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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Wed Mar 15, 2023 8:25 am
Akabayashi and Seto approached the village. Breaking the barrier seemed to cause it to rain gently over the village. The doctor noted the terrain was typical for such a small island flat. Flat from the gates to the border of the ocean slightly less than a mile behind them. The doctor and his body guard stood 20m apart no need for them to walk in tandem and get blasted together. The doctor would already have his rinnegan activated and Seto with his meigan readied.

The shinkou had the kunai marked with flying thunder god stored within his pocket. Once, the two were 50m away from the gate or other people pending which happened first they would stop and the doctor would form the seals and make two wood clones, which would sprout from his body and take one of his kunai from his pockets each. One clone alone would move toward the gates or people and speak to the first person it saw. "Greetings, my creator intends to level this village unless his demands are met. Please, send for your kage and meet him just beyond your walls. Be warned if anyone steps closer than 25m he will attack them with full force." The clone would then stand there waiting for a response.

The other clone would just move 20m away from Akabayashi to his right. Seto was to the Terumi's left and 40m from the clone the doctor had made. The three of them would then just wait there. For the attack forces or negotiators, he knew little of Murata aside from when they had met in Hoshi. The doctor found her to be reasonable in the past perhaps she would be agreeable to his demands of compensation for the attack on Hoshi and resolving the debt accrued by the village when their former leader ignored the favor owed to him for restoring his eye sight making their village stronger before he used that gift to assault their very gates.

Akabayashi, his clones, and Seto would move their heads to scan all around them.

2000AP Start
-10AP Rinnegan
+10 AP Jugo
-40AP Wood Clone
+1 Nature Stack Jugo
1960 Remaining
Split AP with clones
Real Akabayashi: 654AP
Clone 1: 653AP and 1 nature stack
Clone 2: 653AP and 1 nature stack

2000AP Start
-5AP Meigan Lvl 3
+2 Stacks of Yuumei

Stat Page Akabayashi:

Stat Page Seto:

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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:13 am
Stat Sheet:

Touch down.

Satoru arrived by the side of a marked Kunai at the Mizukage monument. The instant he arrived his hands came together into a series of hand seals. Satoru was conscious that prior to teleporting out of the village he had been followed by entities representing Kirigakure and so if they were intent on lurking in the shadows then the widely cast overwhelming presence would quickly alert the Jugo to any foes in his surroundings.

The overwhelming presence extended out to a dense cube of air that measured 10 meters in length, width, and height in every direction around the young Jugo. Much like during his travels, Satoru was dressed in all-black attire, his face concealed by the likes of his metallic mask. The mask had unique characteristics of it’s own but most notably, it allowed Satoru speech to be obfuscated to conceal his identity while also covering the entirety of his face from the gaze of prying eyes.

The mask didn’t limit Satorus sight in any capacity. Under the metal mask, he wore a generic ski-mask, black in color but it covered the entirety of his head and lengthy orange hair before tucking neatly into his all-black combat attire. On this occasion, Satorus hood was down, allowing him the ability to easily look around for any visible cues of foes in the area.

Somewhat hesitant, he began making his way towards the village gates. He took a route strictly intent on avoiding any civilians to ensure that the sensory input he received from his overwhelming presence technique alerted him to actual foes as opposed to random civilians. Around him fell a near-silent rain, and a commotion was stirred up – the likes of the Storm Barrier that surrounded the mighty Kirigakure were no more.

The turn of events peaked the Jugos interest. He was intent on leaving the village but had his hands tied if there were enemies at the gates. There would be no reason for the opposition to take the Jugos word on being a travelling salesman and so if he were to be mistaken for an agent of Kirigakure then he could easily face a difficult fate or a rather sudden death.

Taking in the sounds of the orders being issued, the Jugo managed to catch the base of a conversation that went along the lines of “Bring your Kage here or the village goes boom.” Nodding hesitantly, he muttered – “Shit… would hate to be in that Kages shoes.” – with that he began to drift towards the gates.

In a sudden change of heart, Satoru wanted to get a glimpse of the attacking party. His interests were well and truly peaked. He moved forward, hesitant but knowing that he wasn’t the enemy of the village in this situation. Within a few dozen steps he positioned himself at the opening to the village, a gate by any other name. He looked out at the delegation located around 50 meters from the entrance, nodding a couple of times while his overwhelming presence continued to spread into the surroundings harmlessly breezing past anyone that entered its radius.

