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Hokuto Uchiha
Hokuto Uchiha
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Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private] Empty Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private]

Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:32 pm
Bandages wrapped the figure in black, He walked straight but one could deduce he was injured. It was Hokuto, an injured one at that. He tried avoiding the gazes of the curious people, his left eye was bandaged. He only looked at them blankly and continued to walk around, It was afternoon and apparently the weather has gone colder now.

He hated warm weathers, especially the desert heat. But now, He can relax that it's starting to grow colder thanks to the time almost reaching night. He walked away from the onlookers and tried to find a good place to stay. There were no trees, Nor Abundancy of water.

Hokuto only wished it would rain. But then again, raining in deserts only have a 5% chance of occuring.

Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private] Empty Re: Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private]

Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:56 pm
As the night drew closer, so did closing hours. Well, for a certain kunoichi at least. Shilo had been assisting in the local Hospital of Sunagakure since a few weeks previous; she realised her free time was not well spent and had figured it'd be rewarding had she been able to help and nuture others. Who knows, perhaps her heart'd grow 2 sizes greater or she'd be able to flourish from her current social cocoon she had been encased in for so, so long.
"At least I can go home now...and thank Christ it's colder; I despise hot temperatures! I swear they have me working like a dog sometimes." She had been known by most as a crazy girl; she had a tendancy to rant and ramble to herself on most occasions but she had learned to shrug off any unwanted attention she had recieved.

As she hurried out of the Hospital entrance, she was welcomed by a cool gust of wind. A grateful smile had plastered itself across her face, her dimples showing blatantly. She had headed home through a detour, the slightest skip in her step. Although, it hadn't been long before she had caught up with someone just ahead of her. She squinted her eyes before blinking and exhaling deeply, progressing forward.
"I wonder who that is?" she tucked her hands feebly into her large pockets, taking a bigger step forward every few moments. "doesn't concern me I guess; only thing that matters most is getting home on time." she sighed before carelessly kicking a considerably large pebble.
Hokuto Uchiha
Hokuto Uchiha
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Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private] Empty Re: Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private]

Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:22 pm
Eyes closed, but senses wide open. Hokuto felt the cold breeze, He shivered a bit, Normally he wouldn't but his body resistance was weak, thanks to him being heavily injured. The country of Suna wasn't that bad as he originally thought. Save the mornings of course.

Hokuto walked on limping, He had just leaned on the now cold stone walls of the hospital, His eyes closed. He loved the cold, and now he could drift off to sleep just by leaning on the cold wall. His eye was closing, surely slowly drifting off to dream world. When he was snap awake by a painful blow on the back of his head. Even though he was leaning on the cold wall, He slowly slid down in pain, and then he heard a dull sound of rock that fell.

Hokuto grunted in pain and annoyance. He knelt over and picked up the rock. It was considerably large. Large enough to really hurt a ninja. Like hell. Clenching it until it cracked and until his hand bled. Hokuto then looked around with his one useful eye for whoever did it.

Only one person was around. A girl maybe? He called out to her angrily.

"YOU!" He bellowed.

He tried to retaliate by throwing the now in pieces peeble, but to no avail. The moment he swung his arm, pain swarmed in it. Making him grunt in pain.


Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private] Empty Re: Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private]

Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:45 pm
Shilo's frame had came to an abrupt halt and her eyes rose from the worn, dusted ground and brought her attention onto what appeared to be a seething, dark man that was clutching his head. Her eyes widened. Mouth gaping and body frozen stiff. She had taken this frame momentarily before she regained control over her body and dashed towards the man. Her pace had slowed as she came closer to the injured man and she drew a handkerchief from her pocket, fawning over the wounded stranger.

"O-oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-I wasn't and I couldn't-you see I didn't pay attention and it appears--Oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" her face became contorted with one too many emotions. She knelt down and began patting, dabbing and handling the man and his hair to check for any other wounds that may not be as visible. Shilo had become anxious to the point of hyperventilating. She stopped and suddenly bowed infront of this strange, angry male. "I'M REALLY SORRY AND I WILL NURSE AND DRESS ANY WOUNDS IN REPARATION. IT'S THE LEAST I CAN DO, ANY PAY BACK IS WELCOME." even she cringed at her words and actions. Oh good GOD! how very humiliating...
Hokuto Uchiha
Hokuto Uchiha
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Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private] Empty Re: Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private]

Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:38 pm
The pain felt like hell. Hokuto felt like some his muscles got torn this time around for forcing them too hard trying to throw back that large pebble. His eye was closed in pain (Well his left eye was covered with a bandage. In case that's forgotten.) He didn't notice the perpetrator come to him and shower him with attention medic nins usually do to patients. Though this girl gave him unparalleled attention, She looked like she was the one who needed more help than he did.

Hokuto put his other hand that was fine on the girl's shoulder, he took a deep breath before speaking since he had trouble doing so because of the pain.

"Listen here...Calm Down...I'm not yet dead. But you may faint before I do...Now hush..." He said in a suprising calm tone.

Sure he was mad, but he can't have this girl faint just because of him, there were more patients that needed help after all. He listened to her blabber on faster than a jounin can weave a handseal.

" calm now...?" He asked her again trying to main his calm tone, which was getting harder to do from all the pain. "I don't need much payback...just help me stand up...and help me find a place to stay in..."

Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private] Empty Re: Chance Meeting, A Curse of Centuries? [Private]

Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:25 pm
Hairs were raised and her back had arched and locked for a moment once the man had put a hand on her shoulder. Her muscles had hindered for the briefest moment before her head dropped and she raised her arm to slap the man's arm away from her.

Don't touch me, you don't know me...

She lowered her left limb and once again raised her head, a diminishing look cached her face. It was safe to say that her nerves had been triggered now; low and behold the mighty beast that is hysteria. The girl had picked up where she had left off moments ago and blinked rather worridly. She looked up towards the man and frowned "I'm sorry, I'm not used to this sort of situation. May I ask you refrain from making psychical contact with me for the moment being?" she had tensed and began inhaling and exhaling slowly before returning her gaze, eyes glazed.
"Well, I'm calm now and I'd be more than happy to assist escorting you to my residency? That is if you wouldn't mind; most of my things are there and I'd be able to help you better, I am only an attending assitant after all." she kept a calm face and sighed;

I'm always stuttering up a storm whenever I talk to someone I don't know.
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