come on kiddo, you gotta learn form the best that ever was!”  Echo Uchiha’s voice rang out from his office in Iwagakure.  Youka sat huddled behind him, no doubt already planning the murder of the sort young man that spoke to them.  Had he also planned such a thing?  When had that idea really become his own…..he couldn’t remember.  It was something that simply always had been, or had it?

A stone golem danced for the amusement of the civilians while Maku lent his voice to a cacophony of sounds.  Their first mission as mercenaries for Iwa…..he remembered it being such a pleasant day.  

The snow, a stark contrast to the heat of the desert rock scape.  He felt the hat on his head, and around him a team of genin.  One in bed injured, and one challenging him by the window.  The genjutsu he had used was vicious but it brought a dog to heel all the same.  His attendants there, the paperwork, and the showdown…..the images in the sky of his and Youka’s chakra vying for supremacy.  It was their first real fight, the first time they didn’t hold back against one another, and then it was over.  He’d come out ontop of that interaction, but it could have just as easily went the other way…..and later his efforts would be proven fruitless.  

The next several jumps happened so fast.  Iwa, Ame, Yuki, Taki all collapsing in on themselves.  Then the roulette of images slowed and they were in a simple bar.  “You getting tired kid?”  Maku felt himself jump at the voice.  Turning, he saw a figure he did not recognize.  Dark skin, piercing yellow eyes, canines too long, and hair that seemed to made of feathers.  

“Well, a little…..more nauseas than anything I guess.”  He’d say, weakly returning a smile.  The man seemed to like this, as he smiled as well.  

“Tired of the past or the present?”  He would question, his voice was smooth…..yet somehow crisp all at the same time.  

“I’m not sure yet.  I….well I didn’t think there was anything left, you know…..I am starting to think I should have gone through that door though.”  His own voice was calm, though a great weight had appeared on his chest.  It was heavy, like guilt.

“It would have been the same….just a different place, a different time, but all the same.”  Maku wasn’t sure why, but he trusted what the man said.  He was likely correct.  “Imagine a mirror, and within its crystal depths, it shows your deepest desire.  The happiest man would merely see himself…..what is it you think you would see?  What would bring satisfaction to your heart.”  It wasn’t judgmental, it was simple and matter of fact.  An elegant question, that could be asked if anyone.  A way to learn something more about one’s self.  

“I think I’d see…..the wall behind me, truth be told.  Satisfaction has always been temporary.”  He had answered after a pause, but when he spoke he knew his words to be true, just like he knew this man spoke truth to him.  “I think I started because….I wasn’t fulfilled……..but no amount of anything input in ever seemed to move the needle…..and that’s probably true no matter we’re I am.”  It was a sad realization, but one he thought perhaps he’d known all along.  When he had set out, his goal was to become famous.  Make a mark that would leave his name recorded for a thousand thousand years……but even in his own lifetime he’d seen the declination of his lineage.  He’d done great and terrible things, and still his name had slowly faded.  What had it all been for?

“I think that as well, but there’s always a way to change that.  You could end things yourself you know.”  His voice never changed.  Though he spoke of suicide it wasn’t malicious, no judgment, it was just…matter of fact once again.

“I’ve thought about it….”  Maku said, his eyes becoming downcast.  In an instant the bar changed, he was elsewhere.  Back in Takigakure….he recognized the setting.  In front of him a blade, his blood wet upon it.  A gold energy covered his body, the blade bent from where it had forced it out before it could reach a dangerous depth.  The susanoo, the amalgamation of his spirit and energy had forced his feeble attempt away.  It was then….that he cried in earnest for the first time that he could remember.  Wet, hot tears streaming down his face, heavy sobs aching against the wound.  He’d stayed there for some time before returning home…..

Again he was back, the bar fresh around him.  A drink in front of him.  A short glass with a spherical ice cube, a dark whiskey, his drink of choice.  Taking it, he sipped, the subtle hints hitting his tongue.  If it was dream, he dreamed of damn good alcohol at least.  “I guess….I’m too scared to do it by myself.    Is that wrong?”  He’d say, not looking up.  

“I don’t think so….I think many have had those feelings.”  It wasn’t a comforting tone….just more of the same.  It was, what it simply was, with nothing underneath.  

“What’s the point….”  Maku would say looking up, regaining his nerve. “Is any of this even real?”  It was a fair question, and one he didn’t even know if he wanted the answer too.  

“What do you think?”  He said simply.  His hands idly cleaning a glass.  

“It’s just a dream……because this is too fantastical to be real.  Maybe once, but not now.”  He said, a sidewise smile forming as he looked into the yellow eyes of the only other occupant.  He returned the smile.


Startling awake, the carriage continued to rumble forward.  Within it was the majority of his possessions.  Including most of the decorations from his restaurant within the land of Fangs.  He’d been considering leaving the place, and had finally done so.  There had been 12 assassination attempts since he’d taken residence there.  Two had been fairly serious, with the rest being nothing but amateurs operating on hunches.  It was hard to discern if his location was really known, or if rumors had a way of reaching those seeking an easy living.  Still, sticking around for unlucky thirteen seemed a bit bold even for him.  The last one had nearly gotten to Denkitiki, and that was something he couldn’t allow.  Den may have his own sins, but being punished for his brothers was to much.  

