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Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

When Drunks Unite Empty When Drunks Unite

Sun Oct 03, 2021 1:03 pm
Mission specs:

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landside, no escape from reality. So far for quoting one of the masterpieces known to the world. Finding himself in a place unknown the Drunk wondered if it was a dream or not. "No idea where I am but it sure as hell isn't somewhere in Kumogakure". The Deputy, although unaware of his surroundings, knew he was no longer in the Land of Lightning. With having not a single clue where he was or how he even got there Ichigo would be on high alert, activating his Byakugan as the lilac eye scanned the area to make sure no threats showed up.

After confirming his safety the man started looking around, from what he gathered so far the Drunk could make up that the place he ended up in was some sort of town or village depending how one looked at it. For better or worse it seemed that wherever the doctor had showed up was quite abandoned, no sign of life whatsoever. "I suppose I'll eventually run into someone" he spoke under his breath only for himself to hear. One thing was for certain, this turn of events wasn't something Ichigo saw coming after recently becoming the Deputy Kage of Kumogakure. 

(WC: 214)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

When Drunks Unite Empty Re: When Drunks Unite

Mon Oct 04, 2021 6:26 am
Open your eyes, look up to the sky, and see...

He was not in Kumogakure. His dark eye darted across the heavens, observing the stars peering from in between the clouds, which allowed for pools of light to grace the surface of this alien town. The structures and architecture was foreign in the eyes of the Eleventh Raikage of the Kumogakure, much like the sight of baked brick of the Sunagakure or the cobblestoned orderly laid streets of the Hoshigakure had felt to the mountaineer. His dark eye now peered among the structures, trying to find some identifying structure that could place him in the world.

Where was he?

Better yet, how did he get here? He couldn’t tell how he found himself here. Enabling his byakugan, he observed how people huddled inside their houses, as if afraid of the night. He focused his sight on a few of the doors and windows: boarded up, with furniture pushed against points of entry. Peculiar.

Yet, one figure roamed the streets. Familiarity with the figure’s stance and walk told Noboru all he needed to know, and he made his way to them. Like as not, they already could tell from Noboru’s own amble and armor, and the characteristic white cloak of the Raikage that sat upon his shoulders who he was before he even announced himself. “Ichigo, my lad,” he called as he turned a corner to meet his second in command and friend, “you have any idea what’s going on here?”
WC: 250

Last edited by Noboru Kaito on Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:57 am; edited 1 time in total
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
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Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

When Drunks Unite Empty Re: When Drunks Unite

Sat Oct 09, 2021 2:01 pm
A piercing caw shattered the unconscious of the slumbering kunoichi. It’s shrilling croak sending a shiver down her spine, as she unsteadily sat up from here she was laying. “What the-” The confused woman was unable to finish her sentence, as the crow interrupted her with another one of it’s loud screams. Her milky eyes were in a dazed state, as she refused to process the fact that she was no longer within her comfortable room, accompanied by her loving feline friend. She wanted to ignore the fact that it was cold soil that laid between her fingers, and not her warm fuzzy blanket. Closing her eyes for a mere moment, hoping to wake from this dreaded dream.

But the crow wasn’t having that. As if it refused to allow her to deny that her surroundings were now her reality. The feathery animal set off with a series of cawing and shrieks. Flapping its wings while it hopped around in place.

Meika gave in. She huffed in frustration, gathering herself from the ground to finally observe what the hell was going on.

“Looks like they finally threw me out. This obviously doesn’t look like I’m in Kumogakure anymore.”

There was a gathering of structures a little ways from her path. She wasn’t too happy to realize that it looked like some sort of abandoned ghost town. Except it wasn’t completely abandoned. She could see some of the frightened faces that peaked from behind the battered windows. As if they were waiting for something, something that was definitely bad.

Meika was busy thinking to herself, wondering what it was that she could have possibly done, to be thrown out in some sort of haunted town. Her footsteps not even echoing against the dirt, as she dared to investigate the village more closely. Coming in view of two looming figures of men. Meika stopped short. Her hand traveled to the side of her pouch, as she focused her attention on them.

Were they some sort of killers that these villagers were hiding from? Are they the reason for the boarded up doors to be kept out like dangerous animals?

“They don’t look like monsters to me. .” The kunoichi spoke softly under her breath. Just as she recognized one of them as the deputy from before. She relaxed slightly, but only by a bit. “Oh no, not you again.”

{WC: 396}
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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When Drunks Unite Empty Re: When Drunks Unite

Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:46 pm
Something was wrong.

