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Harurama Senju
Harurama Senju
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Harurama Senju Empty Harurama Senju

Tue Sep 17, 2024 8:07 pm
Harurama Senju

Harurama Senju OehT3Z9

Basic Information

Age: 12
Birthday: February 25th
Gender: Male

Height: 5ft. 1inches.
Weight: 100lbs
Appearance: A young ninja with striking green eyes and hair that would remind one of the namesake of the village he calls home. He wears an orange gi with a built in hood; netted short sleeves and black pants. His village headband worn proudly around his head. He wears a set of shinobi shoes with open toes that come up to his chins underneath his black pants. He also carries a shinobi pouch around either his leg or his chest and back containing various ninja tools for use on missions or in everyday life if need be.

Personality: Harurama is for lack of a better word, a popular kid with way to much talent, and twice as much lip. He loves to do his best, be the best, and let everyone know that he is the best. On the flip side, he is also prone to fits of depression and anxiety; confusing those who know him best due to the fact that usually he is very outgoing. When confronted with someone rude or outright evil, he will throw any regard about his own actions out the window and do his best to antagonize and make an enemy out of them; either through talking crap, actual fighting, or other more covert means. The kid can be outright devious when he wants too.

This aside, he can be very studious and loves to learn new things about just about anything. When he gets a chance too, he will ALWAYS take on a lesson and learn it to the best of his ability. It may be because of ego in order to say "Hey I know about that!" but it also may be due to a deep need to be the best person he possibly can be.


Harmless Pranks or Jokes
Sushi and Eggrolls
Mature Women


Rude People
Animal Cruelty
Disrespect Towards Nature
People Who Don't Keep Their Word
People Who Won't Admit They're Wrong
Disrespect Towards Elders or History

Nindo: "Always be true to yourself!"
Greatest Dream: "To become a Shinobi my village can be proud of!"


Harurama comes from a direct bloodline dating back to the founders of the Senju Clan. His family has been filled with prominent ninja of the clan for a long time; dating back to ancient times. He was born to Warudo and Tanuki Senju. He was actually their oldest child, he had two younger sisters, and a younger brother. None of which were old enough for the academy yet. So the pressure was ON for him to perform and live up to the expectations for the family.

For awhile his life was perfect, he had it all. A family who loved him, a village who liked him, younger siblings who looked up to him. That was until just before he first started at the Academy his parents began fighting badly with one another. His mother had developed a drinking problem, and his father already aggressive in nature became violent towards her during her drunken outbursts. Eventually, things escalated between the two to the point where the Clan Elders would step in and demand that they separate for two reasons. Someone could get hurt, and for the benefit of the children. So it was that they divorced.

Harurama was sent with his Father, as a prominent and skilled ninja and Harurama about to enter the academy it was in his "best interest", his Mother would keep his other 3 siblings. Harurama would never forget that tearful night when he had to pack his things and move deeper into the city with his father. He didn't want to leave his siblings with his mother in the state she was in, but knew that if he made enough money as a ninja they would be well taken care of. His father said that "He'd always like Harurama best anyway", and had little to no regrets at least visible to Haru that was; about leaving everyone else behind.

It was true, he and his father were very close and he looked up to him. They also had a lot in common so; although he was happy to get more time one on one with him, he was torn deep down and would be worried for the other part of his family. Vowing to visit them whenever he had spare time from his duties as a ninja.

At the Academy, he flourished and was tutored by his Dad at home so he had a leg up on most kids who's parents had other duties. His father was an ANBU member so he was extremely tactical with the way he taught Haru. His son was bright; so he exhibited signs of talent early on with a little push. His grades were top mark, and his performance was stellar; leading to him getting a bit cocky and arrogant towards the end of his Academy years. His life as a ninja helped him block out the bad thoughts he had about his Mother and Siblings but from time to time he would slip into deep depression that even his father cheering him up; classmates, or friends couldn't break. Eventually as usual though he'd go back to being his normal self after moping about in an extreme emotional state for awhile.

To this day the young Genin strives to be the pride of the Senju, and the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Not only for himself, but for those he cared for and those who would come to depend on him in the future.

Ninja Traits

Rank: D
Village: Konohagakure
Element(s): Earth
Specialties: Bukijutsu
Clan: Senju
Clan Specialty: Wood Release
Bloodline: Sage's Body


Health: 300
Vigor: 20
Chakra: 30
Speed: 30
Strength: 20

The Player

Other Characters: N/A
Faceclaim Name and Series: Original OC

Roleplay Sample:

Harurama was on his first mission out of the gate. To say his nerves were going crazy were an understatement. But maybe it wasn't nerves. Just excitement. Outside of the caravan that he was escorting through territories between the major villages were several other guardsmen hired by the client in question. He'd been assigned from Konoha as the shinobi escort.

The ride was pretty smooth, although he'd began to get bored. Leaning back he asked the client who was riding with him just what was so important that they needed all this security.

"Kids should stay out of grown ups business don't you think?" the burly man replied, although he was fat he had a charm about the way he spoke which caused Harurama to laugh a little at his tone.

"Yes siiiiiirrrr." he said mockingly. Leaning back he waited and eventually almost dozed off while staring out one of the few small windows inside the caravan.

It wasn't long before he heard shouting outside, then a scream, then a thud as what sounded like something heavy hit the outside of the caravan. Leaping into action as he put a hand up towards the client, he nodded to him as the commotion outside increased. Scrambling quickly outside, he noticed a dead body with an arrow in it against the caravan. His mind raced, he hadn't seen someone dead up close like this before; snapping himself out of it he would look toward the front of the caravan as several armed guards fought with thugs or bandits of some kind.

Steel clashed as he noticed an archer to the side aiming an arrow at one of the guards.

Leaping into action he would perform a dash then leap mid-air, catching the arrow mid flight. With a grin he would snap it in half as he would then whip out four shuriken; one between each knuckle. With one throw, two of them would hit the man dead in the skull and face; he would drop dead in a gruesome manner. He'd done it...he'd killed someone. The other two would pepper his body as it fell.

Harurama stood frozen.

So this is what it meant to be a shinobi. Taking life. He was only 12, needed to be done he supposed. For now that was enough.

Leaping into action again he would whip out and explosive kunai, spinning it once on a finger he would then launch it towards the group of bandits as it would explode; sending them flying. Some body parts even. Leaping into the explosion, he would tackle one of the bandits to the ground. Pulling out another kunai he would stare him in the face.

As the smoke cleared, he would nod to the side. Telling him to get out of here before he changed his mind. The man would clamor to his feet as he was released. Looking back as if to thank Harurama as he fled.

Soon though a guardsmen would approach next to him.

"Great work kid, Konoha sure trains their shinobi well." as he pulled out a bow and nocked an arrow. Harurama's eyes widened as he let loose an arrow and shot the man he'd let go right in the back. He dropped dead with a surprised look.

Feeling like his own honor had been insulted, he got angry as he would ball up his fists at his side.

"Looks like one got away. That takes care of that." he said as he walked past Harurama and patted him on the shoulder twice in approval.

Looking down at the ground, Harurama would stay that way for awhile before finally turning and heading back to the caravan. His mind set on what it meant to be not only a shinobi...but a good person. This life wouldn't be easy, but some part of him loved what had just happened.

"This is what it be a shinobi."

The camera would pan out and upward to the sky as the group of guardsmen and young shinobi approached the caravan.

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