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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 893900

The OrganoKat Empty The OrganoKat

Mon Jul 15, 2024 3:34 pm
Within the modern style waitng room, Katsuragi sat against the window as it displayed the lush green garden that surrounded the Building. It was a nice a view, as if the building was created by mother earth herself. It served as a perfect distraction, for about 10 minutes. After so, he found hinself pacing back and forth as he waited for his name to be called. Shorty after his newly aquired product, he made an appointment to go see a doctor about an operation.

Katsuragi's attire consists of a Yakuta black leather jacket, altered to that of a vest. The inner workings still functional with no hindrance. Underneath his vest, he wears a navy blue hoodie. His belt is black leather, designer's choice, with an overlapping LV emblem as a buckle. His shoes were bright in color, the Dreadful Oni SBs. His pouches are covered by his hoodie, but are still accessible with ease. His pants being that of a fresh pair of black stretch jeans with ankle zippers located on the lower inside section of the pants. His hair, still vivid, was a solid dark purple. His hair in contrast with his pale skin, however, his arms torso and hands bore a mural of mostly assorted prison tattoos; all black ink in color. His most notable tattoo, aside from his spiderweb tattoos that indicate that he has served time in Pelican Island, was his Jashinist Symbol that is stamped on the right side of his neck. He himself stood at a height of 6'2 feet with a thin frame. His other tools and such were also assorted evenly along his attire, given no hint to their whereabouts yet allowed him easy access with a little bit of technique due to his skill with the hidden arms technique.

Normally, he‘d go meet up with a ripper doc to have said organs implanted inside him. However, this island was full of interesting characters. The organ trade here was rich, and in order to keep it so the recipients had to be alive to tell the tale. So, his plan was to mingle with a few doctors to see who wanted to get paid.

“I, should have ate something. Im hungry…”, he saidwhile loooking out from the window into the lush scenery.
TWC/ 380
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

The OrganoKat Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Sat Jul 20, 2024 12:40 am
The hospital had been a bit busy since Darkside had collapsed, though nobody was seriously injured there were still people who were harmed. Due to the increase in activity, the hospital had asked Junko to lend a helping hand for the time being since she was one of the better medical specialists within the village. Knowing this would help out and be amazing PR, she decided to lend a helping hand. Soon the day had arrived, and Junko would make her way from the Kage Tower to the hospital.

Getting there bright and early, she quickly was directed to various patients though thankfully nothing too stress-inducing. Just a few different wounds that needed to be mended, medicine to be prescribed and bones to be fixed. Though most people she had never met or only knew in passing one individual on her schedule caught her interest. Katsuragi Baito, a missing-nin she had only met once while attempting to gain some information on the underground organ trading. For a moment she wondered if he had used that information to get a few organs for himself, but would pocket that thought for the time being.

Time moved on and soon Katsuragi was the next on her list. Walking out into the waiting room with a clipboard in hand, Junko would eventually spot him sitting against the window. The clicking of her heels against the floor stopped as she cleared her throat briefly before speaking up in her normal, welcoming tone.

”Katsuragi Baito!”

Should he look to examine the source of the voice, he’d see a young woman smiling lightly at him. Her long black hair was tied up neatly into a bun and held together by a silver pin with a crescent moon pendant dangling from the top of it. A long-sleeved, white button-up shirt could be seen tightly hugging her torso with a few buttons undone at the top and tucked into her skirt. Around her waist, a snuggly fighting black pencil skirt clung to her form, accentuating her already hourglass figure. Also, a white doctor's jacket sat loosely over her shoulders, and a stethoscope could be seen around her neck.

Her bright red eyes would follow him if he decided to stand and approach. If he examined her closely, he would clearly be able to tell she was the woman he had previously met at the resort. With a slight smirk, Junko would offer him a brief bow before beckoning him to follow her to one of the exam rooms. If he followed, once there she’d motion for him to sit on a nearby bed as she closed the door behind them and sat on a nearby stool. Getting right to work, hoping he wouldn't bring up their previous encounter, Junko would begin to introduce herself.

”It’s nice to meet you, I’m Junko Tsukiko and I’ll be the one doing your procedure. We just have a few formalities to go over before we can move on if that’s alright with you. Also, feel free to ask any questions you may have at any point.”

She’d pause for a moment, giving him time to ask any questions or agree to move on.

