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Ryo : 56100

Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Thu May 04, 2023 5:56 pm
Cid would find himself meandering about, no real purpose in mind as he wandered the ship. There was a bit of a swaying motion with his movements, which of course had been due to a bit of drinking on his part. There was of course a bit of sway to the ship as well, which he could always blame for it. Grey and Auron would no doubt be able to call the man's bluff, though. As he was walking around, there was an unfortunate accident where he tripped over something. Yes, something that was totally there and definitely not a completely made up scenario to explain why he fell and somehow managed to give himself a rather unpleasant bump on the head.  Yeah... that was it.

With this newfound head injury, the red head would find his way towards the infirmary. There was usually some sort of remedy to be found in there, maybe an herbal concoction to ease the swelling or to stop the throbbing in his head. He could of course resort to just drinking a bit more, as that tended to have a similar impact, but with reports of potential threats in the area he had to be at least somewhat alert should the need arise for him to defend his comrades and the ship. 

Cid could hear voices inside, Auron's distinctive tones very clear. The other was... hmm, memory is a bit fuzzy on the details of their name. Oh yeah, Kira! A goofy grin would make its way to his face as he entered into the room, only to be a bit taken back by what he saw. 

"Huh, well that's not something you see everyday. It looks like you guys little skirmish went about as good as one could hope. Not a scratch on you." Cid would lean up against the doorframe, just taking in the sight of it all. "Jarring up the organs? Heard those sorts of things were worth big money on the black market. The claim that you can use 'em to amplify ones own capabilities... or something along those lines. Never really learned too much about it, though I'm always happy to learn about any ways to make some easy money." He'd take a moment to just watch, potentially learning a thing or two if his presence as an observer wasn't problematic to the procedure. 

The bump on his head and the annoying throb seemed to go away on its own, or more it was no longer the focus of his attention and therefore more easily ignored. "Either of you two know how one goes about getting stronger through the use of those?" He'd inquire casually as they worked, wondering if they could provide any insight as to how this all worked. He had some organs received a while back, but never really did anything with them since he wasn't familiarized with how this was done. 

wc: 486
Kira Semei
Kira Semei
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Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Sun May 07, 2023 7:24 am
Whilst it was to be expected that her makeshift assistant was not disturbed by the rather macabre actions the pair had undertaken, given his less than casual acquaintance with death and the remains of the deceased, kira was still pleased to see the man involve himself in the procedure with not even the slightest hint of squeamishness, that he reacted to the removal of the cadaver's ribs with nought but silent regard an indication he may even have some slight talent with the arts himself; many who witnessed such surgeries oft though they were barbaric, she remembered thinking the same when first reading the tretisies and surgeons reports that described such actions, and admittedly dealing with an already deceased cadaver she had been less gentle about it that she might otherwise have endeavoured to be, but the surprising truth was that when it came to surgeries involving the thoracic cavity, the movement of the ribs was often an unfortunate requirement, less crude methods had been developed over the years, and she had read a few tretasies that suggested the separation of the sternum and spreading of the ribs provided a higher success rate in traditional, non-chakra based surgeries, but for their purposes here there was no need to keep the subject alive. 

Once the surgery was done and her assistant spoke up, expressing his interest in the entire process and desire to witness the surgery again, kira's eyes lit up, the chance to work on another cadaver was, in and of itself something exciting, but having access to even more corpses was never a bad thing, to hear that there was another one on hand left her wondering if she might be able to commandeer some of the cadaver for her own experiments and techniques, when instead auron asked her to put the kidneys and lungs back in rather than producing another cadaver however kira couldn't help but pout slightly, but when the man didn't elaborate further she simply shrugged and began putting the leftover biological material back inside the cadaver, she wasn't entirely certain what the man was planning here, but just as she was about to ask she heard a voice echo in from the hallway behind her. "Well thats not something you see every day..." the voice of Cid echoed in from the open portal to the rest of the ship; supressing a groan that the man had once again somehow managed to interupt her chance to discuss Auron's own strange form of necromantic techniques. Glancing behind her however she had to stiffle a playful chuckle, the man's dashing rougish good looks were marred by one of the most humerous head injuries she had ever witnessed, indeed the man's head looked not unlike that of the oni cadaver she was working on, with a large horn like structure protruding from the man's head, it might be intimidating if not for the fact that it was very clearly not a horn but simply an inordinately large cluster of swelling under the skin. 

