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Alister Yama
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Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Aburame destiny( inv only)

Wed Jun 20, 2018 12:31 pm
Yens gaze was somber. He sights on the gravestone before him. The wife he had, and the children he loved. Gone and burried. There was a fresh set of flowers he placed down on the site. His black cloak  slumped over his shoulders as he felt that the world was a bit colder. 

Then again it was raining. Slowly the drizzle transcended into a  medium downpour. Be gazed at the heavens as he had sent out several invites to specific induviduals to attend this. The fact he was not happy with cho aburame's recent antics.  Higuto aburame was up and comming so it was nearing time. The kage as he would need her to bear witness. And the iorned armed man known as kintzoku as a witness.   

The small aburame  looked up  hiding the tears of lonliness and sadness as the rain fell on his face. He was but only a single man, but by example he held his clan as what it was. It was all he had left. Yet one was proven a bad influence. Her deed has not gone unheard, nor was it ignored. 

Yen made sure for the time to keep his words quiet. But he did leave cho one letter of importance. To bring her belongings to the graveyard along with her insects as a specimen in a jar.  As for higuto he merely left a written instruction to come robed in black. Well kept and cleaned up. 

He waited as the rain fell. He did not want any of them late for this none at all.

They should be here soon....
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Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Re: Aburame destiny( inv only)

Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:03 pm
At the same time Yen had gazed into the heavens, Kinzoku had looked up and the darkened grey sky as well. Though neither could have known they were doing it simultaneously. When one looked up to those he had lost, Kinzoku was only looking up at storm clouds above which were the cause of the rain. The Nazar was a Suna kid and in the desert it never rained. So when the clouds decided to roll in and start drenching the village it left the Jounin disappointed. Not only did he hate the rain but his presence was required at the cemetery. Not his in particular, rather that of Cho Aburame. Where ever she went Kinzoku went. After her Chuunin exam antics, he had been tasked with the job of keeping an eye on her. But the job was so much more than that. It would also be to help her down the right path, one which he felt like he could do. Very few people knew the traditions of the Nazar clan but one of their biggest ambitions in life were to help others reach Enlightenment. Kinzoku wasn't so sure he could get Cho to reach the level of Enlightenment, but he felt as though he could help her.

Draped in his usual black attire covered with his black coat and topped off with his black hat, the Jounin's eye fell back in line towards the cemetery now slowly approaching them in the distance. Beside him would inevitably be Cho as she was the "guest of honor" for whatever Yensung had planned. Being the head of the Aburame clan, he could only imagine what Yen had planned for the Aburame genin. Whatever it was, Kinzoku was only meant to be a spectator on the sidelines. He hoped it would remain that way.

Eventually the two would find Yensung within the cemetery. The place soon reminded Kinzoku of the lives lost during the Kiri attack at the gates as well as the life they were forced to take themselves. That of Salzem. It might be time that Kinzoku pay his grave a visit as well. Though did he have the courage? That would be a decision he could make later. For now, he approached the smaller Jounin he had fought side by side with, tipping his hat as an introduction. As the rain splashed and broke upon the Jounin's coat and hat, he merely stood there with his hands in his pockets waiting to see how this proceeded.
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Re: Aburame destiny( inv only)

Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:53 pm
As the rain fell upon the graves that resided and made up most parts of the cemetery small kikaichu beetles seemed to descend along with the rain in the hundreds at a slow pace, at first, before growing slowly faster and in numbers. The kikaichu would form along the ground a few meters away from Kinzoku, Cho, and Yen before seeming to form together in order to seemingly create a whirlwind of themselves. It was a pretty small whirlwind, big enough for a person small in stature to fit inside, as the bugs would suddenly disperse after a while to reveal Higuto as he walked forward as his insects slowly crawled back inside his sleeves. At his hip his katana he kept sheathed swayed a bit as he did as he was instructed and showed up wearing a black cloak with a hood that kept him protected from the rain drenching everyone present.

