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It is time!!! (Private)

Akira Shinkou
The Robin Hood
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The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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It is time!!! (Private) Empty It is time!!! (Private)

Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:29 am
Raito was sitting behind a desk waiting for the rest of the members to come in. He had hand picked these people hoping that they would stand for justice and all the other stuff that good people stand for. All he wanted was for the group to hold its pride so they could become the new hope for the Shinobi world. "I wonder..Why I chose people I only heard about but never saw..." thought Raito as he got up from his chair and started working on the scrolls only putting the code for this base on it. He had sent out the scrolls to the members already but he needed one for himself also. The only difference was that he wore a headband on his gauntlet that had the symbol of the organization. He heard the sound of the door opening. "Ahhhhh...the first member has arrived..." said Raito as he turned around to face the person.
Akira Shinkou
Akira Shinkou
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It is time!!! (Private) Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:02 am
Kazuo had arrived a few minutes ago, but he spent most of his time outside facing the door, wondering if going in was actually a good idea, but he was young, and patriotic, and he figured this would be good for his village, and he could make a bit of extra money by taking in those that jeopardized it, of course, he wasn't just in for the money, if anything, that was just a bonus, he just wanted to protect the village which saved his clan from imminent doom, and he wanted to repay it in some manner, and he figured this was the right way to do it, he would also try and convince other members of his village, preferably some of his teammates when they were finally chosen, due to the exams under way, but he couldn't stall this meeting now, so he pushed open the door gently and poked his head through, to see if someone was there, and indeed there was, Kazuo was just wearing his usual attire of a traditional Chinese martial arts suit, white slacks and kung fu shoes, with bandages on his shins and arms, he didn't break any limbs but he figured they just helped his appearance, he finally walked through the said door, approaching the man.

"I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Kazuo, Kazuo Hagane." you introduced, bowing politely at the leader of an organization with members all across the major villages, he was someone who deserved respect.
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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It is time!!! (Private) Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:43 am
Laruko came to the building where the organization was suppose to meet, opening the door there were only two other people in the room. Laruko walked towards the table sitting at the chair across the table from Raito. Laruko turned to Kazuo, "I am Laruko. Laruko Uchiha. Kohanagakure's Jounin" Laruko sat back in his seat, he was sure that more would come. Laruko wore a natural Jounin suit with the chunin vest upon his chest. Brown Sandals, and his headband on top of his head. For justice, Raito made the group. But, Laruko thought of other's challenging them. There was no need, he had defeated the three tailed Cerberus, known to be the strongest bijuu strength wise. Laruko did not know that much back story on why the bijuu fought him and how his teammates were still alive from the dark energy shot towards them.

Laruko stared into the eyes of the table waiting for someone to open the door and walk inside. The new members would've gotten invitations or some source.
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Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:55 am
Ikamaru walked in the door he knew this was an important meeting so he would set aside his childish behaviors and pay attention. "Ikamaru Uchiha....I am a Sungakure ninja." He was saying this with much pride for he was set on the dream of Kazekage. He walked over to the wall and began leaning against it.
The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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It is time!!! (Private) Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:53 pm
"heheh.." chuckled Raito as three members stood before him. "Welcome...and Laruko...I know you didn't have to introduce yourself..." said Raito as he looked at Laruko. "I think that the others might have not un-coded my easy little code..." continued Raito. "Well...I...think I should introduce myself....I am Raito Yamaki...I am the sole known survivor of my clans assassination..." said Raito as he picked something up from his desk. He then showed it to the members. "This is a scroll...Its the same type that you have except I have asked special permission for someone to put a seal onto it so only you or any other member can see it..." continued Raito as he opened the scroll. "If anyone but you open the scroll....There is a 9/10 chance that they will become immobile forever..." said Raito as he then handed the members who were so far here a new scroll. "And remember...9/10...not 1/10...but 9/10..." he said as he then went back to his chair and sat down. "Maybe these people will be clever enough to know that the scrolls have a code that only the doors can read..." thought Raito as he started writing something down and waiting for the other members
Dyren Kitake
Dyren Kitake
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It is time!!! (Private) Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:22 pm
Dyren entered the place, a little laid back, his wounds soring from tiresome spars. His face was a worried, however smiling one. He leaned against a wall and just said out loud, not sure who was "leading":

