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Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Drunks in Distress: Mission Compilation (WIP) Empty Drunks in Distress: Mission Compilation (WIP)

Yesterday at 10:11 pm

Takashi was sitting at the beautiful cherry wood bar, the stool surprisingly comfortable as he propped his head up on the bar using his left arm. His right hand placing it's index finger on the neck of a nearly empty sake bottle as he twirled it on the edge that sits on the counter, if boredom had a physical form it was him in this moment. Slowly as the moon grew brighter beyond the doors, the streets began bustling more and more, the night started with people walking by and admiring making comments of 'checking this out later' but the bar remained mostly unoccupied. About an hour passed and it seemed as though the entire village had decided to bring themselves into this bar, suddenly the doors behind the bar burst open and out stepped a strange little man. He turned and pointed at Takashi "You've been here almost all day, do me a favor and get behind the bar and start making drinks. Don't worry I'll pay you." Takashi looked puzzled for a moment, but like a light switch coming on he had an amazing plan. "Only if I get free drinks while I work on top of pay." Takashi smirked and waited for a moment. "Fine, just don't get drunk!" That's all it took, Takashi jumped over the bar and threw away his old bottle. He removed his jacket and tucked in his shirt, grabbing a black waist apron, tying it tight and hanging a rag from it. He walked over to the customers closest to the register, "Good Evening, what would you like to drink?" It was two young adults, probably about the same age as Takashi. "Rum, for both of us." The male talked over the sounds of the crowd as he pointed to the black bottle on the wall. Takashi grabbed the bottle and two glasses, his years of alcoholism made pouring two perfect shots without the measuring device a easy task. Quickly addressing and handing the drinks over, "I'll give you time to decide on your meal, excuse me while I tend to this other gentleman." As he turned from them facing the sink behind him, he reached into a small plastic container full of steaming water grasping a bottle of hot sake. Quickly pouring 3 shots and knocking them back, he turned and approached the older gentleman who had walked to the bar as he served the couple.

Takashi approached the elderly gentleman with a smile, "Good evening, what can I get you?" The man said not a word just simply gestured to the sake he had watched Takashi drink, with a smile he grabbed the bottle and walked over pouring a small cup of warm sake. Setting the bottle down after wrapping it in a hot rag, allowing the man to pour what he wanted from the bottle. Turning to check on the couple, Takashi saw as there was money on the counter and they themselves had left. He simply walked over taking the ryo and placing it into the cash drawer, signing off on the two drinks receipt and closing that meal. That's when the little man came from the back followed by a tall rather handsome blonder man in a suit, "Appreciate the help, here's your pay. Sanji finally showed up so you can go now, and here." He handed him a bit of ryo for the job and as they parted, Takashi was gifted a bottle of sake. He picked a seat by the elderly gentleman, beginning a conversation as the night carried on they shared their bottles of sake.

(601 WC)

Claiming: 1,000 Ryo | 5 AP | +6 Vigor | (600/1,000) Great Fireball Technique/C-Rank Version
Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Drunks in Distress: Mission Compilation (WIP) Empty Re: Drunks in Distress: Mission Compilation (WIP)

Yesterday at 11:01 pm
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