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Kuroya Onryo
Kuroya Onryo
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Kuroya Onryo Empty Kuroya Onryo

Today at 12:42 am
Kuroya Yamaguchi Onryo
Kuroya Onryo Untitl10

Basic Information

   Age: 18
   Birthday:  12/25
   Gender: Male

   Height: 5'9
   Weight: 184.5 lbs
   Appearance: Kuroya has a lean and average frame with a standard 5'9 height. He has rich umber skin with short hair. A mid taper done nicely on the sides. Raven black hair with matching full eye brows. A sharp thin nose with an equally sharp jaw. A full pair of lips matching his skin tone sit on his face. Small rounded ears with honey eyes. Not a single scratch or blemish on his undead flesh.He wears black pants and a black turtleneck. A stylish black belt to hold up his pants. Black closed toed shinobi boots with a pendant around his neck. Layered on top is a white and purple trench coat. The symbol of the Yamaguchi etched into the left sleeve and back of the coat.

   Personality: Kuroya is a grade A coward from the depths of his heart. Traumatized by the depths of his training and becoming an undead. Kuroya constantly whines and fears dying. To the point of so he constantly underestimates himself in all aspects. In his eyes anyone with the intent to harm him terrifies him. As such Kuroya is described as pleasant and easy going. This makes him extremely sensitive to the emotions of others.  He considers himself the regulator of people always trying to maintain the peace. Despite his cowardice Kuroya often sacrifices himself unconsciously. He may cower in front of a strong foe ,but he hides everyone else behind him.

Kuroya when not fearing for his life is overtly positive. He finds himself  always uplifting and supporting others.  It's a genuine reflex to stay on everyone's good side. Being from the main branch of a family Kuroya  offers much formal hospitality. Things such as tea ceremony's, cooking, and event planning are talents disguised as learned skills. In everything he does is quaint and obscenely demure. More signs of his peaceful life style and personality. The only time Kuroya has hint of hostility is during combat. Typically he runs his mouth trying to do damage control. When finally pushed into combat a silent man is born. The overwhelming terror makes the crying Kuroya into a silent killer. Focused on absolute control and battlefield domination. It is in this state one should consider the threat near life ending. So is to say Kuroya's main habit is babbling against those he has a chance against. Kuroya favors long range combat relying on his corpses. When on the battlefield Kuroya becomes a maestro calculating attack points with his jutsu. With medical ninjutsu he keeps himself safe at close ranges.  

   Likes: Mapo Tofu, Spicy Food, Theater , Hosting Gatherings
   Dislikes:    Tension, Combat, Strong Shinobi, Geisha

   Nindo:Upon the peace and prosperity. Dead men tell my tales.
   Greatest Dream: To become the greatest Lich alive.

   History: Kuroya died when he was 9 years old. It was then he had undergone the ritual involving the Pact Eternal. A dark jutsu passed down within the Yamaguchi clan. In becoming an undead Kuroya was instilled with the fear of death itself.Most children in the clan were made to take the trials at 9 in Haven. A time honored tradition with the thought of angels in mind. The grueling space time training traumatized poor Kuroya. While the clan forced all to learn their techniques, the shinobi path was not. This was the case for a young Kuroya who was currently the youngest and newest member. The clan had shrunken due to recent years.  

While mainly growing up Kuroya simply helped others. He would look over the elderly and the young in the nearby housing sections. This helped to foster a good relationship with the community. Many had a softer light on the Yamaguchi due to said efforts. Forced to take the trial alone Kuroya swore to never become a shinobi. However years into his idle lifestyle many of his cousins had died. Leaving him to the last of his generation the clan found themselves rather weak. Or at least those within his branch of the family. Out of duty and obligation Kuroya has forced himself to serve at the age of 18.

He has twin siblings currently on the way  working to prepare. He wanted to keep them safe and make things easy on his parents. Little by little Kuroya struggles to find his confidence. He wants to support everyone without being a complacent yes man. Even with his utter terror it's the one thing he looks forward to as a genin. Eventually the trauma would harden him in all the ways a shinobi needed. A jagged and roughened edge built to last and withstand. With his love of others Kuroya has recently delved into the healing arts. He now takes time working at the hospital. Fostering new connections and growth in a world ruled by power.

Ninja Traits

   Rank: D
   Village: Hoshigakure
   Element(s): Water
   Clan: Yamaguchi
   Clan Specialty: Space Time
   Bloodline: Pact Eternal


   Health: 100
   Vigor: 25
   Chakra: 50
   Speed: 20
   Strength: 5

The Player

   Other Characters: Azuki Shinoda
   Faceclaim Name and Series:OC
   Roleplay Sample: N/A
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