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Aikawa Aburame
Aikawa Aburame
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Aikawa Aburame Empty Aikawa Aburame

Today at 5:50 pm
Aikawa Aburama
Aikawa Aburame Aikawa-Aburame

Basic Information

Age: 16
Birthday:  March 23
Gender: Male

Height: 5”10
Weight: 150lbs
Appearance: Average build, short black hair, long coat covering most of his body.

Personality: An unnerving young man who does not talk much and always seems to be watching. Buzzing can be heard in his body when he is uncomfortable or upset.
Likes: Likes sweet candies and day old pizza. Enjoys drinks that are high in sugar and also really enjoys people who make him feel welcomed.
Dislikes: Savory foods and spicy foods as well as people who poke fun at others for their own amusement.

History: Aikawa is a member of the strange Aburame clan. At birth he was given his first implant. He at first rejected the insects and almost died but once the bugs were replaced with kochu beetles and it seemed to handle better in his body. After growing older he began to train his beetles. Years would go by and his skill would only grow further. He was a late entry into the academy only because the Kochu take longer to get to a mastered degree but once he had hit that point at 16 he entered the academy.

Ninja Traits

Rank: E rank Adacemy Student
Village: Konogakure
Element(s): N/A
Specialties: N/A
Clan: Aburame
Clan Specialty: N/A
Bloodline: N/A


Health: 300
Vigor: 20
Chakra: 25
Speed: 25
Strength: 5

The Player

Other Characters: [url=]Shion Kamizuru[/url]
Faceclaim Name and Series:  AI generated
Roleplay Sample:

A group of civilian children has been kidnapped. Either role-plays rescuing and caring for the abductor or abducting said children and holding them for ransom.

Aikawa was enjoying some dumplings at the local town restaurant when he noticed a man taking a young girl away by the hand forcefully. At first he assumed it was a misbehaving daughter but a closer look told him that this girl did not know who this man was and was terrified for her life. He had not joined the academy just yet but he was skilled with his bugs since he had been training them his entire life. He would send a few off to follow the man and the girl. Hoping to find them later on. First his main goal was to find a proper ninja to explain what had happened.

Finishing his dumplings quickly he would exit the shop and head to the nearest shinobi guard on duty and explain the situation.

“I saw an abduction happen at the dumpling store down the street. I have some of my insects following them right now. I didn’t want to go alone since I don’t want to get into danger right before joining the academy…”

He would look at the shinobi who sighed.

“Ugh I was supposed to be on break but this seems pretty important. Alright let me tell the others and then lead me to them.”

Aikawa nodded and headed towards the direction his insects flew. He came up to a small door in an alley and the bugs crawled through the bottom of the crack in the door. Looking to his superior he nodded.

The shinobi nodded back and began weaving some signs before turning invisible. A whisper could be heard by Aikawa from the man.

“Head on home now, I will take care of the rest.”

Not wanting to go against his superiors commands he would continue on his way home. Although something was eating at him. He felt like he should have done more. The thought not leaving him for a few hours he decided to head back to the location his bugs spotted and on his way there he saw a small trickle of blood leading in that direction. His brisk walk turned into a full on sprint as he made it to the door. Seeing the ninja he had just talked to laying against the wall bleeding out he ran to him.

“What are you doing back…It’s not safe!” the man sputtered out as he coughed. “You need to leave now!”

Scared for his life he could feel every bug in his body buzzing to leave. He calmed himself down or did his best and as he did he saw a shadow leave the door. It was the man but wounded and smirking.

“Oh another punk to add to the collection…”

Without thinking about it Aikawa released all the bugs in his body as they swarmed the man. Screaming for his life as the small bugs all bit him and began weakening him the man eventually succumbed to the bugs and the bugs returned back to Aikawa. The wounded ninja looked at him surprised. “Quick go in and get the hostages. They need to be confirmed safe. I will make my way to the entrance and get some assistance.

Entering the house he saw the girl there. Bound and blindfolded. Releasing her binds he would confort her and walk her to the entrance guard shack. From there on he would be thanked and the academy will be informed of his assistance with this process.

Smiling on his way home he felt tired but also felt very relieved that he could save someone. He knew his journey was just beginning and he was stoked.
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