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It is time!!! (Private)

Akira Shinkou
The Robin Hood
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The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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It is time!!! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:01 am
"Hello Setsuna....I thought you got lost..." said Raito as he then walked over to him and handed him a new scroll. "Keep this away from others...only you can see it..." said Raito with a serious tone in his voice. "Ok..lets begin shall we...." said Raito. "As some of you have noticed this is not the Akatsuki and if it were you would have been dead in less than 3 seconds..." stated Raito. "The plan is that we trick all missing nin or anyone that dangers our villages into thinking that we will help them...then we kill them...and as far as I'm concerned one of the missing nin's has committed suicide and the rest are all joining villages in fear...but if anything is out of place and war begins it will be our job to kill those who starts it...and if its your own should show no mercy in dealing what is right...but I doubt that it will be our own Kage' will rather be a nin from another village or a missing nin or it could be your best friend..." Raito cleared his throat before he began. "If anyone here kills an innocent Shinobi he/she will be sentenced to death...We are banded together to help others and not to become murders..." stated Raito as he then sat down and looked at them. "You are all now dismissed...and remember I will be watching you all...oh and Laruko stay behind for a while.." said Raito as he then watched as some of them departed.
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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It is time!!! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:17 am
The room was dismissed, as everyone in the orginzation had stood up and left. Laruko turned to Raito who had asked him to stay behind for a while. Before everyone had left, Laruko would decode the two man teams. "Me and Raito are team 1, Dyren and Akiyama team 2, Setsuna and Ikamaru team 3. Kazou and Kamui, team 4. " Laruko said. He sighed, putting down the paper he looked over to them and spoke again, "Please don't kill, bertray, or abandon your partners. Also, try to keep a good man to man relationship." Laruko would open the door, as they would probably leave in partners. As they would leave, Laruko waited inside for the leader to speak.
The Robin Hood
The Robin Hood
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It is time!!! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:30 am
"Ok...Laruko...There will be a slight Difference between our team.." said Raito as he got up and handed Laruko a scroll. "This is a scroll so you and you only can enter the secret HQ under my house..." stated Raito as he then turned around and walked away. He then turned around again when he had reached his desk and looked at Laruko. "Our Team will only meet if the others are busy or are in need of help or if one of us gets a mission..I think that wouldn't be a problem..." Raito cleared his throat again. "But there is one problem...Teams 1 and 3 will take those who start war and B-A ranked missing nin together...Teams 3 and 4 will take on D-C ranked missing nin together...but when it comes to above A rank...We will all have to fight in that battle....Plus you have Sharigan and Dyren and I are Jinchuriki.." said Raito as he turned away from Laruko. "Now lets get out of here.." said Raito as he picked up his Katana and began to walk out of the door.

Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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It is time!!! (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: It is time!!! (Private)

Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:26 pm
Laruko heard everything of his friend had said, he walked out the door where the door was. Smiling he went home to train, and then eat something good.

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