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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 893900

The OrganoKat - Page 2 Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Sat Aug 10, 2024 10:53 am
Moments later, after hearing faint whispers from the doctor…

Katsuragi comes to, the feeling in his body slowly returning with all the backlogged pain and stress caused by the surgery. He groans and shifts, his body still sluggish, he pushes himself to stand up right. He wished to almighty Jashin right now, that he‘d rather endure a hangover, than this full body meltdown that he currently underwent. What he needed right now, was relief, and he needed it now. It was a good thing he was in a hospital. Well rather, it was a good thing he was getting to know the good doctor in the house.

“ *Insert Groaning Noise* Maaaaiii…, you there?”, his voice harsh from the pain intouched by the medical jutsu. Perhaps Mai didn’t use the good stuff, or her jutsu wasn’t enough for a full body shut down? He scans his surroundings looking for her. He notices a figure, one foot out in the room, the other out, as if they were speaking to someone outside. The uneasy feeling from all this was unbareable.

‘Whoo~ I haven’t felt this banged up since the time I smoked with those Senju riff raffs in Tea Country. They for sure laced the herbs with something. Then again, those tree huggers will smoke any herb or anything you put in front of them…’, he senses sharpen up a tad upon seeing a looming figure over him.

“Mai, I need you do something… I need…”, he reaches upwards with his left hand and beckons her with all his great strength.

“Per… Percocets, Oxycontin…, Vicodin. I’ll even take moltrin, tylenol, codeine, demerol, xanax, valium”, he continued listing off various substances in a robotic droning tune till he finally ran out of names. “Uh…Quaaludes?!

That’s all he needed, something to help me detach from this sanitized hell hole of a hospital. He wanted to float up to that deluxe apartment in the sky, and never ever come back till all the pain in his body was gone. His mind continues to dwell on his iterative bullshit about drugs and endless blissfulness.

“I gotta get outta here, I got date with that mean ole kunochi from the sand village with the raven black hair. She’s so short though, like fun sized short. She’d be perfect for cornhole *giggles*, or that purple haired chick at the gates, she looked sooo good with that outfit she had on… Excelsior!

Country road, take me home, to place, I belong~

West SuuuNA!!! Mountain mama~

THE PELICAN MEN are after me pot of GOLD!!!!”, he continues to ramble while under the influence of the medical jutsu.
TWC/ 2,017

Junko Tsukiko likes this post

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

The OrganoKat - Page 2 Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:52 pm
As he began to stir from the anesthesia, Junko would listen to his near-incohesive sentences as he asked for various painkillers. Seemingly he was in a significant amount of discomfort, so as she requested a drink for him she also asked to bring in some Percocets. Returning to his side as he beckoned, she’d usher him to lie down once more in a comforting voice.

”I have some coming in now, please just remain seated and I’ll attempt to keep the pain at bay until then.”

If he allowed, she’d place her hand on his abdomen once more, and after whistling a string of hand seals, a faint blue aura began to outline his body as she activated the healing hand's technique. She maintained her Ketsyurugan as she continued to look through his body, ensuring that the healing chakra pooled around what looked to be the problem areas. A light smile would cross her face as he continued to ramble on, explaining that he needed to leave so he could meet up with someone for a date. As he mentioned the purple-haired woman at the gates, her gentle smile would turn into a full grin.

She knew that Anya had greeted him at the gates since she was the one who debriefed her about his arrival. Knowing it’d be unprofessional to laugh at his continuous remarks, she contained herself and simply listened. Soon a nurse would enter with the things Junko had requested and place them on a table before exiting once again. Briefly, she’d look over the medication, ensuring it was what she had requested. Once she was sure it was correct, she’d ask that he sit up once more.

Should he need assistance, she’d lend him her aid, though if he seemed as if he was coming down she’d give him space. Regardless, she’d hand him a small cup with the pills in it and another cup with water in it. She’d wait patiently for him to take it and aided him if need be.

WC: 340
Total WC: 2473

AP Used: (25% reduction)
Ketsuryugan - 13
Healing Hands B Rank - 23
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 893900

The OrganoKat - Page 2 Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:28 am
Moments pass after the assurance of the doctor‘s promise to ease his pain. Katsuragi finally coming to, he gathers his thoughts and decides hit the road; he was finally free!

“Thanks Doc, I feel great! See ya around, Mai. I’ll make sure to pay a visit at the resort; I‘d lovvve to meet that owner… whenever it‘s your day to work at the resort of course.“, he said while slipping on his shirts and jacket. He streches out his arms while twisting his back as he made his way towards the door. The painkillers were remarkable, he felt as if he was floating.

Katsuragi finally exited the hospital, sauntering down the road that led away from the hospital.
TWC/ 2,135

Transplant of Jugo, Hyuuga, and Kaguya organs.

2,135 words towards The Shattering V7 mastering for Power. 2,135/ 3,750 (reduced due to maxed stats and going to replace one of the mastery slots from buzzing hornet.

Junko Tsukiko likes this post

Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

The OrganoKat - Page 2 Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:49 pm
Katsuragi wrote:

TWC/ 2,135

Transplant of Jugo, Hyuuga, and Kaguya organs.

2,135 words towards The Shattering V7 mastering for Power. 2,135/ 3,750 (reduced due to maxed stats and going to replace one of the mastery slots from buzzing hornet.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

The OrganoKat - Page 2 Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:49 pm
With a soft smile, Junko would give him a bow as he thanked her and began to collect his belongings. As he began to get dressed, she’d turn her back to him, allowing him a bit of privacy. She’d nod in agreement as he mentioned meeting up some time at the resort, and though she felt a bit nervous about seeing him again, she was admittedly excited. He seemed like a rather good guy, and honestly, she felt bad about concealing her full identity from him. Though she had told him her real name, he still continued to call her Mai.

She hated to say it, but it felt nice being treated like a normal person again. For that brief time, she was just like everyone else in the village. Since putting up the village and taking charge, everyone was so formal with her. It felt like a breath of fresh air to be around people like Katsuragi, though she knew their relationship would change once he learned of her station. Without a hit of the thoughts swirling in her mind, she’d speak up once more.

”Should you need anything please feel free to stop by. Good luck, and I do hope to see you soon.”

Once he was out of the room and out of earshot, Junko would sigh slightly as she relaxed. The smile plastered across her face dropped to her neutral expression as she began to prepare the room for her next client.


WC: 249
Total WC: 2722

5000/5000  Talented Ninjutsu (due to it not being my main spec it doubles the cost, but I'm using a Sakura Corps Loyalty Coupon for half price, making it 5k again.) Previous training here
Dropping remaining WC

Successful transplant of Jugo, Hyuuga, and Kaguya organs.

Memorizing Katsuragi Baito chakra sig
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

The OrganoKat - Page 2 Empty Re: The OrganoKat

Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:30 am
Junko Tsukiko wrote:

WC: 249
Total WC: 2722

5000/5000  Talented Ninjutsu (due to it not being my main spec it doubles the cost, but I'm using a Sakura Corps Loyalty Coupon for half price, making it 5k again.) Previous training here
Dropping remaining WC

Successful transplant of Jugo, Hyuuga, and Kaguya organs.

Memorizing Katsuragi Baito chakra sig
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