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Shotaro Nara
Shotaro Nara
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Death {Private} Empty Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:26 pm
Hisuke walked towards the plains, his mind completely blank. it was as if his entire body was being controled by someone else and he was on the outside watching it all happen.

Hisuke continued to walk until he saw a tree in front of him. He stared balnkly and began to think to himself. He had been very depressed recently. Thoughts of suicide clouded his thoughts. Today would be the day when he put his thoughts into action. He had been unprepared for the attack by the konoha ninja months ago. He felt as though he was to weak to do anything. Hisuke sighed and walked closer towards the tree. He pulled his head backwards and slammed it forwards against the tree a single time. Blood spurted against the tree leaving a large stain and Hisuke fell to the ground...dead.
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:28 pm
NOOOOO why must my relative die??
Shotaro Nara
Shotaro Nara
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Death {Private} Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:30 pm
I do not have enought time at the moment to develop him. Sorry :cry:.
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:31 pm
but but you were my could have moved to Kumo
Shotaro Nara
Shotaro Nara
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Death {Private} Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:33 pm
I'm working on my other alts at the moment and Hisuke was the weakest link.
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:26 pm
(can't get on syaoran at the moment so posting on this acc)

Earlier in the week, Syaoran had recieved a letter saying he had another living family member. This family member would be living in Tegakure, and he wanted to visit him to finally reconnect with them. He had not seen Hisuke since he was a child and couldn't exactly remember what he looked like. He knew they were cousins, but after the death of his parents and other family members he lost touch. He would arrive into the plains of Tengakure, until he noticed a figure on the ground not to far from him. Putting the note into his back pocket he would walk over to it," hello are you okay," as he got closer he would see blood everywhere and blood on the tree in front of him. He gulped as he turned over the body as his face would turn into one of sadness. He would now see the body of his relative, Hisuke. He would try to see if he still had a heartbeat or anything, but found that his pulse was dead, and the life from his body was gone. He sat there for a moment and held the body for a moment," so i guess i am all alone now, why is it always me that has to lose family one after another," tears streaming down his face as he stood up and began to make a small grave for his deceased kin.

He would bury him in the grave, leaving a paper rose over the grave and also holding his wallet. He wouldn't know what to say at this point but would make a cross marker to mark the grave in case he wanted to come back and pay his respects. he was now down another family member leaving only himself and his other cousin alive. As the wiped the tears from his eyes, he would feel different, but would not recognize it at this moment. Another angel had fallen, and now it was only him to carry the mantle of the Kouitashi name..

[exit 1700 Ryo obtained +3 JP...CD development and Requesting MS(Death of a family member...*legit this time
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Death {Private} Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:35 pm
(Noting that I am well within my rights to post here. Seeing as this is within Tengakure & being a jounin Shinji would be in responsible for village saftey due to the fact that there are currently no higher ranked ninja in the village with the kage having disappeared without a word to anyone.)

It was another monotonous day. Shinji took one step after another without a care in the world. Though his body was on patrol duty around the borderlands of Tengakure Shinji's mind was elsewhere; like what he would be having for dinner. He had been put in charge of guard duty for that day. Tengakure was truly a mess. As it were the Tenkage, where ever the hell he was, had been doing nothing-at least to Shinji's knowledge. This being the case Shinji took it upon himself to round up a few other shinobi to poke around the borders of the village to stop any potential missing ninja from penetrating the borders and getting to the city. That would be the one thing that the city could not take-an attack. In a word the village was in slight disarray. It would be disastrous and it would be one thing that would no doubt cripple the village permanently, which was something that Shinji, being a jounin of the village and having sworn to protect it above all else, could not and would not allow.

The other shinobi Shinji had rounded up to help him were elsewhere, after all he figured he could hold his own for the most part against most people. They would be unable to help him should he run into any trouble, but Shinji was not too convinced he would run into anything. Then again stranger things have happened. Continuing to walk along Shinji heard a voice asking if somebody was ok. This phrase broke Shinji from his thoughts of pumpkin pie and ham as they struck him as odd-who was out here? Curious Shinji silently moved towards the source of the voice and comes across a gruesome scene that looked in his eyes like a murder at first glance. There were two boys: one clearly dead as evidenced by the massive amount of blood. The other boy seemed to be holding the boy-somewhat odd for a murder, but Shinji reminded himself there were some strange people out there. Shinji stood about ten meters away from the two boys as he drew his black blade Makaze. Not wanting to be hasty Shinji spoke out in a cold yet stern tone that also seethed with a certain malice and would easily carry over to the boys: "Identify yourself and your business here or I will be forced to bring you down with lethal force." Shinji did not truly wish to kill this boy, but it would require a lot of explanation to keep him from doing it, because as it were it seemed he was talking to a murderer. A murderer was someone Shinji could not allow to go free. Waiting for a reply he narrowed his eyes and took in the boy and the surroundings-especially that bloody tree; a murder weapon perhaps? He would be ready for anything, because violence could explode at any second.

{Sya's exit voided.}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:42 pm
Syaoran would turn around and look at the man, the left side of his face stained with tears as he stood up from the grave of his dead family member," who am i," looking at the man with a semi blank expression," i am this shinobi's relative, i was sent a note to finally come and visit the last remnants of my family only to see him dead before me, why must violence be the first thing you resort to," as he sat at the base of the tree for a moment. His eyes would flicker from the blood stained ground to the man," now can i be left alone for a moment or do i need business for that as well,' Syaoran was not in the best of moods right now and the man in front of him was not making it any better, but as it stood he had not wanted to fight either.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Death {Private} Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:49 pm
He had not seen Hisuke since he was a child and couldn't exactly remember what he looked like. He knew they were cousins, but after the death of his parents and other family members he lost touch

[On another note, this MS is not happening because of this character's death, you never knew the boy nor did any legitimate RP with him. You even State that the two characters only met when they were little and that you don't even remember what he looks like. You two were not close and the MS Activation is as legitimate as an NPC death counting as your MS activation. Sorry, but it is void =/.]
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:52 pm
(its death of a family member... it never states they have to be close family members in the first place. Ive seen another character do this before so why isn't this acceptable)
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