Nova hopped over the fence and landed on the ground with a dull thud. The sound... It wasn't right. The thud sounded empty, echoless. The taijutsu practitioner shuddered and looked around to try and gather her bearings, for all the good it did her as she was no longer in Kumogakure. Something about the layout of the buildings and roads sent all the hairs on the back of her neck straight up. Once again, her mind returned to the phrase: something was wrong. It was like the road was too wide, buildings too tall. The feeling of uncanniness reminded Nova of being in a dream.

She unholstered the bo staff from her back and held it tightly in her right hand, the wooden weapon that she'd practiced with so much provided a comforting weight to her side. She nudged open a back door to an empty house with her staff and slowly stepped inside

The atmosphere inside was heavier and the genin began to cough furiously as she stepped in. Something reeked in this house - rotted meat perhaps? She pressed on through the oppressive air until she got to the end of the hallway where the smell was the worst, the source seeming to come from behind a locked door. Nova took a shallow breath - any deeper and she'd probably gag on the heavy air - to steel herself, and knocked down the door with a strong kick.

A loud bang echoed around the house and Nova stood silent, watching, waiting. Slowly, she began to nudge her way into the room when a hand suddenly grabbed her ankle! On instinct, Nova did what any reasonable person would do in this situation and stomp down as hard as possible and run away as fast and as far as possible. All thoughts from her mind disappeared as Nova bolted through the front door and out onto the street. She stopped for a minute and looked around, only to gasp in dread as she saw literal walking corpses shambling across the cobbled road towards her.

'Nope.' Nova thought simply, and then continued to run away from the massive horde of shambling dead people. She didn't know how long she ran for, but she did know that she was already absolutely exhausted. She turned a corner and spotted a group of people, among them someone she recognised. 'Ichigo!' she inwardly sighed in relief, and jogged over to the group. She'd been running for what felt like days now, and was pretty fast, so she felt that she was safe from the shambling creatures for now.

"Hey guys," She started inbetween breath, "We might have a problem."

WC: 447
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

When Drunks Unite Empty Re: When Drunks Unite

Tue Oct 12, 2021 12:47 pm
Strolling through what seemed to be a town, or at least something closely resembling one, Ichigo tried his best to figure out where and why he ended up in such a desolate place. After some time had passed slowly but surely a couple of familiar faces started to show up, the first one being his good friend and Raikage, Noboru Kaito. "It's good to see you my Lord" the Deputy would greet his Kage whose attire consisted of the famous and characteristic white cloak. "I'm afraid I have no idea what's going on or how we got here. For some reason this whole situation feels familiar, almost as if something similar has happened to us before". Looking at his surroundings the Drunk could notice the entire town was boarded up, the reaction of the people making him believe the whole village was hiding in fear of something.

The second person to arrive would be none other than the little troublemaker he found bathing in the Raikage's private hot springs, Meika. "Let me guess, are you behind all of this?". Of course the man was simply jesting, no way the kunoichi would be the cause of all this nor could she be responsible for what happened to them. "Kaito my friend, meet Meika. She's the one I caught spending some personal time close to your chambers". Ichigo introduced the two of them to each other in case they didn't have the chance of doing so yet. And then, suddenly a noise coming from the distance, someone moaning his name. "Ahem, this isn't what it looks like, I swear" the man would cough almost apologetically. 

For some reason the Deputy thought he heard the voice of Nova calling out his name. "Wait, Nova?" the man noticed completely caught by surprise as he saw the kunoichi approach their group as if she was running away from something. As the warrior princess joined him and the others Ichigo observed the woman, noting she was out of breath. "Ehm, Nova. Care to tell us who those people are?" he asked, pointing at the horde of zombies making their way over to their location. "You really should get some new friends" the Kumogakure Deputy voiced as he told the others to prepare for a possible skirmish.

(WC: 380, TWC: 594)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

When Drunks Unite Empty Re: When Drunks Unite

Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:02 am
Noboru clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth in disappointment. “My Lord my ass, just call me by my name when we’re alone, I need a friend from time to time.” He looked around, disabling the Byakugan momentarily as he and Ichigo could now watch each other’s backs. He too felt as if this was not the first time he had been transported to an unfamiliar setting, yet this sensation was as vague as any other deja vu. He sucked his teeth. “I feel the same, but there doesn’t seem to be a way out of here.”

