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Umirin's epic sessions Empty Umirin's epic sessions

Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:03 am
Umirin awoke to the sound of his father coming down the stairs, "Boys! Get up! Squats! Upstairs!"
Umirin's heart skipped a beat. Today is training day! "Light weight!" He yelled back at his father. His two brothers climbed out of bed. Their beds creaked from their massive weight rolling off their baseboards, "aint nut'in but a peanut!" One of them said.
The three of them grabbed their lifting shoes and headed up out of the basement, into the weight room. Umirin was eager to see his brothers lift. They were amazing athletes.
His father pointed at Umirin, "Since they can warm up with your working sets, you go first."
Umirin threw on his shoes that didn't fit quite that well any more, despite only having them for a couple of months now and approached his father's squat rack. He placed the empty bar on his back and unracked.
Despite the bar being empty, he could still feel the weight effecting his center of balance. He took a step back and got in to position. "Toes out, knees out, push that stomach out." his father said.
Umirin stood there hesitating for a moment with the bar on his back, thinking about how he was going to engage his leg muscles. "Snap out of it. You're wasting time" he said to himself.
He took in a deep breath and held it in. "Back rigid and unmoving" he thought. He squatted down and his barely woken legs felt stiff. He obviously didn't go deep enough. He squatted again... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times and racked the barbell back in the squat rack. His legs were loosening up a bit. It was awesome how the pain of the squat really felt so good.
Umirin sat down on the adjacent bench to give his brothers a turn. It seems dad finished his workout before we even woke up again. His lifts were written on the small chalk board behind him. He squatted 186kg today, pressed 94kg and deadlifted 150kg. Unbelievable.
"Umirin?" His father said.
"Its your turn."
Umirin didn't notice, "s-sorry." He jogged back to the rack.
"Stop running. You'll kill your gains."
He slowed to a walk and got back under the empty bar... 5 reps this time. He slowly walked back over to the bench and sat back down. His legs were loosened up and it felt great to go the full range of motion, even though his legs were pretty sore now. Umirin only just recently became able to squat the bar.
The feeling of so many muscles working together was unlike any thing else. Squats are truly god's gift to man. Why would any one quit working out?
Umirin stretched his legs and popped his back. Man, that felt good.
Umirin looked at his oldest brother under the bar. His technique wasn't that great yet, but the weight he could push was almost as amazing as dad's. Maybe it was because dad was so light for his size...
"Umirin!" His dad yelled!
"Huh? OH, s-sorry!" It was his turn again.
After four exhausting repetitions, Umirin wasn't sure if he could do any more. He was so sore and out of breath that he was shaking a little. 'Think about it!' He said to himself.
'If I chickens out of this last rep, then I'll have to squat the empty bar again in the next workout! No... I can't go back now, "Light weight, BAY-BEE!"
His dad chimed in, "Go for it! One more!"
Umirin dug deep and held his breath one more time. He steadily began his controlled decent in to 'the hole' and sprung back out! He reracked the bar and sat back down, light headed.
"Good job. That's your first complete squat session."

Feeling exhausted, yet powerful, the men filed in to the dining room after their workout. Umirin ate 4 eggs, shoveled down a blur of bacon and two tall glasses of milk. He was making damn sure that he was going to gain weight today.
Dad called out with a milk-covered mustache, "Umirin, you need to get ready for class"
Slowly straightening his sore legs to stand up from the dinner table, he turned towards the basement and stared down the throat of his new worst nightmare: a flight of stairs.

(wc: 710)
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Umirin's epic sessions Empty Re: Umirin's epic sessions

Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:13 am
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Umirin's epic sessions Empty Re: Umirin's epic sessions

Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:04 am
(Cont. from

Confused and embarassed, Umirin was taking the long way back to his house. "I'd be getting ready for bed by now, if I'd gotten home on time." He thought. He wasn't all that tired because he slept so long in class. "I hope they don't think bad of me because I fell asleep."

The street was empty, but not very creepy. A lot of the buildings still had lights on. He could smell B.B.Q off in the distance and it made him realize he'de only eaten breakfast and that his lunch was still in his backpack.

Umirin found a bench and sat down. Opening his bag, he pulled out the lunch his mother prepared for him: chicken with vegetables... with no fork, of course. Umirin started shoveling down the food with his hand. The vegetables were still pretty crunchy despite sitting in his bag all day. He ate most of it and leaned back on the bench with a sigh.
How did I fall asleep? I don't even remember class starting. What a wasted day...
The word flashed through his head, 'chakra' was written on the board.
Oh yeah, we were supposed to learn about chakra today...
Umirin looked up and saw a person moving around in the building in front of him. The signe out front read 'Konoha Library'. Maybe I could try to find a book on chakra? But is it even open this late?
Puting the remainder of his lunch in his pack, he picked his stuff back up and headed for the door: it was open.
I guess they haven't closed up yet... most of the building is dark, but the main library is bright enough to look around. I'll just look for a book on chakra.
Umirin walked down the 'Ch' isle: Chakra flow, chakra absorption techniques, chakra suppressing seals... no... no... there's a lot of books on chakra here... Chakra for dummies: Um... I guess this'll work.
Ah, what the hell... I'll grab chakra absorption techniques too... I guess that's how you refill chakra.
Umirin still hadn't seen a single soul in the library since he came in. Maybe the librarian was in the bathroom? Umirin waited at the front desk for a few minutes, but still: nothing. He decided to leave a note: "I borrowed Chakra for dummies and Chakra Absorption Techniques. Its getting late and I can't wait any longer. Thanks.
-Umirin Brotato"

Umirin went outside and sat back down on the bench and opened Chakra for Dummies. The first chapter was all stuff they already covered in class. It talked about physical and spiritual energy stored in individual cells and how every body has their own inherent element. The second chapter got pretty interesting: it explained with more detail how a person utilizes this energy and how one can expand their capacity for chakra.
Umirin looked at the diagram of all 361 chakra points on a ninja's body, "ninja's usually only utilize the chakra points in the hands and feet."
Umirin looked at his left hand and tried to match up the chakra points. He tried to 'mould' chakra, as the book called it, in to his hand. He could feel some thing there, but couldn't see it. He put his palm to the bench and saw it rebound like he'de hit it.
"Oh, cool!" He said out loud.
Umirin read for a little while longer. The later chapters were too complex to understand, so he eventually gave up. He stood back up and started walking home again.

Umirin opened the front door and threw his bag on the ground. He walked towards his bedroom, but heard a lamp flick on behind him. His dad was sitting there waiting for him.
He stood up. Umirin took a step back from the sight of his huge father towering over him.
"Umirin." He said.
"Uh.. s-sorry. I lost track of the time."
"I'm not mad. I just want you to know: if you don't get enough sleep, if you don't get enough food, if you miss a training session, you can say goodbye to your gains."
Umirin knew how to respond, "Of course. I'm sorry, I'll try to be more responsible."
His father nodded and went to his room.
With a sigh of releif, Umirin headed towards his room. He looked in the kitchen on the way by and saw a heep of a steak set out for him in the kitchen, "my gains..." he said longingly.
Tired, but determined to gain weight, Umirin ate the steak and guzzled down a glass of milk as fast as he could. Satisfied and fairly uncomfortable from eating way too much, he waddled down the stairs to his bedroom and fell asleep as soon as his face hit the pillow.

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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Umirin's epic sessions Empty Re: Umirin's epic sessions

Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:18 am
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