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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Echo Uchiha
Hisashi Saio
Dyren Kitake
Yasahiro Yagami
Yukan Nara
Rain Ish
Kawahaga Niku
Near The Arrogant
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:30 am
Impact is made, Viper quickly spins in place, his speed seeming as if he twitched, his being now facing the man who threw the stone, the stone grasped in his right hand and henged in to a single kunai that spins upon his right index finger, he is ready to strike down the poor individual that provoked him.
He notes his rival, he blinks twice and returns the shuriken to it's original shape before sliding it in his pocket for later,"Haha, strange to see the Raikage all the way out here?" Viper says as he walks over to Kurisu, he surveys his team mates with a slight whistle,"Got your work cut out for ya huh?" He says teasingly.
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:49 am
Managed to keep his cool as he thought of the fools who sent him on this potential suicide mission.

It wasn't enough that they didn't give him a proper team but they wouldn't even give him funds to obtain suitable equipment, if it weren't for his Aunt's old connections he would have nothing. And with a few kunai and exploding tags against a Bijuu; he may as well have been armed with a twig and a pebble.

But being a Shinobi in training he knew he would have to make due with what he had, and there were possibly ninjas who could make a twig and pebble as deadly as a paper bomb and katana.

He was aware that his Aunt's abrupt leaving of the Sand Village and her refusal to dedicate her life as a Shinobi years ago had very well nearly ended their family and nearly ostracized them yet they managed to survive once she left.

Still she had political enemies in the village itself who seemed to relish in taking out a near two decade long vendetta against her nephew by sending him on the mission.

If he managed to survive one thing was for sure, he would either make the Elders pay or he would leave the Village of the Sand.

The thoughts were forced in the depth of his mind as he heard a voice, looking up and around him he realized several others stood around him. He would direct his attention to the one who spoke.

"I am Akiyama Lao of Sunagakure. I'm a Genin but I know several Water Jutsu. I also have several kunai and exploding tags on me. Unfortunately I have no information on the opponent we must face. Just that he, she or it; is a Bijuu." he stated bluntly while looking at Viper; the man spoke the truth and Akiyama cared not.

Again he had intentions on either leaving the Sand Village or ramming his fists down the throats of any Elder or enemy of his Aunt that he could get his hand on.

He would wait patiently for any information the individuals around him would provide about themselves. For him it was a suitable time since they would possible be in a state of chaos in a matter of moments.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:14 am
He watched as the stone lightly hit Viper's head and it brought a small smile to his face seeing Viper's somewhat anger reaction of turning the stone into a shuriken and getting ready to attack. He was about to get ready to turn the arena into an all out Kage battle until Viper realized who had throw the rock stopped the counterattack. "I could say the same about seeing the Hokage all the way out here. Better not stay too long, Konohagakure might get blown up again." he replied, laughing at the last little part of his comment. It was indeed risky leaving the village.

He then took notice of Viper's teasing comment about his team members. "I guess we'll find out. Least I didn't need to bring ANBU, pretty sure I'm able to handle a Bijuu with minor help." he said, trying to push Viper's button by suggesting that he was stronger and didn't need help like Viper had. After that he addressed Akiyama. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kurisu Ametsuchi, the Raikage." he introduced himself, waiting for the rest of the team to introduce themselves, he still had one more thing to address to all of them. "We need to come up with a quick gameplan to prepare ourseleves. We don't know the exact powers we'll be facing, but we can always be ready to coordinate. I'm a master of lightning based attacks and I've got incredible speed and strength." he said, giving a vague sense of his power to these other shinobi on his team, they needed to be clear on what they could do in order to dictate how they'd be able to coordinate their attacks.
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:17 am
Kahli didn't need to guess twice about who the Anbu that had appeared was. She rolls her eyes and watchs Azarkai walk into the dark tunnel. She was on the same team as her but the fact was Kahli knew very little about Azarkai. She shrugs there was time for that later if they made it out. Kahli watches the other people no point rushing when no one was ready. She watches people clearing to their tunnels.
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:27 am
Viper's eyes narrow at the low blow as his friend spoke of Konoha's destruction, he waits till he gets within convo with the others before speaking,"I would say the same about Kumogakure no Sato, some cant travel as fast as others", a sick smirk forms upon Vipers lips as his image seems to fade, his form swirling in to his right sharingan eye.

A few moments pass, time Viper would cherish and wish he could get on film as the Raikage hopefully panicked for his villages safety, Viper silently returns to the arena 10ft behind Kurisu's location, an object is launched at his head, if inspected it is that of a Kumogakure no Sato headband covered in a red liquid like substance.
This would look as if Viper threw a blood stained headband towards his rival, it would only be revealed that it is ketchup if smelled or tasted, Viper simply swiping a headband from Kumogakure no Sato and planning his little trap, a scroll opened on the Raikage's desk detailing the classic "Troll Face", as all his desk items were glued to the desk top.

Viper watches his reaction, one he knows will be priceless, his senses alert.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:33 am
Kahli wrote:Kahli didn't need to guess twice about who the Anbu that had appeared was. She rolls her eyes and watchs Azarkai walk into the dark tunnel. She was on the same team as her but the fact was Kahli knew very little about Azarkai. She shrugs there was time for that later if they made it out. Kahli watches the other people no point rushing when no one was ready. She watches people clearing to their tunnels.

Echo blinks and turns his head towards the Senju grinning and waving as he runs over "Yo! Haven't see you in awhile!!" His grin widens further as he calls out to someone he percieves as a friend....of course he also wants away from the Two Kage who might just get a bit aggravated at each other, He stops four feet from the Senju "You in on this to eh?" he asks tilting his head to the left
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:52 am
Kahli nods "Yep. " she says kind of bluntly then adds a little nervously "I'm not sure how we'll go in a fight...but we're here all the same" Kahli shrugs it was just that tiny bit late to turn back now anyway espacailly considering the fact Azarkai was probably already half way through the tunnel now.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 3:56 am
"I'm sure you'll do fine" he states giving her a kind reassuring smile "You are a descendant of a Bijuu busting badass after all right?" He states now giving her his normal grin and blinking twice in thought before grinning again and reaching his right arm behind his back inside his coat, the snap of a buckle is heard sliding a Wakizashi from it's hiding place in his great coat displaying it towards her "Here a present for good luck" He states grinning again
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:10 am
Kahli looks at the Wakizashi then shakes her head "Keep it, like you just said I'm the descendant of a someone who used to kick bijuu ass."  She smiles at him "Besides, I think my team mate already has a plan she looked pretty confident" Kahli shrugs "and of not, well just have to make one."
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena - Page 3 Empty Re: Epic Mission: The Great Bijuu Arena

Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:16 am
He chuckles shaking his head "I insist Milady, I don't particularly need it anymore anyway" He smiles again "Plans...Plans are very good when fighting a giant demon that can devastate nations.." He states grinning now simply handing the Wakizashi to her it has been weighing him down slightly as of late and is not as easily concealable as his Ninjato.
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