WC: 536
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 893900

The OrganoKat Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Sun Jul 21, 2024 2:24 pm
“51, 52, 53…”, his bored antics of counting the tiles along the floor came to a halt. His ears perk up to the call of his name, instinctively standing up aa of he was summoned by a prison guard. His time spent in jail changed him, the proximity of Pelican Island was infinite. No matter how far you ran, no matter how far you dug down the below, the sore institutionalized practices stuck with the MaDKat still to this day.

He vision peers over tha the lady dressed in hospital attire, equiped with a clipboard waiting for Katsuragi to come over. He didnt like the use of his full name, in fact, he never cared to use his government name. His last name given by the orphanage due to him not knowing his true heritage.

A gut feeling then swelled within the approaching Bandit, it got tighter the more he got closer tobthe strange looking doctor. ‘Do, do I know this Broad?’, he looks at her sideways until he finally realizes who she was. The bartender, from the red resort!

He stops abruptly 6 meters away, coming to realize that nothing was as convenient as this. This was absolutely a set up. No way would the same server who helped him secure the information from the trafficker, be a doctor here ready to operate on Katsuragi. He had to come up with something quick.

Either he was gonna get stripped and tossed in the alley bleeding out, or end up baf in Pelican Island. The whole situation was fucked, and he just got into the village. So much for surfing, and soaking up the sun with a pre roll in his hand.

“You know what *half felt giggles* I do have a question… You see what had happened was, I left my paperwork and uh insurance card in the trunk. Lemme just go get it out my carriage and I’ll be right back. It won’t take long. You won’t mind, right Junko?”, he affirms with a straight calm face.
TWC/ 719
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

The OrganoKat Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Mon Jul 22, 2024 6:03 pm
Junko tilted her head slightly as she listened to him explain that he had left his insurance elsewhere. He stuttered as she spoke, clearly he was a bit nervous. Either he had recognized her or was simply worried about the procedure. Regardless it was clear she needed to attempt to put him at ease, though was unsure of which route to take. Getting an idea, Junko would snap her fingers lightly as a look of recognition crossed her face. Returning the to relaxed demeanor she held at the bar she’d speak up once more.

”Oh that’s where I recognize you from! You were the one who took down that guy at the resort weren’t you? I’m friends with the owner, so I occasionally stop by to lend a hand when things get busy. If you’d like to request a different doctor I completely understand, but I assure you I’m the most suited within the facility to handle your procedure. Also, you don’t really need any insurance, the village fronts the Ryo for anyone getting implants for the time being but I’ll wait here if you’d like to retrieve it.”

It had become quite costly, paying for the various implants that had been happening recently. However, it incentivized those within the village to get the operation done at the hospital and not in some back alley butcher shop. This was only a temporary thing until they had the organ trading issue under control, but for now, her pockets felt a bit lighter than normal. If he wished to leave, Junko would freely allow him to do so. Perhaps he was rethinking the procedure and still needed time to think, so for now she’d give him space.

If he was all right in continuing, Junko would hand him the clipboard once they were both settled into the room. Looking through it, primarily it gave consent for the procedure to happen in the first place. Also, there were a few pages of information about what exactly she would be doing to him and the process of recovery. She’d remain silent if he looked it over, not wanting to pull his attention away from the paperwork. If asked any questions she’d honestly answer them, wanting to help him feel more comfortable about the situation.

WC: 383
Total WC: 919
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 893900

The OrganoKat Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Tue Jul 23, 2024 2:57 pm
Katsuragi uneast demeanor receded a bit as the server in doctor attire expaned more on her reason to being here. Being friends with the owner of a lavish resort must be fun, especially if you just worked there to mess around and not rely completely on the wage there. A doctor who worked as a server, it was first for the pondering bandit. Although, hearing news that she herself was indeed a friend of the owner did peek his interest.

There was no way the owner of the resort was oblivious to the fact that he had traffickers running in and out of the resort. He surmised that the resort acted as some sort of hub, rest spot even. The location was perfect. An island, full of tourist attractions and some of the best waves the world has ever seen to hide the underground shadow economy that was clearly thriving? No wonder why the black markets on the continents were taking a hit. The risk here was insanely less, plus, the fun in the sun was hard to beat.

“Oh! No no no, Dr. Mai! If I don’t need the card, then I don’t need my card”, he takes a moment to gather his thoughts. The greed teemed from his widen eyes, like a cat stalking his prey. He could use this opportunity to get more insight on just who the resort owner was. It was clear whoever it was, was indeed the kingpin of the shady resort island.