Satoru began counting out the challenges, “1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – in total.” He thought to himself as he turned his head back towards the village. “Wonder how Shikami will handle this one.” He muttered under his breath, his mask obfuscating his tone in the process as everyone else began moving in a hurry in the direction of the defences and subsequently the Mizukages estate.

Satoru stood stationary, his eyes set on the trio 30 meters away. He couldn’t help but let out a laugh as not a few months ago he had offered his services in defence of Kirigakure only to be laughed out of the room by the Mizukage. “Bittersweet irony.” He thought as he shook his head in disbelief.

Stood by the gates, he now awaited a dignitary if any that would come to represent the village in fighting this rather mighty foe.

AP 2000 –
-30AP [90 Power and Speed] – moves with the user at 45 speed.

+1 Nature Stack
+2 Infinity Stacks

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Howl, Kuniko Hyuuga and Akabayashi Terumi like this post

Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:35 am
Everything was going by perfectly on this day, he had just finished the report regarding the R&D department's monkey business troubles along with the rest of the missions that his motley crew was able to accomplish while all of them were together. He had made it quite clear that he would be there for them, to help them if they needed it. He always wore a smile now, especially given that he was now the Kage. The delegations and politics weren’t fun, yet he knew that things would smooth over when he was able to let himself be known while inside of the Kage summit. Yet just as he had placed his pen back into its bottle. It felt like the whole world caved in when one of the guards came barreling down into his room. Screaming about how someone had destroyed the storm barrier around their entire village.

“Sir! Someone is requesting you! The storm barrier is down!” The guard shouted towards the Mizukage. His face stiffened for a moment, losing the ever present smile he once had plastered on his face. Yet just for a moment when he had shown weakness, he’d remove the feeling of self doubt, he wished to see who this person was that was even requesting him. Someone must have wanted to see him if the entire storm barrier was destroyed. His Byakugan flexed to life within his once blue eyes.

“Send word to both Ban Hozuki and Lie Ren Law immediately. If this person was able to break down the very storm barrier that has kept us safe. They are not to be taken lightly. Make sure that the people are safe as well.”

“And what about you sir? You aren’t planning on actually meeting with this person?”

Shiro's eyes could see that the man's heart was racing in his chest. A small sigh escaped from the Mizukage, grasping his sword that hung from the mantle of the Kages office as he made sure that everything was all set and ready to go.

“I have to meet them if they are requesting me. It’ll lower the amount of damage, now go!”

With that, Shiro stormed out of his office, opening the front doors after traversing down the steps with quick haste while making his way towards the front gates. He knew that Youai would be there along with another individual who was a Gate guard. Someone that even Youai had respected. Shiro’s mind raced as he got closer and closer towards the gates, where his byakugan would quickly pick up the current situation, along with who exactly it was that had come to knock on Kirigakure's door.

it was Akabayashi… Standing there with another version of himself, along with that another individual from Hoshigakure. The wood clone had apparently requested that he see the Kage, he must not have known that it would be the young scrap who he met at Yukigakure. Shiro knew that they hadn’t really connected, yet they still had allied themselves for a common goal, and Akabayashi had saved his life once beforehand… He simply could not deter him and chastise the man before him. His gray kage cloak flowing in the soft winds, small beads of rain trickled down Shiro’s forehead like beads of sweat. He had a feeling that something had happened between a few individuals from Kirigakure’s own past and Hoshigakure.

Yet now… When he had seemed oh so hopeful of a slightly easier time hiding away and becoming strong enough in the shadows to take down anyone who would come towards his village. He was only two meters away from the wooden clone, he could see that Youai was there, analyzing the situation and being on guard just in case. With another man being brown haired, scars running along his entire body like they were tattoos.

Yet what Shiro was worried about was the man who was 30 meters away from the initial group, he was the outlier that Shiro was definitely the most worried about. Whoever they were, they seemed to be out on the sidelines, and not involved with the initial conflict itself

“Explain yourself. Why are you here Akabayashi?”

