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Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

Missions, Missions, & More Missions! Empty Missions, Missions, & More Missions!

Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:15 am


Uchiha, Kaito found himself facing a rather unusual mission. Wanting to get out of the office for at least a little while, he had his assistants take four of the many requests for missions that the village was currently trying to distribute to its shinobi. Of course, as the Otokage, Kaito had to do his part to help, and it was nice to go back to the roots of being a shinobi partaking in missions after so long.

Of course, the only missions currently available, however, were ones that we rather weird. They were all E-Rank missions, but the Uchiha forgot how trivial they could be. As a seasoned shinobi he was used to handling rather dangerous missions and protecting the village of Otogakure from various threads, but these missions consisted of server duties at a local restaurant for a major event, helping a local bakery to rid itself of its squirrel infestation, running a daycare establishment for a day while its's owners were away, and also going to the local weapons shop to find what weapons best suited his personal fighting style.

Grimacing slightly, Kaito accepted all of the missions. Thankfully for him they all didn't have to be done on the same day, with the serving mission being the first on the list.

The Uchiha quickly made his way to the restaurant, where he found himself in a quaint lakeside venue. The atmosphere was vibrant, adorned with colorful decorations and excited chatter of the guests awaiting the festivities. As he approached the gathering, he noticed a slightly frantic event organizer waving at him.

"You must be Uchiha, Kaito, yes?" She asked without missing a beat. "The name's Sakura. Thank the gods you are here! We're getting swamped already!"

Kaito smiled reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Sakura. I'm here to assist in any way I can." The Otokage quickly learned that one of the waitstaff members had fallen ill, leaving a significant gap in their preparations. The hors d'oeuvres were running low, and the guests' expectations were soaring high. It was up to Kaito to step in and ensure that the event went smoothly. "Being waitstaff for a brunch can't be that difficult, right?" Kaito asked himself as Sakura led him into the venue to get him an apron.

As the event began shortly thereafter, Kaito was able to seamlessly blend into the waitstaff. The guests, not knowing who he was, treated him as one of the regulars on the serving team. He started serving drinks and hors d'oeuvres, gracefully navigating through the crowd with ease. Little did he know, this seemingly simple task would prove to be more challenging than any ninja mission he had ever undertaken. The demand for hors d'oeuvres was relentless, and the trays of delicious treats seemed to vanish the moment he set them down. Kaito found himself darting between the kitchen and the guests, trying his best to keep up with their appetites. The sight of the serene lake and the anticipation of the tea-dumping ceremony seemed to fuel their hunger like a pack of starving savages.

Despite the chaotic situation, however, some of the guests started to get angry with what they viewed as a lack of service and severely long wait times. Kaito was determined to make the event a success. He coordinated with the kitchen staff, devising a system to keep the hors d'oeuvres flowing without interruption. His ninja training and quick reflexes came in handy as he gracefully maneuvered through the crowd, ensuring no guest went empty-handed. The event continued, and the once-frustrated group eventually seemed to succumb to the infectious joy and merriment of the other guests. The atmosphere transformed, and the celebration reached a crescendo as the moment for tea dumping arrived. The guests gathered by the lake, and Kaito stood back to watch the spectacle unfold.

The feeling of accomplishment washed over him as he saw the smiles and laughter of the guests. At that moment, he realized that even seemingly trivial tasks could hold immense importance. This brunch brought the community together, and the tradition of tea dumping served as a reminder of their shared values and history.

As the sun set on the successful event, Sakura approached Kaito with gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you for saving the day, Kaito. You truly are a lifesaver!"

Kaito smiled, thanking Sakura and the rest of the staff before leaving for the local bakery not too far away. With stealth and precision, Kaito set out on his next mission, determined to put an end to the squirrels' mischief. He observed the bakery from afar, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As soon as the shop was unguarded, he sprung into action, moving with lightning speed. Using his skills with sensory, Kaito climbed up the walls and leaped from roof to roof, staying out of sight of any curious onlookers. He finally reached the area where the squirrels were known to congregate. He carefully observed their movements, noting their patterns and strategies.

With a cunning plan in mind, Kaito waited for the moment where all of the squirrels were together in a group. Activating his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Kaito activated his 'Apsam Kamui' technique. A small square barrier erected itself around the squirrels , stopping their every movement. Wasting no time, Kaito gathered up all of the mischievous buggers into carrying crate, which he removed from his Storage Displacement. Deciding the best course of action to take, Kaito decided to walk back home towards the Uchiha District. Upon arriving, he placed the crate down upon the ground and opened its door, at which time the squirrels scurried out and made themselves a new home in one of the bigger trees that the district housed. Knowing that the squirrels would no longer be a threat to the village bakery, the Otokage decided to go home for the evening and to get some much needed rest.

The next morning, however, seemed to come rather too quickly for Kaito's liking. Upon arriving at the daycare, Kaito was greeted by the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi. They exuded warmth and joy, which immediately put Kaito at ease. They provided him with detailed instructions, a schedule for the day, and a few tips and tricks on how to swaddle babies. Kaito couldn't help but smile at the thought of handling such a delicate task.

"Thank you for helping us out on this special day," Mrs. Takahashi said with gratitude in her eyes. "We trust you completely."

