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Herozen Uchiha
Herozen Uchiha
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Herozen
Genjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A walk in the park Empty A walk in the park

Mon Sep 30, 2024 9:22 pm
It was a warm fall day as Herozen finally finished his day at the academy. In his studies, he found that the very basic jutsu were the transformation and clone techniques. If this is how to become a shinobi, I’ll ensure I learn them quickly. Herozen was in deep thought as he exited the academy. He watched as all the children from the academy found their way to their friends or their parents. He noticed a few children showing off what they had learned and a few pranking at each other. It was times like these he wished he had joined the academy at their ages. He found it hard to find anything in common with them. He was older, very much older. He found himself listening and being more alert in class than the rest of them who daydreamed and slept the classes away. Did he find the classes boring, and did they usually go over stuff anyone with a Shinobi family would know? Yes, but he was there to stay as long as the staff felt he needed to be there. This was the curse of being an adult in a child environment.

He decided to go to the training grounds and practice the two techniques in the genin exams. This way, he might impress the powers that be and be promoted without having to suffer the mundane classes with the children who weren’t taking the class as seriously as he was. He was old enough to be a jounin; hell, even his mom was a jounin years before he even thought about becoming a shinobi. I guess these classes would be good for those with no context or clue about being a shinobi. Not many adults had the idea of changing their profession this late in life, especially in this hard of one. Herozen was a Uchiha, but his family allowed him to try a different profession since his brother was interested in becoming a shinobi. He knew his parents loved him, but he wished his parents had pushed him to become a shinobi earlier in his life; that would have spared him the humiliation of being taught by children half his age.

As he approached the training grounds, Herozen pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. He looked around to make sure there were no children close by. It appeared a few others from the academy had thought of the same idea he had. Observing no one close enough to be affected by the cigarette smoke he was about to produce, he flicked the bottom of his pack and lifted a cigarette about an inch above the rest. He placed it on his lips, pulled the lighter from his other pocket to the tip, and lit it. Observing the other academy students practicing with their clones and transformations actually motivated him. If these bums can get this done, so can I. Herozen thought as he puffed away on his cigarette.

Okay, I’ll practice on the water today; that should help me focus my chakra. These are very basic jutsu; learning them shouldn’t take too long. Herozen thought as he flicked his dying cherry onto the ground, smothered it with his foot, and placed the butt in the pack so he could throw the whole thing away later.

Herozen Uchiha
Herozen Uchiha
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Herozen
Genjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A walk in the park Empty Re: A walk in the park

Today at 6:39 am
Herozen took the short walk to the training facility and approached the receptionist, whom he still didn’t remember. He suspected she was aware he hadn’t remembered her name. Herozen asked the receptionist which rooms held large bodies of water, and she informed Herozen that training room fifteen held a pool that could simulate rivers or lakes. Herozen thanked her and walked down the hall to room fifteen. There he found a large pool of water and a control switch. Herozen walked over to the water control switch and changed it to river mode. The currents inside the pool started to stir. Herozen was ready to start training. He entered the pool with chakra on the soles of his feet so he was walking on the water. He had two jutsu he needed to learn before his exams later in the week.

Herozen would form the dog hand seal, transform into a salmon, and swim against the current. He found this jutsu incredibly easy to learn and practiced it over and over again to ensure his success in this portion of the exam. He remembered the look on his sensei’s face when he told the class about the exam requirements. His sensei was serious about relaying the information, they practiced at the academy. Herozen had gotten it down there, but he wanted to be sure he wouldn’t fail when test day came. Performing the transformation technique was thirty-five percent of the exam; failing any of the two jutsu would mean disqualification for any of the students who couldn’t perform. Thinking about this drove Herozen to practice more for a bit longer and harder. He would step out of the pool and transform into woodland critters like squirrels and boars. When he was satisfied with his training, he would walk back into the water and get ready to train his next jutsu. The exam was quickly approaching, and Herozen would not be unprepared for the exam. Now that he had finished the transformation, he was ready to train the next jutsu on the list.

Herozen standing on the water in the pool with the current working against him took its toll on him. Herozen had to close his eyes and focus on his chakra because he was allowing his unfocused mind to waste his chakra. Now that he was focused and not bleeding chakra, he was ready to start on the next jutsu. He was going to be practicing the clone technique. Herozen was already proficient, but he wanted to really drive home his abilities. He performed the Ram hand seal, focused his chakra around his body, and projected it, creating four perfect replicas of himself. He would dismiss and recreate the clones multiple times. The clones could be used in various facets of battle. They could be used as a distraction, for cover, or other capabilities Herozen would come up with on the spot. Herozen was examining the control panel on the wall, and there was a switch for battle simulation. Herozen found the setting to engage someone on the water. A battle mannequin was produced and was awaiting Herozen to make his move. Herozen walked back onto the water and performed the Ram hand seal, reproducing the clones; then, he made his move.

After he felt satisfied with his clone training, Herozen took a quick break. He had a few other jutsu he wanted to learn that he had a basic understanding of. These would be extracurricular jutsu; they would be to help further his shinobi career after he was out of the academy. The first jutsu he would practice would be the Demonic illusion butterfly effect. This was a genjutsu that would cause the victim to see innumerable intangible butterflies fluttering around them. Herozen was told he would have the ability to change their color and pattern depending on how he felt. As far as genjutsu, this one seemed like a pleasant one, but he was told he would be able to control his target's movements. He found a lot of utility in that prospect and decided that was a jutsu he would want in the bag. The Uchiha clan was exceptional at genjutsu, and Herozen would be no exception to that rule.

Herozen’s father was the driving force behind learning these extra jutsu. Herozen loved and respected his father, but he didn’t want to end up becoming an instructor at the academy. He was grateful to his father for teaching him these extra jutsu. His father was also skilled with space-time ninjutsu. Herozen found space-time ninjutsu to come easily to him as well. His father had given him a jutsu to work on called weapon manipulation. This would help Herozen in a fight because he would be able to control weapons with space-time chakra. He was lacking in the ability to throw weapons very far, but with this jutsu, he would be able to control all weapons better.

The next jutsu he would work on is the body flicker ninjutsu. With this jutsu, he would be able to move quickly from point to point, which could help him if he was attacked like he was when his cousin used an explosive jutsu that affected a large area. There were drawbacks; if his opponent was able to surmise where he was going, it could spell his demise because he wouldn’t be able to stop mid-journey. Herozen would practice this jutsu multiple times moving from one end of the pool to the other. When he was finished with training, he would collect his stuff and exit the training facility. Once outside, he would light up a cigarette and post up for a moment before heading to the academy.
WC: 948
TWC: 1501

WC: 1501x1.5= 2251
vig 22

Transformation Technique 2251-188= 2063
Clone Technique 2063-188=1875
Body Flicker Technique 1875-375=1500
Demonic Illusion: Butterfly Effect 1500-750=750
Weapon Manipulation 750-750=0
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