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Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 9500

Dragons of the Terumi Clan Empty Dragons of the Terumi Clan

Today at 4:00 pm
The breeze shook the beautiful limbs of the various trees throughout the Shinoda Springs, the steam coming from the nearby hot springs cascaded across the training grounds themselves. Amidst this peaceful, serene scene was a vagrant who had become well known around the village, Takashi Terumi. His black ronin robes hung on his body as he sat upon a stone in a meditative way, his legs crossed and eyes closed with his hands resting on his thighs. His signature Kiseru hanging from his lips with a faint pillar of smoke rising to the ever onward atmosphere around him, a bright teal blue women's kimono draped over his shoulders, another souvenir from his nights at the bar, and his sandagosa untied but resting on his head. He had found a nice tranquil peace on such a beautiful day, he inhaled as the embers in his kiseru began to glow followed by a slow exhale allowing the smoke to roll smooth and calm from his lips. His eyes opened looking out to the clearing before him, 'it wouldn't hurt to do a little training today' he thought to himself as he took another puff from his pipe.

(WC 195)
Oda Terumi
Oda Terumi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 49
Strength: 1

Sub Stats
Vigor AP: 1000
Bonus AP: 259
Chakra AP Reduction: 25%
Agility: 49
Passive DR: 1

Current Stats
Current Stat Points 300
Current Health Bar 300
Action Points Pool 1259

Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 52

Dragons of the Terumi Clan Empty Re: Dragons of the Terumi Clan

Today at 6:38 pm
Oda walked along the path and into Shinoda Springs with a bounce in his step. He whistled a tune as he did so. His training had progressed quite far today and he was still feeling the effects from the training he did a few days prior. Still, going to Shinoda Springs had become a tradition for Oda. Even though he didn’t plan on doing too much training, he enjoyed talking to the fellow shinobi in the training grounds and walking around the springs admiring the view.

As he entered the training grounds he looked around for anyone he might recognize. Upon seeing the recognizable kimono and puffs of smoke his eyes lit up and he made his way towards his fellow Terumi clan member. As he got closer he gave a whistle to signal his approach.

“Takashi! Good to see you bossman” He said with his usual enthusiasm.

WC: 148
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