It wasn’t long before a newcomer would approach the duo, and for a moment Noboru had to wonder if he was dreaming or not, a notion that was dispelled very soon. Long dark hair, prime of her youth, soul piercing silver eyes. Half his age, old enough to be his daughter. Yet, she seemed to be discontent with meeting Ichigo, who introduced the two and included Meika’s severe crime. Noboru extended a hand for a gentle yet firm handshake. “Noboru Kaito. We’re gonna talk about the bathhouse after this.”

The last individual to join them seemed to be in a hurry; the Deputy Kage heard them before any other, and it seemed they had quite the following, informing them they had a problem. Finally, an answer as to how to get out of this situation.


Unadulterated violence was the one specialty Noboru truly held on to as a claim to fame and power. Stepping in front of the group as a horde of zombies approached from where Nova had come, he enabled his Byakugan, only to see they had unfortunately met in a lower intersection: they were in the killing field.

But, if four ninja can’t terminate a group of zombies, what good are they for?

With a few handseals and a clap, a square showed up in Noboru’s hands as he parted them slowly and intently. He extended his arms and a high pitch screech filled the streets as blinding light turned the horde until plumes of dust. More zombies approached from other streets.

WC: 355
TWC: 605
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

When Drunks Unite Empty Re: When Drunks Unite

Tue Nov 02, 2021 6:30 pm
The raven - haired kunoichi didn’t hold back as she returned the firm handshake with the Raikage. Her hands may be delicate in appearance, but her grasp gave away the confidence she felt, even upon meeting the Lord of her village. She would have never expected to meet the Raikage in such a way, but wasn’t easily discouraged.

If anything could have broken the confidence upon her introduction, it was the mention of her little late-night adventure. Her lips formed into a nervous grin, like a child who’s been caught. “Meika Kamigawa. . I’ll do my best to think of an appropriate excuse when that time comes.”

Now that her first impression with the Raikage ended with a possible bust, Meika turned her attention to another kunoichi that was sprinting her way over to the group. The woman was slightly taller than the Kamigawa, and armed with a combat staff. She stopped short to announce that there was a problem. Before Meika could even question what the other kunoichi meant, her phantom eyes caught sight of the stampede of corpses that  were charging towards their direction. “Yeah. . I’m definitely not behind this.” Meika denied Ichigo’s question from earlier.

The Raikage was quick to act. Not hesitating to turn the first horde of approaching zombies into nothing but dust with a burst of light.

Meika could only spare a second of awe, before she had to react to the fact that more dead were closing in. She found herself holding a shovel that she saw leaning against one of the old buildings. Swinging it into the ugly face of a zombie that loomed over her. The shovel smashed the decaying flesh into its skull with a sickening sound. If it hadn’t been for the things the kunoichi had witnessed from her past, the sound would have surely sent her gagging.
{WC: 307 | TWC: 703}
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

When Drunks Unite Empty Re: When Drunks Unite

Wed Nov 03, 2021 6:12 pm
Fucking hell things had turned to shit fast. It was good to be among people in a similar situation - shituation, if you will - and who looked to be Kumogakure shinobi as well. A big fight like this... Nova wasn't sure what she wanted to do, what she could even do here. The tall man with red hair whose name escaped Nova, though she was sure she'd seen him somewhere around, proved to be a far better combatant than Nova by quickly and efficiently vaporizing a large swathe of zombies at once. That was certainly a strong Jutsu, and wasn't something she'd ever encoutered before in her - albeit tiny - experience as a ninja.

After witnessing the other woman with them begin to start swinging a shovel around, Nova's expression firmed and her hand gripped the staff tightly. She didn't want to be left behind; her pride as a Kunoichi of Kumogakure demanded that she move. So, she did. At once, Nova's skin grew darker and her veins more pronounced as she cycled through the stages of the Eight Gates. The air around her began to shimmer and, as it progressed, slowly turned into a hazy aura of steam as the heat her body produced grew intense enough to evaporate the sweat from her body instantly. The young genin grit her teeth as it felt like every single one of her muscles tore and restitched themselves every second. It was the first time she was using the Eight Gates this high, and it was about as painful as she had expected.

She shot in forward across the road towards another horde of shambling zombies. Under any other circumstances, Nova would've been hesitant to end a life so easily. However these things clearly weren't alive, so it was with only a slightly heavy heart that she arced her staff through the air to take one of their heads clean off. Her strength had recently wavered as she had begun to focus most of her training towards speed and poise than raw strength, but she was still plenty strong when the seventh gate was activated. She jabbed the staff through the chest of another zombie, and kicked another one in the head behind her as it tried to take a swipe at her back.

These hordes felt like they were endless, Nova thought. She looked around to see how her team were fairing against the other hordes.

