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Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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More death. [Private] Empty More death. [Private]

Sat May 26, 2012 7:21 pm
Kio was walking through the desert, headed towards Kumogakure. His home village, he had moved to Sunagakure when his parents had left Kumogakure, thinking they were just going on a mission at first, until he saw them packing up. He followed them out of the village, quietly. He followed them for days, finding his own food out in the forests they traveled to, or stealing food and supplies from his parents as they slept or were bathing, or other distracting things. He followed them for days, months, he didn't know, all he knew was that he followed them for quite some time, thinking they were going on an important mission.

He would sigh, this was one of the many paths that he passed following his parents, it was a small forest heading to Konohagakure. Konohagakure was in between Sunagakure, and Kumogakure, so he had to pass through Konoha to get to Kumo. He was on guard, as he walked through the small forest. He continued to look all around him, making sure there was no one here. It is possible for Kio to get attacked at any moment, which is why he is on guard. He had learned during his genin years to be on guard while he was traveling alone, as he could be attacked anywhere, at any time. He could be out numbered, or it could only be one. He would sigh, as he was getting a tad bit bored now, walking to Kumogakure always seemed to take a long time, and the trip was a rather boring one every time he went. He decided to hurry there now, earlier he was just saving energy, yet now he was bored. He jumped up into the tree branches, and hurries towards Kumogakure.

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Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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More death. [Private] Empty Re: More death. [Private]

Sat May 26, 2012 9:06 pm
Kio continued, jumping through the tree branches. The leaves would make a rustling sound, after a few jumps Kio would realize he may have given up his area to anyone who had planned on attacking him, it was too late to stop now, they most likely had heard by now, someone jumping through the branches. He had to stay alert. Soon, he would hear a clock sound, he would quickly perform a few hand signs, a poof of smoke. As the smoke would clear, him and a bunch of clones made entirely of his only element would jump out in a bunch of different directions, leaving only one person standing where Kio was before the poof. 'Hello' The clone had heard, he looked and saw the person who had said it, a man holding a clock like weapon it would seem. The clone would hold up a ram hand sign, and appear behind the man.

[I'm sorry this is short.]

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Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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More death. [Private] Empty Re: More death. [Private]

Sat May 26, 2012 11:46 pm
The real Kio was currently running, around, looking for any more possible enemies. As the Lightning Clone of Kio's, the one who had stayed behind body flickered behind the man holding the clock weapon, the man would split into two it would seem, to him anyways. The man began to enlarge, crushing the only clone in the area. However, when the clone was destroyed, it would turn into lightning, shocking whatever it was touching, since what the man seemed to be was wood, it would most likely cause a fire. The clone also shocked whatever the man was touching when it enlarged or expanded.

Kio continued to run around in a complete circle really, looking for enemies. He gained the memories of his lightning clone that was destroyed by the man who expanded, it seemed to be a clone with a sword. Kio would begin to just roam around, looking for the man. He and two other clones, who were right beside him continued on. A forest would randomly form, him and one of his clones would move up to the top of the tree tops of the forged forest. Kio and his one clone had heard a man's laughter, they would look around noticing a man, the same one from earlier it would seem performing hand signs. Kio would get out a few pieces of paper with some words on it in japanese, and place it on the stomach of the clone, it was only two. The clone would hold up a 'ram' hand sign and dash at nearly untraceable speeds behind the man performing hand signs. As a mist would begin to form, the real Kio would form up a 'snake' hand sign. Kio got on guard now, waiting for any more surprises.

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Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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More death. [Private] Empty Re: More death. [Private]

Sun May 27, 2012 12:20 am
A giant tree formed near where Kio's first clone was created, and Kio was put to sleep by something, most likely the tree. Kio couldn't keep himself awake, his clones vanished. As Kio fell to the ground, from jumping from branch to branch, he would be crushed by some of the vines that had been created along with it. He was then had his heart, and two other vital points in his body pierced by the vines. After he got pierced more and more, his body would eventually begin to be dragged near the person who had killed him.

More death. [Private] Empty Re: More death. [Private]

Sun May 27, 2012 5:32 pm
Sorry, left without approving this earlier


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