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The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:51 am
The Rag-doll made no effort to hide the dark, twisted grin that formed upon his scarred face as the shear and imposing cliffs that served as the walls of Sunagakure entered his line of sight. They had to be hundreds of meters tall and twice as thick… it truly was a natural fortress, and that only made the hearts that beat ever so slowly within his chest speed up in anticipation of the fight ahead. Without going over or under the walls there was only one natural entrance, and that was a very narrow and easy to defend passage that was no doubt extremely well guarded by those that called the village home. He was still hundreds of meters away from the gates, but even from here he could see the great stairs near the front, each set no doubt having dozens of shinobi ready and waiting for his approach. The young Uzumaki briefly wondered if he should have made this a bit easier on himself and actually practised some stealth during his rampage throughout Wind Country… but as soon as that thought arrived he would wave it off. If the outposts that he had demolished were any indication then the likelihood of this actually being a challenge to him were slim… but still, he could hope for a challenge.

He would turn his head to look back at the three that had chosen to follow him in exchange for power, his silver eyes scanning over each of them quickly before turning back towards his main target. None of the three were actually ready for fighting on this scale… or any scale really, but he had no intention of making them take part in this battle. No, they would simply sit back and watch as their new master demonstrated the true power that he held… and once he was done, he had an idea of how he could test just how far these three were willing to go to gain the power that he had promised. If the trio actually managed to pass this little test of his then he would know that they had the will to match their potential, that they wouldn’t simply survive in this wretched world… they would thrive, just as he had. If on the other hand they didn’t pass the upcoming test it would simply prove that they didn’t have the conviction to travel the path he wished to guide them down. The Immortal would indeed be disappointed if this happened, but it certainly wouldn’t be the end of the world for him… it would simply mean that he needed to find a suitable replacement.

“I should probably warn you before we arrive… it is quite likely that I will be attacked on sight by those that occupy Sunagakure” Kenshin would say simply, amusement clear in his voice as he continued to stroll casually down the main road and towards the village.

“Since the three of you are travelling with me it stands to reason that they will attempt to attack you as well.” He would then say, never once faltering as he continued his stroll towards the imposing natural fortress in the distance.

“None of you are ready for a battle of this level, so what I want you to do is stand back and watch. This will be your first true glimpse of the power that I have to offer… so just sit back and enjoy the show.” The half-blood would say, glancing over his shoulder the at three one final time with a dark smirk fixed upon his scarred face.

As the four got within 100 meters of the village gates his small smirk would grow until it threatened to split his face, the sheer bloodlust and insanity of the twisted being clear as he came to a stop and simply stared at the massive cliff before him. The shinobi of Kumogakure were clearly visible from their positions atop each layer of the great staircase, dozens of the pathetic rats clear on each level… and it was quite clear that they could see him just as easily as he could them. In an instant his silver eyes would be replaced by ominously glowing red and blue, and mere moments later an absolutely monstrous chakra signature would seemingly appear out of thin air, able to be sensed clearly by the Kumogakure shinobi on the walls. They had known from reports that the black garbed figure was the monster that had been destroying their comrades, but even that hadn’t prepared them for the levels of chakra that they were feeling from the beast. It was even more than what they had felt from Lord Maku when he had ‘visited’ Suna so long ago… and that fact alone terrified the troops more than words could possibly convey.

As his Sharingan watched the ants on the wall continue to scurry his grin would continue to grow larger and more deranged, something that simply shouldn’t have been possible. He could see their fear from here… and all it had taken was him using his Cell Enhancement to bolster his chakra even further and breaking the eternal suppression of the ring that he wore.

The Abomination would continue to stare at the cliffs for a few tense seconds, admiring the almost palpable waves of fear that he could feel rolling off the shinobi that were tensely awaiting his first move. He had no doubt that they had already sounded every alarm that they possibly could, and he was just as sure that there would be no reinforcements coming from those within the village proper. Oh no, they would be far too busy preparing their own defences and putting together a true welcoming committee for him if he did manage to get past those on the walls. These shinobi had been sacrificed to the devil and all of them knew it, all in the hope that their lives could buy those of actual importance precious time to prepare or flee… but he wasn’t about to let any of his prey escape from him this time.

