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Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:06 pm
Shinji heard the boy speak, but he did not hear anything he wanted to hear. The boy spoke in vagaries and had not answered Shinji's question. However, the boy did look pretty shook up. Shinji ran the scenario through his head really quickly. Either this boy was grief stricken and not making sense or he was a cold blooded killer hiding his tracks. Quite honestly Shinji knew he did not have enough evidence either way. First thing was first: he had to figure out who the dead boy was-that was key. If it was a shinobi from Tengakure then he truly deserved a better burial than this. Furthermore Shinji would still have to identify who the hell this crying child was in front of him-it was mandated by his duty to the village. Shinji was still slightly suspicious of this boy. He spoke out again with a tone void of emotion: "You did not answer my question. Now who is the dead boy? And who are you?" Shinji was not messing around anymore. Before he had asked a question before he resorted to violence and he hoped that the boy would realize this was his last chance before Shinji incapacitated him.

{I would side with Vretiel on this one. It is not a valid activation seeing as you hardly knew the guy (if it was just a family member dying then every Uchiha would have MS instantly upon reaching third tome, because they drop like flies around here and their corpses can be found most places-you have to have a connection over many topics for it to be valid.) , but my opinion does not really have any weight, because I am part of this topic.}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:16 pm
(OOC: if anyone has read Syaoran's History..which i kinda doubt anyone did you would see that due to the seal put on him he would have no memories of anything. Now that he has gotten it off bits and pieces are coming back...hence the hardly remembering him)

Syaoran looked up to the man, now standing up, at first he would consider saying something smart, but this wasn't the time for it," Syaoran is my name and i am a jouinin from Kumo...As for the boy in the grave his name is Koutaishi Hisuke," looking back to the man in front of him.
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
Kalix Terumi (Wuwu)
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Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:17 pm
The Mangekyo Sharingan is gained through intense loss, this falls under the trauma caused by killing your best friend or family members, or watching them die in front of you.

[How is this an intense loss? You even state you don't know what he looks like, also that you have not seen him in years. You can't prove to me that this is an intense loss enough to warrant an MS activation, even if he is the last known family member you have. Also from what has been stated it shouldn't even be clear that this person is your family member because you even say in your post. From what I see here I don't see how this person's death warrants a MS activation.]
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:36 pm
*again if you read i had JUST posted in the ooc before my post you'd see why
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:06 pm
Koutaishi....Koutaishi.....Koutaishi...why did that name ring a bell? Not too sure why exactly Shinji relaxed his stance just a bit. He sheathed Makaze and wove series of hand signs. The end result being that in a large puff of smoke Shinji copied himself forty times with the multiple shadow clone jutsu-a truly wonderful jutsu. Still not showing any emotion the original Shinji spoke out of the crowd of Shinji's that had been formed in the same tone as before: "Very well Syaoran of the cloud. Remain where you are. However, please produce your credentials and the letter you received from your family." Shinji knew any good shinobi would be carrying them-he just wanted to make sure that this Syraron character is who he said he was. The original Shinji would walk up to two meters away from Syaoran and held his left hand out, while his right hand rested on the hilt of Makaze. Mean while the clones he had made would get to work on exhuming the fresh grave. Shinji had to be sure about everything. And in the back of his mind it clicked: he had seen the name Koutaishi on a genin list of Tengakure. He had seen it when he was considering starting a team. With new resolve Shinji made the determination in his head to return the boy to the city of the sky-if he had parents they deserved the right to bury the body. In the end Shinji hoped it would be for the better. It was a sad day when mere genin died.
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:16 pm
Handing him the letter and his papers he would lean back on the tree not really phased by the clones. If anything it only made him want to fight more but he was keeping his anger under wraps. Looking at him he would shrug,Is that all or can i leaver freely, i do not feel like lingering here any longer," as he rested his arm onto his sword
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:29 pm
As Syaoran rested his hand on his sword Shinji half drew his blade, but quickly re-sheathed it after seeing that Syaoran had meant no harm by it. Letting out a breath Shinji handed the boy back his papers-from what Shinji could see everything checked perfectly. The boy was indeed who he said he was. And the letter seemed nice enough and it did check out. Shinji second guessed himself at this point and considered a forgery, but thought better of it. The tears on the boy's face were real. That would be enough proof for Shinji. Speaking up again he would take up a more sympathetic tone: "I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you understand, but I will have to ask you for any belongings of the deceased. It is common procedure. They will be returned to his family." At this point in time the large mass of clones would have removed the body. All of them would disperse save for one. This one would carry the body over his shoulder so that it was just to the right of Shinji. Shinji would merely waited for the one named Syaoran to leave-there was little chance of him turning his back on a jounin of another village even if the villages were on good terms. It always paid to play it safe, so safe was how Shinji would play it.
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:19 pm
Taking back his things he would smile," think nothing of it all of his belongings are with the body, and if and i used the term lightly have a family still alive, Give them this," as he made a perfectly made Lotus flower and handed it to the man. He would step back a bit and clap his hands together as his body dematerialized into paper, his belongings included as they blew off into the breeze. Syaoran would reform at the borders where he would start to walk around, looking for somewhere to go

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:36 pm
Shinji nodded grimly and took the flower. He then watched as the boy left-to Shinji a certain sadness pervaded the boy-it was hard to lose someone. Furrowing his brow ever so slightly Shinji walked slowly with the shadow clone following him. Alas he would have to bury the kid cradled on the shoulder of Shinji's clone. It was shame. The sky village was low on good shinobi as it were. Shinji mentally crossed one off the list. With a heavy heart Shinji made his way back to Tengakure. It seemed that the grand days of the sky were over-not with a bang, but with a whimper.

{Exit, gained body of Hisuke and all his belongings for burial}
Wandering Blind Man
Wandering Blind Man
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Death {Private} - Page 2 Empty Re: Death {Private}

Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:32 pm
(also i would like to request Admin decision on the MS situation)
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