Aburame destiny( inv only) Fb588210

He stood a little bit away from the three, his face showing no emotion or a hint of a smile, as he looked to Kinzoku and Cho. Higuto hadn't been told exactly what he was here to do but he was quick to figure out that this must've been a clan meeting and, seeing that Kinzoku seemed to be keeping a close eye on Cho, it was a meeting about her. He was aware of what she had done, killing a fellow ninja within the Chuunin Exams, but for what he had been made aware the Hokage was supposed to be taking care of that situation. So... what purpose did this meeting serve then? And why was he instructed to wear this cloak?

He then took a glance towards Yen as, even under the lapel of his hat, he could see hints of sadness along Yen's features. It then hit him: This was no longer a matter between the Hokage and a Genin who killed. This was a matter involving a clan that held a murderer who saw no problem in killing other Leaf ninja. And being of the Aburame clan himself Higuto could see that it was only right that he be there to bear witness and, possibly, take part in the proceedings. Whatever those proceedings were, however, Higuto had no idea as he looked to Kinzoku and gave him a small bow before looking to Yen and giving him a bow as well.

"Higuto reporting, sir."

His hands would be in the pockets of his jacket under his cloak upon standing back up straight as his cloak would flap a bit from the breeze the rainy weather provided.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Re: Aburame destiny( inv only)

Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:30 pm
They have arrived yet yen stood in silence stRing at the sky. The countless rain drops did not fathom the deaths of insects in a single day for an aburame, nor could they fill the basins of sorrow that went to the depths of the ones whom lost someone.

The impact of a loss is always harder. When you stand in the very reminder of your loss..... now i stand at the brknk of another loss. Now one of my own. The loyal retainers i trust....

Yen thought as he bowed his head and one could hear his breathing was calm. But his chakra would reflect the truth a fluxing of sorts after a moment of silence as he spoke to the group. His voice low, and soft."

"This is the grave of my wife.... and i had 2 kids. They chsrished life...."

His voice cracked and a sniffle could be heard as his shoulders shook slightly.A wave of greif would wash over him.

"They smiled, they had joy.... and even in the attack. They followed my orders as the head. My wife carried the keys to continuing our clan should konoha had fallen.... they were the future. My children..... like all children were tbe future...."

Yen stated as he  stepped to the left  side of the grave stone and seeing sal's in the yonder he felt the greif of  his actions in the war open fresh as he bowed his head once more. His voice gaining strength as he looked towards the grave stone.

" our clan higuto and cho! Are as old as the land it's self....  we hold tradition. We have passions, and we have duties.... we are not perfect, but we are human..."

Yen stated as he took a moment to let the words sink. He placed the grave so he would see sal's and remind himself to always look to him. Keep his freind in the sights, keep his memory in sights.

"We have control, and we should.... control our outcomes. It is the expectation of all aburame. We know what we can do... then do our best to control our insects..... control the outcome...  should one become a problem in our inscts. We work with it, but ultimately.... deal with the problem."

Yen stated with a certain tone at the last few  words. The drop from warm to a cold tone was apparent as he was not going to sob all day long. No he had work to do.

"Higuto.... stand on the right side of the grave and take a right knee please. Face  me and place your right hand on the grave please..."

Yen stated not faltering in words as he waited for him to do as he said and looked at higuto speaking.

"You being loyal to the clan. Showing the control of the clan, and being of near age, and my chosen prospect for the future head of the clan....  you will have certain responsibilities as the heir, and yes.... certain powers that will aid you in the clan growth.... as of this moment you are my second in command....  your word is absolute and second to none in the clan then my own word and decree. You have the power  to indict one to the name aburame by your discression, and i will highly consider your word above another's in a talk. In the clan. You may also strip an aburame of name and stature.... and unless opposed by me  you are allowed to punish an aburame for insubordination.....  you will be a great choice for the future"

Yen stated yet he did not smile he would treat higuto later now there was  the issue at hand. Which he expected higuto amid his new found political and authoritive powers would understand.