In an instant Kenshin would begin his charge, and as he did so countless jutsu of what seemed like every element began to rain down towards him… but The Immortal seemed to pay them no mind as he continued his mad dash for the gates.

The Siege of Sunagakure had begun.

WC: 1068
Ida The Lost
Ida The Lost
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The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty Re: The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:24 am
Golden eyes watched from behind the shaven bark mask worn by the young girl, landing squarely on the thing in front of her. The beast. It had brought her along with two others they had quietly met out in the sands. The ground beneath their feet became more firm, rocks appearing in the ground more frequently as they neared the mountainous settlement. It was a breathtaking site for someone who had never left her village before. She had never seen a mountain before but for pictures and from the tallest of trees. It was a pile of rock, taller than the tallest tree she had ever seen. Stairs stretching from a gate at the bottom to the top displaying a magnificent display of craftsmanship, but Ida had a feeling that they were not here for sightseeing. As Kenshin explained the possibility of being attacked to the group of them, Ida had to remind herself that there was a pair of people outside of her periphery on her sides. Truthfully, Ida didn't know who they were, nor did she care. For all intents and purposes, they were both incredibly dangerous despite Kenshin speaking on her behalf. It would be hard for her to believe that they had any intention of going against the wishes of that monster. Watching that smirk cross over its face, that chill from the cave ran up her spine once more. It would then speak about a battle among the villagers and it. The mask hiding her face concealed a furrowed brow expression; there was a concern in her features as her hand stroked nervously over the tuft of brown hair that was cradled between her arms. Strapped to her back as Francis, wrapped in his usual bandages but for his head, which had been removed and placed in her arms to comfort her while they walked. The face of the puppet painted like a jack-o-lantern, a stiff dagger protruding from his neck below his head, meaning she had to be careful just how she held the head so she didn't stab herself in the chest or slice along her waist.

A thoughtful hum would emit from the younger girl as she watched the bustle of people some distance in front of them. Shinobi scrambled behind a closed gate in an attempt to defend themselves against the approaching storm. Like the farmers had done to board up their windows before a storm hit, and made sure the barn was secured. But something about this was different. It felt more like as if the barn animals were trying to secure their own lives. "Smells like fear." She mumbled quietly behind Kenshin as he took off in a race towards the main gates. Large eyes watched as ability after ability streaked across the ground in a dazzling rainbow display. Like watching party streamers being thrown at the birthday b̷̛̯̭͉̱̯̖͎̜̫̫̋̑̋͂ö̷͙͍̃͛̍͗͊̚͘ŷ̸̻̘̆͑͂̊̑͛̔̾͛̍̚̕ who was racing to claim his presents. Behind her mask, an excited smile crossed her lips as she watched jutsu after jutsu plunk harmlessly off the beast. They must know their attempts were futile before it would reach halfway to them. Perhaps this had been their way of greeting the monster. Perhaps this really was some kind of celebration. The cheering was heard in the distance as Kenshin finally reached the gate, prompting the girl to give a small laugh of delight. "Amazing." She said, looking over to one of them for just a moment, though the realization of them being there was short lived as she went back to watching. It was not as though she was being rude, as she would certainly reply to being spoken to, but had never met these two before, she doubted very much they had followed the beast through the desert sands just to make friends with what was essentially a tag along. "So cool." She breathed out quietly behind her mask, golden eyes sparkling. "Must be famous here." 

Beneath the tighter parts of her clothing, an observant sort might notice a slight flicking to the clothes every once in a while, something coiling beneath the surface like a tendril that breached the water for only a moment before sinking back into the murky abyss. So fast that one might not even realize it was a real movement. But to Ida, she could feel Momo squirming in the way it did when there was prey nearby. Momo smelled blood in the air, and Ida could feel it eager to take part. Admittedly, Ida did feel a bit hungry, her stomach growling in a sudden realization to being famished. Her hand stroked along the head of Francis quietly for a time longer, becoming more insistent with the motion of her fingers. Her breathing evened into a steady pace as she calmed herself, eyes sparkling in the light of energies flying through the air, the tiny image of Kenshin hastily climbing the step in but a few moments saw another excited giggle issue forth. She wanted to go too. She wanted to play like it was. But she would stay, because that is what she was told to do, and disobedience now would mean she certainly would never get to play. So instead she stood and watched as her master dismantled the lives of the people of Sunagakure systematically. Soon. Soon she would get her chance.