Pushing down the urge to laugh, and though she wouldn't admit it to herself a shred of concern for the man's condition, she went back to work, only speaking up when cid inquired as to how one would use such biological matter to get stronger. "Its surprisingly simple really... at least on the surface" she would say, putting the last kidney back in place and using her chakra to re-knit the flesh back together before stepping back and gesturing to auron that the job was done before turning and continuing her explanation. "The short answer is you put a vital organ from a strong bloodline into your body and if your body accepts the transplanted organ you will often find that some of that bloodline's strengths may manifest within you over time... of course theres a far more complicated explanation involving success rates of various organs, the complications of transplanting certain bloodlines, and even the dangerous interactions resulting from combining improper bloodlines. Its a surprisingly deep field of study, I have a few books on the subject somewhere if your interested?"
wc: 685
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Ryo : 293900

Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Tue May 09, 2023 11:39 am
Auron kept quiet throughout the process of Kira reattaching the kidneys and lungs back inside of the body. Upon Kira finishing this, Auron would walk towards the body of the Oni and place the Hashirama Cells he bore in hand onto the corpse's surface. After doing this and in a resounding miracle, the Oni's organs would begin to regenerate. As Kira had reinstalled the lungs and kidneys, all that the body had been devoid of was its eyes and heart. But with Auron using the Hashirama Cells on the body, the Oni seemingly regenerated his eyes and heart. Seeing this, Auron's eye brows raised as he directed his attention towards Kira.

"Kira, did you see that? The eyes and heart came back. That item really did had inhuman restorative properties. Do you think that you can now remove all the organs once more? That'll put us at four eyes, two hearts, two lungs, and two kidneys totally."

In the moment that came after, Cid would enter the room. The Captain would wear a smile on his face, happy to see his comrade who had posed quite an interesting question.

"Well...I think Kira would be the expert at that. She seems to be our resident surgent."

And so she was. Her response confirmed Cid's question and Auron's thought process, but also eluded that there were always inherent complications and risks. The Yamaguchi man was now vested in two subject matters. The first being Kira's successful extraction of the organs from the Oni. And the second being just what Cid had been up to, and what he was planning.

WC = 267. TWC = 2406
10 NE Stacks
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 56100

Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Wed May 10, 2023 10:09 am
The room was a rather odd sight, something that the pirate wasn’t very familiar with. He has seen his fair share of blood and guts as that was just a part of the life he led, but never was it done with such surgical precision, with a hand not seeking to simply destroy whatever was in front of it but to instead preserve it to the best of their ability. Each of the organs that they had removed seemed to be in perfect condition… well, other than the fact that they were not attached to a person who happened to be alive.

After asking his questions, Kira would offer a reply to the rogue, stating that it was actually a fairly simple to harness the power housed within these random parts. According to her fairly simple explanation, it was just a matter of placing them into your body and allowing your system to acclimate to the new organ. It couldn’t be that simple… could it? The bandit couldn’t help but scratch at his beard as he pondered just what he should do next. “Hmm… well I just came in here to grab something for this bump on my head, but I think that I might have a new request.” He would offer a grin, first at Kira and then over to Auron. “See, a while back I got this odd container with organs in it. The label on the container said Hokuzi or something like that.” He would then weave a few seals to use space time chakra to manifest the container he was speaking of, “Oh, Hozuki. My bad. Been a bit since I’ve looked it over as I’ve never really been well versed in these sorts of things.” He would hand the container over to Auron or Kira, whichever was interested in giving it a look. “Can’t say that I am super familiar with what a Hozuki is, but I have to imagine that whoever wrote that on there must have thought this was one of those ‘powerful clans’ that you spoke of. Figure it is worth a shot if it can make me a tad more powerful.” He’d look over to Auron once more, “Wouldn’t be right to call myself first mate if I ain’t strong enough to be depended on, right?”