"Dyren Kitake, Konohagakure ninja reporting, sir."
He said in a happy tone.
The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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It is time!!! (Private) Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:33 pm
Raito got up from his desk and looked at the shinobi. "I remember you.." said Raito as he picked up a scroll and handed it to the shinobi. "Here you go..." said Raito. He then walked away after the Shinobi took the scroll and began. "Since we have 4 members here so far...I think we can begin.." stated Raito as he prepared to begin. "I have called you all here because I have seen how good you are at fighting and jutsu...So I have decided to form this organization to take down the Missing-Nin and to protect our village's and all that dare threaten the peace of these lands....Those villages who don't have Kage's or leaders are in more need of help than the one's with Kage and leaders...I have divided you all into groups of your village...Then I have divided you yet again into two squads..." stated Raito as he handed each one a page. He then continued his speech. "The two groups are based off skill and rank..example..Me and Laruko...since he is Jounin and I am Chuunin...Then if you have no group it means you can recruit people from your village to join us and our stand...If you prefer to work alone just tell me..." ended Raito as he got the feeling that he got through to them. "Oh and one last thing...Welcome to The Reibun...." said Raito as he smirked at the members looking at him.
Akira Shinkou
Akira Shinkou
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It is time!!! (Private) Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:26 am
Kazuo listened to their presentations and the explanations of the group's functioning with the upmost concentration, he had to know who was running this organization before he joined it, he couldn't just join any organization willy nilly, especially now that the Akatsuki had made a return, a group of ex-Ninja who ran around slaying Jinchuriki and taking their Bijuus to bring back the Ten Tails, or that was what their original goal was in the past, he didn't really know what they were up to now, as they didn't appear to be making any moves so far, which was probably for the better, the Jin were already rejected as they were, and they didn't deserve to be hunted down on top of that, Kazuo wanted to annhilate the Akatsuki, but he'd do that in all due time once they start making themselves known as a threat.

He felt honored for being chosen due to his abilities, he almost felt emotional, it wasn't often that he got recognized for his clan abilities, and he was chosen to represent his village in this organization, even if he was the only member in his village, if anything, this helped solidify his pride that they chose him instead of any other Chuunin in his village, if there was one complaint it would be that there were a lot of Genin in this organization, he just hoped that they had enough experience to be able to take down a full fledged missing nin.
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It is time!!! (Private) Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:59 am
Setsuna feared that he was late to the meeting. He had received a scroll that had told him to come over here. He didn't know what it was for. But he wanted to find out. He would just the same excuse he always uses when he is tardy, "I was helping an old lady cross the street.". He began to think what the consequences would be if he were tardy. As he was jumping from tree to tree he began to think what might have been a reason for this man to choose him. He had just graduated to Genin. Maybe he saw something in him that no other person did. Or could it have been because he was an Uchiha. After a mile of jumping through the newly born trees he made it to this door. He saw that there was nothing really special about the door. He began to wonder whether it was a good idea coming to a place he only heard about through a scroll sent to him by who knows who. He started to get butterflies in his stomach. He was nervous. He began to think what if this was an Akatsuki secret hideout. Setsuna wanted to become a Chuunin badly so maybe defeating an Akatsuki member would guarantee him a spot as a Chuunin. He took a deep breath and entered confidently. He looked around as he noticed that none of the shinobi had the red cloack that was the Akatsuki's signature look. He then that they were not Akatsuki. So then who were they. He noticed that there was five people inside. Setsuna Solar from the Uchiha clan. Sorry I'm late.
Dyren Kitake
Dyren Kitake
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It is time!!! (Private) Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:44 am
"I feel honoured." Dyren said, quite confused. However, hunting down missing-nin seemed fun, especially with Nibi at his side now. It seemed like he didn't have a squad, so first thing tomorrow was to find some recruits.

"Do we have a plan or strategy or we are going free style with this missing-nin hunt?" He asked, a smile on his face.
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