Youai was posted right near the gate, about five meters away from Shiro, and seven meters away from the wooden clone. Romp was three meters away from Shiro, as well as 5 meters away from the clone.

Current AP:630
Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Dc035ff6c8a745f78972fca5ce378b1244ddb9f5
Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Linebreak

Shiro Hyuga

Alias -
Age  17
Rank Mizukage
Power Rank C-rank 
Village Kirigakure
Clan Hyuuga
Clan Specialty Taijutsu
Bloodline(s)  Hyuuga Body , Byakugan

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Linebreak

The Statistics 

Current Stat Points250
Current Health Bar 300

Vigor 25
Chakra  100
Speed  150
Strength 25

Action Points Pool 630

Specialties Weaponry | Taijutsu (Clan)
Element(s) Wind | -
Advanced Elements --

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Linebreak

The Jutsu Scroll

Jutsu Mastery: Increased Power/Tech Specific Reduced AP/Half Handseals No Handseals

S-Rank [0/1]
A-Rank [5/10]
[*]- Shimi Daikon - Fading Stem
[*]-- Split Second
[*]-- Spiral Cloud Passage
[*]-- Reverse Bloom: Deaths Cradle
[*]-- Gentle Blade: Flowing Passage
  • ---

B-Rank 6/15]

C-Rank [∞]

D-Rank [∞]

E-Rank [∞]

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Linebreak

The Ninja Skills 

Slotted Skills [0/5]

Slotless Skills [∞]

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Linebreak

The Loadout

Recorded Accrual:

Ryo: 61050 
Recorded Ryo Accrual:

Banked WC: (number) WC
Recorded WC Banking:
Inventory on Hand
Event Items:
Seals placed on character [0/5]

Chakra Signatures Memorized [∞]

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Linebreak

The Summoning Contract 

Character Summon Contracts Made: 
Signed Contracts and their OOC Players:

Summons Unlocked: 


Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Linebreak

The Journey 

Your Story: 
Your Missions: 

Youai NPC:

Romp NPC:

Kuniko Hyuuga and Akabayashi Terumi like this post

Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Thu Mar 23, 2023 12:55 pm
After the clone had relayed the information to whomever outside of the gates, a man approached from 20m inside of the gate and merely looked at them his weird dress causing it to take the focus of the wood clone . The clone alerted Akabayashi to look that direction for a moment and he could see the field of chakra within his rinnegan. Don't get within ten meters. . He would mentally tell his clone. This was likely the first of the combatants, assumedly they were waiting for orders. The person the clone had issued its directive to ran off in a direction assumedly toward the Mizukage's building. The clone would relay this information in case it became necessary later.

The man stepped forward until he was 50m from Akabayashi and his crew and at the entrance of the village where he just waited. (I say 50M because Satoru states he moves 30m from me, but then also states he is by the gate. I stopped 50m from the gate.) The clone stayed out of the ten meter area he was warned about and it seemed the other man didn't try to encapsulate him within its cube of chakra, as he stopped 15m away from it. The clone wouldn't speak to him since he was merely standing there. With a jutsu active, he would just be wary of the individual.

Next it was the kage and their delegates. The clone never changed its face but it recognized the kage. Not the two leading them along the path however. As each one entered the zone of the cube of chakra to surround the clone the real Akabayashi grew puzzled though he wouldn't show this. Perhaps it was merely something that didn't effect allies. (I say they walk into this debuff because both Shiro and Satoru state they are at the gate entrance.) The person the doctor knew asked Akabayashi to explain himself. "Is this a trick?" The doctor clone didn't believe they would make someone so weak they were beaten down by nameless cronies, leader of their village. "So terrified, by me they sent someone I know to speak in their stead. Well I was here to actually negotiate, for an attack on Hoshi by your previous kage Kizmaru Senju along with a personal debt to me given by the same previous kage. You see he owed me for fixing his failing vision, I had valuable information on how to restore it and he owed me a favor. He repayed that favor by assaulting my gates causing us to kill him and his allies. This was a negotiation now it has become simply a demand one which only you Shiro will survive. I want full control of this village and all of its assets or I will level this village down to its very foundation. The clone would use a display of power to enhance his words (DoP total for Akabayashi is 950 +200 per PR above anyone else witnessing the display. Meaning 1550 for Shiro.) Of course you can leave Shiro I have nothing against you. I'm sure you weren't even a ninja at the time."