"Cho..... kneel before the grave of my family and trace their names.... tell me.... when you killed this boy.... did you use your bugs?..... when this boy died dud you consider your clan at all?"

Yen stated plainly and he adressed kinzoku.

" kinzoku... what were the damages of the  boy?"
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Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Re: Aburame destiny( inv only)

Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:58 pm
Cho had been summoned. She headed outside as she tucked the piece of parchment in her hand betwixt her breast and a jar containing a single moth in her hand. Kinzoku Nazaar was already waiting for her there, his large 10 gallon hat shielding him from heavy rain. The Aburame pulled her hood up with her long braid tucked inside her cloak and approached the man. The two had not spoken a word to each other since their meeting with the Hokage. Cho was by no means required to be friendly with the man tasked with being her babysitter. As such, she scoffed with a “Hmmph” and then proceeded to the cemetery. Whether the man followed or not was none of her concern. 

Eventually, the pair came to meet with Yensung, and soon after, Higuto, dressed entirely in black. Cho noticed that they were among the dead and buried that had fallen as a result of the war with Kirigakure. Cho felt another boring lecture coming…

“What’s all this about, Old man Yensung?”

Soon after speaking, Yensung seemed to be deep in thought as he took slow deep breathes.  Cho glanced over to meet eyes with Higuto, and then to the graves Yensung stood over while waiting for Yensung to explain everything that was going on. As he spoke, the tiny man’s voice grew colder, just as Cho’s blood began to boil in response. One hand lay clenched tightly in a fights while the other gripped the base of the jar she held with almost enough force to break it. She held her tongue for now, even as Higuto was knighted as second in command. Yensung knew fully well that it was her ambition to take the reigns as leader of the Aburame here in Konoha. Yet, he found it just to add further distance between her and said goal by giving the position of second in command to Higuto. She held no ill will towards her clansman Higuto, and yet all she could feel at this moment was resentment. Higuto had not even been able to win in the first round of exams, but was somehow more worthy than Cho herself. 

"Cho..... kneel before the grave of my family and trace their names.... tell me.... when you killed this boy.... did you use your bugs?..... when this boy died dud you consider your clan at all?"

Just when the kunoichi felt her anger boiling over, the emotion was suddenly flushed from her face. It was her turn to speak. She did as commanded and kneeled in front of the grave where Yen’s dead wife and child now lay. Even in kneeling position, Cho was at eye level with the Jounin that addressed her. “Of course I did. I used the same consideration that saw the late Salzem to his end. ” Cho’s tongue was cold as ice and sharper than any blade she had at her disposal, and with it, she sought to cut right through Yensung's blatant hypocrisy. She never knew the man herself, not that it mattered. It had been the talk of the town at one point after the war with Kirigakure ended. Cho would have to be a fool not to catch wind of Yen's actions. If the little demonstration was done with, Cho would rise back to her feet and lock eyes with Higuto once more. The look in her eyes would convey a clear, yet unspoken message. 

Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Re: Aburame destiny( inv only)

Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:25 pm
Shinoskay had followed the two, Chakra suppressed and his silencing boots activated as he made efforts to remain as silent and unobtrusive as possible, into this meeting, while he had a small conversation with kinzo regardless of the results he still considered himself her teammate and was determined to try and fight to stick around and watch out for her. (ooc the exact nature of the situation is still a little ambiguous, IC conversations with kinzo and risa are pending but regardless shinoskay would follow Cho).

He did not intend to actually be a part of the meeting, and so out of respect for it he made sure to stand some 10 or so meters away.

The rain beat down hard on the young boy and he took the time to run the situation through his mind... Riasko had told Cho she faught for her allies, not the kage.... Yen had told him that the shinobi faught for the village... Konoha seemed to be about the people, the land, all the hope and beauty it held. To some degree he was starting to understand why the village was willing to roll over for kirigakure, letting them take whatever material items they wanted so that they would just leave and the Chuunins proved that the village was still going to run like Konoha ran... the Barbacue showed that Konoha was adamant to hold on to its ways even if they allowed their wealth and secrets to be ravaged...

