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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Echo Uchiha
Hisashi Saio
Dyren Kitake
Yasahiro Yagami
Yukan Nara
Rain Ish
Kawahaga Niku
Near The Arrogant
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Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:07 pm
Azaiyo would walk slowly into the portal ahead of him, slowly looking back as he had great hope both in himself and his teammate. Azaiyo smiled as he would pray and look up, hoping for the best.
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:13 pm
Viper enters this strange arena, his garb is different than expected, his Hokage Uniform has been left at home, he now bears an outfit he wore before gaining this position of power.
His attire now consists of his Uchiha uniform, a Black T-shirt and tan shorts, overlaying the t-shirt is his Chuunin flack jacket he earned not to long ago, each pocket is outfitted for the situation, two brown leather weapon pouches are on each hip.
He awaits at the door marked "3" and looks around for his absent brother, with a light sigh he waits, "out of all the days to be late?" he mutters softly while he waits.
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:17 pm
Kahli looked at her number, 6. She made her way over to the assigned tunnel. She peered down into the darkness wondering what lay in store for her and her partner. Kahli sighs and looks back at the othe ninja gathering in groups. Most of them she guessed she wouldn't be able to best in a fight so why was she even doing this, why not leave it to the people with more skill? Kahli already knew why though because she had to help her village any way she could it was the whole reason she was here after all. She waits impatiently the sooner they got started the better.
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:59 pm
Akiyama wasn't too keen on having to serve as a competitor in this arena of the damned.

He listened quietly as the man spoke and gave them instructions on what to do and how to do it in regard to entering their respective numbers and possibly facing whatever enemy lay before them.

The only information he had been told was from the scroll that was sent to his home from the elders of the Sand Village.

This is why he was up in arms about the village having no leader, a true leader anyway. With no Kazekage the bastards seemed to have forgotten how to select a true warrior that was suited for the battle.

Not that Akiyama was afraid, he was nervous but he wasn't afraid. Being a mere Genin was annoying at his age but he knew he'd have a chance to upgrade and obtain a higher rank; should he survive anyway.

He wore an outfit that signified he was from the Sand Village, black boots and matching trousers with a gold colored long sleeved shirt that had the symbol of the Sand sewn on the back.

Raising his arm into the air he would clench his fist and walk into the number as instructed.
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:52 am
Azarkai moved confidently towards the tunnel labelled number 6. She had no regrets nor doubts about her being here. If she was strong enough she would prevail and if she was to weak... Well she wouldn't have anything to worry about then would she? Azarkai walks past Kahli and into the gloomy tunnel she was ready for a fight no matter how new a Genin she was, Azarkai was confident and she only hoped her confidence would rub off on Kahli.
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:05 am
Sound of whistle fly out from the mouth of a man with a carefree face even though, in the very next minute he's going to be facing a scary and dangerous bijuu, that he would need to place his life on the line. His destiny stay untold, and anything could happen, awaiting him. Only one mistake and his life would end here, however, the boy doesn't seem to be afraid at all. He keep whistling, his hands behind behind his head, glacning left and right. He seem to belive that he wouldn't die until he completed his goal, it's like the book that wouldn't end until there's a happy ending. That makes him the kid known as Laxus D. Nara after all.

He heard the voice speaking over and over again as he started to glance at the man speaking it. Laxus sigh. "What the hell is wrong with him? People can understand it clearly, not that i understand it, oh well, the other might" said Laxus not caring about the fact that he spoke too loud. It's kidan of sad that Kidan, his brother, is not here with him right now. They mostly go somewhere each other, especially a mission as dangerous as this one. But it also fit Laxus favour because he wouldn't be able to pull any prank nor joke with Kidan around or he's going to be send flying by him.