The doctor kept his distance to just observe, but he made seals for Empty Disaster. It would be ready to fire as soon as soon as the clone was destroyed or the clone informed the doctor the deal was not made. It would carve a path for the assault to begin. The gate opening was 10m wide and had massive opened doors which swung outward each about 5m wide.

Seto stood patiently keeping his head moving. The wood clone of Akabayashi did the same.

1960 AP Total
-10AP Rinnegan
+10 AP Jugo
+1 Nature Stack Jugo
2/6 Nature Stacks
Split AP with clones
Real Akabayashi: 654AP
Clone 1: 653AP and 1 nature stack
Clone 2: 653AP and 1 nature stack
No upkeep cost for Wood Clone

1995 AP
-5AP Meigan Lvl 3
+2 Stacks of Yuumei
4/10 Yuumei Stacks
1990 Remaining AP

@Shiro please deduct your Byakugan AP from last post.

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Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 44250

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Thu Mar 23, 2023 5:12 pm
Ban's Stats:
Ban had returned from her mission with Shiro, Kura, and Kyogetsu when she noticed the dark clouds surrounding the village start to clear up. Normally, this would be a good thing to have dark clouds leave but for Kiri, that was their defense. A thick layer of chakra surrounded the borders of the village to protect it from invasion. With the clouds gone, it meant something had happened to the barrier. Ban rushed through the village and over to the gates. She was suddenly approached by a shinobi guard. He quickly informed Ban of the attack and that the Mizukage was about to confront at the gates. It seemed Shiro also knew the dangerous situation they had coming.

Still in the village, Ban would weave the hand signs for Temple style: Discovery of an Incomplete truth (+50 health to Red Officer Armor) and coat her armor in a layer of chakra. She needed to be prepared for immediate action.

Ban arrived at the gates in full battle gear at the same time Shiro did. At the gates was a familiar figure. Ban knew him from Hoshi the shinobi that arrested Kito during the chunin exams. Ban wondered why Hoshi broke down the barriers and what they wanted. She was unaware of any conflicts Hoshi and Kiri were involved with. She then noticed the figures in the background. Two more Akabayashis, and two other unknown figures, which Ban presumed were also Hoshi shinobi. The Akabayashi at the gate made his proclamation: they were there to make a demand and would destroy the village if they are not met.

A threat.

Shiro approached the clone, addressing him as Akabayashi, giving him 2 meters of distance. Ban walked cautiously out of the gate entrance on the left side, keeping at least 7 meters away from the clone at all times. Once passed the gate door, Ban would position herself 10 meters from the clone at the gate. The figure that Ban did not know, Satoru, was positioned 20 meters away from her and the gate and 5 meters from the main Akabayashi line of sight to Shiro. Ban would be facing the figures in the background 50 meters away.

After being asked what he was doing here, Akabayashi responded crudely that he was here to collect his "debt" from the village for the actions of Kizmaru. Ban remained calm and still in front of the intruders, but in her head, she scoffed. Even if his claim was true, Kizmaru hasn't been in the village for years, a disgrace to Kiri in Ban's mind. And to pin the debt of a dead man on the lives of thousands was insane. She wondered how Shiro would respond.

WC: 451

Starting AP: 1535
-50 ap for Temple Style: Discovery of an incomplete truth

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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Ryo : 330650

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Fri Mar 24, 2023 12:42 am
Message to Akabayashi Terumi

The calloused hands further cracked open the severely dried seal meant for the one Kazekage - a letter given to her for the hand of the leader of whom she was at the time. Though the time that had passed had aged the paper she had long ago broken the seal to ensure her ability to read its contents regardless of her status.

The contents were of no real interest to her, as she knew it’s general contents, had she kept this in her backpocket for longer than necessary? Perhaps. Truly though she was riding the high of having this one carefully timed message to a decently ranked Hoshigakure member. Pulling her pen from her pocket, she brushed its tip across her tongue before she penned a far late reply;

“Truest apologies for my latest reply,

I have been kept busy with th day to day running s of a village but I am one to honor all ties no matter how budding they may be. If there is anything or anyplace I can lend my aid to as your ally please tell me when and where and I will be there with forces in tow. I will be sending this message through a summon named Pakuun, an owl who is energetic to say the least.