WC - 891
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The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty Re: The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:36 am
A stern gaze would overshadow the vast desert as calamity neared, an unexpected turn of events to be had as the wretched specter would soon observe as Kutari neared his impending destination. The great walls of the village known to be Sunagakure would become a spectacle demanding his attentiveness as they projected their vigorous frame in the distance. The vast star radiating miraculous light above would beat ferociously in resonance with the willful sand walls, a frantic war between heaven and earth as the mortal residue between the frey suffered the greatest backlash through broiling temperatures and crusading dry winds with ignorance to the season. These inhospitable standards would encourage an accompanying hooded cloak to protect his umber skin as possessed amber cat-like eyes clutched the darken shade. 

Despite the harsh elements, the engrossed figure would travel with purpose, his titanium will unwavering in hopes of discovering a new source of entertainment as the warrior’s soul thirsted for greater adversaries, the life he lived for the past year finally tuckering out; the teen’s consistent hand in petty crime standing above the vast amounts of underwhelming criminals in his previous residency losing its luster. Effectively a wolf among sheep, easily preying upon those around with nothing more than a whimper and cry in retaliation, the loyal flock coming to the call to arms only to satisfy the feasting savage. Such overwhelming presence bestowed great memories for the once ignorant king, objectifying his subjects to mere toys for his own amusement as the heckling mischief and relentless battery reached an exponential level, though as his passion for such calamity began to decline one particular “outing” casted him within a sea of resentment and curiosity; a chilling night as two naive foes with heavy pouches walked the streets of a nearby village in search of an inn, a robbery he commenced involved an intriguing individual wearing an odd metal headband with unorthodox symbols on it secreting a peculiar aura incorporating a magnitude of strength he never experienced before, refusing to partake in combat for the sake of her traveling partner and arousing Kutari’s curiosity. Thoughts and prophecies of strength far beyond what he’d experience in this distasteful life within the past year would corner every inch of his intellect, as he took a leave of absence from his daily activities to properly inquire about the makings of this vast system he’d never recognized beforehand. 

Weeks passed as he researched extensively and gathered information, happening upon a world which apparently incorporated individuals of great strength and lineage waiting to be challenged, a reality the reserved boy found euphoria in as he experienced a foreign sensation that could only be defined as excitement - a truth he hadn’t realized until just then. Instilling the various public knowledge and chatter of his network, a proposition appeared before him which rustled the dulled emotions he possessed: the opportunity to travel outside of the confined world he found himself in and experience a succulent fruit which only the grandest of warriors dared taste. The stale act of antagonizing locals and shopkeepers in his forsaken world had taken its toll overtime, the predictable avoidance of eye contact in taverns, the novice fighting styles of the various thugs of the gangs he crossed wielding no challenge whatsoever; the inadequate space he lived in lost it’s glamour long ago, awaking from a long trance that only left him in a cold sweat displeased and isolated from his surroundings and self falling out of tune with the being he tried to please with such parlor tricks all this time. Shortly, his voyage began as he took to the night to traverse terrain towards the nearest major village, an act out of sheer desperation to produce a flame capable of comforting his lost soul, guiding him in the eternal night to bestow some meaning of living once again, his individuality stripped long ago producing a wraith incapable of proper human expression, requiring external sources just to manipulate it’s catalyst and invigorate the possessed body.

The shield surrounding his interest would smite Kutari with a dampened exhilaration, the numbed nerves of the boy banging upon the inaudible wall of his body as he quickened his pace, his adrenaline beginning to move with haste hoping for his theory to remain true, only capable of thriving in pursuit of a goal or lengthened hobby. Various thoughts rummaging around in his mind as he neared the village, included his method of entry and tact to prove these powerful competitors remained true in reality, intending to quiet his body and plan for the upcoming battle. As he neared the display in haste, Kutari would confirm his previous sightings as the animate figures along the wall staircase, recognizing the vast amount of infantry along the walls as if preparing for a great strength, such an abundance of Shinobi surely not being the origin of a daily patrol. Confusion would run along his face as his brow narrowed along with his eyes, his face adopting a fixated tone to comprehend what was causing such a commotion. Just as the thought ran across his mind, he’d feel a monstrous chakra presence suddenly erupt several meters ahead of him, instinctively looking toward it’s direction to find a band of figures facing the gates of the village, shock formulating along his psyche as he couldn’t believe such a devilish source of strength was existent and in such close proximity.