Is this Konoha's way? say what needs to be said but to fight for whats truly important? Is this why the village has survived for all this time? Shinoskay was still hesitent to accept this, it was a queer concept to him. One made even more confusing and odd by what is going on with Cho, he understood her perspective, he saw her inner strength and drive, but where would she go with it? What was the village trying to do here with cho? What was yen trying to do here with cho?

Shinoskay felt a kinship to her, he felt he could understand the fire and hate inside of her, the disregard to all external factors, because of how much and often he had lost family after family. Even the only remaining living family he knew of, naoki, had said nothing to him in all of this time he was in the land of fire. He himself felt that everyone was so full of talk, so full of empty little promises that not one of them could hold up to... instead they all died or god knows what happened. How could he care about the promises of others? how could he trust the word family? She too lost her family, that is why she is an orphan right? The boy would take this and turn it into a reason for him to try and fight to keep a connection with her.... he would not be one of the empty promises in her life, he would not be another 'family' that just disapears in a night.
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Re: Aburame destiny( inv only)

Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:14 am
Higuto couldn't help but notice, upon entering the field a little bit after Cho and Kinzoku did, that they had another with them: Shinoskay? He stood about 10 meters away from where the meeting was taking place. From what Higuto was seeing upon entrance this was supposed to be a clan meeting where only specific people were supposed to attend. Given how far away Shino stood it was obvious he wasn't supposed to be there. Higuto would allow him to stand where he was, not giving Shino any reason to believe he knew he was there, as Yen spoke of his deceased wife and children. He had known Yen had lost loved ones and he understood his pain. It would be upon Yen commanding Higuto to place his hand upon the grave that Higuto would give a slight bow.

"Forgive me, Yen, please allow me to do something first."

Without a moment's delay Higuto would take off immediately towards Shino's position at top speed. If successful in doing so he would place his left arm around Shino's shoulders and use his strength to keep Shinoskay's arms pinned.

"How are you doing today, Shinoskay? If you wanted to watch the proceedings you're not going to do so from way back here. Let me help you out."

Using his strength he would overpower Shino to pull him to the proceedings and keep a steady arm around Shino unless ordered to do otherwise. He kept his right hand around the hilt of his katana and was prepared to act if Shinoskay did anything to retaliate.

"Forgive me, Yen. I couldn't help but notice that we had an unwelcomed onlooker. If it is your wish I will most certainly show him out. However, if I could offer my opinion, I know that Cho and Shino happen to be quite close as teammates and I believe he just wishes to see what our intentions with our clanmate are. I can keep a close eye on him while, if you wish, giving him allowance to view these proceedings from a closer perspective."

Depending on the answer given Higuto would either be carting Shino off or letting him go and then proceeding with Yen's command as he walked to the grave Yen had told him to go to. He placed his right hand upon the top of the grave as he knelt down to his right knee. Looking at the grave he wondered what Yen's family was like as he never had had the pleasure of meeting them which saddened him. He pictured that Yen's wife was much like his own deceased mother, kind and firm, and his children were filled with untold happiness everyday. He would look up to Yen's face as, upon hearing himself being appointed second in command of the entire Aburame clan, his eyes would widen and his mouth would drop a bit as he knelt stunned by Yen's words. Was this really happening? Had he really proven himself worthy of such an honor? Happiness flooded slowly within Higuto. He had finally not only found recognition amongst his peers but he had been bestowed responsibility befitting someone deemed worth it as a small smile couldn't help but show itself upon his lips.

Upon Yen finishing his statements Higuto would take in a breath in order to calm himself before lowering his head in a bow.

"Yes sir... Thank you."