Tie your response to the owl’s leg and it will find me in two days time.

Kazekagure’s regards.”

As she tied the note to Pakuun’s leg she focused his gaze on her’s, “Gather what you can from the area you deliver this to. This is a late letter but all avenues are open until officially closed. Be safe my friend.” As the owl took off she rendered her features emotionless - the charade of showing will be needed soon enough.

wc 294

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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Fri Mar 24, 2023 5:57 pm
Well fuck.

Satoru was caught napping and now found himself in dangerous territory. He was the first individual to have left the gates of Kirigakure to approach the opposition. From the outside looking in one would think that he had some kind of death wish but nevertheless, he simply got caught in a thought, how silly of him.

The battlefield… was an interesting topic. The crimson orb in Satorus left eye activated as he observed the trio ahead of him. To clarify and establish the positioning in a more concrete fashion – Akabayashi, the original was located 30 meters directly ahead of Satoru Jugo. 20 meters North of Akabayashi stood Seto, 20 meters to Akabayashi south stood Akabayashis Clone 1. 50 meters to Akabayashis East stood Clone 2.

Clone 2 was located 20 meters to Satoru’s East. 10 meters south of the clone stood Ban who was 22 meters Southeast of Satoru Jugo.

Clone 2 was 2 meters West of Shiro Hyuuga, the Mizukage.

To Clone 2’s Northeast, there was Youai who was 7 meters away.

To the Southeast, Clone 2 was faced with Romp who was 5 meters away.

Unfortunately, this meant that Shiro was linearly 4.5 meters away from Romp and 6.7 meters away from Youai.

The instant Satoru was able to acknowledge his error, he began speed-walking South. The instant in question was the very moment he found himself within 30-meter range of the challenger, Akabayashi. He moved 10 meters south at top speed before coming to a stop. He took extra care to pace his breathing in such a fashion that he didn’t get exhausted while simultaneously keenly observing his surroundings. He was now roughly 31 meters away from the original Akabayashi from the diagonal perspective. He wasn’t a fan of not being able to observe all parties. His initial intention was to observe from a distance, but he now found himself in the mix of it.

As Satoru began his movement south, he observed an owl approaching from the Western direction. The allow gently descended down toward the original Akabayashi. The owl had long arrived by the time Satoru completed his 10-meter movement to the Southern location. His overwhelming presence technique was long cancelled as it had been burning useless volumes of energy.

Now at a much better vantage point, he faced North, observing both the eastern and western forces. One thing had to be noted – while the entrance to the village was 10 meters wide, the gate itself was 100 meters in height. The area outside of the gate was entirely plain, flat grassland which allowed for a clear view of all involved parties as well as the Shinobi situated 20 meters away from the Jugo. There were no obstructions, no trees or anything of the lines which allowed the real version of the clone to see clearly the transactions taking place at the gates while providing the same benefit to the young Jugo.

AP 1970 –
+10 – Jugo Last Post
+10 – Jugo This Post
-10AP – 3 Tomoe

+1 Nature Stack
+1 Infinity Stacks

2 Nature Total
3 Infinity Total

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

End of Post Locations –
Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) 913a0a8d7849a7e14edb8962c7b96b1d

Fu, Kuniko Hyuuga and Akabayashi Terumi like this post

Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Sun Mar 26, 2023 10:08 pm
Well then.

That was certainly…. Interesting to say the least.

Shiro, along with those who had walked alongside him would not be affected by the debuff due to the distance that Jugo Satoru was at during the previous post. However Shiro’s eyes still retained the purely white eyes of the Byakugan. Youai, being 6.7 meters away from Shiro to his right, while Romp was 4.5 meters to Shiro’s left. Shiro was indeed two meters away from Daves clone. Yet the instance of Ban walking out of the gates was met with a slight pause. Why would she walk directly out of the gates.. Not only that, but then she’d activate her own jutsu as well in the process. She had to have had a screw loose to simply walk out when there were tense negotiations about to take place. Yet Shiro wouldn’t crumble from his subordinate stepping slightly out of turn. He understood that Akabayashi was confident that he could win. Especially given that he did not come with that much support. However, that other fellow, the one who speed walked to get 20 meters away from Bans location. Meaning that the Jugo was 51 meters away from the original Dave as well.

