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Reminiscing (Private-No Kill) Empty Reminiscing (Private-No Kill)

Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:03 pm
The bright sun glimmered down on the Island Village. A perfect breeze brushing through the streets. Yuuta, with his brown hair spiked up in every which way, was walking down the streets of the Island Village, reminiscing all the times he’s walked down those streets. He stopped and remembered one time when he chased a cat down the street for no apparent reason. He laughed at his memories and continued to walk. He came across a ramen stall and looked at it carefully. "Hey! I remember this. This is that place i got kicked out of because some kid stole my shirt." Yuuta thought for a moment. Man my life is screwed up... He laughed and kept walking. He reached the end of the island and sat on the shore. "This one has the best memories..." He said closing his eyes imagining all the times he had here. He picked up a pebble and skipped it in the sea.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Reminiscing (Private-No Kill) Empty Re: Reminiscing (Private-No Kill)

Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:10 pm
It was a bright sunnny day where the sun crossed eyes toward the Island Village, where the breeze seemed perfectly cool around the morning clouds. As the water's shifted, Kakushi's spirit lifted. He walked down the streets where he saw another Genin not to old from him, he had spiky hair, looked a bit poor but was definetlly a shinobi. As Kakushi walked the path where he was going, he looked across to the sea where Yuuta was throwing a rock towards the sea. Kakushi began to wave at his old friend from the Academy, "Hey! Yuuta! Long time no see!" Kakushi said in a loud clear voice.
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Reminiscing (Private-No Kill) Empty Re: Reminiscing (Private-No Kill)

Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:16 pm
Yuuta almost got lost in his day dreams like usual. This time he was on a small island surrounded by a purple sea. A giant blue bird came out of the water and picked him up by his shirt. But suddenly he heard a voice coming from behind him. It was his old friend, Kakushi. He smiled and waved. "Hey Kakushi! Haven't seen you in a while. What have you been up to buddy." He thought for a moment. "I wonder... how could he remember me? I look so different from my academy days. He just sensed it i bet. Yuuta continued smiling to his old friend.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Reminiscing (Private-No Kill) Empty Re: Reminiscing (Private-No Kill)

Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:02 pm
"Nothing much I guess you can say", Kakushi said as he checked his pocket. There sat tall his "The Human body, Ultimate Machine". He had been studying about it for a long time, where he knew every vital point in a human's body. Where the pressure points were located, and where to strike for a knockout blow. Kakushi came down to Yuuta, "You haven't changed much". Kakushi then picked up a small stone from the surface, throwing it into the sea. It hit the ocean a few times then finally dived deep. "Nothin like old memories, eh?"
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