He would stand up to his feet as Yen turned to Cho and Higuto watched her. While he was now over the moon with his emotions there was still a matter to attend to as Yen spoke to Cho. He watched as she did as told and knelt at the grave herself before making a remark about the late Salzem. Without a word of warning Higuto's right hand would immediately draw his katana out of it's sheathe before quickly flipping it over to where the blade's pristine steel rested just underneath Cho's chin. Higuto, upon it's unsheathing, would channel his chakra into the blade and the sounds of a thousand birds chirping echoed throughout the graveyard as lightning surrounded it. He would keep the blade underneath her chin, her form still knelt beside the grave, as the sound the lightning gave died away a little while still sparking along the katana's steel. It would allow him the chance to speak in a plain and emotionless voice.

"If you wish to state your opinions you have every right to do so at your own consequence. However speak ill of the dead again and I will have to accept my own consequences due to what I will do to you."

Of course he had no intention of actually killing Cho but he was prepared to do whatever was necessary to make certain she understood no one was in the mood to hear her arrogance. He would keep the blade underneath her chin at all times, ready to act if she made any moves he deemed dangerous, as he kept a close eye upon Cho.

Last edited by Higuto Aburame on Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Re: Aburame destiny( inv only)

Sat Jul 07, 2018 6:28 pm
There are many types of induviduals in the world. Some would say that dispite flesh and by name of family. Each human had an orgin. As each did their work some do it more efficently, and others are often the least of the pack. Some stayed while others left.

As higuto did his actions and such yen merely stood there as the wind picked up. Shinoskay decided to arrive which was not expected, but the boy had a habit to trying to arrive into things he should'nt. However, this woukd teach him to let curiousity gleam the better of his wisdom.

Yen brushed off cho's remark as he held a finger up his eye gazing at shino as he was not pleased with the intrusion.

"I will give you a single choice shinoskay. Either you leave, and forget you are here, and i will pretend to not know you came here."

Yen paused as he let the option sit in the air and he looked down at cho his gaze not full of warmth, but now like a searchlights on a prisioner in a prision. Unrelenting and unforgiving.

"You stay then you will be under kinzoku's watch. Your lips sealed and my word is law here. If i catch wind... the conciquences will be...."

Yen stated as he took a single finger after the lightning finished  coursing through higuto's blade.  Tracing the edge slowly since his duribility was godly. He traced the full edge to the tip and He pointed towards the right side of cho's gut. His medical expertise would serve him well as he knew pain was only the reasonable way here.

"So you speak of a hero. A person who's sacrifice was nessary for our home? Very well then. Allow me to shove the crumb of truth down your throat. With regard to how salzem was my clostest freind.... he was one of the few i could admit that could handle me even above the kage herself. One of the few that know what i am capeable of, and accepted me....."

Yen knelt down as he took a knee before cho and stared at her quietly. 

"You would think that my actions were a betrayal. They were. I loved him. He was my brother and i indeed struck him. Because i serve this village. I stood there even in defiance to the opponents. Because i am a shinobi of konoha. No other force nor man, nor being will take that from me...."

Yen took his headband from under his black hat and flashed it to the girl as he continued.

"A shinobi must make the hardest choices... we do not go to heaven, nor hell. For what is correct in our eyes. We will kill another human, and take from them too. You think that i have not done anything terrible. Having served this village I too have done many things. So before you say that i treat you with the same contempt as salzem. Know that he was a hero. I gave him an honor few would ever recieve. I gave him his rights and commended him at his death. I stood before him and declared his life and service as a shinobi, and a being on the earth is over... i also gave him his last words.... but you who dares to put your simple existance of a bug. Before him. It is like comparing myself to an single ant. You do not get that honor. You brought shame... dishonor, and  the atrention of forcing anothers life at you hand. I am dissapointed in you... your family was indeed honorable aburame. While i ordered them to protect the generations of our clan and alone of our own clan i went before kirigaure. They are heros, but you have fallen in line with that of a traitor cho.... so i will say this in contempt to your statement. You know nothing girl.... you know neither what it means to sacrifice or put your life on the line. You know not what it means to hold the lives of others except for your insects. You are an aburame.... you should know better....."

Pointing to her gut yen would command higuto as his hands would after several hand seals his hands would glow blue.