“Oh that little thing, don’t worry about that. I just wanted to make sure that you were safe, along with you getting your tips~ I mean, that owner would have been awfully sad if you got hurt. I mean, you’ve know the owner for quite a while right?…”, he saunters up closely to get more insight on mai. To apply a bit more pressure, presuading her to answer. His eyes were found, concentrating his gaze towards her attire. His Yamanaka insight granted him the means to weave more into this alluring web. ‘Patience is one of your virtues huh, and can cook. Hmm, so this is how lucky from the cloud found out all that information about me. Im like a gawd damn bingo book.’

“And who wouldnt want to know you, you seem like you like to help people aside from the owner. Hell, you a doctor.”, her likes and dislike came into mind one after as he stood two meters away from her.
TWC/ 1,134
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

The OrganoKat Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Thu Jul 25, 2024 8:22 pm
Junko smiled lightly as he noted that he didn't need the card, seemingly he had decided to stay. Continuing on he’d explain that his takedown at the resort wasn’t a big deal and that he was “just making sure she was safe.” He then would mention her connection to the owner, and how he assumed he’d be upset if she got hurt. Little did Katsurgi know, she was technically the owner of the resort. She didn’t handle the day-to-day managing of the place, but she owned the business. At least he was correct in assuming the owner wouldn’t want to see her get hurt.

Pausing briefly, he’d step forward and very obviously examine her. He either was very openly staring at her body, or he was inspecting her chakra. She had done so during their first meeting and didn’t see a reason to do so now. He then reassured her that it was alright for her to do the procedure, and remarked that she seemed to like to help people. A light blush crossed her cheeks as she began to speak up once more.

”You could say we’re pretty close, I’ve known the owner my entire life really. Also, going forward please refer to me as Junko. I use Mai as a fake name in hopes of keeping any would-be creeps off my tail, I’m sure you understand.”

This was partially true, Mai was the name she used when trying to keep a low profile when wandering about the village. Though she was extremely recognizable, she often wore some kind of disguise so she could pass off as just another face in a crowd.

”I know the resort is always looking for a few helping hands, so if you decide to take up work there again let me know and maybe we could run a shift together.”

Though Katsuragi wasn’t a village shinobi, she still felt partially invested in seeing his growth within Tsukigakure. She had made her home a place where those rejected by society could start over, and she hoped that Kat would find himself falling in love with the place as she had. If he responded, Junko would let him speak uninterrupted.

WC: 373
Total WC: 1292
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 893900

The OrganoKat Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:00 pm
”You could say we’re pretty close, I’ve known the owner my entire life really. Also, going forward please refer to me as Junko. I use Mai as a fake name in hopes of keeping any would-be creeps off my tail, I’m sure you understand.”

Katsuragi will remember what you said.

“Yeah, I could see that. We might even run into the owner one day”, he gives off a devilish smile before returning back to the topic at hand. He needed surgery, and he wanted now. He fixed his posture and gives his full attention towards the part time doctor. “Ight, listen Doc. I need the full run down on how this will work and since this aint gonna cost me anything…, I’d like to talk about future appointments too. Cause, I might know a few other people that could use help too. But they’re ways away”, he thinks back to the people he met in hotsprings and tanzaku town. The cloud was on his mind to, but he doubt he would be going back there anytime soon.

He paitently waited for the doctor to lead him to the room to start the process. Although he was willing, he still kept his witts about him. He never liked going under the knife, too much power given to someone he barely knew. But, meeting the server again, now getting a clearer picture of things did ease his uneasy state of mind.
TWC/ 1,373
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

The OrganoKat Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Sat Aug 03, 2024 3:13 am
She’d nod happily as he mentioned potentially running into the owner one day and listened as he requested the “run down” on the procedure. He then would explain that he may have a need for future appointments, and wouldn't mind passing the info on to other potential patients. Speaking up with a smile, she’d begin to give him a brief description.

”Well, usually we ask for some kind of proof of purchase when organs aren’t directly bought from the hospital. However, your transaction was quite… public, so we won’t need any from you. If others come without proof of purchase, they’ll just be asked a series of questions on how they were acquired.”