Petrified by this sudden stature, Kutari would watch as several moments ticked by, feeling the consistency of the fellow’s presence as he eyed his opposition; this creature surely wielding no parlor tricks or anything of such a variety, what he fell victim to feeling being the utter might of the world he only just discovered. A crude smile filled with pure ecstasy would reveal itself from his internal makings as the specter appreciated the power that laid before him, his travels to discover the fountain which would quench his overzealous thirst presenting itself so passionately, the effortless display only marking the bare minimum of power capable of possession, weary of the strength he’d wield if but moving a mere muscle. The ones which surrounded him seemed to offer decent levels of strength based upon their omittance, though he wouldn’t underestimate them as this lone man clearly possessed the aptitude to hinder his own reserves quality. Though even then, it seemed clear Kutari would be perceived as the closest thing to a challenge in the presence of this fiend for the time being, though he’d be fully aware of the distance between their strength and the leaps he’d have to take just to enter such a domain, a reality which comforted the boy as he only wanted to experience more and become a greater quality.

His facial pattern would begin to fall into a more restrained expression as watched with a vague glee, the lone wolf darting towards as the sheep began their laughable display of courage, the beast enjoying the seasoning of their fear and retaliation as a roar of various jutsu and elements shot out towards the man to end his tyranny, reveling in the sight and feeding upon their misguided hope. Growing closer towards the sight to gain a better view though still some distance away from the three individuals with him, Kutari would remove his hood and reveal the chestnut hair that danced with the dry wind as he intended to absorb this event and all it’s records, though still keeping a clear eye and sense of the actions transpiring around him as he expecting some form of an attack in time. Refraining from jumping into the fight himself despite wishing to bloody his hands, he’d watch the beast enjoy himself as he took on the entire village’s forces and began the onslaught surely to come.

WC: 1305
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
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The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty Re: The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:30 pm
The time had finally come. Since their departure from the black market, Toshi had remained silent twirling a closed parasol in her hands idly as she thought of just what to say to Amaterasu. The whole conversation of being a "Woman" was still going to be difficult even if it was only a half truth in all consideration. This was their first test by the man they could easily call their leader, or was that the right word? The ragged monster made it clear that they were going to be tested for their loyalty but exactly would the test be? All of these questions played in her head as she hummed a small tune to no one in particular as the voice of Averruncus played in her mind," You could ask what the deal is with the sudden movement," of course it was more...intricate than that. The question had to be more than that. The answer even more if Toshi was going to simply ask the monster of a leader that they had.

Once the group had made it to the borders that began the endless expanse of sand, the parasol opened up and shielded her from the harsh rays of the sun. Fair skin often burned in the presence of such a blazing sun that it made her bring it as a precaution. If they wanted to, Amaterasu could join under the red and black oriental parasol but if not they wouldn't bother them. Once they had made it to the cliffs, the parasol was sat on her shoulder as she stared into the distance of the sand palace itself. The village known as Sunagakure. In their brief silence she only remembered that it was once a proud major village, that is before Kumogakure got a hold of it. With it being a subsidiary for the Cloud Village she wondered what became of its citizens, but their true purpose for being here was still foreign. Before she could ask what was their reason for being here, Kenshin had answered that question.

For a moment she sat silently as he spoke, a brow slowly raising before simply nodding. That is what they were here for. This wasn't just a test of loyalty but a display of power to simply show them what they could do in time. One arm slid under her chest as she nodded in agreement, knowing that in a battle like this she would be fairly useless but would none the less fight to save her life and that of Amaterasu. Just like that she was following behind Kenshin with a thought on her mind," If anyone tries to escape from you what would you have us do then?," the answer was obvious at least to her, but confirmation was good in the grand scheme of things. At their final stop she marveled at the steps and bastion of Sunagakure but also frowned at knowing that this would probably change soon.