"This will be long for you cho....Stab there, and keep the blade inside of her. She will not die...."

Yen commanded higuto as he,spoke to cho his gaze unforgiving. As should she even consider moving she would forfite her survival chances and be at his judgment. Ofc if she was to do anything else say move while impaled yen would begin healing her immediatly to partially heal the damage. Her actions speak louder then words.

Upon her being impaled yen would do a partial healing of the area. Meanong that even if the wound closed there still would be damage internally. Making movement excrutiatingly painful for the girl. Her unfortunate truth would be that her punishment was only beginning.

"So now let us see. The wound will stay and i want to know cho. How do you feel?"
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Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Re: Aburame destiny( inv only)

Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:56 pm
As Kinzoku arrived with Cho, it was only a matter of time before Higuto had arrived as well. Kinzoku had no idea that Higuto was going to be here but upon his arrival Kinzoku started to catch the scent of what was going on here. This was clearly an Aburame meeting and he was only here because he had no choice. He was tasked by the Hokage to be by Cho's side at all times. So he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel out of place. But he wasn't about to leave. He tipped his hat as well to the arrival of his Aburame student, no words spoken. Kinzoku was focused on other things at hand. For instance, the one who had followed him and Cho arrive to the cemetery. He couldn't say for sure who it was but he figured it was the same blonde haired Genin who was snooping around the Hokage's building. Most of his attention however was focused on both Cho and Yensung. There was something off with Yensung's chakra. It was unsettled, almost distressed. Judging from the location he picked and where he was currently standing, the Nazar concluded that the Aburame was mourning the loss of someone. Once he began to speak he confirmed the Nazar's suspicions. 

The man lost his wife and both his children during the war. The tomb stones in front of him belonged to them. Kinzoku simply crossed his arms and listened as he spoke about his family and clan, staying silent as he knew it was not his place to speak. At least for the time being. Before things proceeded any further, Higuto felt the need to retrieve the blonde haired Genin who followed them. Assuming that went over smoothly, Yensung gave him two options. Leave, or stay under the watch of Kinzoku. "When did I become the babysitter of Konoha?" the Nazar thought to himself as he glanced down at the newcomer. Not waiting to see what his choice was he quickly focused on the matter at hand.

He told Higuto to kneel at his family's grave only moments before promoting him to second in command. The excitement Higuto felt was plain to see and Kinzoku was happy for his student. Being second in command came with many responsibilities and it would only help to prepare him for his end goal. However it wasn't Higuto that the Jounin was watching the Yen promoted the Genin. It was Cho. It was pretty clear she did not approve. The resentment was as clear as day. This gathering had not started off well for Cho and he could only imagine how it was going to go.

"It was a clean stab to the cheat, right here" Kinzoku spoke in response the Yen's question as he tapped his right pectoral muscle with two fingers. He could have said more, but he felt that it would have been unnecessary. What he had said was enough to answer the question. After he instructed Cho to do the same and kneel, the two conversing. It was clear Cho was annoyed by the whole situation. Her bringing up of Salzem was apparent of that. Higuto took the liberty to enforce his rule as second in command quite rapidly as he pulled a katana to Cho's neck encasing it in lightning. A new technique Kinzoku thought as he looked at it. 

He continued to listen silently as Yen answered in response to Cho bringing up Salzem. The whole thing brought back the memories of that night. How Risako had her spine snapped in two, the lives lost on the battle field, and how each one of them participated in killing Salzem. But he quickly snapped out of it when Yensung spoke the words of 'stab here'. Almost instantly his eyes began taking in all the information they could see. He saw the spot he pointed to. It would be painful no matter where the blade entered, but the blue aura around Yen's hand made it clear he was planning on making Cho suffer. Keep her awake, feel every inch of the pain. He saw Shinoskay, knowing he was quite fond of the female Aburame. He was ready to stop the young Genin if he tried anything rash. In situations like this cooler heads would prevail and he needed to make sure the Genin didn't make things worst. 