“So… would you be able to put it in me?” He’d ask offering a quick wink to Kira after what he said, “Who knows maybe one day I’ll be able to return the favor.” He’d offer slyly, definitely talking about a transplant down the line. Totally.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Mon May 15, 2023 2:15 am
Kira watched in amazement as her young companion placed a cluster of cells upon the well and truly deceased corpse, the substance seeming to ripple for a moment before spreading out over the corpse as the organs and flesh began to reknit itself, she could see where she had made incisions before there was now only fresh skin, where before there were missing eyes was freshly functional organs once more. "Amazing" she muttered under her breath in response to Auron's question before nodding her head, stepping forward and repeating the surgery again, mind reeling at the implications this could have, if she could get more of these cells could she create her own corpses? The potential applications were staggering.

Once the surgery had been done and an explanation offered to Cid Kira listened with mirthful interest at the rouges next words. "You got a container... with an organ in it?" She said a faint flicker of a laugh darting across her face for a moment as she surveyed the man and the container he pulled out of thin air. "An organ you have no background on other than a label... and you want me to stick it in you?" she finished finally breaking out in a laugh that rang with humor. Wiping away a tear at the situation she would, assuming Cid didn't back down, shrug before gesturing to auron to clear away the now harvested corpse from table. "Well why not, its not like theres any medical organization to call me out on it, we are pirates after all. Come lay down on the table and we'll get started, my nurses can assist with the surgery." She would say already starting to sterilize the area and utensils she would need... it was only as she had turned away to do so that her mind caught up with the rest of the conversation... 'wait... return the favor? Did he just...' The blush that ran across her pale face was thankfully covered from Cid's view, facing away from him as she was, but even so she could feel the heat in her cheeks as she processed the man's improper implication.

wc: 359
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Ryo : 293900

Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Mon May 15, 2023 8:46 am
Auron watched as Kira completed the process and successfully extracted all of the valuable organs from the body. One by one as she removed them with her medical prowess, Auron would procure each set of organs into jars with the appropriate label on them. Ultimately, he'd end up with one jar containing four eyes, one with two hearts, one with two lungs, and one with two kidneys. Now that these organs had been safely secured in their jars, he'd seal each and then perform his storage dimension technique to teleport then into his dimension.

While he did this, he'd listen in on the conversation at hand and hear Cid's explanation of his acquisition of the Hozuki DNA. Auron would defer to Kira on receiving the jar, as he would rather not hold something so precious. Especially since he himself could not use it in the way Cid wanted. Therefore it was best for him to not observe it in hand, in the off chances that he'd drop it. But to Cid's comment on being first mate, Auron would let out a light laugh. 

"Who said you weren't strong enough? I wouldn't want to fight you." he complimented his teammate. Although the opposite couldn't be more true. Realistically Auron wanted to train against each of Kaizoku's crew members not only to see how he would fair, but to get a better idea on everyone's capabilities. Still though, he was well aware of Cid's strength and in fact admired it.

But while Cid and Kira began to discuss more on the transplant, and while they flirted, Auron would sort of shrug it off and make his way to the Oni's body. He'd unsheathe Masamune and in that same motion, he'd enhance himself with his Negative Energy Mode technique, taking on his undead form. Through five handseals, Auron performed the Samurai Sabre technique and simultaneously his Blade Art: Necrokinesis technique. Then he'd plunge Masamune into the Oni's corpse, and within the blink of an idea the Oni would be absorbed into Masamune. Once this was done, Auron would deactivate all of his techniques and return his blade into his sheath. Now Masamune had two souls attuned to it, both of which would make the Kaizoku Captain all the more formidable. 

When this was done, he'd retrieve his corpse storage scroll and place it into his possession. Subsequently he took the next steps towards the exit of the room and would turn in place, now back in his human form to let out a "Thank you Kira. I think I will take some time to train in our facility downstairs. Cid, let me know how your surgery goes brother."