Without a moments notice, the white haired female would blink once before her crimson eyes took on a shine and she did just that. Observe. As a torrent of elemental bliss ignited the air toward the monster, the only thing she could do was having a small smile as it began. Things were about to be interesting for sure. Twirling the Parasol, she looked down to Amaterasu and then back to the show in front of them.
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The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty Re: The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Sun Feb 17, 2019 5:32 pm
The harsh, desolate sunlight above didn't bother her. Curious, acid yellow eyes took in the scene before the young girl, analyzing and filing away any relevant information for later. She stopped when the Uzumaki told her to, standing near Toshizou but not quite fully under her parasol. A thin scarf was wrapped around her mouth with the intention of keeping out sand and debris, and it fluttered slightly with her walk. Her shirt was a rusty crimson that exposed her arms, and she retained her black sweatpants and sandals. Inhale. Exhale. When Kenshin's chakra signature began to manifest, hungry and tyrannical, the men up on the wall scurried like a kicked anthill. His chakra was terrifying and oppressive- but it wasn't directed towards her this time. It was almost pathetic- a once mighty empire was now crumbling at the hands of one man. He began his mad dash towards the village's massive gates. The sky was nearly darkened above his head from the jutsu raining down, but he took no notice. He was monstrous in temperament and ability. Was this what she would look like when she became strong? She wasn't a good person- she knew that. But the level of his humanity (or lack thereof) was nonetheless unsettling. Inhale. Exhale. Her eyes met Toshizou's for a moment, and the younger's expression was unreadable. She wanted to reach the top, and she was willing to lie, cheat, steal, and kill her way up there. It didn't matter if she lost her remaining humanity. The only real winners in life were cheaters anyway.
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The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty Re: The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Tue Feb 19, 2019 2:16 pm
To those watching it would appear as though The Ragdoll was insane, charging headfirst into a literal wall of elemental jutsu that were being rained down upon him from the village walls. But to those with any active forms of chakra vision a sphere of chakra would have started radiating outwards from his body the moment that he had started his charge. He relished in the waves of fear that he could feel emanating from the ants, along with the exhilarating rush of chakra that he got as his newest technique swiftly devoured any that came into contact with it. Eventually he made it to the stair-like walls of the village, but rather than stopping his dash when he reached it he would simply channel chakra to the soles of his feet and sprint up the walls towards the first of his prey. As he was about half way up the wall his hands would clasp together to form the Snake hand seal, and the moment that he did so his hair would begin to grow rapidly, although rather than simply falling down to the ground the silver locks would take the shape of five great serpents. These serpents would charge towards the prey as their master did, although at a much slower pace than he.

When he finally reached the first layer of the walls he was bombarded with attacks, some being techniques that were devoured by his Assimilating Aura, and others being shuriken, kunai and senbon that were dodged. There were even a few Taijutsu and weaponry fighters charging right at him, but before they could engage he would exhale a sickly purple cloud towards them. They paid it no mind and continued their charge, having dealt with Medical Specialists in the past and knowing that all they needed to do was hold their breaths as they passed through the smog. But as soon as they came into contact with the gas they would realise that something was horribly wrong… because they could feel the deadly poisons within start to take effect almost instantly, and mere moments later they would know nothing. As this happened the five massive serpents made entirely of silver hair would rise up from behind the rampaging beast and charge at the shuriken and kunai launchers that were trying to keep their distance from him. Most of these shinobi were smart, using both their natural speed and the distance between themselves and the constructs to ensure that they weren’t caught and killed by the jutsu.

There were a few foolish ones though, those who thought that they could simply destroy the raging mane with weapons or jutsu. Those people died rather quickly, the ‘mouths’ of the serpents grabbing hold of them and mercilessly crushing them within their spiked maws, dying the tips of Kenshin’s silver locks a deep crimson. By this point he had killed half of those on this layer of the stairs, all the while dodging and weaving through the waves of weapons that were being launched at him from the upper levels. At least they were somewhat smart, having stopped with the jutsu when it became clear that they would never actually reach the bloodthirsty creature. But he was getting sick of dodging, so with but a thought he allowed him Assimilating Aura to drop and activated his Miasmic Rejection, black smoke seeping from his skin and forming a small shell around him, devouring anything and everything that came into contact with it. With himself properly protected he would take a little time to use his Manipulated Fabric, channelling his chakra into the shape-shifting clothing and willing his overcoat away, leaving his upper body clad only in his black, sleeveless and backless tank top.

