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Takeru Sutōn-hai
Takeru Sutōn-hai
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A day in the life Empty A day in the life

Wed May 02, 2012 10:52 pm
It was a quite night. The stars were shining brightly in the cloudless sky. The moon had yet to show. The surrounding forest was filled with the music of crickets chirping. The only sign of civilization was the road and and fairly large inn with a built in hotspring.

This is where Vash ended up after leaving the mountains around Kumo. He didn't feel like sleeping outside again, and he could use a bath. So he decided to stay the night.

The family that ran the inn were a nice bunch. The older gentleman was in his late forties, and starting to bald. His wife was in her early forties, but still fairly attractive for her age. What caught Vash eye was the younger woman he believed to be their daughter. She looked like a younger version of her mother.

When the father told him the price for a room, Vash just frowned. Seeing as Vash didn't want to pay for his stay. He knocked out the older couple and tied up them up, and stuffed them into the basement. Then turning on the young women proceeded to drag her toward the hotsprings.

Forcing her out of her cloths and taking off his own, they entered the hotsprings. The women squirmed in his hold, trying to brake free. He gave her a quick back hand to settle her down.

"Clam down girl, I don't want to hurt you too bad. Who knows, I might let your parents live at the end of the night." He did plan to have his way with her, but not here. He just like having something to play with while he bathe. He then cupped one of her breast in his hand.
Z Ne
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Village : Kumogakure
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A day in the life Empty Re: A day in the life

Wed May 02, 2012 11:47 pm
Zachariah had just finished a rather annoying mission. He was the acting liaison between the Skyscraper Suijouki and the Kumo Suijouki. While the latter was incredibly small in numbers, they were existent. The Kumo clan had wished to start selling the plans for the more simple designs. It would make them the quick money they needed to remain prosperous. However, those in the Skyscraper knew that, while it would be a great short term stimulus, it would hamper them in the long term. Their best sellers would be massed produced then, and sell for much cheaper from companies. Zach was in charge of keeping them in line, and acting as the messenger with information too important to send by traditional means, but not important enough to warrant outside help.

After hours and days of arguments, he had finally covered all of the Skyscraper Division's concerns, and convinced the Kumo Division to not sell the plans, in exchange for a slight stimulus from the Skyscraper. Now, he just wanted a single night to relax. He found a nice little inn with a hot springs. Not only would the heat relax him, but it would also produce steam that he could mess around with. He settled in a room and then walked to the springs. He had not realized that this was a mixed springs. He sighed and then just continued in, undressing and scrubbing off. He slowly descended into the pool, letting the warmth of the waters relax each muscle fiber that had been knotted over the past few days. He slipped into the waters, all the way down to his nose. He started tracing shapes in the steam with his eyes.

After a few minutes, a bell rung. Zach assumed someone had entered the inn. He was correct. He did not expect, however, that that ruckus he heard was the owners being tied of and their daughter taken captive. He heard as she was dragged into the changing room. He heard struggles, shouts. However, he stayed hidden, waiting for the correct moment to find out more. Rather large amounts of steam seemed to converge around him. They would obscure him from vision. To an outside viewer, however, it would appear simply as one of the several spots that were slightly hotter and thereby let off more steam. He heard as there was a slight splashing as the two got in, and then more. A small hole, barely big enough for Zachariah to see through perfectly, would appear in the steam. That which had collected around him started to return to normal concentrations. He saw a young girl, likely no more than 15. Next to her, holding here, was a guy who appeared to be about sixteen or seventeen. She attempted to squirm away from him. However, that ended only in her getting slapped, and a rather prominent threat leaving the guy's mouth.

Gathering steam in and around his mouth, the hole collapsing, he said "I would be careful about choosing your next move, young man." The steam was at a density that would deepen his voice. He would sound older then he was, and larger than he was. This was a scare tactic that he hopes would work, for he would prefer to avoid a fight in the middle of his relaxation.