WC: 404
TWC: 851
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

When Drunks Unite Empty Re: When Drunks Unite

Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:28 pm
It appeared the Raikage was the first to take action, participating in what turned into a battle royale, conjuring a geometrical shape before launching a devastating attack at the horde of zombies, the undead effectively ending up as nothing more than dust. "Nice shot my lor-, I mean friend". By then Miss Troublemaker grabbed herself a shovel as a means of defense, similar to the bo staff Nova was holding as both kunoichi started smashing the remaining creatures almost as if they were playing one of those hammerhead games at the arcade. Oh to be young again. However, there would be no time to reminisce about his younger days, the walking dead flooding in like a group of Karens on a Sunday shopping.

Knowing he couldn't fall behind the Deputy empowered his body with the vile chakra of the Jugo clan, the Natural Berserker's bloodline coursing through his veins. The Doctor would now grow three horns as his irises turned gold and his skin around them darkened. As a cloak appeared and surrounded him, Ichigo prepared to join the fight in his now enhanced state. Looking to the left and right, both the crimson and lilac dojutsu activated to aid him in battle the Drunk started looking for a first victim and he didn't need to search any longer.

Coming out of an alley on the side another horde of zombies had appeared, numbering no less than a dozen of them. Quickly forming a couple of hand seals in rapid succession, Tiger → Ox → Monkey → Rabbit → Ram → Dragon, Ichigo spew out a large cyclone which soon generated and expanded into a vortex made out of a massive body of water. The Deputy's attack made its way towards the undead, violently shredding those caught inside the technique and reducing them to pieces. "Guess they never learned how to swim" the blacksmith's son voiced as he witnessed the result of his attack.

Assuming the others had taken care of things on their end Ichigo would end and deactivate the transformation, checking up on the outcome of the battle between drunks and the dead. "Round's on me when we get back home everyone", having experienced the taste of water left the man in need of a good glass of alcohol, preferably strong just like the village of Kumogakure and its shinobi. And then, as night fell, darkness took over once more. Time to return home.


(TWC: 1000)
- 1000/1000 Lightness Skill
- 20 AP from being max stats
- Mission rewards (8000 + 500 Jounin bonus ryo, 40 AP, 10 Tickets)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

When Drunks Unite Empty Re: When Drunks Unite

Fri Nov 05, 2021 6:36 am
As the dust settled, Noboru lowered his arms to observe the destruction caused by his technique. None of the zombies had withstood the blast, yet most rock surfaces had; his chakra was not potent enough to shred through the environment, it seemed. No matter, after all he had just taken up the ninjutsu arts as a means of complimenting his naturally strong physique, not the other way around. From the length of the street, a few zombies poked their heads out to join their dismantled co-abominations in a further state of death, but it gave Noboru a few moments to observe the work of his team.

Turning around, he noticed how the fair Meika of the gentle yet firm handshake took up a shovel and started to split up the undead with fierce blows. She lacked technique, yet her spirit was unyielding, and the zombies could not gain an inch against her relentless assault. It had been as Ichigo said; much as the situation appeared to be familiar, the fact neither could recall in spite of the deja vu, it was unlikely Noboru or any of the others would be able to recall this, and as such, this display of power from the young lass would be lost to this ethereal dream like instance of existence.

The runner up whose name Noboru didn’t catch appeared to be a Taijutsu master as much of the Kumogakure was, and opened the Inner Gates to bolster her physical prowess while taking on the horde with a staff. Skill, elegance, brutality. Noboru was happy to see such a display from one he barely knew, yet operated under his wing.

The last person whose skill the Raikage had the chance to witness was his trusted friend and second in command Ichigo Sato. Normally a collected and jovial individual, Ichigo’s form morphed into that of a demonic berserker, trice horned and with a cloak of chakra adding mystique to the darkened skin. It took him little effort to create a torrent of water powerful enough to shred through the advancing zombies. Noboru smiled; he was proud to have the man by his side, not only as a friend, but as an advisor and ruler.

The few zombies that had crept up behind Noboru appeared to be the last of the ordeal; the redhead took the bottle of sake out of his belt, and uncorked it. A stream of fire rose from the mouth of the gourd, and infusing his chakra into it, the blade lengthened through the alley and in a sweeping motion, the fire cut the horde in half. The flame subsided, and Noboru took a sip out of the chakra sake. “Hm, I got some sake on me, but I’ll take some sake if you pay.”

The dream subsided. The memory faded.
WC: 468
TWC: 1073
Will edit claims later.
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