His restaurant was well done enough, the chefs trained enough, that they’d be able to operate for some time without him.  He’d given them every advantage he could, as well as the majority of the money he’d saved from the place.  The genjutsu travel agency likewise.  He’d trained them enough that he rarely saw clients these days anyway.  He still maintained the rights to the country club kitchen within the land of rivers, but it didn’t require his constant attention.  No, he’d keep that one small place, and disappear for awhile, even more than he already was.

Pulling in the reigns he arrived at his destination.  A black house with red clouds, so awkwardly placed among the dense palace it was comical.  A small bond glistened, and a cold Yuki wind touched his face.  This place….a place from before.  He unpacked his goods in the large duffel bags throwing them onto the porch.  When he’d gotten all of his goods he patted the horse, scratching behind its left ear.  It would then vanish in a puff of smoke the reverse summoning removing it from the place.  Rubbing his face, he could feel the ache of a long journey overtaking him.  Shuffling over to the pond, he let himself fall into the soft grass, gazing into the water.  The man that looked back at him was hardly recognizable.  His blonde hair had reversed to its natural color, his eyes seemed less blue in the sunlight….maybe green?  It was hard to tell.  They’d lost much of their youthful mischief.  The bags under his eyes were also less than desirable now.  He attempted a smile, though even to him it seemed forced.  Rolling his eyes slightly he fell back, ignoring the man in the lake.  The sun shine down hot, but the breeze blew over him brisk.  Leading to the most perfect of napping places.


A different bar this time…..a piano playing, he’d set out a tip jar…..then an explosion.  A blonde woman, and the worst negotiator on record….then…..a picnic?  Giant foxes and rhubarb pie perhaps.  It was hard to tell.  How he missed that creature though…….and the fox wasn’t so bad either.  His kind rushed forward, years of events moving in a single flash.  He saw Hoshigakure and remembered the princess he’d slain…..but why?  Why had he done that, the reason eluded him.  Kumogakure and the festering sore it had become, even worse than the previous individuals.  A new genin team, a tower….that had been fun.  He remembered that.  

Then there was the campaign, and what a time of glory that had been.  It had been almost enough to keep boredom’s at bay.  The reclamation of his foxy friend, and a new protege.  He saw Kyson wave the Bashosen blowing out the back wall of the office, he remembered laughing at that, at forcing Kyson to learn a musical instrument….how was the lad doing?  He hoped he wasn’t dead.  

More memories more visages, and then…..for the second time he was confronted with that same man.  His hair of feathers, eyes of yellow with a slit pupil.  That same expression that promised nothing, and delivered.  “Back for another drink.”  It wasn’t a question, though from anyone else it would be.  Looking down his drink of choice, he’d take it up and a sip.  Yep, at least he dreamed great liquor.   “Any changes to the mirror?”  He’d ask.  A mirror for the first time Maku noticed, was behind the bar.  Looking into it, he merely saw the wall behind him.  

Downing the drink he’d place it on the table, to which the man replenished it.  “Not a damn thing.  Shame really.”  He’d say, a real smile crossing his lips.  It felt good to be honest, to be himself.  There was a power in admitting something to basic, so personal.  He wasn’t going to find happiness in this world, and through that truth, there was attached a certain small glimmer of joy.  Life you see, isn’t perfect.  It’s not a place one goes for happiness each and every day.  Life is hard, life takes its toll and rarely pays it back.  Sometimes ending it all seems viable and sometimes it doesn’t.  The truth is, life is jsut that, existing and making the most out of what you can.  It doesn’t owe you anything, and you don’t owe it anything either.  You are two players across from each other each making their own moves.  And in that moment, Maku realized that in a way he hadn’t before, and he placed his next piece with confidence he’d held years ago.

The man smiled at that, at the realization in his eyes.  “Are you sure there’s no change?”  He’d ask, for the first time with a real tone of questioning.

Looking he smiled, his eyes seeing exactly what was in the mirror before downing the drink once more.  “Not a damn thing, and I can’t wait to get started.”  He’d say. The feather haired man merely bowed, and the scene vanished.


Waking up, He stretched before sitting up.  He looked into the water and saw a smiling boy with a waterfall village headband wink before vanishing, revealing himself.  Smiling back he stood, and moved towards the house.  He opened the door, and left his luggage sitting in the front room.  His eyes moved over the place, not sure if things where exactly as he had left them.  It had been some time since he’d been in the home, but Aki had known of the place.  Perhaps she had stopped here, perhaps she still lived here.  A quick search revealed nothing in the main part of the home.  Shrugging, he moved downs stairs, into the basement.   A series of movements and a large boulder would be pushed to one side.  

He wasn’t sure what he was going to do, what he was going to be, but he knew it all had started in earnest with meeting his friend, and it seemed only natural to visit his resting place once more before setting off.  Perhaps he’d write a book like Echo had done.  Maybe he’d steal from the rich and give to the poor like some folk hero, or maybe he’d just go out and try to find happiness where it could be found.  In the end it didn’t much matter, what mattered, like it does with all of us, is that he got out there…..and lived.

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Thu May 19, 2022 12:54 pm
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