Yet that wasn’t the main problem here. He could potentially see about forming some kind of negotiation with Akabayashi normally. His words however felt like he was being drowned, his eyes growing wide when feeling this display of dominance towards his own being. His heart started to beat rapidly for only a moment. The other two noticing Shiro’s state moved in to get closer towards his side. Both of them moved to be three meters next to him, with Youai three meters to his right, and Romp three meters to his left. in an attempt to truly see what was wrong. Shiro is not moving from his 2 meter position facing Akabayashi. With Both Youai and Romp parallel to Shiro when facing the wooden clone.

And yet the Hyuga raised his left hand to calm their worries, his breathing was heavy, still weighed down by Akabayashi and his strength. Strength that Shiro couldn’t help but respect, especially given that the man had helped take down that threat back at the snowy village. His breathing became steady before taking a deep breath.

He was ready to begin negotiations.

“I can’t leave my village, however I’d propose a more fruitful approach to this instead of you simply taking over the village,” His heartbeat calm as he began to talk towards the clone. Youai and Romp raise an eyebrow at Shiro attempting to even think about Negotiations.

“However, if I give access to all of our village secrets except for the scroll for Tempest release, and a fifty thousand dollar monthly pension towards Hoshigakure for the next two years. Would you promise to leave us safe and unharmed?”

He wanted to fight against Akabayashi, he wanted to prove towards the village that he had the guts to stand up to him. Yet a negotiation would lead into a more peaceful response. Youai’s face was shocked at his proposal, speaking up towards Shiro.

“Are you insane?!! How could you even entertain the thought-”

A small glance towards her, his left hand raised again. He did not want to argue about this right now. Not when he knew that the price for these negotiations falling out would be death.

“As I was saying. Are these terms acceptable?” Shiro said. His Byakugan gave him access to see that Akabayashi had prepared something, his chakra had been molded into something else. However he would not comment on it. However, the small owl that had come towards Akabayashi from the west, had worried him greatly. Just what the hell was that owl doing there, and why the hell would Akabayashi get that during something like this.

Would he be calling in reinforcements?

Shiro AP: 630

Byakugan: -10(Claiming both AP uses during this thread for this one, since I forgot for my last post)

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Mon Mar 27, 2023 5:44 pm
Another one quick to leave the safety of the village. Oh, well them exiting the gates even with their jutsu active didn't bother the clone or the real Akabayashi. As long as the line the doctor had indicated wasn't crossed it was fine. They had the other guy who was moving to stand in the way of this new arrival, they had lined themselves up pretty nicely with the other wood clone. Assumedly, they had misjudged who the real vs the fake was. If he were going to attack the two on the outside of the walls of Kiri would be his first targets, as he had the most access to them.

Shiro gave the proposal to the wood clone. The clone thought of the proposal for a moment, but the other clone had spotted the approaching owl. "Apologies if this is Hoshi telling me to withdraw then this conversation on terms may not be necessary. The clone would say after being signaled to hold off on negotiations so the letter could be read.

Who is this from? Clearly the kage of Suna based on the day to day running of a village and Kazegakure's regards. Clearly they also wanted to be his ally. Had they heard about this attack and assumed they would be next? The doctor would pull out a pen and write on a piece of paper, before attaching it to the bird's leg.

Yes, I would love some help. Currently, I am at the gates of Kiri negotiating for their peacful surrender or annihilation. I fear however two days may be a little late.

The clone would read the contents of the letter to Shiro. "Your allies have betrayed you it seems they knew of my arrival and are offering me aid. It also states that aid will he here in two days. Hoshi was attacked in a combined effort between Suna and Kiri, but that alliance doesn't seem to have lasted. My position has not changed if the words are true or false as they won't arrive for two days then there is nothing that can be done unless we wait. I'd rather not wait as potentially the contents within are false and your allies do actually wish to help you. Hmm, not so much a problem for me then. I requested aid, but again it won't be here for days if I believe this letter to be accurate.