And with that, the Yamaguchi would exit from the room.

- Exit -
WC = 455. TWC = 2861


WC Claims (25% Max Stat Discount):
- 1875 to Total Concentration Breathing A, 1875/1875
- 986 WC to Skillful Dance Nullification B, 986/1125
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Mon May 15, 2023 8:52 am
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 56100

Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Tue May 16, 2023 7:31 pm
Auron would speak up regarding his comment about growing in strength, "You are probably right. Just seeing as how you and Grey just seem to keep getting more and more powerful by the day, I feel like I gotta make sure I don't fall too far behind, ya feel?" He'd look over again at the corpse of the powerful shinobi threat in the area, then back up at Auron and nod. "I think this will pan out nicely. Feel it in my gut, and my gut don't steer me wrong."

As Kira reacted to the absurdity that was what the red headed bandit was asking, Cid would then return with his own laughter, joining in as Kira realized the humor in just how crazy this whole thing sounded. Cid was admittedly a bit more intoxicated than his cool demeanor would show, and he honestly didn't think it was that bad of an idea. Or... even if it was what was the worst that could happen, right? Now the answer to that question was, well, quite a lot could go wrong. But the pirate didn't think of these possibilities for even a moment, nodding his head as Kira told him to lie down. 

The pirate would remove his shirt and lie down, offering a thumbs up to Auron's parting words, "You got it, captain." As the swordsman left the room Cid would take in a deep breath and close his eyes, letting a feeling of peace and tranquility wash over him. He could probably just fall asleep here on this table.

Patiently, he waited for Kira to work her magic. 

wc: 269

OoC: Hozuki organ was from an event and unspecified. Can just call it a kidney.
Kira Semei
Kira Semei
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Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Tue May 23, 2023 8:42 pm
Kira did the transplant; fixed cid up and sent him on his way
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 56100

Testing the equipment. - Page 2 Empty Re: Testing the equipment.

Thu Jun 01, 2023 6:35 pm
Cid would wake to find himself feeling no different than before. He'd stroke his chin a bit, curious as to whether or not this strange Hozuki organ had indeed increased his capabilities like he had suspected. Well, no different was a bit of a lie. He was a bit sore, the location of the surgery having a bit of a dull but consistent pain. Perhaps he just need a bit of time to heal. He'd sit up from the table, the throb in his side very clearly letting him know it was there. No doubts about that. A quick stretch of his arms over his head would be followed with a small hop down from the table that was used. 

"Thanks, Kira." He'd mention before adding, "Just let me know when I can return the favor" with a wink and a smile before making his way back out of the infirmary. The bump on his head seemed to also be fixed, no doubt due to the lady's medical expertise. Unfortunately, there was one other little less than ideal side effect of the medical arts no doubt used during the surgical procedure... his buzz had completely disappeared. Whether it had simple worn off due to how much time had passed or if it was because of the Jutsu used was unclear to the red headed bandit. Either way, he knew exactly how to fix that problem. With a simple wave of his hands and manipulation of the very fabric of reality, he would once again conjure forth a bottle of rum and begin to drink. 

While drinking he'd glance over at the water they found themselves on, waves crashing against the ship and causing it to rock ever so gently. The crisp air and smell of the water was almost as intoxicating to the pirate as the spirits had been. A bunch of thoughts would begin to flood into the mind of the man as he leaned against the rail, but the main one was just what their next objective was. Of course, such a thing wouldn't be solved unilaterally. This might have been a pirate ship, but they were no lawless savages. There was an order to their disorder, and so with another swig of his rum the bandit would make his way around the ship down to the training facility to find Auron.

Needed the Captain involved in such a thing. Plus, had to let him know the procedure seemed to go well enough. Might not have felt any different, but that would no doubt change very soon as his body acclimated. 


wc: 433
twc: 1619


Using max stat discount to acclimate to my new Hozuki kidney (1500/1500)
Claiming an Akari Kidney (my own)
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