He would release a small grunt of annoyance as two of the masks on his back tore themselves free of his alabaster skin, countless threads leaving his body with them and taking the shapes of the deformed and twisted creatures that were his Masked Beasts. He could hear the shouts of shock and horror as the creatures took flight, the beak of his fire mask clicking open at the same instant as the mouth of the water mask. An ominously glowing orange sphere forming in front of the fire mask as a churning sphere of water formed in front of the water mask, the two creatures releasing their respective techniques as they flew over the upper levels. From the fire mask came six large and powerful dragon shaped fireballs, each aimed at different points along the wall to catch as many of the scurrying fools as they possibly could. The water mask on the other hand simply began to spray streams of extremely fast and deadly senbon at the crowd of shinobi beneath as it made its fly bys, each of the small water constructs tearing holes through the bodies of any that they managed to hit. As they were doing this Kenshin was finishing off those that remained on his level personally, having cancelled his Raging Lions Mane when it became clear that they weren’t going to catch the shinobi

Those that remained had fallen rather quickly to The Immortal once he had turned his attention towards them, and based on what he could see those that remained on the level directly above him were either dead or nearing it. The onslaught of Fire techniques that the deformed creature had launched as it made pass after pass had proved to be far too much for the ill prepared shinobi of Kumo. His Water mask seemed to be having much more trouble eliminating the ants on it’s half of the walls, something that he had personally been expecting due to the sheer lack of offensive Water Release techniques that he actually knew. But there were still more layers to go, and he was already getting quite bored with their pathetic attempts to stall his progress… it was time for him to wipe out this infestation of rodents from the walls. Kenshin would call forth his favourite weapon, the violet tinged chains coated in a deep purple aura that he had created what seemed like so long ago. Just how many had fallen to these chains since he had made them? It had to be nearing the hundreds with his recent decimation of the forces of Kumogakure in both Rain and Wind, along with the bandit camp that he had used to test the chains after their creation

Well, that number would be getting a big boost today… as he still had four more sets of stairs to go and he was no longer in the mood to play with his prey. As The Rag-doll began to tear his way through the remaining four layers on the left side of the villages entrance he would direct his creations to do the same with the right. By now most of those on the first layer had fallen to his water mask, and he knew that with the addition of the fire mask the few that remained would end up falling quite quickly. The dark grin of glee would take a slightly more deranged tinge as the half-blood Senju managed to devise a small game that he could play as he and his masks slaughtered the scum that stood before him and his goal. The two deformed beasts vs the twisted creature, winner would be the one that managed to reach the top of their side of the staircase first. The former commander of the Nova Corps would win this little game regardless of the actual outcome as he was directly controlling the beasts, but it was all he could do to have some fun as he decimated the hoards of faceless grunts.

At first it had seemed that the albino would be victorious over the threaded creatures, as he had managed to reach the final level of the stairs when the masks had two remaining… but he wasn’t about to let himself win that easily. In a desperate race to the finale Kenshin would speed up his slaughter as his Fire Mask seemed to pull back, a bigger and deeper glowing orb of flames appearing as it’s beak clicked open. His Water Mask had also backed off, but only because he didn’t want it to be engulfed by the massive wave of flames that washed over the right side of the walls mere moments later. The dark chuckle that escaped the mouth of the scar faced teen marked both his defeat and victory, as while the man had a few more to kill on the left, all that remained of those on the right was charred flesh and burnt stone. As he moved to kill the few that were still alive he would do it in a slower and more methodical way than he had before, taking the time to draw out the suffering of his rather unfortunate victims.