Briefly, she’d think back to the small argument she had with Akabayashi after receiving information about the deal. She still couldn’t believe he thought it was okay to threaten a group of curious civilians. At least Kat had acquired the organs legally, so she was a bit relieved by that. She couldn’t help but wonder how he came about getting a byakugan for an eye, however. Continuing on, she’d begin to explain how the surgery itself would go

”When we get into the room, I’m going to request that remove your shirt and lay on the bed. We do usually bind you to the bed so you’re unable to move and mess us up, though if you think you’ll be able to stay still then they won't be necessary. Once you’re comfortable, I’ll administer a bit of anesthesia to ensure that you don’t feel any pain. After that, I’ll use a handful of techniques to carefully extract each organ, then replace it with the ones you brought. After everything is in place, I’ll heal each incision and once the anesthesia wears off you’ll be set to leave.”

Junko would pause for a moment, giving him to ask any questions he may have. If he had none, she’d lead him to one of the various, high-end, surgery rooms. Upon entering she’d motion for him to sit on a plush bed in the center of the room. She then would begin to gather various utensils, tools, and equipment. Honestly, she was a bit nervous since this was her first time doing something like this, though she had ample training to do so. Her innate ability to detect the organs and blood within the bodies of others was a boon when it came to things like this.

Once her things were prepared, she’d turn her attention back to Kat. If he hadn’t removed his shirt and laid on the bed, she’d instruct him to do so. After he had done so, Junko would walk to the edge of the bed and give him a reassuring smile.

”You ready my friend?”

Wanting to give him one last chance to back out if he wanted Junko would wait until he gave her permission before getting started.

WC: 493
Total WC: 1785
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 893900

The OrganoKat Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:29 pm
“However, your transaction was quite… public, so we won’t need any from you.“ - Junko

Katsuragi will remember this

‘She sure knows alot, but how? She‘s a doctor by day, and a server too. Two jobs and she manages to keep tabs on me. Nah, she must have a support group, gather intel. Fuck it, I need the Operation!“

“Hmm..”, the MaDKat then pondered as he thought heavily upon what was said to him. Of course, he would reject a few things, as this was his first time resorting to such upgrades. No matter how well sounded the doctor with two jobs relayed the complex details to the surgery, Katsuragi, needed to make sure he was just as comfortable with this as the good doctor was.

“Sure, I’m ready Doc. But you wont be chaining me up. But, I could use a few shots. If not, anesthesia will do.“, he said while enter the very ritzy high tech operation room. He trails the good doctoer with cauious steps, whistling loudly while observing his new surroundings. He sits on the table and awaits the doctor to do his thing,just as he finally removes his jacket and shirt; his many assorted tattoos reveal themselves to the good doctor.
TWC/ 1,579
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

The OrganoKat Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:38 pm
Junko would wait for him to get comfortable on the plush hospital bed, and once he was ready she’d begin the procedure. Whistling out the proper hand seals for Chakra Anesthesia, her hand would glow a bright blue. Placing her hand on the abdomen, and pain or discomfort would melt away from his body. She’d briefly move from his side as the anesthesia began to set in, though after thoroughly washing her hands she’d return to him once more. Momentarily she’d shift her gaze to his face, and wait until it seemed as if he had fully relaxed. Once ready, she’d whistle another string of hand seals, which would cause chakra to coalesce around her fingertips, creating a scalpel.

Activating her Ketsuryugan, Junko was able to see the various organs stuffed within his body and easily found the ones that needed to be removed. Carefully she’d start by replacing each kidney, ensuring each was properly placed and working before moving on to the other. Admittedly she couldn’t help but feel elated as she watched the blood move through his body. Next, she’d replace his liver with the same amount of diligence. Once everything looked to be securely placed and functioning Junko would close up any remaining incisions. Another string of hand seals would escape her lips as she whistled the requirements for Mystical Palm. After placing a glowing hand on his abdomen, his wounds would then begin to heal and stitch themselves back together.

Once his wounds were fully healed, she’d pull her hand away from his stomach and look at him once more. In a reassuring tone, Junko would sweetly speak up.

”Looks look everything took pretty easily, don’t try to get up yet, the anesthesia still needs to get out of your system.”

Moving from his side, Junko would walk to the sink once more and wash her hands. Afterwards, she’d peek her head out of the room, and request that some water be brought in. Returning to him, she’d scan his body once more as she waited for him to come down.

WC: 348
Total WC: 2133

AP Used: (25% reduction)
Ketsuryugan - 13
Chakra Anesthesia - 8
Chakra Scalpel - 30
Mystical Palm - 30
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