KKG level 1 done
Takeru Sutōn-hai
Takeru Sutōn-hai
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A day in the life Empty Re: A day in the life

Thu May 03, 2012 12:05 am
Vash froze when he heard the the deep voice that came out of nowhere. He was sure he was alone in the hotspring, seeing as no one else was in when he got in. He should have asked if there was anyone else at the in, but he let his lust get to him.The young girl in his arm had a look of hope come across her face.

He looked around the place, trying to find where the voice came from. He didn't see anything but shrubs, rocks and steam. It looked like he was alone. Did he imagine the voice? No the girl heard it too, he could tell by the look on her face.

Then he looked up into the sky and with heavy sarcasm said a load, "Is that you god?" before laughing at his own words. Yeah right, like god would stop him now after all these years.

"Okay you win." He then stopped groping the young woman, but still held her in place just in case who ever the voice belong to attacked, he could use her as a shield.
Z Ne
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Village : Kumogakure
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A day in the life Empty Re: A day in the life

Thu May 03, 2012 9:13 pm
Zachariah saw his opening. As the guy laughed into the heavens, Zach took a deep breath, and silently sunk under the water. Moving quickly but silently, he pulled himself along the bottom of the springs. The heat, barely bearable by most when swimming along the bottom, was nothing compared to his family's workshop when a pipe broke. Above him, a thicker spot of steam hid his location. Three others encroached on the guy, from the two other sides. Zach let himself fall slightly behind the one hiding him, just in case the person had weapons with him. Or worse, if he had jutsu.

The waters were quite clear. This much heat kept all the things that normally muck up ponds from surviving. The heat, however, would have hurt most anyone foolish enough to open there eyelids in the water. Lucky for Zach, he had, on several occasions, taken a blast of steam to the eye's. That meant that now, he could watch as he encroached on the two people. As he got near, the two steam clouds to either side of the two would move and flow as if someone had just jumped through them. The one above him would have dispersed, replaced by a ring surrounding the guy's head at eye level. Zach did it in such a way that, to his viewpoint, the man holding the girl hostage would see something akin to Hidden in the Mist jutsu. Zach, would have come up to the front left of the girl, on the opposite side of her as the guy. Using the distraction of the two jumping clouds, he would attempt a ball shot with a kick. Just moments before Zach emerged from the water, a cloud of steam would rapidly compress next to the guy's right ear, opposite from the girl. All three original clouds of steam would have been returned to natural flow. The rapid compression would make a shock wave that would send the guy's ears a ringing. However, the compression was not enough for the shock wave to hit either Zach or the girl... much.
Takeru Sutōn-hai
Takeru Sutōn-hai
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A day in the life Empty Re: A day in the life

Thu May 03, 2012 9:38 pm
Vash didn't know what was happening. The steam started to move in and thicken around him. It looked like someone was using the hidden mist technique, so he was preparing for the attack. What happen next took him by surprise.

His ears started ringing out of no where. That disoriented him. Then he was in an indescribable amount of pain that forced him to let go of the girl. As he covered up his groin and started to fall over He could only think of one thing to say.

"I said you win." He squeaked out weakly as he fall into the water.
Z Ne
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A day in the life Empty Re: A day in the life

Sat May 05, 2012 4:24 pm
Once again, Zachariah made use of an opening again. His ears ringed slightly from the shockwave, but since he had been expecting it, it slowed him down not. Within moments, he was grabbing the girl's wrist and pulling her out of the spring. In response to those squeaked words he simply went "never trust a scoundrel." Pulling the girl behind him, who was shell shocked from what had just happened, Zach entered the changing room. Taking no time to dry off, he pulled on his clothing. The girl, barely able to pull it together, managed to get her shirt and pants on. Then she broke down crying. Zachariah had to pick her up. He tried to comfort her, patting her back, drying her tears. "Your safe now. It's ok. Please, just tell me. Is there anyone else who needs help?" He did not mention that the guy would likely not be... otherwise occupied... much longer. Shakily, she said that her parents were tied up in the basement. By the time the two got to the basement, she was composed enough to run and walk easily. Zach quickly bent down and untied the two, who had, luckily enough, already regained consciousness. Zach knew that, if the guy was not recovered yet, he would be soon. So Zach rushed the three out of the building, as he grabbed whatever he could think would be of use. The rope would be good, along with the paper weights. He poured the contents of a bowl of marbles, probably their for ambiance, or maybe to keep the odd child entertained as their parents made arrangement to stay there, and poured them into a bag. This bag he hung over a belt loop so that he could quickly grab them if he needed to.