He relished in every second of it, the desperate pleas and tortured screams of his victims echoing loudly throughout the area was like the sweetest of music to the deranged being. The beauty that he saw in the blood leaving the broken bodies of his victims and dyeing the sands below a dark and vivid red was beyond measure… to him, nothing matched the sheer beauty of what he was looking upon right now. The sheer exhilaration and power that he felt as he watched the light leave their fearful eyes was definitely something that he enjoyed… but that was nothing compared to the ecstasy that he felt as he allowed his mismatched eyes to take in the sights of the atrocity that he had just committed. Hundreds of lives taken within a matter of minutes, most of them doing nothing more than trying to protect their homes and loved ones from those like him… and this was only the beginning. The Immortal knew that there would be more waiting for him within the village proper, just as he knew that they would fall before his might just as easily as their comrades had… and both he and they knew what the price of their failure would be.

Kenshin would simply give a smirk as he stepped off the top of the massive cliff face and into the rather narrow crevice that served as the entrance to the village. He was unsure whether he would be able to survive the fall if he actually hit the ground, as the massive cliff face was easily hundreds of meters tall… but he had no intention of hitting the ground. The Uzumaki landed safely upon the back of the creature formed by his Fire Mask after only around twenty meters, and within moments he was headed back towards his followers… and a new arrival. His eyes would narrow as he stared at the potential threat standing so close to his new assets, but it was obvious that he meant no harm to them just yet… after-all, they were still breathing. That was one of the reasons that he didn’t outright kill the man as he landed, the other being that, much like his new followers the man had simply watched the slaughter that took place. He hadn’t tried to stop it, nor had he tried to intrude on Kenshin’s fun… he had simply watched.

“We are now free to enter the village proper. I am expecting a rather warm welcome inside the village, but having the three of you miss the show simply won’t do. I also have a little test for the three of you, to see whether or not you truly have what it takes to learn what I have to teach… but I will explain more about that once we are inside.” The silver haired man would explain, his eyes darting between his followers evenly as he spoke.

“You may accompany us if you wish, stranger.” Kenshin would say as his cold, mismatched eyes came to rest upon the chestnut haired man.

“You are much stronger than either of these three, and you seem to not hold any loyalty to either Suna or Kumo. Also, the fact that these three are still breathing tells me that you aren’t a threat to us… at least for now.” The more powerful of the two would say, a small smirk upon his scarred face as he turned and started to walk towards the village.

“Come now, it would be rude to keep them waiting.” He would call over his shoulder as he continued his casual stroll.

As he casually strolled down the path to the village he would take in the beauty of the newly redecorated cliff face, the crimson blood of his foes flowing down the stairs like a waterfall of blood, staining below red.

He would take great pleasure in redecorating the village itself in his image… it would be just as beautiful as its new entrance by the time he was done.

WC: 2162

[Entering Suna]

TWC: 3230

Claiming successful takeover of Sunagakure.

1643 words towards Earth Dragon, claiming (25% max stat discount (other words trained here (676) and here (1056))

1499 words towards Vipers of the Red Sands Contract, 501 words remaining

Discarding remaining 88 words.
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty Re: The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Tue Feb 19, 2019 4:53 pm
The young female stood in awe at the stronger shinobi's might as he engaged the ninja of Sunagakure. Catching glimpses of the fight as it occurred as best as she could, Kenshin was no laughing matter and practiced exactly what he had preached. Each movement he had made that didn't avoid the female's gaze had been calculated as he did it and given the way he had handled those attacks coming at him? He bolstered some incredibly nasty defensive techniques. His offensive prowess was also something to behold, but she had thought she caught a glimpse of something breaking from the skin of his back, the crimson eyes straining to make sense of she had seen before a voice rung in her head," This is power. Nothing unlike what I can give you in the future, but if you follow under this destruction beast you will be a force to be reckoned with as well. Just make sure you watch your never know what some would do for the climb to power," the sinister voice slowly trailing away as she tried to continue watching the one sided fight.

At its decisive ending as Kenshin came back on a beast made of what she could only describe as pure ebony, he began to mention that they would now be entering the village. The parasol would begin to turn as Toshi smiled and then thought about what kind of test this would be. Normally she would inquire about the severity of this test, but something told her that all would be revealed in time. Taking a single step forward she would wait for Amaterasu to walk alongside her or walk forward before moving onward, keeping the same calm demeanor that they often had no matter what they had done. Something about this had been morally wrong about this, but there had been a reason for this. Either way she would begin her ascension toward the gates of Suna, passed the fall of blood that would soon be etched in the mind of the young shinobi.

