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Yume Shibai
Yume Shibai
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Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

Blizzard Bail Out Empty Blizzard Bail Out

Mon Oct 14, 2024 3:52 pm

Shibai sat at the table in the main hall of the royal palace. His cigarette was smoldering down to the butt while he was distracted going over the dozen of scrolls laid out in front of him. The weather had been worse in the last few days than almost any other time in his life. They had been preparing for the possibility of a powerful blizzard striking the village. Hyoga had been stockpiling supplies the last couple of days but it had not been an easy task. The heavy snow had blocked out most roads and the supply chain was currently broken. Survival was tough in the land of snow with the best weather conditions, these were not those! Shibai was snapped out of his work as footsteps echoed throughout the hall like an uptempo drumline.  A purple haired boy came rushing down the hall and stopped just shy of Shibai. His eyes quickly dropped to his feet as was their clan's customary greeting.

Lord Shibai, our fears have come to pass! The blizzard is starting to pick up speed and power and looks to hit us directly. The speed of the wind keeps increasing and it looks to be one of the worst storms on record. The Yume clan has all the supplies they need thanks to you and any extra is being distributed back to those villagers that need it the most. Another issue has crept up my lord. The last group of people sent out to retrieve supplies has not returned. They should have been back an hour ago but there is no word. To make it worse our scouts have reported bandit activity in the area. We fear the worst may have befallen them!

Shibai took in the new information with a very irritable expression on his face. He couldnt leave any of his people stranded, but braving the blizzard of this magnitude was a foolish idea. It couldn’t be helped though, he would not abandon his people to the elements and certainly not petty bandits. Shibai stood from his chair and donned his purple jacket that was hanging on the back of it.

Make sure all the villagers are indoors and safe! When you have done that, return to our clan and let them know that I went to retrieve our comrades. I will be back as soon as possible. Do not send anybody after me if i don't return right away! Wait until the storm passes before sending any additional help. I won't risk anybody else freezing to death! I'm trusting you to relay my will to our brethren, our clan's future could very well depend on it!

WC 444
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Mission Record
Familiar : Momo
Legendary Equipment : Bashosen
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 122000

Blizzard Bail Out Empty Re: Blizzard Bail Out

Today at 6:52 am
The morning had come, just as the onset of a massive blizzard had been finding its way to Hyogagakure. Although these types of snow storms were quite typical for the land, where they normally carved through the land in a matter of half an hour. However this one was projected to be much worse than what previous storms had been in Hyogagakure. Its magnitude suggested that it would significantly reduce temperatures, imposing hypothermia threats to even those with refined cold tolerance. But the storm was not potent enough to cause structural damage to any of the village's sturdy buildings. But in preparation of the threat, Sakaiza had mobilized his shinobi force. In the days leading up to the storm, he commanded his village's military to gather resources and fortify the buildings throughout the village specifically to bolster their insulation. Subsequently he requested a specific group of genin to meet up with him on the day of the storm to serve as a rescue party. Among those genin was one in particular he had been interested in, by the name of Yume Shibai.

Of course he hailed from the Yume clan, and seemed to be their unanimous leader. With the history between the clan and Hyogagakure having a bit of a rocky start, Lord Second sought to better foster their relationship. And what better time to come together than a natural disaster?

Therefore Shibai had been invited to the Royal Palace, particularly to lead the rescue party on the day of the storm. He was permitted entry into the main hall, where he should find himself sitting at the large banquet table which spanned the length of the hall. And when he arrived and attempted to light a cigarette, the Royal Palace's staff would strictly prevent him from doing so as smoking was not permitted within the building. Shortly after Sakaiza would be informed of his arrival. Therefore the Wretched descended from his chambers, clad in the Ghost Set of his Coldblooded Commander armor and his horned mask. Bashosen was firmly fastened to his hip, alongside his favorite katana.

Upon reaching the main floor, he'd see Shibai sitting upon the banquet hall table, standing from his chair while talking to another purple haired shinobi. Presumably another Yume clan member. The topic seemed stressful, and was likely related to the troubles of the blizzard. But nevertheless it was comforting to see Shibai adorned in both his Shell and Mask, seemingly accepting of Hyogagakure's customs and practices.  Sakaiza would approach the pair of individuals, stopping 2 meters from them as Shibai finished his proclamation of his dedication to serving as the rescue team's leader.

"Shibai," Sakaiza would interrupt with his imposing voice. "Nice to formally meet you. I hope you've found my palace welcoming. And I see you are embracing your role as the rescue party's leader. From what I overheard, it sounds there's some lost supply runners and a few bandits roaming outside the village, looking to exploit our civilians." Although Sakaiza had already been informed of this information separately and had a plan in mind, he was curious to how the Genin would address the situation. "What is your plan?"

WC = 529
+2 Yuumei Stacks
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