"It's my pleasure," Kaito replied with a smile. "You two go and enjoy your child's graduation. I'll make sure everything here runs smoothly."

With that, the Takahashi's left for the ceremony, leaving Kaito in charge. As soon as they were gone, the daycare came alive with the giggles and laughter of the children. Kaito observed the kids, ranging from adorable infants to energetic toddlers, as they played together. It was a heartwarming sight, and he knew he had to ensure their safety and happiness. With a gentle touch and a calming demeanor, Kaito managed to handle the daycare's daily routine smoothly. He led the children through activities, prepared snacks, and maintained a watchful eye on their playful interactions.

However, his biggest challenge was yet to come – the swaddling.

As one of the infants began to cry, Kaito decided it was time to put the swaddling tips into practice. He picked up the baby carefully and attempted the technique he had learned from the Takahashi's. After a few tries, he successfully swaddled the baby, who gradually calmed down and drifted off to sleep. Feeling accomplished, Kaito continued to manage the daycare, juggling the various responsibilities with ease. The day progressed smoothly, and he found himself growing attached to the children under his care. The innocence and vulnerability of the infants touched his heart in a way he never expected.

As the afternoon wore on, Kaito encountered his first "trial-by-fire" moment. One of the toddlers managed to create a mini flood in the bathroom, leading to a puddle of water on the floor. With quick thinking, he mopped up the mess and ensured the child's safety, but not before another one of the infants had an unavoidable diaper mishap, leaving Kaito in need of that change of clothes he had wisely brought along. It was a messy affair, but Kaito handled it with composure and patience. Remembering the fact that he and his lover Amaya were not able to concieve their own children, Kaito was able to gather what it was like regarding the resilience of parents who dealt with such situations every day.

As the sun began to set, the Takahashi's returned from the graduation ceremony, their faces beaming with pride and happiness. Kaito felt a sense of fulfillment, knowing that he had helped create this beautiful memory for the couple.

"We can't thank you enough, Kaito," Mr. Takahashi said, his voice filled with emotion. "You were incredible with the children!"

"It was an honor to be a part of this special day," Kaito replied humbly. Kaito said goodbye to the Takahashi's and all of the children before again leaving for home. His last and final mission was finally upon him, and it was sure to be the easiest of the three that he had been assigned by his assistant.

As he stepped into the village's weapon shop the next morning, he was immediately greeted by the scent of metal, leather, and wood. The place was a treasure trove of weaponry, with displays of shuriken, kunai, swords, and more. Kaito's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he admired the craftsmanship and variety of weapons on offer, and his thoughts traveled even further to think of Foster, Quinn; a blacksmith within Otogakure. He wondered just how many of these very weapons she had made personally. Kaito's thoughts were interrupted, however, as an elderly shopkeeper approached him with a warm smile.

"Greetings, Lord Otokage!" The elder said with much enthusiasm. He grabbed Kaito's and in is on, shaking it wildly "Welcome to my humble establishment. How can I assist you today?" Kaito wasted no time in explaining the nature of his mission, and the shopkeeper nodded approvingly. "Ah, I see. It's essential for a ninja, even those at the top of the food chain, to explore different options before settling on a weapon that truly complements their style." The shopkeeper led Kaito through the shelves, explaining the unique features and uses of each weapon. He showcased a set of shuriken, demonstrating their throwing techniques and how they could be used for both offense and diversion. Kaito practiced a few throws, impressed by their accuracy and potential. Next they moved on to the kunai. The shopkeeper showed Kaito how these versatile tools could be used for close combat and as climbing aids. Kaito practiced some kunai strikes and found them to be reliable and easy to handle.

As they continued exploring, Kaito's eyes fell upon a display of elegant katanas. The shopkeeper noticed his interest and took out a particularly well-crafted one for him to examine.

"The katana is a beautiful weapon, but it requires patience and mastery to wield effectively," The shopkeeper advised. "With time and dedication, it can become an extension of your arm, offering unparalleled precision and power."

Kaito couldn't resist the temptation to give it a try. He unsheathed the katana and felt an immediate connection with the blade. He performed a few fluid strikes, appreciating the finesse and grace it offered. Though he acknowledged the challenge of mastering such a weapon, he decided to keep it in mind for future training.

The shopkeeper then finally introduced Kaito to the various types of armor he had in stock, explaining their protective qualities and their potential to enhance a ninja's endurance in combat. He tried on lightweight armguards, chest plates, and shin guards, each providing different levels of protection without compromising mobility. The Otokage would certainly have to make a trip back into the shop to purchase some.

After an extensive exploration, Kaito had a clearer understanding of the array of weapons and armor at his disposal. He thanked the shopkeeper for his guidance and promised to return whenever he needed to acquire new equipment.

With that, Kaito made his way back to his office. Upon arriving, he placed down the mission dossiers upon his assistant's desk, all of them bearing the signature of the mission giver to confirm their completion. He then wasted no time in heading back directly to his office, where for the rest of the day he would drown himself in the seemingly endless amount of paperwork that had stockpiled during his absence...


WC (POST) = 2,110 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 2,110 WC


Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Missions, Missions, & More Missions! Empty Re: Missions, Missions, & More Missions!

Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:24 am
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