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Frostfire Empty Frostfire

Wed Oct 02, 2024 7:18 am
Name: Frostfire Release
Components: Water + Fire

The origin of Frostfire dates back to centuries before Hyogagakure's establishment as a major village. It had been discovered within the depths of the frozen tundra of the Land of Snow by a group of shinobi. This group had ventured into a frozen valley, traversing mounds of snow all so that they could study the massive glaciers which encompassed the valley. What they found was that these glaciers were a harmonious fusion of frozen water cooled by the chilling winds of the climate and blanketed atop the natural earth of the lands. Yet within those lands had been a frozen mountain, with the entrance to a cavern within it carved into its face. They proceeded inside, hesitantly, and what they would discover revealed that the mountain had been a dormant volcano. Interestingly enough it still produced immense amounts of heat, and the occasional blue flame which would spark from the frozen structures within. Symbolically these pioneers felt as if the representation of frost and flame were the perfect balance between opposing forces in nature, all intertwined by the energy of life itself. 

Among those group of shinobi were some of the founders of Hyogagakure's previously unorganized lands, one of which was a shinobi hailing from the Yuki Clan. They analyzed the flame deeply, learning that it rivaled their own Ice Release. It was different in the fact that it seemed to draw power from not only the frigid elements of cold water, simultaneously produced significant combustible and kinetic energy which was enough to create fire. This discovery incentivized the group of shinobi to empower themselves with manipulation of the element. Thus it would be seen as both the sword and shield of the land.

How it is used:
Frostfire manifests itself as blue flames, which are reflecting of its composition of conflicting elements. The Water component of the element cools the flames provided from the Fire component, granting its user the ability to manipulate the temperature of the flames produce to have various effects of either chilling or heating properties. Uniquely though these properties do not include either freezing or burning properties which are characteristic of other Advanced Elements (Ice, Scorch, etc.). Instead the effects of Frostfire are exhibited without combustion or solidification. For instance, the heat component of Frostfire allows for rapid heat exhaustion without burning a target; whereas the water component can force frostbite on a target without freezing them outright.

Examples of its usage include blanketing an environment in the blue flames to slow and exhaust a target, or unveiling an overwhelming heat to induce fatigue. Thus it is an element with deceptive battlefield control which is simultaneously destructive.
Special Traits:

  1. Thermoregulation- Frostfire techniques have the capability of being created with immense heat or cold factors. This suggests environmental temperature manipulation which would typically induce either heat exhaustion or hypothermia effects when targets come in direct contact with the element. But on the contrary, the notable feature of Frostfire employs the opposite effects to its user's own body temperature. Frostfire techniques which regulate temperatures to be colder inspire the user with Frigid Invigoration, whereas Frostfire techniques which manipulate temperatures to be hotter excite the user with Hyperthermia. Although the two effects are thematically different, they share the same functionality, which grant the techniques Expulsion capabilities despite specialty.

  2. Avalanche - Frostfire Release techniques have an innate and insatiable hunger for compounding. This is known as their Snowball or Wildfire Effect, meaning as they defeat techniques of lesser power their area of effect expands and spreads. This is based on the rank difference between the Frostfire Release technique and that of the opposing technique. If the Frostfire technique wins a clash against another technique of B (and below ) / A / S rank then the Frostfire Release technique grows in diameter (or linearly where applicable) by 4 / 6 / 8 meters.

  3. Northwind - By filling the environment with an influx of Frostfire flames with an intensity similar to that of a snowstorm, Frostfire techniques which are stated to benefit from Northwind have sensory depriving implications. Techniques of this element can obstruct either vision, hearing, or smell within their area at a power equal to jutsu speed.

Canon, Site-Canon, Bloodline, Village Exclusive: Hyogagakure Exclusive

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