Once, that mystery was out of the way the negotiations could continue. The clone would talk to Shiro again. "One-million two hundred thousand ryo over two years is quite a nice sum and all of your village secrets barring Tempest release. Hmm... I don't believe that is acceptable, but we are closing in on something. You can keep the money I have millions of ryo alone Hoshi the village itself containing much more than that. The clone would point to Youai. "In addition to your village secrets excluding the one you mentioned, we also want two of your ninja. Her and one of your choosing it has to at minimum be a genin however, no giving me an academy student."

Active Jutsu:
Wood Clones: 3/4 posts

1960 AP Total
-10AP Rinnegan
+10 AP Jugo
+1 Nature Stack Jugo
3/6 Nature Stacks
Split AP with clones
Real Akabayashi: 654AP
Clone 1: 653AP and 1 nature stack
Clone 2: 653AP and 1 nature stack
No upkeep cost for Wood Clone
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Sun Apr 02, 2023 2:29 pm
Shiro was still perplexed by this owls involvement with this supposed invasion of Kirigakure. His face remained the same, emotionless and hiding what he truly felt about all of this. However Shiro would be able to at least read what Akabyashi was putting down on the paper. Sunagakure was their own ally? Yet that didn’t make sense given that he hadn’t ever gotten in contact with Sunagakure. Perhaps Akabayashi was under the wrong impression. However the individual seemingly proclaiming themselves as someone who was a part of Kazekagure didn’t seem that legitimate, why would someone from Suna ask for help from Hoshi when they were just attacked. The letter, along with the fact that Shiro could at least read it showed that he was mainly focusing on multiple things at once. His position remained the same, eyes focused primarily on Akabayshi’s letter for a few moments, before redirecting his full attention towards Akabayashi’s clone when explaining that Suna had seemingly betrayed them.

“That seems a bit absurd for someone to use Kazekagure instead of Sunagakure when regarding a village. Yet I don’t remember anyone from Suna really offering to lend aid for us. I haven’t spoken to anyone in Sunagakure in recent memory.”

He was confused by the notions of alliance between Suna and Kiri, especially since either A. It meant that Shikami had ignored Sunagakure and therefore the people of wind believed that Kiri was better off being ignored. Or Suna and Kiri were never really allies in the first place. Yet he had a feeling that Hoshigakure wouldn’t care about those kinds of semantics, especially when they could easily lord over a village just like Kiri had done to Konoha.

This had to be some form of Karma.

Akabayshi’s clone, along with the denial of his offering in money, and instead offered to take both Youai, and another person from his village left Shiro flabbergasted at the offer. Taking away two shinobi to do who knows what with them. He could only imagine what Akabayshi would do, he didn’t seem one for not using bodies, especially given what he saw back in the snowy village. It made him annoyed, made him want to fight against this bastard. Youai and Rom were shocked at the mere thought of taking away Kirigakure’s own forces.

Shiro could see that this was going to end in a bloodbath one way or another. He was still two meters away from the wooden clone. However in an instant, Shiro’s armed turned into the gunmetal black substance of Shimi Daikon, sword immediately drawn from its scabbard on Shiro’s side, he stepped forwards a quarter of a meter, his blade swinging forwards in a diagonal slash aimed right at the clones chest that had sent out a slash of pure purple physical energy. Expanding to five meters in width, the slash would have slammed into the wooden clone at a speed and power of 140. It would completely bisect the clone should nothing else be done to avoid it.

The wave of energy traveled a distance of 30 meters, Shiro only staring at Akabayashi and the rest of his opposition in the matter. He was standing 1.75 meters from the clone's original position. 0.25 meters from his original position when talking with the clone. Youai and Romp are both getting ready for battle. Youai drawing her blade as Romp cracked his knuckles. Shiro deactivated Shimi Daikon, awaiting for Akabayashi’s own response on the matter. His eyes are still focusing on the other clone. Along with Seto and Satoru Jogo there as well.

“Prepare yourselves-”

His posture shifted slightly, his sword pointed directly at Akabayshi while still keeping himself at his current position and distance of 1.75 meters away from the clone's original spot when talking. Youai and Romp both now standing by his side 2 meters away from him.

“For the fight of Kirigakure.”


Combat Info:

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