"Wait...what the hell is my number again! I threw it away, previously. Damn, maybe number 2, or number 19, wait i thought there's only number 1 to 9. I guess, i'll just enter random room. Hmm...let go for room number 4" said Laxus as he head toward the number 4, but he accidently slipped into number 5 because he didn't read the sign. It would be better if Kidan is here with him.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:24 am
Viper Uchiha wrote:Viper enters this strange arena, his garb is different than expected, his Hokage Uniform has been left at home, he now bears an outfit he wore before gaining this position of power.
His attire now consists of his Uchiha uniform, a Black T-shirt and tan shorts, overlaying the t-shirt is his Chuunin flack jacket he earned not to long ago, each pocket is outfitted for the situation, two brown leather weapon pouches are on each hip.
He awaits at the door marked "3" and looks around for his absent brother, with a light sigh he waits, "out of all the days to be late?" he mutters softly while he waits.

A strange melody rings out through the arena a massive rumbling heard followed by three Kunai falling from the sky two impacting in the arena itself while one impacts four feet from Viper, the crowd gazes confused upon the fallen Kunai bright flashes suddenly erupt repeatedly from said Kunai creating strange lightshow before huge gust of wind bursts from the arena sending a strange green colored streak flying upwards, After the dust clears the figure begins free falling towards the arena floor, He is dressed in a regulation Anbu uniform sans the mask a black great coat fluttering behind him the streaks of red flame adorned at the bottom rippling through the wind as he shoots downward a Kunai gripped in his right hand as his body straightens so he can pick up speed some of the audience catching the kanji written on the back of hi coat "無敵" "Invincible", another bright flash occurs the figure now identified by some as Echo Uchiha gripping in his hands the Kunai that fell into the arena in his right hands inbetween in fingers, He grins wide and dissappears in another flash next to Viper a smirk on his face "Am I late?"

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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:33 am
Viper twitches slightly, his right palm impacting his face,"just....just get in the door.." He says while twitching and turning from him to walk through door 3.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:39 am
Echo chuckles Gripping a Kunai with the FTG seals in his left hand his left hand brushing against the side of his coat his Ninjato Heavens sorrow visible sheathed on his left hip as he follows his brother inside "Your just jealous cause the crowd is gonna be calling out 'Invincible' instead of 'Mastermind' " Echo's grin widens the music strangely enough still playing as they walk inside Echo now standing two feet to Viper's left "So...What are we doing here again..?"
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 2 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:20 am
Kurisu Ametsuchi, The Raikage of Kumogakure no Sato, young and inexperienced for a shinobi with the title of Kage yet he had the power of one. He was a true warrior of lightning, it was still the only element that he had master, but he had mastered beyond the normal standards of other lightning shinobi. Rumors had spread about some type of major event taking place in a large and unknown arena. He had seemingly been lucky just to stumble upon the place, having left his Deputy Raikage in charge while he went to check out this event. Walking in, he heard a voice vague detailing what was going and telling everyone to put up their fists to get a number for a certain doorway. He did as told in this situation and watched as Number ‘5’ appeared on his right fist. As he made his way towards the doorway with ‘5’ above it, he was curious about the idea of fighting against a bijuu, something he had nearly encountered on two separate occasions.

As he traveled across the arena, he noticed almost no familiar faces. There was a couple shinobi from Kumogakure that he knew but other than that there was only one face that he recognized, that was the persona of Viper Uchiha, the Hokage. He had previous encounters with Viper and wasn’t surprised at all to see his rival here at this place. He reached down and found a stray piece of stone that must have broken off over time as the place seemed to be almost ancient in age. Using this old and tiny stone, he lightly tossed it at the back of Viper’s head in a friendly type of manner, not putting much strength behind the toss as to make sure it would simply give Viper a light thump to make him look around and therefore gain his attention. With that having been done, he arrived after just a few more steps at the ‘5’ doorway, looking at the three other shinobi standing at the area, he didn’t know any of them. He could only hope that they weren’t weak. “Who are you guys?” he calmly asked, shifting his Raikage Hat upward as to make his face more easily seen.
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