Zach hid in the closet. If he could, he would avoid a confrontation. However, if the guy started looking around, Zach would have no chose but to come out of hiding and, well, start a confrontation. In the meantime, he continued pulling steam from the spring and into the building. At once, he could not bring in much. However, given enough time, the inn was now worse then the spring was. Zach did not mind fighting in this environment. It was not nearly as bad as hidden mist, thankfully, but it was a pretty bad fog. It also lent itself to being manipulated in case the need came up.
Takeru Sutōn-hai
Takeru Sutōn-hai
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A day in the life Empty Re: A day in the life

Sat May 05, 2012 5:25 pm
When Vash started to regain consciousness he could still feel pain in his groin, so he was still alive so that was a plus. Then he opened his eyes to find he was still in the hotsprings, not being carried away to some place so that was another plus.
Finding out he was alone seeing as the girl and who ever attacked him were gone was a minus. There went his plans for the night.

Getting up and heading to the changing room, he found his stuff was still there. "Thank Kami for the little things." he started to dry off and put his cloths back on. When he was finished he went into the hallway. Vash didn't see anyone in the building, but it was foggy as hell.

"Hello anyone here?"
He didn't expect an answer, so went to see if the owners were still in the basement. He didn't find them there, so guess the girl saved them and took off. He did wonder why the rope was gone though. With a shrug and went back up stairs. It was foggier then when he went down, so that one guy was still here. Vash really didn't want to fight something that might be a ghost. He really hope it wasn't a ghost, can ghost even kick people in the balls?

"Alright, I'll leave if you want me too. Just give me a sign, and I'll never come back!" He yelled out, then waited for a reply.
Z Ne
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

A day in the life Empty Re: A day in the life

Sat May 05, 2012 6:40 pm
Zachariah heard the guy walk into the building. It was a slow walk as he first had to get out of the water, and then walk there, all while trying to ignore his numb nuts. That had to be annoying for him. He should have tought of that before “kidnapping” someone, though. Then again, there really was no way for him to know, was there? He took his time drying off and getting dressed. He seemed glad that his clothes were there. This puzzled Zach, but he ignored it. Who would steal clothes, after they just rescued someone? It made no sense whatsoever.

Zach wanted to make sure that no more trouble would be caused by this person. Then again, he still did not know the persons power. It would be unwise to blindly charge in. Instead, Zach would do nothing if he could, and report him later. The guy yelled out as if he thought someone might still be in the building. That was smart, and also incredibly foolish. Well, it wasn't so bad since Zach was not planning to jump the guy. Though, he had no way of knowing that. He made a foolish move, giving away his position that easily. If this actually HAD been the Hidden in the Mist technique, this man would already be dead. Lucky for him, it was steam. It surprised Zach that he was not boiling in that room. Not LITERALLY boiling, but sweating profusely.

Zach heard the guy walk downstairs. Shortly after he walked back up. He paused a moment befofre saying he woul leave and never come back if he got a sign. Zach pulled out a single marble from the pack. Rolling it under the door of the closet, it rolled towards and out the door. That should be enough of a sign for anyone.

1614 words so far. First 3 training levels of KKG trained (aka up to B rank trained)
Takeru Sutōn-hai
Takeru Sutōn-hai
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A day in the life Empty Re: A day in the life

Sat May 05, 2012 7:05 pm
"Alright, random moving stuff. yep ghost, time to get the hell out of here." Vash walk to the front door and opened it. before leaving he turned back and yelled. "Fucking cock blocking dead people. I hope you never get into the afterlife!" Then he walked out of the Hunted Inn, hoping the spirit didn't decide to start haunting him.

"Can't believe I got cocked blocked by a ghost."
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A day in the life Empty Re: A day in the life

Sat May 05, 2012 7:30 pm
Approved, Zac. 8 Ap 8 JP

WC, Vash?
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