[Exit into Suna]

TWC: 916


4 Stats
916 words towardDark Whip
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Ryo : 500

The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty Re: The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:53 pm
As soon as some of the techniques reached the ragdoll man, they were devoured by seemingly nothing. A flurry of thrown weaponry was easily dodged, and the taijutsu and weaponry users who attacked him were quickly consumed by what she assumed was a poisonous cloud. After he reached the walls, there was a moment of quiet before two horrific black creatures began to attack the remaining shinobi. She noted with interest that one seemed to specialize in fire techniques while the other used exclusively water. A few moments later when he had finished clearing the defenders in some kind of race between the masked beasts, an eerie silence filled the area. It wasn't the screams of the dying like she had expected- it didn't particularly unsettle her, but it left an odd sensation. When Kenshin approached again, ready to enter the village once and proper, she followed behind him wordlessly.

Total WC: 412
Claiming: 2 stats, 412 words to
(Exit into Suna)
Ida The Lost
Ida The Lost
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 500

The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty Re: The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Thu Feb 21, 2019 12:11 am
The experience of the sundering to the gates of Sunagakure was unlike any other. An inner struggle in the youth occurred as she watched the massacre; this was her first time in this new place, full of people and life, and before she ever had a chance to go inside, she was considered an enemy who was now watching their home was attacked. But on the other hand, this was the very epitome of freedom. Being so free that you may take any action you wish, and no one can stop you. No fear to be had. Only the exercise of a free and powerful will. Would the power it offered outweigh her being an eternal pariah? The realization struck her than that, in her situation, having been a pariah all her life, she had nothing to lose. She had already lost everything she had to lose, which meant there was no reason not to become like it. The revelation made the young girl laugh out from behind her mask, cheering on from afar besides her stoic companions to the master who could not hear her. She watched as the beasts of flesh burned and drenched, like two horrifying specters of the apocalypse soaring through the air, signaling the end of the world for these people, as far as they were concerned. Eventually, the path would clear and it would return to the group, speaking to them about a test. About now being able to enter the city. And also to a stranger? Ida's head turned, trying to spot who this person was that it had spoken to, but failed to see anyone. Whoever it was, perhaps someone waiting to ambush Kenshin upon his return had spared them whilst they observed the destruction from afar. Either way, it made her shiver to think that death had crept so close and not even Momo had noticed. Perhaps Momo was too excited by the fighting.

Ida had done well to learn her place among the quiet group, keeping her head down and staying quiet, but as they began to move to Sunagakure, the youth would race out towards the beast who walked in front of them. Evidently, she was confident enough that such motions were well within the range safe, or at least a terrible attempt at assassination. Once out in front, she would spin around to face it, eyes beaming behind the mask, cheeks pushed up to betray the smile that hid beneath it. "That was so cool!" She said, squeezing her hands together near her chin. "You were so fast! And they were like- " Her hands reached back, an animated to display of fear, her voice altering to mockery "-oh help me, the big scary monster is attacking us.-" her voice altering again, this time deeper to sound more masculine "-don't worry, I'll stop him- argggh! my legs! He took my legs!" The antics continued, with Ida making colored commentary, at one point standing still and putting on a sinister tone, throwing in an overly dramatic evil laugh in an attempt to mimic Kenshin, despite something like it probably had not actually happened during the fight. "Ah-ah-haaa. Ora ora, your time has come." Her voice hazy, darkened, her impression of Kenshin. Or at least it was supposed to be. Ida took to ignoring the other two who had yet to say so much as a peep, instead content to retell Kenshin the story of his own conquest that had just happened less than ten minutes ago until she was stopped.

WC - 590
TWC - 1,481

[Exiting to Sunagakure.]

+7 Stats
Completing Storage Displacement. - [1,000/1,000]
Putting 481 WC towards Performance of 100 Puppets - [1,507/2,000], past progress here.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Ryo : 0

The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover) Empty Re: The Siege of Sunagakure (Village Takeover)

Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:22 am
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