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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) - Page 2 Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:22 pm
Shin then reactivated the speed enhancing jutsu's once more then stood. He clapped his hands together and a dome slammed over his none expecting opponents head it was very low pulling the enemy towards the ground. He then release the dome from above himself. He looked at the small dome that he used to consume his opponent. He smiled then forced it to pull his opponent closer to the ground. He then formed the rock fist jutsu once more. He slammed his hand down on top of the dome breaking through it punching into Kakushi's face knocking him 3 feet away from his original sitting point.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) - Page 2 Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:49 pm
While in the dome Kakushi was thinking of how the hell he would get out, as it moved he got more worried. Finally a punch came from the dome where it had slammed Kakushi against the face, Kakushi smiled as he gripped Shin's arm trying to yank him to the ground then sending his leg to immediately kick him in the face. While at that, he would pull Shin up again trying to slug him in the face.
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) - Page 2 Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:55 pm
As Shin saw him grip his arm then he took the hit in the face and flew back 3 feet. He stood up and smiled then slammed his hands together then slammed them to the ground he looked up and smiled as corpses came from the ground and sprinted at Kakushi. He knew Kakushi didn't know that every time he killed one it would just re-spawn. He watched as they fought taijutsu v.s. taijutsu.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) - Page 2 Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:32 pm
Kakushi was surprised at the Zombie invasion, "Shit!!!" Kakushi said. He jumped back taking a few explosive tags tied onto Kunai's he chucked one at them about five of them exploded. Kakushi noticed that more and more came out of the ground when it exploded. Kakushi circled around the battle field as he kept throwing kunai's with explosive tags.
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) - Page 2 Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:46 pm
Shin then slapped both palms on the ground forming a dome around himself once more. "Have fun Kakushi." A demonic laugh followed as it closed around him.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) - Page 2 Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:53 pm
"Fight me like a pan you piece of lazy shit!" Kakushi busted out from his mouth, he was stil avoiding the zombies using the same method. Kakushi finally got to the point where he was highly pissed off.
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) - Page 2 Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:41 pm
Shin became bored and release the zombie jutsu. He then slammed his hands together putting down the dome. He then slammed his hand together and used the body flicker technique to return to the village leaving Kakushi in the desert.
Gaki Shina
Gaki Shina
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) - Page 2 Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:10 pm
Kakushi then looked around where he found the path of wher the tree barks south, he sighed it was a good spar but not a fair spar. In no time he would return to the village of Island. The best village ever.
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing) - Page 2 Empty Re: Spar (Private/No Killing/No Robbing)

Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:24 pm
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