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Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>) Empty Re: Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>)

Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:42 pm
Denkiteki had been up for a few hours, training. He hadn't been training hard though, he had gone out more to get his mind off of things than to actually train. His father had told him of his life as an assassin, about how before he had met Denkiteki's mother he hadn't always been the empathetic medical-nin he had become. Despite it having been a few days, Denkiteki still couldn't believe it. It wasn't that he was mad at his father or anything for not having told him, it was just so shocking to find out that his father, who had always told him never to kill unless he had to, and to try and take care of others, had once killed people as a job.

Finishing up at the training grounds, Denkiteki had a light sweat as he made his way towards the sea, intent on looking upon the mainland. What he saw however, was a boy not much older then him standing out on the water in a black jumpsuit and with a black mask. Denkiteki smirked, it was interesting to see someone practicing the water walking technique so early in the day.

Denkiteki decided to join him, stepping out onto the water and channeling chakra into his feet. While he didn't wear a jumpsuit, Denkiteki wore clothes of a similar color. His pants were well fitted and black, while his shirt was grey. He didn't wear a mask though, and the only thing marking him as a shinobi was the headband he wore proudly on his forehead.

Waving to the boy as he got close, Denkiteki spoke, "Hey. What brings you out here?"

WC 276

Last edited by masato on Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>) Empty Re: Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>)

Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:13 pm
The kid was definitely older, Denkiteki could tell by the fact that they were somewhat similar in height. Denkiteki had hit puberty at a young age, so he looked to be about the same age as the kid, though he was probably a few years younger.

From looking at him Denkiteki saw that the boy was a lot tougher than him, and probably in better shape. If they fought each other, Denkiteki would probably start out ahead. But the kid looked like he could take a few hits, and if Denkiteki didn't finish the fight quickly, the boy could possibly beat him.

Not that Denkiteki planned on fighting the kid, unless he wanted to spar. The older kid reached to shake his hand, and Denkiteki offered his in return. He seemed like a nice enough guy, or he at least gave off a good first impression.

"My name is Denkiteki, it's nice to meet you too."

Another smirk made it's way onto Denkiteki's face as the boy asked him if he wanted to do some training with him. This would be a good way to get his mind off of things, and Denkiteki had been trying to increase his speed for awhile. His mind went to the Leaf shinobi as he nodded his head, the one that he hadn't been able to keep up with at all.

"I'm always up to some training. As to whether or not I am afraid, I might be a little worried that I'll hurt your pride, but I am not afraid. I'm pretty fast."

Total WC 536

Last edited by masato on Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>) Empty Re: Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>)

Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:42 pm
A long distance race, so the other kid noticed he wasn't in the greatest of shape. Denkiteki smirked, it didn't really bother him that much. As fast as he was, he probably could hold back for most of the race and then speed up near the end, so that he wouldn't get as tired. If he forced the other kid to go to his max speed, while Denkiteki held back a bit, he could probably end the race not as tired.

Denkiteki didn't really care about the rules involving combat for the race, all it meant to him was that he couldn't use his Hiding Like A Mole Technique to move through the ground, but that didn't bother him at all really. He hadn't planned on using it anyway. The race wouldn't be as fun, and if most of it took place over the water he wouldn't have been able to use the jutsu anyway.

Looking at the giant sword, Denkiteki only smirked. "You can unsheathe it if you want, it still isn't going to cut me. You'd have to hit me for it to do that. So where are we racing to exactly?" Denkiteki was only messing with the other kid. While Denkiteki was faster that didn't mean the other kid couldn't hit him if he tried hard enough.

Total WC 756

Last edited by masato on Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>) Empty Re: Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>)

Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:15 pm
Denkiteki looked towards the shoreline, Yeah, Hiding Like A Mole would be useless here. He chucked, his opponents rule regarding no jutsu didn't effect him at all, he could use the Body Flicker but that would be considered cheating in almost any race, so it didn't matter in this oen either. Denkiteki hadn't taken any of his weapons with him, but he wasn't bothered by this. As long a he stayed on his toes, his opponent wouldn't be able to hit him, even if he used kunai or shuriken.

As the other boy set off, Denkiteki smirked. Setting off Denkiteki ran until he caught up with him. He kept pace for a few moments as he turned to look at him, "Just because I'm not in shape, doesn't mean I will be tired from this race. It isn't that far that I'll be exhausted by the time we reach the shore. Especially if I just keep up with your pace for most of it." Denkiteki then began to move away from Tank, trying to get at least 5 meters between the two of them. He didn't move in front of your behind him, just to the side.

Total WC 953

Last edited by masato on Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>) Empty Re: Speed Training (Open, no Killing >_>)

Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:08 pm
Denkiteki was caught off guard as the sword moved, it was a lot faster then he thought Tank would be able to swing it. He barely managed to jump over it, and fell back for a moment. He smirked, that was what he got for talking shit. Landing on both of his feet, Denkiteki quickly set off once again, though he didn't try and catch up with Tank immediately. They had quite a ways to go, so Denkiteki could afford to be a few meters behind him for most of the race, and then speed up at the end.

Of course, he could also try and trip Tank or force him to slow down, but he wouldn't need to do that. He didn't need to risk anything to win, as long as he made sure Tank didn't catch him off guard again, he would win without a problem. All he had to do was stay a few meters away, and Tank wouldn't be able to swing his sword at him. as long as the boy didn't have some water jutsu hat he could use against him, Denkiteki would win. Denkiteki smirked, Tank didn't have a chance of winning.

Total WC 1151

Last edited by masato on Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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