Lastly he studied Higuto, the man tasked with inflicted the pain. He wanted to see how he would react to the order. Would he go about his duty and follow the order on command? Truth be told, Kinzoku did not agree with Yensung's method of punishment. To his viewpoint, torture would not help teach Cho a lesson. Instead it would likely only make matters worse. He was not comfortable with this idea. But this was not his place to say. For the time being at least. For now, he would watch the people who did have a say in this situation and see how they proceeded.
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Aburame destiny( inv only) Empty Re: Aburame destiny( inv only)

Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:41 pm
Shinoskay’s arrival didn’t even make Cho bat an eye. She already knew that the guy had a tendency to be all up in other people’s business, and so, she had come to accept it. While Yen addressed Shino, the bold kunoichi rose to her feet without breaking her eye contact with Higuto. She knew that the words that had been said cut her adopted guardian deeply. Good. Before she would even have time to blink,  Higuto already had his blade to her neck, crackling with lightning around the blade’s edge. What is it with these Leaf ninja and their swords? None of them could seem to be able to keep it in their sheathes! The sudden movement had not phased the girl one bit. In fact, even with blade to neck, Cho still rose at 1 speed, taking her sweet time, clearly unmoved by Higuto’s false sense of power and entitlement. The way she saw it, it was more appropriate to stand. She preferred to address Yen while looking down at him. She favored that feeling and all of the symbolism that came with it.

Higuto’s words formed a whisper in Cho’s ear, which brought an eerie smile to her face. The boy’s empty threat had actually tickled her. After deciding that younger Aburame was not even worth addressing, she maintained her ear to ear grin throughout Yen’s entire speech. She chuckled during here and there, having lost all feeling of empathy or respect for the man. ‘A hero?! HA! With that logic, its no wonder everyone you love is now dead…’  Cho’s smug and nonchalant demeanor would only fade once Yen spoke of torture. Her smile dropped into a grim look disgust. She would look over her shoulder make sure she had heard Yensung correctly by gauging the expression on Kinzoku’s face. The man was true to his word, and remained uninvolved in what was supposed to be a family matter. Cho decided to face her wicked punishment with uncontrollable laughter. Her loud, maniacal laughter would persist even if Higuto followed his orders and pierced her body with his sword. 


But why was she laughing so hard, in light of the very painful journey she was about to take?  She had been called a murderer, and a disgrace of her clan as well as the Leaf Village, all because she did her very best in the exams she was recommended for. No, that wasn’t the cause. What really made snap was the revelation Yen had made regarding her parents, who were murdered and subsequently sent Cho’s life into turmoil.

"Your family was indeed honorable aburame. While i ordered them to protect the generations of our clan and alone of our own clan i went before kirigaure. They are heros, but you have fallen in line with that of a traitor cho"

Cho could not believe her ears. All this time, she had assumed her parents met their deaths while being attacked by the Mist ninja, protecting Cho to the very end. However, it was just revealed to her  that Yensung was the one who gave the senseless command that led to their death. Her parents held noble titles in the Aburame clan, and as such, did not fight or have much fighting ability. So why then, were they sent to battle like shinobi? She finally found her answer, standing hunched over like an elderly dwarf with that ridiculous hat on his head. A tear ran down her left eye, even as she continued laughing with her head hung long. When Yen eventually asked how Cho was feeling after being stabbed, she spat blood in Yen’s face, some of it also landing on the tombstones of his beloved family members. 

“So….it was you….YOU’RE the reason they’re dead!! If anyone has brought shame to this clan, its you! One day soon, you’ll burn in the very hell you claim to not exist, Yensung. You and your pathetic lap dog…" 

As she spoke, she would back away from Higuto’s now wet blade in attempt to remove it from within her abdomen. She then smacked away Yen’s hand, vehemently refusing his medical treatment. Unless someone was to stop her, she would limp away from the cemetery with her hand pressed against her bloody wound.

(Exit Unless Interrupted)
(I'll make claims later <3)
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