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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:12 pm
Shin sat his legs crossed in the open desert meditating in complete silence any other noise would alert him. He focused on the outside without his eyes open he felt like he was being watched from the distance. (Sorry Short)
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:27 pm
Kakushi returned to the village of the sand, Shin did not see Kakushi rob him next time. As Kakushi came up he slammed his feet into the sand saying, "Are you up to another spar?". Kakushi smiled he was stronger then before and it would be interesting to fight a strong foe again.
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:34 pm
Shin remained sitting knowing he was stronger as well. He smiled with his eyes still closed, He then formed the hand seal serpent and activated 2 things at once (Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock Technique and Speed Focus)(+ 20 speed)(39 speed total 4 posts long) He jumped to his feet and opened his eyes and looked at be "Lets do it, I'm not tired this time." The smile still on his face he continued to look at be then a rock formed around his hands (Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique +5 strength) "Let's fight."
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:42 pm
It has seemed that Shin had gotten stronger this time, and now he was full of energy...Perfect. Laruko entered his Taijutsu Focus State (+20 speed, +10 Strength)(40 Speed and 28 strength for 6 posts). As Shin jumped to his feet, Kakushi dashed towards Shin as he attempted to send a quick dynamic kick towards the man's stomach, then duck down low to the sand where he would do a swift leg tripper.
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:46 pm
Shin saw the Kick and reacted by Jumping 4 feet into the air and formed the serpent seal and smiled. He landed 3 feet away and the Sand quickly formed the sand armor. He then dashed at Bee with his right arm ready to slam into Bee's face. He anticipated a counter attack to happen.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:52 pm
Seeing that Shin had activated his sand armour, "Aw Crap"the words flew out of Kakushi's mouth. He jumped backwards as he intercepted Shin's fist by grabing the fist and then attempting to kick him the the stomach. As that happened, Kakushi would jump back 2 meters to see how he would pull off that one. Kakushi smirked the training was going well. Even after fighting the men from the Anchor Tank Gang.
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:35 pm
The kick landed but the sand continued to stick to Shin. He slid 6 inches then looked at Kakushi and began laughing extremely loud and demonic. He then swung his rock arm and released it allowing the giant rock fist to hit Kakushi in the stomach then he formed the seal serpent and a dome of rock wrapped around hi with 6 feet in every direction pushing Kakushi back so he was not inside. Shin sat down in the middle to regain stamina. As he sat he breathed vary hard for some reason the boy he was fighting had knocked the wind out of him. He continued to regain his breath he then deactivated the speed enhancers for a few moments (4 posts to break dome)
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:54 pm
Kakushi was wounded from the punch where Shin had tooken his kick, but Kakushi in the mean time was brought back. Kakushi sighed as he sat down to also regain his stanima. In a matter of time Shin would release his dome and kakushi would be prepared to go all out. (Sorry for short post)
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:02 pm
Shin had realized that Kakushi's main abilities were all taijutsu so he began deciding upon a plan to use against him. (Sorry Very Short)
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:38 pm
Kakushi sat down thinking of when his foe will disactivate the jutsu, he remembered how he fought off the Anchor Gang and how he robbed Shin last time. Kakushi brought his hand to his face slapping it. What was he thinking? (Short)
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